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Author Topic: Pioneers - Phase 3 ~ Cooking Up a Storm  (Read 25184 times)

Urist Reborn

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Re: Pioneers - Phase 2 ~ Merry Christmas / Strange Southern Sightings!
« Reply #240 on: May 21, 2016, 02:51:12 pm »

Koran responds non-verablly to Ilyena's request by opening the journal to the Hund Beinen entry. After letting Ilyena take a look, he says, "This. It's a dog lookin' thing. I think it's got decent enough meat on it's bones, provided we don't make many holes in 'em.".
"Seems like the best option we have for right now. We should also make an attempt at live capture, I wouldn't mind having a lupine hunting companion..."

Go hunting with Koran, using my trapping kit and efforting a live capture if possible.


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Re: Pioneers - Phase 2 ~ Merry Christmas / Strange Southern Sightings!
« Reply #241 on: May 22, 2016, 05:33:13 pm »

"It has been month since I have practiced my Cook-Fu... I fear I will lose my skills."

Worried about the state of his Cook-Fu, Mao decides to teach Cook-Fu to those interested, using an empty patch of land to do so.
He will also stay on the lookout for growing talents.

Between Cook-Fu lessons and cooking, he tries to develop new recipes with the various creatures found. Granted he gets access to some specimen.

Spoiler: Recipes (click to show/hide)


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Re: Pioneers - Phase 2 ~ Merry Christmas / Strange Southern Sightings!
« Reply #242 on: May 22, 2016, 08:34:53 pm »

Joseph continues to supervise the deforesting, and orders a week of break for those who worked on the distillery before re-assigning them to the deforestation project. He encourages the man to work with renewed vigor.

He orders the immediate production of large quantities of water, with a few bits of alcohol brewed from any and all native fruits.

He analyzes the state of the colony. What's the morale like? Are any individual groups not doing well? Children? Adults? Elders? Any problems?
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: Pioneers - Phase 2 ~ Merry Christmas / Strange Southern Sightings!
« Reply #243 on: May 22, 2016, 08:56:23 pm »

Continue garbage collecting.


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Re: Pioneers - Phase 2 ~ Merry Christmas / Strange Southern Sightings!
« Reply #244 on: May 23, 2016, 12:33:30 am »

Put on my present
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.


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Re: Pioneers - Phase 2 ~ Merry Christmas / Strange Southern Sightings!
« Reply #245 on: May 23, 2016, 05:13:44 am »

Give Deidress the good news.
Build some machines for a small job-shop using components from the ship.
Work on repairs, as well as replacing or sharpening the dull blades on the saws.


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Re: Pioneers - Phase 2 ~ Merry Christmas / Strange Southern Sightings!
« Reply #246 on: May 24, 2016, 07:28:57 pm »

[Heads up: Will try to get the turn done by tomorrow evening.]
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


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Re: Pioneers - Prologue
« Reply #247 on: May 27, 2016, 01:09:51 pm »

Phase 3 ~ Cooking up a Storm
Date: January, 2599

The Colony is understandably shaken after the death of Alex Shatter, the first fatality among them and a young one as well, barely older than a child. Gaspard deduces the cause of death to be the ingestion of the Champignon Arcenciel plants he found earlier, these brightly colored mushroom-like specimens he finds out produce a powerful hallucinogenic effect and can produce fatal effects when taken in large dosages. Gaspard decides to handle Alex's funeral himself, believing that this young man with no relationships on the ship still deserved to be treated with dignity in death. [6] A small crowd gathers to the spot where Gaspard has buried Alex just beyond the boundaries of the colony. Gaspard, not knowing Alex personally, can not give a long speech and elects to describe him generally as a hard-working member of the colony, committed to its success before succumbing to a tragic, accidental death. Alex's plot is marked with a stone that Gaspard has engraved his name into.

Cynthia is fascinated by all of her discoveries and finds the rabbit-like milk-squirting Citrabbit deserving of an artistic portrayal. [9] While looking around for a capable artist she finds Khijang Rigzin, a Bhutanese painter. When she asks for the price of a commission Khijang insists that for providing him with a new artistic vision is more than enough of a payment. Over the course of a couple weeks, Khijang observes the Citrabbit in both a living and dead state to complete his magnum opus, The Island of the Citrabbit, a large mural painted outside of the ship on a slab of metal. In the meantime, Cynthia changes her practices and remains cooped up in the ship and for the most part doesn't come out nor interact with anyone, spending the entire month buried in books. [Reading: 7] Cynthia pursues a book in the library and picks one up on a subject relevant to one of her fields, Biology. In this specific case it is Experimental Biology, and she reads of the efforts of scientists who have attempted to cross-breed species. This instills the idea of cross-breeding in her, could it be possible on this planet? It could either be a passing thought or inspiration for something bigger, but for the rest of the month she spends just reading more and more.

With the gift of Street Kombat: Unleashed, Adam knows that Madalyn must be the one, who else would know to get him a present so close to his heart? [Romance: 10] For the entire month of January, Adam and Madalyn are inseparable. They stay in the ship and hardly interact with anyone else and can mainly be found playing video games together in silence. It would look strange and dull to the on-looker, with them hardly speaking to each other or looking at one another, but at least the two of them know that it is true love. When they have to go somewhere, it is together, holding hands and hardly saying anything. [Programming: 2+2] Modding ST:U is hard though, the game's code has some built in functions that make modification difficulty, and even doing a minor mod like a texture change can cause the game to become dysfunctional.

Koran and Ilyena lead the hunting party once more, taking Mahyang and Bonifo into the wilderness to hunt Hund Beinen, the most vicious beast that has been discovered on this planet so far. While Koran wants to slay them for their meet, Ilyena does her best to capture specimens alive for further research and possible domestication. [Hunting: 3+2] During the hunting trip, Koran shoots a few of the hounds but due to their nature once a gunshot goes off, the rest of the herd scatters into the swamp, so by the time he reloads Koran's next targets are out of sight. [Trapping: 4+2(Trapping Kit Bonus)] After several days of effort trying to corral the wild creatures, Ilyena finally corners a single isolated Hund into a rope trap and snags it! Once the hunting is over, the four bring back both some extra food for the Colony (as much as a handful of hunters can get on a normal hunting trip) and a live specimen. Some of the Colonists are frightened by keeping one of these dogs, even if it is kept in an improvised cage.
[+.2 Months of Food added to the Colony's supply.]

With months going by and no way to apply Cook-Fu, Mao worries that his skills may be dulling and the worst possible scenario may come where he loses his ability and his family's ancient martial arts system ends with him! Committed to preventing that from happening, Mao goes about teaching the art to those interested during his free time, killing two birds with one stone by allowing him to simultaneously practice his techniques while spreading his teachings to others. [General Interest: 9] It turns out that a sizable portion of the colony, around forty or so, want to learn the art of Cook-Fu for various reasons, some to defend themselves, while others just want to develop new skills. [Cook-Fu Training: 2+2] However, the actual teaching part is a big mess and it appears that few of the colonists have the natural ability to use the wok, the saucepan, or even the large spoon as a weapon. Many of those who were originally interested drop out in only a few days, frustrated with their lack of progress and how unorthodox the whole system is. Some of them outright doubt its practicality as a way of defending themselves against a threat.
In the meantime, Mao works on new recipes based on the newly discovered life on Lustrum:
Mao Discovers Citrabbit Asian Stew, Azurechidna Rolls, Dried Rockorn and Rainbow Mushroom Soup, & Sauté "Hund Beinen" with Noodles!
[4+2] The Citrabbit Asian Stew is tasty, tender and sweet, but is not hearty enough to provide a full meal. It finds its place as an appetizer.
[3+2] Azurechidna Rolls, due to the thick and spiny nature of the main ingredient, are crunchy but lack a distinctive flavor even with blue berry paste. They are not meal food either, and are closer to very plain potato chips.
[1+2] Even after boiling the Soup, it turns out that it still causes hallucinations after all, along with vomiting. It is not known whether the vomiting is just simply the fault of the mushrooms or if its due to the combination with Dried Rockorn.
[4+2] Sauted Hund Beinen Meat is has a similar taste and quality to chicken, and combining it with noodles make it a staple dish, though it isn't that different from the Chicken & Noodle dishes that Mao was cooking in the first place.

Joseph orders a much appreciated break to those in charge of creating the distillery while continuing to oversee the work on deforestation. [6] For the first time, the deforestation project makes moderate progress, but undeniable progress nonetheless as the workers finally seem to be catching onto a rhythm. Several trees are cleared away and the land is flatten and drained and by the end of the month, over a quarter of the total land Joseph wants cleared away has been completely deforested. Perhaps inducting those who had worked on the distillery, who had proven to be efficient and productive workers, into the deforestation project is the reason for this newfound success.
Joseph immediately gets the distillery to put in work and orders the production of water and a small quantity of alcohol made from native fruits. [Water Distillation: 5] A fair amount of water is produced, and with only the berries having been discovered as flora, [Brewing: 9] they make an excellent batch of locally made alcohol that has never been tasted before. With this kind of berry drink being totally new to the human race, Joseph gets the rights to its name.
.4 Months of Water added to Colony's Supply.
Joseph Discovers Blue Berry Alcoholic Beverage!
When not overseeing work, Joseph tends to the colony and its status, checking to see how morale is doing and if any of the groups are doing poorly. Overall, Morale is good but has been decreased slightly by the presence of the captured Hund Beinen which mostly frightens children (as well as their concerned parents) and some of the women. The groups themselves seem to be doing all equally well, though an older child named Principe speaks to Joseph and says that the older children such as herself should be allowed to work and participate in colony decisions. A few people complain about Lenny continuing to build a pile of garbage that could be a health hazard.

Regalia puts on her new dress and continues to be one of the centers of attention and more noticeable characters in the colony. A group of musicians approaches her and proposes that they form a band for the colony, to boost morale and possible start making their own income.

Lenny and his bot continue to build up their kingdom of garbage, [Scavenging: 7+2] and after a few weeks of adding to their corner of junk and uncovering an electronic multi-tool that has been somewhat damaged and dirtied but is still usable. After cleaning it up, Lenny discovers that it can function as a radio, a radar and a scanner among other functions. His robot is keen on bringing the Companion Cube everywhere.

Jakub speaks of his successes to Deidress who is happy to hear them. Now out in the open, some of the colonists suspect there is more than just a professional or friendly relationship between the engineer and the doctor. "Cook" goes on to begin working on a job-shop that will produce various goods and productions for the colony in the future. [Mechanical Engineering: 6+2] Jakub gets about a third of the work done on this new structure; while he is dedicated, there is only so much a single skilled person can accomplish in a month. Some of the colonists tell him they would help build and eventually work in this shop, but Joseph has them busy with other projects. [Mechanical Engineering: 7+2] At other times, Cook is working on attending the colony as whole by repairing devices, particularly the holo-saws cutting down the trees, and making sure that any small issues on the ship are taken care of before they get exponentially worse.
A handful of engineering colonists suggest to Joseph that Jakub be appointed to the head of some sort of construction or engineering position.

1 Month of Food & Water Supplies is consumed. An additional .1 worth of these supplies is inexplicably missing.
All of the colonists injured in previous work-related incidents recover.

Spoiler: Discoveries (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Major Events (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Colony Reference (click to show/hide)

Some things have come up, but I am still committed to this game nonetheless! Hopefully these things will clear out in the near future so that this game can be updated on a more regular schedule. I apologize if this turn is rushed or uninspired.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2016, 01:31:30 pm by TCM »
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


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Re: Pioneers - Phase 3 ~ Cooking Up a Storm
« Reply #248 on: May 27, 2016, 01:29:24 pm »

Joseph approaches Koran and Ilyena, his jaw set into a firm line.

"The captured beast must go. Slaughter it and prepare it for cooking. It is terrifying the people of Novus."

Spoiler: Discovery: Azul Rum (click to show/hide)
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: Pioneers - Phase 3 ~ Cooking Up a Storm
« Reply #249 on: May 27, 2016, 01:33:55 pm »

The turn felt pretty good to me. Keep up the good work :)

Spoiler: Discovery: Azul Rum (click to show/hide)
What ! No Azul Vodka ?!


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Re: Pioneers - Phase 3 ~ Cooking Up a Storm
« Reply #250 on: May 27, 2016, 01:36:00 pm »

((In reality it is wine, as it is brewed of fruits. However, Rum is closer than Vodka. Vodka is water and ethanol; this booze has no ethanol. Maybe it is closer to gin, which is brewed of juniper berries. Either way, I stick by my naming.))
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: Pioneers - Phase 3 ~ Cooking Up a Storm
« Reply #251 on: May 27, 2016, 01:38:02 pm »

((In reality it is wine, as it is brewed of fruits. However, Rum is closer than Vodka. Vodka is water and ethanol; this booze has no ethanol. Maybe it is closer to gin, which is brewed of juniper berries. Either way, I stick by my naming.))
((I stand enlightened))


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Re: Pioneers - Phase 3 ~ Cooking Up a Storm
« Reply #252 on: May 27, 2016, 02:20:21 pm »

"A-A band! Yes!!! Awesome!"
Turn on band music gather the colony's favourite music look for all the instruments we own set up a stage.
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.


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Re: Pioneers - Phase 3 ~ Cooking Up a Storm
« Reply #253 on: May 27, 2016, 03:04:07 pm »

Koran looks at Joseph for about 10 seconds, looking at both the captured Hund Beinen and Joseph, before responding. "Alright, sir. Let me explain something to you about these things. These things are basically dogs, and just cause it has extra limbs doesn't mean it's a terrifying presence on it's own. I mean, people keep Spiders for pets, and I've seen Spiders with Wings, and yet no one's complained. Besides, look at this thing. It's adorable, with it's snout and crap. If you're still convinced, can we at least keep this one? I mean, we already have it alive, why go through the extra trouble?", all while his body language and facial expression denotes kindness and a willingness to negotiate.
Offer them each a glass of a local drink, Rwandan Flower Wine, which contains secret ingredients to help calm the drinker such as crushed amethyst, dandelion wine and just the right amount of marijuana.
I desire, for whatever reason, to create Space Louisiana.


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Re: Pioneers - Phase 3 ~ Cooking Up a Storm
« Reply #254 on: May 27, 2016, 03:24:58 pm »

"I personally love it. I want four. It's adorable.

But the people are not happy. Scared citizens are unhappy citizens. I want my citizens to be unhappy.

You would not obstruct their happiness, would you?


Maybe if you could tame and train the animal and then create some kind of display to the people at next month's meeting, they would be reassured. Show how tame it is. Don't put yourself in a dangerous situation with a wild beast, however. If it refuses to be tamed, then kill it.

Are those terms agreeable?
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."
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