I've got a couple of old scars on my arm - about 16 years old, actually - which have suddenly started hurting over the last few days. I've heard of this happening to scars that are a few months or even a couple of years old, but it seems odd that this is happening now. The scars haven't changed since I was a teenager.
At the same time, I've been having a lot of soreness in my knees lately. Now, this may well be simple "getting older" pains (oh god am I already old enough for that?), but the fact that it was happening at the same time as the scars on my arm were hurting made me wonder if there was some link. I did injure my both knees about ten years ago playing rugby, though I never found out exactly what the injury was because I refused to go to the doctor. I just stopped playing rugby and limped for a few months until the pain went away. It seems likely that there may be some kind of scar tissue in there. Is there anything (changing weather, hormonal changes, etc.) that might cause scar tissue around the body to be sore? Although if so, why don't my wrists and ankle (all full of scar tissue, wheeee!) hurt?
I know this probably sounds like a ridiculously analytical and nitpicky question, but, well, that's the type of brain I've got. I'm not at all worried about it, but it's interesting, a thing is happening that I don't understand, and I want to know WHY. And if there's anywhere on the online full of people who love analyzing random information for no good reason, I figure it's here. Hooray! Any insights?