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Author Topic: Legacy of the Protearchs II (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/9) : Era 1  (Read 47391 times)


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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs II (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/9) : Era 1
« Reply #480 on: June 29, 2016, 02:35:19 am »

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((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.


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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs II (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/9) : Era 1
« Reply #481 on: June 29, 2016, 02:41:50 am »

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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs II (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/9) : Era 1
« Reply #482 on: June 29, 2016, 04:57:19 am »

Okay, humans learned quite a lot during this Era. I'll teach them one last thing, for now. And that is whatever they need to increase their tech tier.
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.


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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs II (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/9) : Era 1
« Reply #483 on: June 29, 2016, 10:50:25 am »

I simply wander around telling any mortals I encounter about Golemancy.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs II (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/9) : Era 1
« Reply #484 on: June 29, 2016, 01:43:20 pm »

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((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.


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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs II (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/9) : Era 1
« Reply #485 on: June 29, 2016, 02:27:10 pm »

Last turn Populations and Status updated. All species number increased, except Sky Shifters.


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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs II (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/9) : Era 1
« Reply #486 on: June 29, 2016, 03:32:59 pm »

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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs II (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/9) : Era 1
« Reply #487 on: June 29, 2016, 03:42:49 pm »

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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs II (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/9) : Era 1
« Reply #488 on: June 30, 2016, 03:16:55 am »

Era 1 - Turn 9: Timeskip will occur at end of Turn 10. But if you are ready, just post that you are ready. The shortest Turn 10, the fastest the Timeskip will occur.

Veeki Mori Ubei Shaki Ento
Veeki Mori Ubei Shaki Ento is silent as he/she places the handful of Dust in a lush and easily livable place in the Allred Forest. To make matters even better for the Dust, Veeki Mori Ubei Shaki Ento creates a species of nutritious and easily farmable microorganisms that are promptly granted to the Dust.
Veeki Mori Ubei Shaki Ento silently drops the handful of Dust in the Allred Forest. As a last parting gift, Veeki creates a species of nutritious microorganisms.

Well, as for the Phytoplankton, let's say Veeki uses up 10 Energy and 1 Ether to create enough of them.
+Farmable microorganism

give magic healing staff's to some smart amazons.

Throw the dust veeki put in MY forest. next up: make some divine weapons for the top preforming amazons
Kahn creates lesser artifacts, staff capable of healing to some extent. She gives them to Amazons she deems smart enough.
Kahn uses 200 Energy to create 20 of those Staff
+20 Healing Staffs

Then she mercilessly takes the Dust an throw them away of the Allred Forest. They end up in the nearby Dead Glass Lands.
+Dust relocated to Dead Glass Land

Finally, she creates 20 divine weapons, lesser artifacts with incredible mechanical properties. She gives them to the Amazons she deems the most capable in battle terms.
Kahn uses 200 Energy to create 20 of those Weapons
+20 Divine Weapons [Unbreakable by mortal means]

Drakieng the Elephant Lord
Help the Plealers develop more efficient medicine for the Black Plague.

Tell the Elephantmen that they can consume meat from animals but must thank nature and "return it's soul to the world" also teach them how to cook the meat.

Cleanse the air in the Dark Savanna by using the Bright Golden Black Tree to suck in the dirty air and cleaning it when the air goes through its leaves turning it into nutrients for the tree.

Persuade the Elephantmen to create bathes in local areas to clean and sanitize themselves to prevent another plague from happening.
Drakieng appears to the Plealers and help them in their development of a cure for the Black Plague.
Teaching Roll: [6]>[3]
With Drakieng's help, the few Plealers manage to finally produce a cure for the Black Plague. But they are unable to understand how this cure work, only how to produce it.
+Cure developed

Drakieng then speaks to the Elephantmen, and show them a way of cooking the meat so that the being's soul return to the world. He explains they must thank nature when they consume the meat of animals. [GM: in case it wasn't clear, Elephantmen are already hunters and meat consumer]
+Moral: Respect and thank Nature
+Tradition: Cook meat in a specific way

Drakieng uses his powers to suck all the gaseous Nigredine of the Black Savannah and pour it all in the Bright Golden Black Trees. He also uses his powers to transform these absorbed Nigredine subcomponents into nutrients for the trees.
Drakieng uses 2000 Energy

Finally he persuades them to create baths and to keep a proper hygiene, so that they reduce germs and disease spread in the future. A small problem though, water is a precious resource in the Black Savannah, the only source of it being the River and the few wells around.
+Tradition: make bath and clean self

Proelior the Blade Infinity
Okay, humans learned quite a lot during this Era. I'll teach them one last thing, for now. And that is whatever they need to increase their tech tier.
Teaching Roll: [5] [Teaching#1]
Analyzing the Humans Tech Tier Level, Proelior makes a list of all the knowledges and technologies needed for a true Tech Tier boost. With great patience and care, he teaches many more lessons to the Humans. Among them are how to write, create writing material, mining, metallurgy, agriculture, and many more...
+Human Tech Tier increased to 1.5
+Massive Interference

Resoonman Exmel Rastara
I simply wander around telling any mortals I encounter about Golemancy.
[2] Resoonman wanders around, for some reason wandering in completely uninhabited regions. Unsurprisingly, he meets no mortal at all.

After a moment wandering, somewhere in the Asoon continent, he meets a Veeki Mori Ubei Shaki Ento-ian. He tells her of Golemancy.
This Veeki Mori Ubei Shaki Ento-ian mutation is hairs made of pure silver. Resoonman has a long and nice discussion with this mortal.

Then realizing he should really wander to more populated places, he sets off to more populated places, anonymously.
+All civilizations heard of "Golemancy"


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« Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 03:29:56 am by Nakéen »


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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs II (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/9) : Era 1
« Reply #489 on: June 30, 2016, 03:17:54 am »


Gork Side:
Golemancists: [1]>[2]
For a complex set of reasons, Golemancy becomes a forbidden and banned knowledge in the Gork Empire.
The main reason is the following : an expedition of Gorks and Asoon Amazons was sent to discover the Golemancy Colage. After finally finding it in ruins, they heard from the avatar of the Omni-Golem catastrophe.

As a precaution, the Gork Emperor and the Council decreed Golemancy forbidden.
+Golemancy forbidden

Elephantmen Side:
Cure spread: [4]
The new cure created by the Plealers with the help of Drakieng is quickly mass-produced and distributed to all. Finally, the Black Plague is now over for the Elephantmen.

Golemancy: [5]
Some Elephantmen are completely fascinated by Golemancy. A group of 22 Elephantmen begin studying Golemancy from what they heard from Resoonman.
+22 Dabbling Elephantmen Golemancist

Amazon Side:
Casualties roll : [6]>[1]
There are surprisingly no death to document because of the Black Plague, but only because the doses are fewer... Many, oh many are infected without themselves knowing.

500 Female Amazons infected. 40 Male Amazons infected.

Golemancy: [1]>[6]
Golemancy was immediately seen as an heretic knowledge. No one spoke about it anymore. No one ?
No, because some shady Amazons saw this heretic knowledge as a way to gather power and surpass their peers.
+40 Amazon Golemancist

Exercitus: [2]
Amazons are still pretty much ignoring the Exercitus Scroll.

Human Side:
>Ebanas Adventurers:
The Ebanas Adventurers came back home after their long journey. They had many adventures to tell, but rejoicing was cut short by the terrible state of Human Lands due to the Black Plague. They brought back 12 Large Grazers, and intend to breed them to feed many in the future.
+12 Large Grazers as livestock

Casualties Roll : [1]>[2]
All remaining infected humans died. And as no cure was found, the infected settlements had to be forsaken.
70 Humans died.

Medicine Roll: [3]
Slight progress was made, but nothing groundbreaking. A cure is still in dire need.

Relationship Roll: [3]
Human diplomats heard of a cure developed recently by "Plealers", some strange beings allies of the Elephantmen. As Great Allies, the Elephantmen gladly offered the cure. Finally, the Black Plague is no longer a threat.

Proelior: +5
Saraab: +2

Exercitus: [6]>[3]
The way of Exercitus is harsh and unforgiving. Though the Human Exercitus practitioners made a lot of progress, no additional practitioner joined due to the great effort needed.
+Exercitus level increased

Discovery Roll: [1]>[4]
For some reason, none discovered the Labyrinths, despite two of them being close to the Gork Empire and the Allred Forest.
But for that very reason, they will be undoubtedly discovered during the next Timeskip, due to being unexplored regions.

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« Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 03:38:16 am by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs II (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/9) : Era 1
« Reply #490 on: June 30, 2016, 03:26:27 am »

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((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.


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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs II (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/9) : Era 1
« Reply #491 on: June 30, 2016, 05:09:38 am »

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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs II (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/9) : Era 1
« Reply #492 on: June 30, 2016, 05:21:54 am »

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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs II (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/9) : Era 1
« Reply #493 on: June 30, 2016, 05:23:32 am »

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Re: Legacy of the Protearchs II (RTD/God Game) - IC (9/9) : Era 1
« Reply #494 on: June 30, 2016, 08:31:11 am »

Nothing to do but rest. Ready for timeskip.

... Well, I guess I can make some rivers and lakes in the Human Plains if there aren't any. And make some various mineral veins, should I have enough energy/Ether.
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.
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