Congratulations Jilladilla (Agartha)
Game name:
The old kingdomMods:
Worthy heroes 5.5Era: Early Age
Disciples: No
Player List:
Thtblovesdf - Marverni - the Trader, Harbinger of Bacon:
Shadowlord - Xibalba - hidden in Darkness, He who fills the Sky
chaoticag - Niefelheim - Slayer of the Coldblooded, The Unmoving, The GODSLAYER
Jilladilla - Agartha - The Builder, Master of the Pink Sea, The master of Siege
Cheeetar - Sauromatia - The Fearless6.
Karlito - Vanheim - The Serpent that Encricles the World, He who sails the world, The Undying
AlStar -
Theodoros - the Conqueror of the Land8.
Salabasama - Fomoria - the Lucky, the Ghostbuster
Time allowance: 30 H @ start
Special site frequency: 45
Random event frequency: Common
Story events: Off
Score graphs: On
Hall of Fame: 15
Artifact forging limit : Limited
Thrones: Depends on players, but most likly 4x lvl 3, 3x lvl2 (For 18 points total and 14 to win. Open for suggestions - I think 6x 3 point thrones would be intresting, too.)
Renaming: Allowed
Research: Easy
Water: 1-2 Max
Skill level: I'd like to think beginner to medium, but anyone can join, feel free to gimp yourself with a weak nation if you do.
Safe Turns: Don't kill anyone before turn 13, you can siege & pillage, but don't Storm Capitals before turn 13.
Trade Agreements are binding.
Results: timeline with my opinion:
Early game:
Theodoros ate everything and was scary (awake pretender stone snake)
Sauromatia attacked Niefelheim and got punched int he face for it
The Fall of Theodoros
Theodoros attacked Formatia
Formatia, Marvarni, Niefelheim and Agartha attacked Theo
(Little defence pact between marvarni and formatia, then added the others)
Theodoros falls, Sauromatia sieged
Vanheim grows and looks scary
Vanheim Wars
The Anti-Theo Alliance turns on Vanheim
Harsh war, eventually somewhat defeated.
Xibalba & Marverni conflict, due to scouts with "guards" (so just armys) all over Marvs turf,
harms anti-Vanheim alliance greatly. Vanheim also just fights back real good.
The Mess:
Marverni fights Vanheim & Xibalba, but Agartha grows far to large.
Desperate attacks on Agartha follow, supported by Formaria & Niefelheim
Assaults from Xibalba and Vanheim destroy Maverni lands (Xibalbas army could have just straight up walked into my capital and killed my boar-mothers honestly...)
The Late Game:
Peptually locked in a 3 front wars, Maverni is useless and Agartha employs the MASSIVE gem & Research lead form the savty of the water and pulls ahead.
Again, Agartha could honestly just have marched the army standing around right into my Capital without much issue, but making me come to them is a advantage.
Agartha secures all thrones (except one locked down by marverni) and wins