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Author Topic: HEAVY DAMAGE: Brutal Combat. Interest checkNew/old players wanted 5/6! Goto p15  (Read 27792 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Lost Angels an open-carry city full of crime and general decay. The government has accepted this change after a long and fruitless war on crime. They have decided to pursue commerce over humanitarianism. The police has militarized and generally only responds to threats to government security.

You a superhuman ex-member of the collapsed cult Alis Nova Renascentia in Monumentis (it’s a mouthful). Lately you’ve noticed that you’re being followed…

…Who could it be and what do they want with you?

Setting: It is the year 3000 and science has long since achieved revolutionary ends. Bio-augments are common along with all sorts of weapons are common even those that are 1100 years old! Combat has changed little being dominated by weapons/technology of the 20th-21st century.

You are a superhuman creation with the following abilities:

You can sense thermal radiation (heat vision), see inferred and some ultra-violet. You are very coordinated with hearing (able to pinpoint objects).

Like any generic superhuman you are very strong and fast and yeah… whatever.

You can survive damage to any part of the body except for the brain-stem (low-center of the brain) other parts of the brain are free game, you’ll lose whatever functions are associated with the part of the brain you lost. If your head is separated from your lungs and heart you’ll die unless promptly (and I mean PROMPTLY) reassembled (you’ll have to wait a turn for your neck to start reattaching to your severed head and even more to regain function). You can’t survive without your lungs/heart but they are very good at quickly healing puncture type wounds and your heart is very good at restarting itself.

You are a very quick learner with a photographic memory. First time using a bow? You’re likely to get a bullseye on your second try, your third and most shots following. You have a very high tolerance for toxins and are able to identify them easily while in contact with them.

You also can eat just about anything raw. Yay! (I’ve always thought that raw meat looked very tasty)

Additionally you can over-activate you muscles for bouts of strength or speed. Ever wanted to crush someone’s head? Now you can. You’ll probably also end up damaging all the tendons in your hands but don’t let that stop you because…

You have what is called Restoration Mode: It is a special feature of your consciousness that you activate by choice. During Restoration Mode you’ll eat like a manic and given that you get enough you’ll regenerate any and all damage. You lose control of yourself completely during restoration mode. It is ill advised during combat as you will be an easy target even for lowly regular humans. You will cannibalize in Restoration Mode if you can’t find other enough food. If you can’t find food your muscle mass will be reallocated to regrow vital body parts. (Be ready to exploit the shit out of this ability)

You think you’re OP? I didn’t tell you what you’d be fighting. Also guns are guns; you’ll find yourself shredded alive and without select limbs often.


I will roll a d6 once for each action (NPC’s also get a roll for their actions). If your action warrants response from environment or characters they will get a response roll. There will also be damage roll for characters and objects when they are attacked.

Most ‘modifiers’ (the strength/speed for example) won’t affect your roll but will instead you effect what result your roll achieves. The dice rolls don’t exist as a check to your character’s capabilities but rather as a way to determine circumstance.

For example, if you try to lift a heavy door and you maxed out your strength and you roll a 1, I won’t write something like ‘you hurt yourself discovering that you couldn’t lift the door’ but rather something like ‘an ambush party was awaiting on the other side of the door! They open fire….’

Situation will govern how your rolls affect combat.
Allied suppressing fire (sniper, mg, rockets, etc), good cover, etc will better the situation weakening the results of a low roll (3-1). Enemy suppressing fire will weaken the situation.
Situation is specific to each player and it basically has to do with how many people see you, how many are shooting at you, what kind of weapons and what kind of firepower you are you forcing your enemies to contend with.
If it doesn’t make to much sense then fight how you feel you should and you'll probably be doing it right, it's suppose to be pretty intuitive.
Enemy specials will get reaction rolls turning your roll, enemy normals will get a collective response roll at the end or beginning of the turn which governs how they adapt strategically and what kind of reinforcements they pull in.
Also remember if you don't specify the order of your actions then the order is the order that you guys reply in.

(New mechanics incoming!)

Character Creation:



History/important details: (This is optional) you can put backstory here or any important details about your characters experiences. You can pick one skill here that you are extra adept at. Don’t list multiple because you wouldn’t get them and also as a superhuman bad-ass you are likely to succeed at whatever you try.

Note: You've been free of cult-business for 1 year the last 6 years prior to that was as part of a cult. I won't tell you much (and thus you aren't allowed to write about it) except for it was a bad experience that your character does not like to remember much less speak of.

Loadout: Clothing/gear/weapons. Don’t expect your stuff to last very long; in a storm of gun fire things tend to break, though restocking gear won’t be too difficult. There are no restrictions really as long as you choice things that would be possible (not necessarily common) given the setting. Feel free to go full metal-slug if you want to be overloaded with weapons. Laser/plasma/railguns are common enough to have; however, no energy-shield type things exist (this isn’t starwars).

Strength-Speed: 0-10 (0 being very very strong 10 being very very fast). If you are 0 you might it hard to fit through small areas. If you go 10 you might find it a little easier to have your skinny limbs blown off. NOTE: at 0 you’ll still find yourself as fast as an Olympic sprinter and at 10 you’ll still find yourself unreasonably strong compared to normal humans.

Reflex type: defensive/offensive/stealthy/diplomatic (you can suggest one if you like)

You’re reflex type determines what kind of actions you take during reaction rolls that you would not have otherwise been able to declare an action.

Offensive: You’ll try to establish an offensive advantage, if you get punched in the stomach you might find yourself punching the offender’s throat with inhuman reaction speed. You’ll rack up quite the kill count with this one.

Defensive: You’ll guard. You’ll block the punch to the stomach. If you’re ambushed you’ll dive to suitable cover. This is a safe pick if you don’t want to reflexively escalate situations.

You’ll establish an advantage, though not through a punch to their throat. They punched you in the stomach? You snatched their wallet and guess what! It has the offender’s family's address.

Stealthy: A true hunter’s reflex. They punched you in the-… Wait where did you go? This one will help you lose attackers often leaving you with the option of counterattack on your next turn.

IMPORTANT NOTE: These do not convey any bonus to stealth/diplomacy/defense/offensive. These simply determine what you do in situations that you didn’t have the option of posting an action for. These will generally be used to determine what you do during your response roll when attacked by an NPC.

Feel free to suggest one. Don’t be surprised if I tell you to change it though.

Special augment:

What can you do?

Feel free to suggest your own or choice one below. You will receive the abilities the augment gives you along with all the normal abilities you have (listed above). I get final say in what you can or can't do.


Changeling: During restoration you can change your appearance and physical capabilities. Bone sword arms? Why not. (you cannot change your augment though) (Note: this will take a lot of food during restoration mode).

Venomous:You are completely immune to toxins (including gasses!) After ingesting a poison/toxin you can recreate the substance from your mouth giving you access to wide variety of toxins with varied affects.

Conjurer: During restoration you can grow other organisms out of your body. These can be programmed to carry out your will (or other instructions) (This will take variable food and time based on what you create).

I'm looking for 3-4 players, though I'm likely to give in if there is more. I'll also be willing to graft in characters as the game precedes so don't let anything stop you from posting a character.

Also post if you have questions about anything that pertains to the game.


Spoiler: Sanct Stone (Sanctume) (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 02:02:39 am by WunderKatze »
Sigh, they always said that junk food was bad for you. I guess that leaves us with canabalism.


Dustan Hache

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Spoiler: First! (click to show/hide)
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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Spoiler: . (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 20, 2016, 03:21:11 am by _DivideByZero_ »
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


  • Bay Watcher
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Oh, this looks like fun!

« Last Edit: May 20, 2016, 01:52:30 am by HighEndNoob »
(5) You manage to struggle free of the guards and sprint to a safe distance before tossing a knife at one! (5 + 1 = 6) The throwing knife zips through the air, slitting a guard's throat! It then travels around the group of guards like a boomerang. It (5) Slits another throat, (Three 6's in a row!) decapitates three more (!), (4) slices open the last guard's arm, and (2) narrowly misses a random bystander. It then flies back into your hand. Holy crap.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gonna one-up FoU - with an FG in my personal text!
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The quantum cannonball hits you in the face and misses!
GENERATION grisha5: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Sounds cool.



Loadout: Look up "Sumo" on Wikipedia. I am wearing the same thing as the guy in the first picture, plus a long white robe.

Strength-Speed: 3
Reflex type: sumo (like offensive, but i sumo wrestle the attacker in response)

Special augment: Blubberous: Whenever I eat while in "Normal" Mode, I instantly store the food as blubber just beneath the skin. I can  enter a special "Thinning" Mode, which is like Restoration mode, but I consume the blubber, and so I can remain under control. Whenever I am KO'ed, I automatically enter Thinning Mode.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2016, 11:56:45 pm by Pavellius »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Brass serpent in tow.
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Spoiler: First! (click to show/hide)

Cool. I like it.

"Bends light" is probably not physically possible without a huge amount of mass-energy so instead we'll say you have highly adapted chameleon-like abilities. Your skin cells hold tiny crystals (won't change your appearance) which your body moves forward/backward to change the wavelength (and thus the color) of the reflected light. We'll say your hair can also do it for whatever reason. The one is your eyes can't. To achieve total stealth you need to close your eyes. It's fine considering how well you are at pinpointing objects by sound alone. Otherwise it will work in the way you wrote in your description.

You're 'evasive' reflex type checks out fine. I have no qualms with it.

I'll add you to the OP
« Last Edit: May 20, 2016, 02:37:58 am by WunderKatze »
Sigh, they always said that junk food was bad for you. I guess that leaves us with canabalism.



  • Bay Watcher
  • Brass serpent in tow.
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Oh, this looks like fun!


I have no qualms with your's. Good augment choice. The sensor will be biological allowing repair during Restoration Mode.

Added to OP
« Last Edit: May 20, 2016, 02:31:25 am by WunderKatze »
Sigh, they always said that junk food was bad for you. I guess that leaves us with canabalism.



  • Bay Watcher
  • Brass serpent in tow.
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Spoiler: Deus Ex Magical Girl (click to show/hide)

Cool; however, I don't imagine your hologram projector will survive long in combat, nor the tons of ammo you got for that matter.
You'll be susceptible to ambush. All you need is luck and allies intent on screening for you.

Good skill/augment. I think you will need both considering your loadout.

Added to OP.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2016, 02:45:27 am by WunderKatze »
Sigh, they always said that junk food was bad for you. I guess that leaves us with canabalism.


Dustan Hache

  • Bay Watcher
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I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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will probably make character
Wants to rape and enslave my innocent night faeries ;-;


  • Bay Watcher
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Nevermind. I do not think I will join.
Feel free to use my great suggestions, however.


  • Bay Watcher
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Spoiler: Sanct Stone (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Brass serpent in tow.
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Sigh, they always said that junk food was bad for you. I guess that leaves us with canabalism.



  • Bay Watcher
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Spoiler: Sanct Stone (click to show/hide)

Your character checks out! I like it.

You have two augments but I'll let you count them as one. If you permit we'll say you also have a reinforced bone structure in your arms that is well suited for digging, a tolerance for low oxygen environments and a powerful stomach acid able to extract nutrients from rocks and dirt, you'll probably need to break the rocks up with your hands lest you ruin your teeth trying to chew solid stone.

I like the loadout. Shovels and shovel accessories.

Added to OP.

Note: Sanctume is the fourth character; however, I'll probably add two more characters into the game shortly after the game starts (turn 3-5) so if you want to join still post your character.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2016, 02:24:26 pm by WunderKatze »
Sigh, they always said that junk food was bad for you. I guess that leaves us with canabalism.

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