I create twenty humans, creating a large sample group since it's impossible to make identical souls. Ten of those humans know of me and worship me while the other ten don't know of any gods and don't worship them (they will go to Malakathium when they die, though.) Naturally, these two groups are separated. I keep watch on the two groups of souls as they develop. This experiment is to see if there are any notable effects and differences that worship causes as well as see if worship is something that can be seen and measured.
I create another 1,000 humans. These humans will go with the other humans I made (in the best, most resource-rich area on the world but still fairly isolated geographically) with the wisest and smartest as their clergy/leadership (just like the previous 1,000 humans). The human settlement will be told of this action and given time to prepare to ensure a smooth transition.
I -STEALTHILY- (so that the experiment is controlled) watch two humans as they form and develop a relationship, all the way through initial courtship to the wedding and through the marriage (turning away during any especially private moments). This experiment is to see if a close bond between two souls affects the souls and to see if a wedding has any special, tangible effects on the souls.
I watch a human baby's soul until is three years old. (Babies usually gain sapience between five and sixteen months old so that's plenty of room for error.) This experiment has no specific goal and is simply to observe a young member of a sapient race who does not start sapient but eventually becomes sapient.