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Author Topic: EOTFS: Emperor Wars - The Decados Strike Back (Turn 15)  (Read 6426 times)


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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 3rd Game - The Emperor Wars Begin
« Reply #30 on: June 01, 2016, 01:06:07 am »

While I understand the need for efficiency, all members of this body must be given sufficient time to both vote and voice their views on the acts that pass through this body.

Duke Kvasina Decados


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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 3rd Game - The Emperor Wars Begin
« Reply #31 on: June 01, 2016, 05:19:09 am »

There is only agreement here. My proposals were only meant as ideas to be discussed, not absolute changes to the original proposal. I personally feel that my additional changes would satisfy all noble houses, giving all noble houses as well as the ministries the resources they require without infringing on sales - however if there exists disagreement, please speak your mind. I welcome other ideas to the table, I hope that we can all participate in detailed discussion as I feel that we require some form of Agora Protection, yet not limit our actions too severely.

I will initiate a discussion-vote shortly, proposing my own revised version of said act in which each noble house can vote on each individual segment. Alternatively I can propose a shortened version to initiate a simple Agora Protection Law. I expect that we can always throw in additional changes over time as we feel is required. In the time it takes for me to formulate my proposal, please take some time to convey your own thoughts on both Agora Protection and Agora Access.

House Li-Halan would like to see the Protection of Agoras guaranteed in any circumstance and agora access decided by governing house as an opening.

Duke Edwin of House Li-Halan


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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 3rd Game - The Emperor Wars Begin
« Reply #32 on: June 08, 2016, 04:03:57 am »

I am of the opinion that we should pass a law protecting agoras and league resupply transports from attack.
Also noble houses and imperial ministries should be able to restrict trade on planets they hold or have been granted regency over, to do any less would infringe on their noble prerogatives something I am certain we wish not to do.

I invite all noble houses to have their say on these matters before we place this proposal to a vote again.

On a related and happier note I am pleased to be able to announce house Decados has begun construction on a new cumulus tradeport on BYZANTIUM SECUNDUS.

Duke Kvasina Decados


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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 3rd Game - The Emperor Wars Begin
« Reply #33 on: June 19, 2016, 10:56:15 am »

Someone earlier requested that "in times of peace [no one should be able to] block access to any Planetary Agoras."  I believe the spirit of this request is that no one may block the planetary agoras on shared planets.  Although I could be wrong, I note with satisfaction that house Li-Halan is attempting to modify the proposal to clarify this. 

However, I aslo note that House Hazat has no farms on either Byzantium II or Vril-Ya, and thus, blocking trade with the League you will effectively starve our cities.  In light of this, I respectfully submit that any house blocking the agoras on Byzantium II and Vril-Ya are in violation of rule 5:  "5. You may not deliberately starve your cities in order to start a plague."  While the rule expressly states that "[y]ou may not deliberately starve your cities," I believe that cities on shared planets essentially fall into the category of "your" cities in the sense that a plague outbreak on a shared planet would be catastrophic for all houses regardless of city ownership.  While the rule also seems to require an intent "to start a plague," I respectfully submit that this intent may be implied hereinafter, that everyone is aware of at least one house without a source of food outside of the agora on these planets.

As such, in an appeal to the graciousness of my brothers and the spirit of fair game play, I respectfully request that all houses immediately remove all units from the hex spaces surrounding the agoras on shared planets at least until a proposal can be clarified and voted on properly.

Bewbies of house Hazat, First of His Name, Protector of the Beer, and King of the Burrito.


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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 3rd Game - The Emperor Wars Begin
« Reply #34 on: June 24, 2016, 02:16:30 am »

In the unfortunate passage of duke Bewbies I shall take it upon myself to respond to his last message before this august body.

The only planets in the empire that are truly shared are TERRA, BYZANTIUM SECUNDUS and VRIL-YA.
TERRA being under control of the church and as such limits access as they wish.
BYZANTIUM SECUNDUS has multiple agoras that are free to access by all.
VRIL-YA agora has no food to sell so it is a mute point.
Thus this proposal has little to offer.

I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome amongst us Bewbies Junior.
Welcome Junior.

Duke Kvasina Decados


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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 3rd Game - The Emperor Wars Begin
« Reply #35 on: August 14, 2016, 05:32:29 am »

Rumors say that House Al Malik experienced overnight coup d'etat. No official statement was given except several accusations of symbiont infection probably to rise some additional legitimization for new regime. Fact is that anyone who had been near palace grounds on all Al Malik worlds heard ​firing squads of Mutasih secret police "working" whole night.

New regime took some bold steps to strengthen their image as devout symbiont eradicators. Certain suggestions were made that Imperial fleet is willing to assist any house with planetary bombardments versus symbiont forces or rebels accused of possession of certain symbiont DNA strains in their arsenals.

Imperial Fleet commander issued no flight zone over Stigmata. Only exceptions are forces related to houses and ministries involved in joint effort of securing Known Worlds survival from symbiont threat. Any act of sabotage will be dealt with swift and deadly force.

There were also certain accusations made by the League against House Decados conduct on world Virl-Ya. Free trade is one of the pillars of Known Worlds and current practices obstructing movement of money and goods are unacceptable. Imperial Fleet detachment was sent to investigate this accusations. Sources close to Imperial Fleet stated that unless administrative obstructions cleverly organized by House Decados to prevent trade on Virl-Ya won't be removed this year Imperial Fleet will issue embargo on all Decados orbital and jumpgate flights.

Vertab Nukks

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Regent Alexius Welcomes the Successor of House Al-Malk
« Reply #36 on: August 18, 2016, 03:38:31 pm »

Dear Al-Malik Lord,

As Lord Regent of the Empire, we send out best regards upon your succession to the the Al-Malik throne.

We had suspected for some time that your predecessors apathy was linked to possible Symbiot infiltration but alas we had no proof.

We are pleased by your zeal in leading both House al-Malik and the Imperial Fleet with such fervor, you have my blessing to use the fleet at your discretion to deal with either Symbiot or Decados incursions that threaten the peace and welfare of the Empire.

Duke Alexius Hawkwood
« Last Edit: August 18, 2016, 04:56:31 pm by Vertab Nukks »


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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 3rd Game - The Emperor Wars Begin
« Reply #37 on: August 23, 2016, 10:35:38 am »

To the members of this august body and particularly the Ghost behind the Hakim lookalike.

House Decados reiterates that it is willing to normalize trade access on VRIL-YA as soon as this august body passes an act regulating it. Until such an act passes we will do our best to prevent any conflicts arising in front of the VAU.

I understand that when all you have is a hammer all problems start looking like nails.
Yet this is not the confines of the al-Malik palace this is the empire you might wish to vary your approach lest the hammer lead you to ruin.

Considering the grumbling from Hawkwood and al-Malik camps I have decided to withdraw Decados peace-keepers, and to think i had them paint their helmets blue to commemorate dear alexi's assumption of regency, also not to slight al-Malik i had them paint their shells yellow.

Duke Kvasina Decados


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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 3rd Game - The Emperor Wars Begin
« Reply #38 on: September 08, 2016, 04:40:10 am »

Imperial fleet doesn't need any new legal acts to enforce free trade in Known Worlds its one of its core responsibilities. Justice won't be obstructed by legal red tape like in Second Republic times. We won't make that mistake again. House Decados failed to comply with fleet regulations and certain moves were taken to enforce temporary embargo on all Decados flights except Bizantium II and their Homeworld Severus. Yet again Decados proved that civilized society rules don't apply to them, several freighters tried to run blocade on Cadavus and Malignatius and after several warnings were boarded by imperial marines. Two that surrendered were sent back to Severus and Cadavus systems but few others self destruct presumably to destroy evidence of some serious contraband that would be found by boarding parties.

House Decados has to ground all its fleets till situation on Vril-Ya normalizes. Immediately. Sizable part of Stigmata Fleet was dispatched to deal with possible resistance.

Fleet officials confirmed that they have no authority over sovereign planetary surface so any orbital bombardment is out of question.


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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars Mod 3rd Game - The Emperor Wars Begin
« Reply #39 on: September 15, 2016, 01:51:46 pm »

I bring this before this august body in part due to the proclamation al-Malik leadership presented before this body yet in truth a part of it I would of have presented before this body even if these events did not involve house Decados. Thus my Message before you has two parts.

First house al-Malik has taken unilateral actions against house Decados Trade-ships using the thinest pretenses of legal cover.

They have justified this action against house Decados by claiming to be acting against a grand threat of a Decados embargo on VRIL-YA.
The embargo they refer to being entirely logistic and non military in nature. They also do not mention that it allows for regular purchases by the embassies for needed normal operation, they also do not mention demonstrated willingness by house Decados to cooperate with requests made my other noble houses for additional resource needs.
I will take this opportunity to call al-Malik leadership to present a proposal for a new law governing Agora's throughout the empire and house Decados will gladly comply with it.
Still house Decados is willing to attempt to resolve this situation of al-Malik making peacefully but we will come to that later.

The second matter should concern all humans living in the empire NAY all of the empires subjects for it touches on a matter most foul, the dagger poised to strike at the empires heart, I speak of the symbiont menace of course.

House al-Malik representatives have stated the following them selfs:
Sizable part of Stigmata Fleet was dispatched to deal with possible resistance. 
"Sizable part of Stigmata Fleet was dispatched to deal with possible resistance." 
These words themselves should bring concern to all those that hear them that are human or loyal Imperial Subject alike.
The action's undertaken by the new leadership of house al-Malik severely impact the empires defense against the symbiont menace not to mention greatly expose its territory to Symbiont incursions at a time when the empire is not able to adequately muster sufficient forces to prevent another foothold situation from arising.
We must prevent another STIGMATA before it arises.

These actions of the new leadership of house al-Malik that has conduced a brutal civil war against Duke Hakim bloodline and his closest kin under justification that they were infected by Symbiont's. That house al-Malik territory would be first on such an invasion is also of great concern, especially when one notes the apparent spontaneous outbreak of Symbiont's on TETHYS that is currently governed by house al-Malik.

Preparation for and support of Symbiont invasions are the action's real symbiont infiltrators would take thus under this new light their action to undertake this revolt after Duke Hakim had been named Commander of the Imperial Fleet is most troubling. While it is the noble soldiers of the Stigmata Garrison that Give their lives to cleanse that wold of Symbiont taint it is the Imperial Fleet ships that keep it away from our worlds.

Thus I come to my previous point.

in the interest of preserving the empire's military might and thus its ability to repel the Symbiont scourge I propose a peaceful solution to this situation of al-Malik making.
House Decados is willing to forgive this transgression against its subjects, As it is known House al-Malik treasures Firebirds most dear this will involve their willingness to part with a significant sum of them.With preliminary reports indicating 4 Trade-ships two of which were  specialized landers were destroyed house Decados States the following.

 For the loss of 4 Decados Trade-ships the Aquila, Asia, Moran and Tiber, two of whom were under lease from the League house Decados demands the following reparations:
1) A sum of 20000 Firebirds will be payed to house Decados for its loss.
2) A yearly sum of 315 Firebirds for a period of 10 years will be payed to an account open with the League for the families of the lost crew.

To ease the situation for house al-Malik in case they are unable to secure the necessary funds promptly house Decados is willing to take in part or in full its payment in PATATOES at League exchange rates.

Duke Kvasina Decados

Vertab Nukks

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The Al-Malik Potato Blockade - Hawkwood Response
« Reply #40 on: September 18, 2016, 02:37:09 pm »

Duke Kvasina,

I understand that House Decados suffers from generations of the institutional inbreeding, so I will defer to that as the cause for your insanity.

Duke Hakim, as I have stated before, has full autonomy to enforce Imperial Laws as he sees fit while in the position as Grand Admiral of the Imperial Fleet.

If you have a problem with that take it up at the next election of the interim Regent, until then I would suggest you comply with his demands.

Duke Alexius Hawkwood
« Last Edit: October 01, 2016, 03:28:05 pm by Vertab Nukks »


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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars - The Al-Malik Potato Blockade (Turn 14)
« Reply #41 on: October 01, 2016, 09:11:37 am »

With great regret i must inform all that my attempts to forge a peaceful resolution have been completely ignored. Even more I have learned that house al-Malik have employed a genetically suspect assassin to murder one of noble Decados blood on BYZANTIUM SECUNDUS itself.
House Decados has taken appropriate steps promptly.

For this grave transgression we have liquidated a member of al-Malik nobility on BYZANTIUM SECUNDUS with the help of noble house Van Gelder.
Their lands in Decados Space are also forfeit along with any al-Malik in residence there be they of noble birth of not.

For their destruction of Decados merchant ships we have removed an appropriate number of their merchantmen, to as the al-Malik are fond of stating balance the books.

I and the remainder of house Decados will consider this matter closed on the condition that the assassin of questionable genetics who is stained with noble Decados blood is turned over the either the imperial eye or the stigmata garrison for verification of his humanity.

on another note
Dear Alexi you might wish to inquire at Hawkwood holdings on Urth the value of PATATOES as a staple food crop.

Duke Kvasina Decados

Vertab Nukks

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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars - The Decados Strike Back (Turn 15)
« Reply #42 on: October 01, 2016, 03:41:20 pm »

Dear Lords of the Five Great Noble Houses,

All of this violence between the al-Malk and Decados is very disappointing, all of these royal funerals that I am forced to attend is cutting into the time I spend hunting at the Trunsnikron Wild Game Preserve on Ravenna.  If it continues I will be forced to file a formal diplomatic reprimand to both of your houses.

Duke Alexius Hawkwood


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Re: EOTFS: Emperor Wars - The Decados Strike Back (Turn 15)
« Reply #43 on: October 06, 2016, 11:36:57 am »

There is no need for regency action. Imperial fleet is fully in control of imperial space and minor police actions or skirmishes with overzealous Decados commanders should not bother general public. Recent Decados "successes" might taste a little bitter when they realize that ships they shoot down were in fact full of refuges wishing to rejoin their families on Decados worlds before imperial blockade is established. Some of them managed to reach planetary surface alive in escape pods. We urge House Decados to extend hospitality to
their own subjects, especially sick ones.

Recent deaths of noble figures are of course matter of great importance. Joint investigation between imperial eye and fleet is in progress. First interrogations let us believe that that terrorists that attacked several nobles from both houses were operating from pandemonium pirate den so called trade port. Imperial fleet was dispatched to confirm this lead.
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