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Author Topic: Turaco's Sellswords RTD: Turn 17: I Guess This Counts As Taking Casualties  (Read 28620 times)


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Re: Turaco's Sellswords RTD: Turn 10.5
« Reply #150 on: August 12, 2016, 09:37:08 pm »

inaluct, I just want to say I really enjoy reading the turn posts for this game. You're a great writer.


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Re: Turaco's Sellswords RTD: Turn 10.5
« Reply #151 on: August 13, 2016, 02:56:33 am »

Every alarm bell in Pyotr's head chimed out loud, like the midday cacophony of the most pious cathedral in the land.
All his intuition told him "no, we're not going in there, certainly not dressed like this- even if the attention drawn isn't enough for someone to recognize us, we'll be beaten to a pulp in this get-up without a question asked," truly, for once all of his inner voices were in agreement.

...Except for one. One that pointed out that exquisite-looking barmaid.
Just what was it about her? He couldn't put his finger on it, but he could certainly think of a few other places he might like to put that unhelpful appendage.
Pyotr lingers uneasily outside the entrance, shifting from foot to foot, desperately wanting to leave, to leave with as much haste as he can muster, to get on with the matters at hand and to change into a less eye-catching outfit, especially now that he's seen his name, if not his face, on a wanted poster.

But how could he have a moment's peace if he didn't set foot inside, to try his luck with that divine creature tending bar?
He muttered to himself through gritted teeth, "Damnit, man, get a hold of yourself," and even slapped himself around the face a bit to try and regain his senses. Doubtless he looked rather mad, standing there outside such a place, and that concern was not entirely lost on him even as he felt the intense pull to go inside.

Maybe the soap was to blame. Maybe the unaccustomed bustle of the city was confusing him. Maybe he had gone mad some time ago without noticing.
...Or maybe young Jalak had simply spent far, far too long out on the road with only his bandit brothers and the palm of his hand for company.

Resist! Resist the overpowering urge to risk my neck to speak to that lovely bartender!
Try and force myself to head home, back to the manor, instead. Slap myself in the face if necessary to try and clear my head.
If I fail and find myself walking inside, try and summon up at least something of a swagger and think up a decent line to greet her with.

Spoiler: OOC (click to show/hide)
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Re: Turaco's Sellswords RTD: Turn 10
« Reply #152 on: August 14, 2016, 02:02:59 pm »

"Now that's the real question. How much are you willing to spare? I'll supply the training materials, creatures included, but I'm not going to just work for a couple of silver per soldier. Give me a starting offer, and I'll train up a handful of your lads, then we will talk again after you see how well It worked out."
See just how much he is willing to give initially per soldier trained. Also ask if he has a deadline of some sort for them to be trained in.

[+1 EXP for roleplaying!]

"Of course!" The chief makes a gesticulation as he fumbles around in a lower drawer of his desk, "I don't expect such high quality training to come cheap!" He lifts a glass decanter full of thick, dark liquor onto the desk, followed by two shallow glasses. "If you'll furnish the beasts, I can give you five gold coins each for five of my men for a week's training. Call it a trial period. How's that sound?" He pours two full glasses and slides one across the table to Drubjarred. [3] The dwarf is not sure if this is some sort of ritual offer of a drink meant to be taken to seal a deal or if it's just casual drinking, so he doesn't make a move on the glass yet.

[Referee's Note: I've always found the way that some fantasy games handle money to be extremely lame and disappointing. Without a very good reason, I don't find it believable that things like cloves of garlic and ladders and backpacks are priced in gold coins. I'm not going for realistic prices in this game, but here a gold coin is worth a pretty large amount of money, which I think helps restore some of the greed and wonderment that people should have in a fantasy game where dirty weirdo mutants kill shit for money. 25 gold coins for a week isn't a fortune, but it's a lot of gold.]

[Referee's Note 2: Massive price inflation would be pretty cool if the game was set in something like a massive ruined temple on top of a mountain, and merchants set up in the sprawling complex to cater to the adventurers that plumbled the gilded and dangerous depths. Sort of like a California Gold Rush scenario except dialed up to eleven, because people constantly die beneath the mountain and because importing goods up a gigantic mountain that's crawling with eyeless cannibal people with sharklike teeth makes everything hyperexpensive.]

inaluct, I just want to say I really enjoy reading the turn posts for this game. You're a great writer.
Thank you! I appreciate the kind words. I owe a lot to the players for their roleplaying, their creativity, and their continued participation.

Speaking of which, I'm gonna start handing out bonus exp for roleplaying. I don't know how much exp people have right now or what I'm gonna do with it, but I'll go back and count it up and make up some sort of rewards system. I already have a couple ideas.

Every alarm bell in Pyotr's head chimed out loud, like the midday cacophony of the most pious cathedral in the land.
All his intuition told him "no, we're not going in there, certainly not dressed like this- even if the attention drawn isn't enough for someone to recognize us, we'll be beaten to a pulp in this get-up without a question asked," truly, for once all of his inner voices were in agreement.

...Except for one. One that pointed out that exquisite-looking barmaid.
Just what was it about her? He couldn't put his finger on it, but he could certainly think of a few other places he might like to put that unhelpful appendage.
Pyotr lingers uneasily outside the entrance, shifting from foot to foot, desperately wanting to leave, to leave with as much haste as he can muster, to get on with the matters at hand and to change into a less eye-catching outfit, especially now that he's seen his name, if not his face, on a wanted poster.

But how could he have a moment's peace if he didn't set foot inside, to try his luck with that divine creature tending bar?
He muttered to himself through gritted teeth, "Damnit, man, get a hold of yourself," and even slapped himself around the face a bit to try and regain his senses. Doubtless he looked rather mad, standing there outside such a place, and that concern was not entirely lost on him even as he felt the intense pull to go inside.

Maybe the soap was to blame. Maybe the unaccustomed bustle of the city was confusing him. Maybe he had gone mad some time ago without noticing.
...Or maybe young Jalak had simply spent far, far too long out on the road with only his bandit brothers and the palm of his hand for company.

Resist! Resist the overpowering urge to risk my neck to speak to that lovely bartender!
Try and force myself to head home, back to the manor, instead. Slap myself in the face if necessary to try and clear my head.
If I fail and find myself walking inside, try and summon up at least something of a swagger and think up a decent line to greet her with.

Spoiler: OOC (click to show/hide)

Thank you, too! It's good to know that people are enjoying this!

[+5 EXP for roleplaying that introduces a complication and also features great writing and heavy innuendo!]

[6] THWACK! Jalak slaps himself in the face loudly enough to draw the attention of several nearby tables. There are now numerous unsavory looking people staring at him. Some guy in heavy plate armor and a full face helmet where the visor is just a smooth plate with many tiny holes in it looks at him. He pulls the long crazy straw that he's drinking whiskey through out of his visor and gives Jalak a questioning and accusatory shrug.

[3] "Don't worry about him, man. Go talk to her," echos that special voice from the reptilian pit deep inside Jalak's brain. [5] Jalak finds himself shooting a confident glare across the nearby tables and striding purposefully into the bar. Several patrons avoid his gaze as he swaggers, letting his inner monologue fuel his strut. "Look at her." Jalak looks at her. "See that glass?" Jalak sees it. The bartender is sort of languidly polishing a dirty looking glass with a dirtier looking rag. She looks bored. "That glass could be you, man."

Jalak is almost at the bar. The bartender looks up at him, her overbite mouth a disinterested thin line on her pale, vaguely weaselly face. Her dark greasy hair is slicked and pulled back into a very short pony tail.

"Don't worry, man. Let me handle this. I'm your friend. You can trust me, I'm not like the others."

She looks at Jalak expectantly.

[6] Jalak approaches the bar confidently and bedecked in his exotic finery, jeweled hilt of his sword visible, regal face dark with power and mystique. A spark of interest light's up the weasel faced girl's eyes, and she stands up straight.

"We don't often get gentlemen like you in this bar," she grins. "Nice sword."

A short conversation follows wherein [2] Jalak accidentally introduces himself with his real name and the bartender introduces herself as Flora [3] before awkwardly knocking over a glass that shatters loudly on the floor. Jalak is momentarily distracted and the hideous pygmy that's been sneaking up behind him ever since he approached the doors of the bar takes the opportunity to strike!


Scarlet sits at a quiet and small table up against a pillar in the rowdy tavern, nervously sipping a cup of tea that the bartender had to go specially into the back to get. Her hands shake slightly with the giddy feeling of doomed freedom. She finally did it: her managers would never look for her in this part of town, not in a million years. She was finally done with her life of very public isolation as a bright flower on a stage, but she had no idea what to do now that she was on her own.

THWACK! A loud smack from the bar's front door snapped Scarlet out of her reverie and she watched as a garishly dressed man entered the tavern, strolling across the floor with a bug eyed misshapen gnome in tow. He approached the bartender who had looked at Scarlet with a mixture of confusion and sympathy, and the girl's face lit up as the two started to talk. Minutes passed with Scarlet watching the conversation progress unheard, drowned out by the din of the bar.

Suddenly, Flora dropped a glass, the colorfully dressed man peered over the bar, and the deformed halfling pulled a knife and [2]vs[5] leapt onto the adventurer's back! Flora screamed and the man staggered and then slammed backwards into the hard angular edge of one of the stone table-slabs, crushing and eliciting a gurgling shriek from the diminutive thug on his back, who quickly dropped the small grimy knife. Several freaked out patrons all began to stand up at the same time.

To Scarlet, it appeared almost as if it all happened in slow motion. Flora's still screaming. The hideous little thug is still pinned on the edge of the table. Nobody has finished standing up yet. Your move. Go.

Dustan Hache

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Re: Turaco's Sellswords RTD: Turn 10.5
« Reply #153 on: August 14, 2016, 04:09:09 pm »

"It sounds like a fine deal, and I'll get started on gathering the necessary things together. I'll start on the training proper tomorrow, and you can have payment delivered to Turaceo's old home. He had it in his last will to set up a adventurer's guild, so I signed up for it.

By the way, May I have a sip of that before I go? It's been a while since I had anything to drink aside from water, with proper alcohol being expensive as it is in a desert."

After all that has been done, Give the chief a firm handshake to seal the deal, and then set to work getting everything I need together. I have four things I will need: A training arena, the animals that I will use, a couple of training weapons, and of course the five soldiers i'm going to be working with. Not necessarily in that order, but it would be ideal.

(Small people really hate yoink in this game, without question.)
« Last Edit: August 14, 2016, 04:12:00 pm by Dustan Hache »
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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  • Hermit Punsmith
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Re: Turaco's Sellswords RTD: Turn 10.5
« Reply #154 on: August 14, 2016, 06:01:01 pm »

Scarlet had been unable to take her eyes off the gaudily dressed man from the moment she first saw him. Doubtless, he must be a kind nobleman who had committed many heroic deeds, for, in all the dramas she had performed, villains and common folk never had such bright and rich costumes. His attacker then, must an assassin sent by the nobleman's scheming rival. Scarlet can't allow such an honorable man to suffer such treachery, nor can she allow such a dramatic scene to suffer her absence.

"Villain! Unhand that good fellow at once!"

Scarlet runs towards the scuffle and dumps her cup of tea on the gnome's face.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2016, 06:04:51 pm by Jerky »


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Re: Turaco's Sellswords RTD: Turn 10.5
« Reply #155 on: August 15, 2016, 05:30:54 am »

Jalak stumbles forward a step before whirling around to behold his assailant, sliding to the floor in all their hideous glory.
"What is it with you short types today," he mutters after a second, mostly to himself as one brightly jade-coloured cowboy boot instinctively makes its way to the prone attacker's neck, almost of its own volition, "Are you jealous of my height, or what?"

He casts a quick glance around to gauge the mood in the bar and how likely the situation was to devolve into a brawl.
Surely, even with the apple of his eye screeching so incessantly (does she sound anything like a weasel?), such a brief scuffle wouldn't be too noticeable in a place like thi-

Jalak turns to stare wide-eyed at the rapidly-approaching woman, tensed and ready to dive out of the way. It only occurs to him after a worried moment that "villain" might actually refer to the gnome he's currently standing on. That's... a welcome change, really. Seeing one's name on a sternly-worded wanted poster tends to shake one's worldview a bit. Still a somewhat concerning development, though.

Let my assailant fall to the floor, then surreptitiously step on its windpipe. Put my weight on it as I take a look around- how violent is the crowd?
Moreso than usual? Are they approaching me or arming themselves at all?

Step hurriedly backwards if a certain acrobat rushes over to launch a beverage-based attack on the downed imp.
Try and keep my fancy boots out of harm's way whilst observing this strange sight. Also try to keep myself out of harm's way if further violence should occur.
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Turaco's Sellswords RTD: Turn 10.5
« Reply #156 on: August 15, 2016, 10:00:09 pm »

"It sounds like a fine deal, and I'll get started on gathering the necessary things together. I'll start on the training proper tomorrow, and you can have payment delivered to Turaceo's old home. He had it in his last will to set up a adventurer's guild, so I signed up for it.

By the way, May I have a sip of that before I go? It's been a while since I had anything to drink aside from water, with proper alcohol being expensive as it is in a desert."

After all that has been done, Give the chief a firm handshake to seal the deal, and then set to work getting everything I need together. I have four things I will need: A training arena, the animals that I will use, a couple of training weapons, and of course the five soldiers i'm going to be working with. Not necessarily in that order, but it would be ideal.

(Small people really hate yoink in this game, without question.)
"Of course, of course!" The chief leans over and pours more of the dark liquor into Drubjarred's glass and then into his own, filling both up to the brim. "Good to see some people still have some appreciation for the traditional way of making an agreement." The two raise and clink their glasses before downing them with the quick ease of practiced alcoholics.

It's whiskey, and by Ronke standards it's very good whiskey. By dwarven standards it's enjoyable and drinkable, if a little sweet. Maybe a bit better than average if you award points for novelty.

Drubjarred and Chief Q. shake hands and exchange parting pleasantries, and the dwarf walks out of the office and back to the bustling street, pondering the as of yet unresearched logistics of his proposal.

1. A training arena - [5] You know just the places;
     a. You remember reading through a brief floorplan of Turaco's house in the will. The place has a decently sized courtyard, a sprawling basement with a spacious central room, and a couple other large rooms. At the very least, the basement would be a good place to store the beasts and other equipment.
     b. That bar you used to spend all of your time at, The Crazed Mustelid or whatever it was, right across from Turaco's place. They occasionally rolled out a large canvas tarp and had exhibition fight nights. They'd probably even pay you for the privilege of having the city guard fight beasts in their establishment.
     c. There are a few other bars that you can think of that would probably be up for this. One of them that springs to mind is Grundig's Discount Weaponry or whatever they're calling themselves now. It's a total shithole. You could probably rope some of the clientele in if you were short on beasts.
     d. You've got a drinking buddy who lives out on the southeast outskirts, down by the warrens. His name is Yrark, and he's a gnoll, but he's one of the good ones and is pretty chill by gnoll standards. He has a sort of improvised arena that he and his relatives brawl in for fun. On the one hand, things could get out of control fast. On the other, this whole thing could sort of double as a community outreach program. In a way.
     e. There's gotta be somewhere else.

2. The animals you will use - [4] You've got a few things in mind already.
     a. Yrark and his idiot cousins catch giant scorpions in in wooden cages. They're poisonous, but that's what razor sharp steel barb-covers are for.
     b. Ogres live under the city. They used to be a pretty serious problem. They're mostly pacified now, but they're still down there, and they're still nightmarish.
     c. Ronkeians have some sort of weird thing for giant ferrets. Ferret catchers catch them in the nearby hills and people breed them and keep them as pets. It's all very strange. They walk them on leashes, keep them in their houses, and sometimes even make them wear tiny shoes. They're far too expensive to justify using as arena fodder, but a strong and riled up one would be virtually impossible to wrestle successfully and therefor pretty much perfect for wrestling sessions.
     d. There are weird things, way out in the desert. The further out you go, the stranger things get. There are giant sand crabs that lurk under the dunes. Things that resemble ambulatory cacti. Tumbleweeds that are rumored to congregate in flocks and move as if directed by an unseen hand. People disappear all the time.
     e. Hire a monstrologist! Monstrology isn't really all that lucrative. It's considered pretty hard to use a degree in monstrology to get a job that isn't something like bartending or mustelid grooming or fast food. It'd probably be pretty cheap to hire one, and they'd know all sorts of weird shit like how to catch bholes with peanut butter.

3. The training weapons - [5] You saved a full set of wooden training weapons from Routedmansions. Sturdy dwarven construction, hardwood and virtually unbreakable, stored in a trunk that the proprietor of The Crazed Ferret is keeping in storage for you. The trunk also has two more sets of cloth armor, both dwarf sized, a few outfits, and some miscellaneous items that you don't carry around on you.

4. The guards that you're going to be training - [1] Should have asked about that before you left, huh? Should have got Chief Q's business card, maybe? Maybe even asked for a letter or a note promising you an audience? You don't have that paper that the lieutenant wrote for you. The chief has that paper. Hmm. HMMMM.

Scarlet had been unable to take her eyes off the gaudily dressed man from the moment she first saw him. Doubtless, he must be a kind nobleman who had committed many heroic deeds, for, in all the dramas she had performed, villains and common folk never had such bright and rich costumes. His attacker then, must an assassin sent by the nobleman's scheming rival. Scarlet can't allow such an honorable man to suffer such treachery, nor can she allow such a dramatic scene to suffer her absence.

"Villain! Unhand that good fellow at once!"

Scarlet runs towards the scuffle and dumps her cup of tea on the gnome's face.
Jalak stumbles forward a step before whirling around to behold his assailant, sliding to the floor in all their hideous glory.
"What is it with you short types today," he mutters after a second, mostly to himself as one brightly jade-coloured cowboy boot instinctively makes its way to the prone attacker's neck, almost of its own volition, "Are you jealous of my height, or what?"

He casts a quick glance around to gauge the mood in the bar and how likely the situation was to devolve into a brawl.
Surely, even with the apple of his eye screeching so incessantly (does she sound anything like a weasel?), such a brief scuffle wouldn't be too noticeable in a place like thi-

Jalak turns to stare wide-eyed at the rapidly-approaching woman, tensed and ready to dive out of the way. It only occurs to him after a worried moment that "villain" might actually refer to the gnome he's currently standing on. That's... a welcome change, really. Seeing one's name on a sternly-worded wanted poster tends to shake one's worldview a bit. Still a somewhat concerning development, though.

Let my assailant fall to the floor, then surreptitiously step on its windpipe. Put my weight on it as I take a look around- how violent is the crowd?
Moreso than usual? Are they approaching me or arming themselves at all?

Step hurriedly backwards if a certain acrobat rushes over to launch a beverage-based attack on the downed imp.
Try and keep my fancy boots out of harm's way whilst observing this strange sight. Also try to keep myself out of harm's way if further violence should occur.

Manlets. When will they learn?

"Villain! Unhand that good fellow at once!" All eyes turn to the female acrobat a few tables away who casts aside her cloak with a dramatic flourish and dashes towards the scuffle.

Jalak turns and [4] scuttles back just in time to avoid [1] the flamboyantly angry performer, who furiously splashes her hot tea all over the obtunded pygmy. [5] With a groan, the tiny thug seems to shake back awake, startled to life by having tea splashed on his face. He grimaces angrily, his hideous face twisted into a rictus of hatred. Like virtually all halflings, he closely resembles the human version of a pug dog. His wild eyes are bulging, brachycephalic face dominated by a jutting prognathic mandible and tiny yellow teeth that stick up at all angles.

[6] Anonymous Guttertrash
[3+1] Scarlet Skydance
[4] The Camel

The small criminal twists and a blade flashes in the dim light, Scarlet dodging smoothly backwards just in time to avoid its sweeping path. The gnome is thrown off balance by his telegraphed slash, and Jalak takes the opportunity to step forward and plant his emerald boot hard on the thug's neck, pressing down with a muffled wet crunch. The halfing's face turns purple and his already wide eyes bulge even more, thick veins standing out on his skin as he claws with fading strength at the crest of Jalak's ludicrously fabulous boots. He's still holding a knife, but is in an awkward position to use it.

Scarlet: [+1 EXP!]
Jalak: [+1 EXP!]

Most people at nearby tables are watching the scene unfold. A couple are standing with weapons drawn but lowered, and there is a murmur of relief mingled with disappointment that nothing truly unusual or exciting is going on. Several patrons are staring intensely at Scarlet with mostly surprised expressions. The table that the group is adjacent to is occupied by three heavily armed men who are very awkwardly trying [2] to not make eye contact with Jalak.

Wait a minute. Jalak knows these guys. It's Osuttasue-Uhasab, Tesen, and Minos Maxos, from his old bandit crew. Minos Maxos coughs a little and sort of turns his ugly cow-mask like he doesn't see Jalak.


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Re: Turaco's Sellswords RTD: Turn 11
« Reply #157 on: August 16, 2016, 04:50:21 am »

Spoiler: OOC (click to show/hide)

Jalak couldn't help but stare in shock for a second at the sight of three old accomplices, the halfling whose windpipe he's standing on entirely forgotten.
Only a second, though- that's all it takes for all (or at least the few most glaring of) the dangers of such a reunion to dawn on him. He hurriedly regains his composure and, seeing as nobody who isn't entirely incompetent seems to be trying to stab him at the moment, manages to glance between Flora and the tea-drinking newcomer with a lazy tense grin.

"Damned mannikins, always gettin' underfoot and up to mischief. Are you both alright?"
« Last Edit: August 16, 2016, 06:45:59 am by Yoink »
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Re: Turaco's Sellswords RTD: Turn 11
« Reply #158 on: August 16, 2016, 10:34:14 am »

Spoiler: OOC (click to show/hide)
"I'm fine, thank you."

Say something to calm down the staring patrons.

Dustan Hache

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Re: Turaco's Sellswords RTD: Turn 11
« Reply #159 on: August 16, 2016, 10:48:09 am »

lets start by going to the bar and picking up that trunkfull of stuff I kept. I do need to rummage through it and sort out the miscellaneous objects. Also going to want to use that gear for the training sessions. we can deal with getting trainees later.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: Turaco's Sellswords RTD: Turn 11
« Reply #160 on: August 16, 2016, 05:26:33 pm »

Spoiler: OOC (click to show/hide)

Jalak couldn't help but stare in shock for a second at the sight of three old accomplices, the halfling whose windpipe he's standing on entirely forgotten.
Only a second, though- that's all it takes for all (or at least the few most glaring of) the dangers of such a reunion to dawn on him. He hurriedly regains his composure and, seeing as nobody who isn't entirely incompetent seems to be trying to stab him at the moment, manages to glance between Flora and the tea-drinking newcomer with a lazy tense grin.

"Damned mannikins, always gettin' underfoot and up to mischief. Are you both alright?"

[3] Jalak can't remember the name of the cafe. He knows that it starts with an A, what it looks like, and that it's on Minotaur Street. He could probably find his way back there pretty easily.

Flora nods. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just a little startled is all. Things like that happen surprisingly often here." Her eyes look resplendently beady in this light. The small thief below doesn't seem to be breathing, and pink foam is beginning to rise from his mouth. His eyes are bulged virtually out of their sockets.

The bandits at the table murmur uncomfortably. Osuttasue-Uhasab leans in and stage whispers to the others "Guys... It's Jalak, he doesn't recognize us, act natural." Tesen cringes and shoves him, holding a finger over his mouth in a gesture that says "don't whisper so fucking loud." Minos Maxos is still awkwardly cradling his ridiculous cow mask-helmet in an attempt to look inconspicuous.

Spoiler: OOC (click to show/hide)
"I'm fine, thank you."

Say something to calm down the staring patrons.
For the record, Scarlet rolled a 1 that prompted the battered gnome a chance at waking up from having tea splashed in his face. The 5 was his roll. Heh.

The fabulously dressed stranger is concerned for Scarlet's welfare! He must be a noble gentleman after all! And all of these people who look like vicious dirty brutes are actually concerned! Better put their minds at ease.

[4] "Fear not, fine people of Ronke! Justice and graceful nobility has trium-"

"Hey, I know you!" bellows a large filthy man with an enormous black beard, a horned helmet, and an unusually small face, "You're that performer!"

"Scarlet Skydance?!" yells a very scarified man in a green bandana, who has like twenty goddam daggers sheathed on the exterior of his clothing. A sort of surprised celebratory cheer rises from the crowd, who is now collectively shouting all sorts of things. The disposition of the room has changed.

"Do that dance thing!" shouts someone from a far corner. "Tell a joke! Say something funny!" someone else yells. One of the guys who was previously staring twitchily is now grinning in excitement. Someone is trying to shove a leather helmet and a tiny paintbrush into Scarlet's hands for an autograph. The tavern watches expectantly.

Jalak - You look over and notice that Flora looks extra surprised, with an emotional candor that strikes you as supremely novel because bandits generally aren't a very emotionally expressive group of people. She looks even more weaselly when she's smiling with her mouth open and clapping. Osuttasue-Uhasab also looks really excited.

lets start by going to the bar and picking up that trunkfull of stuff I kept. I do need to rummage through it and sort out the miscellaneous objects. Also going to want to use that gear for the training sessions. we can deal with getting trainees later.
[4] It's a long walk, but the dwarf makes it back uneventfully. The Crazed Ferret is much as he left it, but there are some new posters up. Some familiar faces are glad to see Drubjarred, pleasantries are exchanged, and the bartender hauls his trunk out of the basement for him. He's been keeping it for free as a favor, and Drubjarred tips him a couple copper before hefting it and heading for the door. [1] But hey, why walk all the way here and not have a drink? This is no place to sort through the trunk, but that can wait a little while. Drubjarred has a seat at a table and orders a pitcher of beer.

Within about fifteen minutes, Drubjarred is ordering his second pitcher and telling an amusing anecdote about an accident involving a giant carp and an artificial waterfall in a dining room to two of his buddies, who are laughing uproariously. Yao-bo is wearing his fancier eyepatch today and drinking beer, and Macthotho is drinking that weird yak's milk and vodka thing he likes.


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Dustan Hache

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Re: Turaco's Sellswords RTD: Turn 12
« Reply #161 on: August 16, 2016, 06:50:54 pm »

take a closer look at the wanted poster. Something seems off about the second portrait...
« Last Edit: August 16, 2016, 06:56:06 pm by Dustan Hache »
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: Turaco's Sellswords RTD: Turn 12
« Reply #162 on: August 17, 2016, 02:27:34 am »

Spoiler: OOC (click to show/hide)

The sudden flood of adoration surprises and delights Scarlet, and she reflexively takes a bow.

"Thank you! Thank you so much! Thank you!"

The small sensible part of Scarlet's mind wants to put more distance between herself and her sinister audience, but the best she can do in the crowded room is stand a little closer to the noble gentleman. She hadn't planned on drawing attention to herself, but it just seemed to happen on its own. It looks to her like the easiest way out is to give the crowd a performance, which she really wants to do anyway.

Think of a song that fits the tavern atmosphere. Perform it while staying next to Jalak. Autograph that helmet!
« Last Edit: August 17, 2016, 02:40:57 am by Jerky »


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Re: Turaco's Sellswords RTD: Turn 12
« Reply #163 on: August 17, 2016, 12:31:01 pm »

Oh dear.

"Pytor" had been doing a terrible enough job of concealing his true identity, and now it seemed one of his most recent acquaintances was, in fact, rather famous. This seemed like quite an incredibly bad place for him to be, even if the guards' sketch artist was as utterly incompetent as they seemed. He wasn't about to just flee the building like a lunatic pursued by a swarm of invisible bats, though. How would that look?

Tugging the brim of his hat down to cover most of his face, he slouches back against the bar and tries to look as inconspicuous as possible, given his outfit.
At least everyone's looking at the singer, not him... still, he turns his back on the crowd and faces Flora, rather too anxious and confused to appreciate the performance behind him. What are his old comrades doing here, exactly? And why are they so nervous about him? Surely their reaction upon seeing him would either be anger or surprised joy. Unless, of course, they sold him out and pinned as many of their crimes on him as possible...

Jalak's face darkens as the thought occurs to him.

Pull my hat down to try and conceal my identity from Scarlet's audience, then lean against the bar and consider the situation.
Chiefly the odd behaviour of my old companions.
Occasionally glance around the crowd for any threats or troublemakers. Keep an eye on Osuttasue-Uhasab, Tesen and Minos Maxos, too, without being too obvious about it. Did we often visit bars within Ronke, back in the day, or is their presence here unusual? Are they acting particularly strangely? How well-off are they looking?

Try and work out a good, elegant way to creep out of here without further compromising my secret identity, Flora's opinion of me or my lack of stab wounds.
All three might be asking a bit much...
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Re: Turaco's Sellswords RTD: Turn 12
« Reply #164 on: August 17, 2016, 03:58:54 pm »

((Sorry I've been really quite off lately))
Regroup with the others try to figure out what's going on.
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.
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