About the size of Italy, more or less.
End 804 This year was a good year for us. While we did not do many things, those we did do turned out quite well.
To start with, we have the 804 Rifle Munition Program, tasked with developing a more powerful rifle round for the Pattern 801 Revolving Rifle, and also tasked with finding out if the old Pattern 782 Troop Rifle can use these modern rounds.
After much work, the engineers come out with the 10x60mmA rifle round, an aerodynamically stable bullet packs into its design a pointed tip, a boat-tail, and a copper jacket covering the whole thing. They also developed manufacturing processes that makes it easier and cheaper to produce than the RS or the B versions. Due to its flatter arc of fire, some work has to be done on existing weapons to take it into account.
While they where working on the ammunition they went and tested the new rounds on the old Pattern 782, the end result of which they determined that, with a slight modification to the bolt and the receiver, they can reliably utilize the new round in low-use areas, such as artillery crews, guard use, and similar. They did some work on a low power form of the round, but determined that that was only really possible if they used a "semi-smokeless" form of the round. That is, unless you wanted them to explode in ones face.
A second team of workers went to work on developing a modern test range for weapons development. The finished thing covers about one hundred acres and has a wide range of terrains, along with a small office block for people to work on artillery firing tables.
Finally, some work was done creating a dry dock for production of small (up to 300ton) vessels. A rail link connects it to a small dedicated factory and with our onsite factory complexes, for quick transfer of cannon and the like.
Standard Troop Rifle, Pattern of 804
-A modification allowing use of high power smokeless ammunition in limited amounts, along with standardizing the length and updating their ironsights for flatter trajectories. Modifying existing pattern 782 rifles costs .02pp each, new build rifles cost .5pp each.
10x60mmA rifle ammunition
Designed for use in the Revolving Rifle, Pattern of 801(Type A), this round is as modern as anything else in the world.
Five off-site factories producing ammunition (2x 10x60mmRS cartridge, 1x 10x30mm(black) cartridge, 1x 37mm cannon)
One on-site factory complex with four production lines, producing 1500 pattern 801 revolving rifles in 10x60mmRS and 32 pattern 801 light revolving cannon
One on-site workshop, for designing new things
One on-site design studio
One harbor, mostly blocked by sediment and the scuttled hulk of a wooden sailing ship(now partially damaged by torpedoes)
One dockyard with yearly capacity of 300 ton
One world class firing range, with attached offices for range table calculation
7 newbies
6 basic engineers
1 basic naval engineer
3 basic firearms engineers
1 amazingly talented but unskilled firearms engineer