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Author Topic: When the World Changed  (Read 4865 times)


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Re: When the World Changed
« Reply #45 on: May 24, 2016, 08:48:58 pm »

I don't think this is over dude. What if those horns were from something worse than the bats? Grab some water and a little bit of food if we can. Help with the wounded. When that's done, get back to Carl and watch out for more intruders.


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Re: When the World Changed
« Reply #46 on: May 25, 2016, 07:22:39 pm »

I don't think this is over dude. What if those horns were from something worse than the bats? Grab some water and a little bit of food if we can. Help with the wounded. When that's done, get back to Carl and watch out for more intruders.
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When the World Changed
« Reply #47 on: May 27, 2016, 09:29:11 am »

"I don't think this is over dude. What if those horns were from something worse than the bats?"

"That's how it always is, the fighting might not truly be over, but I'll be damned if that keeps me from enjoying a smoke before one of those bastards gets lucky enough to take my head off. You know what they say Chris, enjoy the little things in life like smoking, nice bottles of whiskey, and that lucky moment when the giant bat man's metal disc misses."

Carl says before grinning at you and turning back to staring at the forest in the distance, as you leave to go look for something to fill your stomach you notice Carl's expression slip out of the corner of your eye. It's only for a moment, but you notice him frowning as he suddenly looks up towards the sky before shaking his head. You find it a bit odd, but ignore it do to the sudden grumbling of your stomach trying to remind you to find something to cram into it.

It doesn't take you long to find some food and drink as a pair of the soldiers had set up a stove off in one of the alleys where he was heating up food from MREs before handing them over to waiting soldiers in small tins. After about ten minutes you finally reach the front of the line and are handed a plate of what you're fairly sure is supposed to be spaghetti which you take off to the side to finish before setting off to help in taking care of any wounded in the area. Your time after that, for about an hour, is spent helping some medical teams ferry supplies and wounded people on stretchers back and forth between the outpost and field hospital. When you're done you return to the fortified post to find Carl staring up at the sky while leaning on the fifty, a cigarette lit in his hand but seemingly forgotten as he stares upwards as if trying to find something.

Even after you walk over to the sandbags next to him you notice he completely ignores you, but before you can ask him what in the name of hell he was staring at the sky for the sound of horns come again, this time followed by drums and chanting in a language you can't even begin to understand. The forest far in front you writhes as suddenly dozens of the damned bats appear upon the branches or standing next to them, but all of that pales in comparison to the group trudging its way out of the forest. Five creatures you can only describe as mutated preying mantises with four sets of arms walk out leading a column six thick and seemingly endless of people bound in chains slowly being forced forward by an escort of bats.

The mantis creatures are strangely adorned in silver robes covered in black symbols that make your eyes hurt from staring at them for the symbols seem to move, twist, and warp upon the fabric like some accursed living monstrosity. Each of them have a strange crystal hovering next to their heads the size of a soccer ball that encases a golden liquid, inside of the crystal the liquid seems to rage against its captor as it bashes violently against its prison attempting to escape. Even more absurd is the prisoners they are leading which seem to be of every shape and size, and you swear you see creatures that look like typical fantasy elves, orcs, and dwarves alongside a dozen other races you can't begin to fathom. Off to your right you hear Carl speak,

"I suddenly have a very, very bad feeling Chris. It feels really similar to when you crash your old man's car and you suddenly realized how utterly fucked you are ..."

Spoiler: Chris Sanders (click to show/hide)


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Re: When the World Changed
« Reply #48 on: May 27, 2016, 11:32:29 am »

Get a fresh magazine in our rifle. The only thing I care about right now is keeping you and everyone else alive. If they've enslaved all those assholes, what chance do we have?


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Re: When the World Changed
« Reply #49 on: May 27, 2016, 09:17:28 pm »

Quickly check the area for additional armaments.
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When the World Changed
« Reply #50 on: May 28, 2016, 09:17:59 am »

"The only thing I care about right now is keeping you and everyone else alive. If they've enslaved all those assholes, what chance do we have?"

You says as you hurriedly swap clips in the M4 before turning to look for any other weapons lying around only to find a pistol lying next to a pool of blood where the unconscious soldier had been leaning back during the first wave of the battle. Glad to finally have a sidearm again you holster it and turn your attention back to the crowd of chained slaves in time to see the mantis-like creatures beginning to do ... something. Even as the crystals that were originally floating above them moved out to form a loose circle in the air the order comes down to open fire causing this entire side of the camp to fill with the sound of gunfire.

The combined fire of several fifties and dozens of men armed with L85s or M4s rains down in the direction of the robed mantises, but beyond all expectation the crystals above their hands suddenly flash with a golden light. Shortly after the small arms open up you hear the distinct sound of the Bradleys Bushmaster autocannons joining in. Almost instantly a transparent golden dome covers them and the entire barrage of bullets turns to nothingness as it impacts against the gold shield without causing so much as a ripple to occur on its surface. From somewhere you hear someone scream clear followed by the sound of a rocket launcher going off, and you watch as the dome is suddenly engulfed in a ball of flame, dirt, and smoke.

When it finally clears the dome remains standing though you can barely notice a very small crack running through it that quickly repairs itself. Sudden silence covers the camp as everyone tries to process what just happened while the mantisfolk wave over dozens of bats which take up position next to the slaves before they suddenly move into a ring that seems to correspond with the crystals above them. Even from this distance you can hear them as they begin to speak in a chittering language, and even though you don't understand the words something about them fills you with a primal dread as a shooting pain sears through your head.

However, before you can dwell on the moment you suddenly feel someone pull on your shoulder and you turn to find Carl frantically pulling you towards the humvee that had been left at the fortified post. His action seems to snap you out of something as the pain in your head lessens and you suddenly realized he'd been talking to you before,

"God dammit rookie, did you not hear me? Get to the fucking humvee now, we have to leave. Immediately."

With that Carl pushes you towards the humvee as he sprints towards the passenger side and pulls out a radio.

"Look, we don't have a lot of time Sam, so I'm going to cut to the damned point. Get your men on board the Bradleys you have and get them the fuck out of here, remember that time in LA, Sam? I've got a feeling like then, if we don't high tail it in the opposite direction of whatever the hell those are not one of us is going to live to see tomorrow."

As you listen to him you suddenly stop moving towards the driver's seat as a thought hits you. Do you trust this guy enough to desert over a mere feeling he has, is it really worth the potential court marshal?

Spoiler: Chris Sanders (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 05:01:32 pm by adwarf »


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Re: When the World Changed
« Reply #51 on: May 28, 2016, 12:04:00 pm »

Drop into the driver's seat and peel out towards the dome before Carl can get in. Use the vehicle radio on Carl's frequency.

I have to do this, Carl. I'm stronger than you think. Just stay alive, okay?! Don't ask me how I know this, but it's important that you live!

Drop the handheld and get out our pistol. Ramming speed! Aim for a mantis while driving as fast as we can!


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Re: When the World Changed
« Reply #52 on: May 28, 2016, 04:00:54 pm »

Drop into the driver's seat and peel out towards the dome before Carl can get in. Use the vehicle radio on Carl's frequency.

I have to do this, Carl. I'm stronger than you think. Just stay alive, okay?! Don't ask me how I know this, but it's important that you live!

Drop the handheld and get out our pistol. Ramming speed! Aim for a mantis while driving as fast as we can!
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When the World Changed
« Reply #53 on: May 29, 2016, 08:56:27 am »

You trace the outline of the Snake Ring on your finger as an idea slowly forms in your head that you latch onto with a sense of desperation. Giving a small prayer that the imp actually followed through with his side of the entire deal you take off at a full sprint towards the Humvee and manage to clamber into the driver's seat just as Carl is trying to get into the passenger seat. Before he can react you reach across and shove him back out of the Humvee, and turn around to slam your foot down on the gas yelling to him,

"I have to do this, Carl. I'm stronger than you think. Just stay alive, okay?! Don't ask me how I know this, but it's important that you live!"

Without another word you focus on driving the Humvee straight at the golden dome that those mantis bastards are hiding under, and you watch as several bats slowly kill six of the slaves in time with the chittering words from the mantis mages. The distance between you and that dome closes rapidly as the vehicle picks up speed, and you take the time to draw your pistol which you doubt you'll a chance to use if this goes as planned.

Despite thinking you're prepared for it you feel a slight jolt of fear run through you when you're a few feet away, but it quickly fades away as you see the faces of the few slaves looking at you with a smile. Just as quickly as your fear ends you feel the Humvee slam into the golden dome and the damned mantisfolk chant is obscured by the sound of metal being crushed alongside something akin to glass shattering as the dome gives way entirely. Of course its almost all you notice as you are suddenly flung forward from your seat sending you smashing into the front window which cracks slightly before the entire thing comes flying out of the bent, twisted frame of the Humvee.

Your pain barely registers as you're sent hurtling backwards and your vision begins to fade, but you stay awake just long enough to watch as the Humvee smashes straight into two of the mantisfolk. As the damned creatures are crushed everything turns dark and all sound seems to disappear completely, all that you can feel now is a dull pain and something faintly pulling on you as if trying to drag you away. However as the pulling force grows stronger you hear a sound akin to the wind blowing through leaves, a gentle sound that that should have no meaning, but to you seems to encompass everything. That gentle breeze formed words in your mind and you suddenly understood that it was a language, a way of speaking that mimicked the world that causes the force pulling you to tremble before pulling away ...

"Others accepted the will of the True Gods and became slaves, some willingly chose execution rather than subservience to the True Gods, and there are even those who rebelled hoping to cling desperately to their freedom. When the True Gods send a decree they demand subservience or death, but I chose a option for I was born when time began, for I am the oldest being that ever existed and the youngest being that ever will exist. I can be destroyed, but my cycle cannot and so I severed the cycle from myself and cast it away into the void. To accept the Cycle is to accept my legacy, whether one understands it is up to them, but there is one understanding that I have chose to pass down.

In all of existence only my Cycle, only your cycle, is outside of the true law: Everything comes with a price."


When the wind-like language comes to a halt you suddenly find yourself awake and lying down on an extremely uncomfortable patch of dirt. Pushing yourself up you take a moment to look at yourself and find that you're completely naked with only the Snake Ring remaining on your left hand, but more importantly you notice that while you're body is intact it still has some injuries in places that look oddly similar to what you had before you crashed into the dome. Confused you take a moment to look around for anything near you that could be of use and amidst a pile of splintered wood you notice the pistol you had been clutching in your hand which you quickly pick up as an attempt at safety.

Now that you have something to protect yourself with you start to examine your surroundings and are completely shocked by what you see has happened to the area. You find you've been thrown quite a distance, but looking back towards where camp was you find a crater from which the hilt of what you can only describe as a skyscraper sized sword sticking out of the ground. It is stuck into the earth halfway between the camp and the forest, but everything in a large circle around it has been turned into a charred mess and at least half of the camp was destroyed by whatever happened hear. Trembling, you stand there staring at the dull silver colored sword hilt as a single thought runs through your mind.

What the hell do you even do now?

Spoiler: Chris Sanders (click to show/hide)


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Re: When the World Changed
« Reply #54 on: May 29, 2016, 12:52:50 pm »

Count the amount bullets in the gun.
Examine the pile of splintered wood.
Look around the area for useful items and clues that might explain what happened.
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Re: When the World Changed
« Reply #55 on: May 29, 2016, 02:14:41 pm »

Count the amount bullets in the gun.
Examine the pile of splintered wood.
Look around the area for useful items and clues that might explain what happened.

+1, except I want to know: is the crushed humvee nearby, and if so are our remains inside? Then, let's give our search a little more direction shall we? Walk towards the giant sword while looking for anything useful, like clothes, weapons, or people who aren't dead.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2016, 02:22:14 pm by GUNINANRUNIN »


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When the World Changed
« Reply #56 on: May 30, 2016, 02:34:55 pm »

You take a moment to look around for the crushed Humvee and manage to locate a melted heap of metal off in the distance that vaguely resembles the Humvee you had driven into the dome. A quick search reveals that your corpse isn't inside as far as you can tell though its hard to tell with how messed up the vehicle is now so your corpse could well be crushed inside of this metal pile if there was another one. With that done you take the time to count the bullets left in your L9 and are very disappointed to find the clip only half full with a total of five rounds left in it. You briefly think about examining the pile of splinters you found the pistol in only to finally process that pretty much the half of the forest has been turned to wooden splinters and shreds.

Unsure of what to do at this point you start heading towards the giant sword stuck into the ground and start to look for anything that might be usable along the way. You don't find much as you trudge your way towards the giant sword just charred corpses, melted weapons, and singed rags that the bat creatures were wearing though after you've retraced your steps some you find something that you did not expect. About halfway to the sword you find one of the mantisfolk's corpse with its robe almost entirely intact with only the sleeves being slightly burnt, you could take it but you're unsure of what exactly the robe is ...

Spoiler: Chris Sanders (click to show/hide)


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Re: When the World Changed
« Reply #57 on: May 30, 2016, 05:24:31 pm »

Take the robe and continue onwards.
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Re: When the World Changed
« Reply #58 on: May 30, 2016, 05:50:26 pm »

Leave the robe and continue.


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Re: When the World Changed
« Reply #59 on: May 31, 2016, 06:56:30 pm »

Leave the robe and continue.
The robe might be dangerous.
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