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Author Topic: Queen and Colony  (Read 4892 times)


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Re: Queen and Colony
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2016, 12:22:16 am »

The monks can be left alone, for now.  Knowledge about this comet will probably be far more interesting than any sort of heretical upstart behaviour of theirs.  A good relationship with them would be useful. 

Continue to ask Lord Karthos to provide information on every faction known to us, focussing especially on the warring colonies to our south, and the Closed Fist sect.

Convert 2000 labourers to soldiers.  We need a larger standing army.  Ask Tul to find the most capable military figure(s) in our colony's army, we need a general in a position to advise us on our council and directly train soldiers.

Once we have an army closer to the number ( and with time, quality ) of our neighbours, we can do something to secure the surface some more.  It would be good to seize whatever resources there are aboveground, and it would also keep Earths on our side.


What do we know about the Empress?  General setting knowledge-wise and what our spymaster knows, as well.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


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Re: Queen and Colony
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2016, 07:01:09 am »

Convert 2000 labourers to soldiers.  We need a larger standing army.  Ask Tul to find the most capable military figure(s) in our colony's army, we need a general in a position to advise us on our council and directly train soldiers.



I propose a private meeting with Lord Karthos. The following is the agenda.

-Ask him his reasoning behind trusting Osk and not trusting Vy. The files he gave us do not make this clear.
-Tell him that we agree the surface is a major concern, and that we will start recruiting and arming 2000 warriors from the ranks of our farmers at once. We will then draw 2000 members of our military caste from the tunnels and replace them with the armed farmers. Tell Karthos we intend to impose martial law on the surface using those soldiers from the tunnels as a start, and lacking better administrators we can trust, we would like him to run things. He is to head to the surface, figure out the best initial use for 2000 soldiers, and draw up a more long-term plan that includes a recommended number of soldiers to control the surface beyond the initial 2000. Once his 2000 soldiers arrive, he is to declare himself military governer, and use them to the best of his ability.
-If he feels comfortable serving as both our spy master and military governor, he is welcome to hold both roles. Otherwise, we would like him to recommend somebody to succeed him as Spy master.
-If he feels he is still capable of serving as our spy master, tell him we would like proper reports on the two Shogunate warloards that appear to be on our border according to the map. If he finds any nearby Shogunate faction that has its hands too full to deal with us, he has our blessing to begin recruiting and extracting high value defectors, such as breeders and military officers, from that group at once.
-Inform him that he gives up the spy master position, and lives long enough to better secure our claim to the surface, we will gladly give him the job back. Stress that us sending him to the surface is based on his history there, and our lack of other trustworthy agents to take the job, and should not be taken as a slight to his value at court.

Give the monks written permission to collect tribute, so long as they publicly declare the tribute is collected with our blessing. Tell their messenger that we would like to meet with an important member of the closed fist, as soon as one is available. We should gauge this faction, and see if it can be controled. Lastly inform them that we will soon be filling our court, and that we would like to include a representative or two from the moth monks. Anybody interested in a position should signal their intent by messenger at once, and travel to meet us as soon as they are done discussing the comet.

Ask Tull to recommend members to fill our court/royal council.

Send proper and respectful announcements of our ascension to all our neighbors. Subtly hint, in the message sent to the Shogunate Warlords, that we adhear to the Moth Faith, and don't consider ourselves divine. Lets see what responses we draw.

Instruct Shinvo to explore the hive and quietly seek out individuals from all castes worthy of learning the faith. We want to ensure enlightened individuals continue to exist in our colony should the monastary prove uncooperative or completely corrupted by the closed fist.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Queen and Colony
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2016, 07:18:03 pm »

Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


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Re: Queen and Colony
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2016, 09:13:20 pm »

Autumn, Month 4, Year 1

Continue to ask Lord Karthos to provide information on every faction known to us, focussing especially on the warring colonies to our south, and the Closed Fist sect.

Four months after your coronation, Karthos admits that new information has been remarkably scant. He stresses that his network has been hampered by counter-espionage operations as well as fewer spies being recruited into his network. Regardless, he reports some info befitting of his post.
  • Nyz Osk has retaken an amber grove.
  • Luz Vy's guerilla troops have been discovered operating in Nyz's eastern border, but only after they throttled the colony's trade routes.
  • Yut Vol has denounced Luz Vy for her fortifications along their mutual borders.
  • Solarian missionaries have been sighted in Luz's citadel.
  • A rogue breeder has joined the Closed Fists
  • A rogue breeder in the colony's eastern hinterlands has defeated her competitors, declaring herself Queen Rekov Yutcho.
  • The Closed Fists have begun training some aspiring villagers in martial arts.
  • A Closed Fist cabal was supposedly discovered in a coastal colony to the east.
Convert 2000 labourers to soldiers.  We need a larger standing army.  Ask Tul to find the most capable military figure(s) in our colony's army, we need a general in a position to advise us on our council and directly train soldiers.
2000 labourers have undergone military training. While not as tough as military castes soldiers, their training will hopefully make them sufficient.

Tul has suggested three officers for promotion to the Council.
  • Lady Gor: A breeder-in-waiting, she stands to inherit an important agricultural region to the realm's north. In the meantime, Gord has dedicated her life to serving as a protector of her home region, subduing migratory worms, bandits and the occasional Shogunate platoon.
  • Lord Kra-phe: A military man by birth, Kra-phe is a member of the colony's old guard, having served in most military conflicts the colony has involved itself in. From experience, Kra-phe has become a master at using his much smaller forces to defeat much larger forces. Kra-phe served a rival claimant in the last succession conflict, a sister-breeder.
  • Lord Kardol: A surfacer military caste, Kardol was appointed to defend the southern surface settlements by Karthos. While only possessing a few troops at any one time, Kardol has been able to use his resources to create admirable fortresses and outposts, which the local population often flee to during a raid. He has been in frequent conflicts with both of the colony's southern neighbours.
Give the monks written permission to collect tribute, so long as they publicly declare the tribute is collected with our blessing. Tell their messenger that we would like to meet with an important member of the closed fist, as soon as one is available. We should gauge this faction, and see if it can be controled. Lastly inform them that we will soon be filling our court, and that we would like to include a representative or two from the moth monks. Anybody interested in a position should signal their intent by messenger at once, and travel to meet us as soon as they are done discussing the comet.
A month after the meeting, a small delegation arrives from the monastery, bringing with them a small library of scrolls and books for your personal use. With them, a Closed Fist representative has accompanied them.

Ming The Younger is the leader of the delegation and appears to fit your expectations. Dressed in the saffron robes and black sash, Ming represents the very embodiment of an orthodox monk. You can even smell the hint of incense as he moves. After a few conversations, you quickly conclude that Ming's appointment to your colony is more ceremonial. In truth it is the Closed Fist representative, Jan The Rose-Winged, who is in charge. Garbed in the lightweight combat-robes and turban, the Fist disciple maintains a respectful if cool demeanour towards you. While he is pleased with your observance of the Moon and Stars, it is clear that he still resents your royal status. He is however quite pleased with the tribute you have allocated to them, although he seems convinced that this is a permanent arrangement. In fact, the whole delegation seems to believe that the villages around the monastery have been ceded for their use. While not uncommon, such a practice may wound the colony's prestige.

Send proper and respectful announcements of our ascension to all our neighbors. Subtly hint, in the message sent to the Shogunate Warlords, that we adhere to the Moth Faith, and don't consider ourselves divine. Lets see what responses we draw.
Your southern neighbours are ambivalent and both warn you of each other's treachery. The Empress sends a small gift of saffron and bronze as a coronation gift. It is noted however, that both had sent representatives to your coronation.

The Shogunate daimos, for all their talks of revolution, are mostly ambivalent about your religion. A few send messages back imploring you to give up your throne, join their faction in the war or aid them in some other matters. One however catches your attention. Daimo Osh'i has sent a handwritten letter, explaining how rare it was to find a fellow Cultist ruling a territory. While he admits that your royal status causes some anger within him, he recognises that ensuring more people are enlightened is more important than petty politics. He finds your subtle insertion of Guru Yafa's Three Virtues in your proclamation most interesting and has queried you on several esoteric theological matters. Your monks have gladly helped you understanding the more convoluted issues. Overall, the daimo seems to desire deeper relations.

Daimo Oshi'i's lands are rich in iron and is home to many manufactories. Isolated, the daimo has survived attacks from all directions through so-called 'lightning attacks' and the use of eccentric machinery. His main colony is three colonys to your north.

Instruct Shinvo to explore the hive and quietly seek out individuals from all castes worthy of learning the faith. We want to ensure enlightened individuals continue to exist in our colony should the monastary prove uncooperative or completely corrupted by the closed fist.
Shinvo, as well as a few monks from the delegation, have followed your orders and begun missionary activities. This has caused a few complaints from the more traditional members of the community. Regardless, the delegation has begun teaching some gifted hivedwellers, although Tul advises that such activities could cause further trouble down the line. Specifically, from the elites, who rely on the Faith to maintain their rule, and the native priesthood.

I propose a private meeting with Lord Karthos. The following is the agenda.

-Ask him his reasoning behind trusting Osk and not trusting Vy. The files he gave us do not make this clear.
-Tell him that we agree the surface is a major concern, and that we will start recruiting and arming 2000 warriors from the ranks of our farmers at once. We will then draw 2000 members of our military caste from the tunnels and replace them with the armed farmers. Tell Karthos we intend to impose martial law on the surface using those soldiers from the tunnels as a start, and lacking better administrators we can trust, we would like him to run things. He is to head to the surface, figure out the best initial use for 2000 soldiers, and draw up a more long-term plan that includes a recommended number of soldiers to control the surface beyond the initial 2000. Once his 2000 soldiers arrive, he is to declare himself military governer, and use them to the best of his ability.
-If he feels comfortable serving as both our spy master and military governor, he is welcome to hold both roles. Otherwise, we would like him to recommend somebody to succeed him as Spy master.
-If he feels he is still capable of serving as our spy master, tell him we would like proper reports on the two Shogunate warloards that appear to be on our border according to the map. If he finds any nearby Shogunate faction that has its hands too full to deal with us, he has our blessing to begin recruiting and extracting high value defectors, such as breeders and military officers, from that group at once.
-Inform him that he gives up the spy master position, and lives long enough to better secure our claim to the surface, we will gladly give him the job back. Stress that us sending him to the surface is based on his history there, and our lack of other trustworthy agents to take the job, and should not be taken as a slight to his value at court.

Karthos bluntly explains that Nyz can be counted on to not invade our lands as she knows that she can't control it. Rather, Nyz is focusing her efforts in improving her hive and amber operations, as evidenced by the rather flimsy fortifications along your mutual borders. Furthermore, Karthos reveals that he has a spy in Nyz's palace, who often talks about Nyz's plan to invade the south.

His lack of trust towards Vy, he explains, is because of her vast population. Should Vy defeat Nyz, she could quickly populate the annexed territories and invade our lands- and actually colonise the surface with relative ease. Furthermore, her people are far more used to surface life than ours, and would be happy to take our lands and tunnels whereas Nyz in the same situation would settle for the tunnels.

Karthos, while happy with his appointment, admits that he couldn't possibly perform both roles at the same time. However, he is loath to give up his position as he believes few have what it takes to manage his network. He asks for two months to prepare a successor.

In other news, your mining expeditions have found nothing but wyrm lairs. Despite these setbacks, your miners continue to dig, hoping that they find something better in the future.

What do we know about the Empress?  General setting knowledge-wise and what our spymaster knows, as well.
While supposedly the Queen of Queens, the Empress has little real power over the race and her influence rarely extends from her palace. Most inhabitants of her territories are instead loyal to their local breeders, who themselves swear themselves act as minor queens. It is only the spiritual significance of the Imperial Territory that protects it from invasion and even that has been tested more than a few times.

Spoiler: The Colony (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: April 27, 2016, 09:36:27 pm by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Queen and Colony
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2016, 09:28:46 pm »

Alright, proposed agenda:

1. Closed Fist must be monitored CLOSELY.  We need info on leaders, numbers, geographical spread, and territories they're recruiting from. Ask Karthos to focus on them, and prepare his potential successor for that role as well.  For now, we play nice, ingratiate ourselves with the moth monks so at least the more orthodox members of the religion will not want our queen deposed.  Keep Jan the Rose-Winged under close watch.

2. For military leader, I'd be fine with either Kra-phe or Kardol, both seem to have more expertise with using quality over quantity.  If we are aiming to restore order to the surface portion of our demesne, I'm slightly leaning more towards Kardol.

3. As we learn more about the Cult of the Moon and Stars, let's use this knowledge to play Daimo Osh'i, I see potential for him as a patsy, especially as an indirect hammer against our other external enemies.

4. Definitely agree with Karthos' assessment of the two warring colonies, if we had to pick a winner, I'd go with Nyz, the one less primed for expansion. 

5. Have Nestrana Tul pick out certain officials and individuals in various levels of our colony's society to be our PERSONAL spies, answering directly and only to us.  We could certainly use, at the very least, an internal espionage organisation that we don't have to rely too much on Karthos.


Are wyrms in this universe still just dragons?  Is there any in-setting lore regarding them being tamed?  Cause I can see potential there as destructive bioweapons.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


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Re: Queen and Colony
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2016, 09:35:00 pm »

Wyrms= gigantic killer earthworms.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Queen and Colony
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2016, 09:36:25 pm »

So...if we were to dig specific collapsible tunnels, and then use the right sort of bait, we can lead them into enemy territory...
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


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Re: Queen and Colony
« Reply #22 on: April 27, 2016, 11:18:57 pm »

I'm thinking a different long-term plan, that goes like this.

1: Work on spreading the Moth Faith among our military
2: Pick and support a few Warlords from the Shogunate, get them into stable enough situations where they can become our allies
3: Purge the elites, install monks in their place, and declare ourself enlightened ruler of a government controled by wisdom rather than divine right. Bring in Shogunate soldiers and closed fist monks to help control the transition
4: Once we have the sort of government they can approve of, establish formal alliances with Shogunate Warlords. Perhaps even take some of them as our vassals.
5: We then unite the shogunate, and crush Luz Vy, the order we accomplish these things depends on which is more urgent when we get to that point.


My proposed actions:

Private meeting with Keep Jan the Rose-Winged
-Start by telling Jan that we feel we are an enlightened ruler trapped in the backwards office of queen. We would like to someday bring the colony to enlightenment, but as a benevolent ruler, it is our duty to ensure that the transition is as seamless as possible. Tell him we will support a Closed Fist revolution once the following conditions are met to ensure it succeeds with minimal disruption to the colony. 1: Our own forces are largely loyal, either to us directly or to the faith. 2: We have good relations with stable Shogunate Warlords, who may provide troops to aid the cause. 3: The colony is not openly at war with any of its neighbors at the time the revolution begins. 4: We shall govern for the rest of our life; From there on out, the monks may elect and advise any member of our race as leader.
-Instruct Jan to tone down the rhetoric, especially within the hive, for now. We will claim that the order embraces us as an enlightened queen, and they don't have to confirm this so long as they don't deny it. We don't want the elites get nervous - until we strike.
-Ask if the Closed Fist might be willing to spearhead an effort to take down 'Queen' Rekov Yutcho. It would be a good way to practice and advertise their ideology without frightening the elites in the hive. Perhaps even form alliances of convenience with some nobles to get rid of her, who can then be lulled into a false sense of security and later betrayed or even possibly converted to the cause once they trust the Closed Fist.
-If Jan seems agreeable to our ideas, Request that he and the other monks pressure Shinvo to kill himself, at which point we shall make Jan our personal Monk. We would also like to be inducted into the Closed Fist if such a thing is at all possible.


Arrange for some of our digging equipment manufacturers to travel to the lands of Daimo Osh'i, to meet and exchange knowledge with his machinists. Also consider the viability of a trade tunnel directly to his lands, carefully bypassing the colonies in between us.

Send Lord Kra-phe as an ambassador to Daimo Osh'i. Accept Tull's other two proposed candidates into our court.

Send word to Nyz Osk. Inform her that while we are not ready to go to war, we feel that her cause is just and worthy of our support. Inform her that we would like to meet on neutral ground, (perhaps the Monks or the Empress could host us), to discuss a treaty of friendship. Inform her that the main terms we seek is an end to her forces looting on our land, and a favorable trade agreement. Say that we would be willing to impose an embargo against trade with Vy.

If either of the warlords at our borders are among those who requested aid, send them a reasonable amount of food, digging equipment, and raw copper. If both of the neighboring warlords requested our aid, only support the larger one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Queen and Colony
« Reply #23 on: April 27, 2016, 11:35:09 pm »

I'm thinking a different long-term plan, that goes like this.

1: Work on spreading the Moth Faith among our military
2: Pick and support a few Warlords from the Shogunate, get them into stable enough situations where they can become our allies
3: Purge the elites, install monks in their place, and declare ourself enlightened ruler of a government controled by wisdom rather than divine right. Bring in Shogunate soldiers and closed fist monks to help control the transition
4: Once we have the sort of government they can approve of, establish formal alliances with Shogunate Warlords. Perhaps even take some of them as our vassals.
5: We then unite the shogunate, and crush Luz Vy, the order we accomplish these things depends on which is more urgent when we get to that point.


My proposed actions:

Private meeting with Keep Jan the Rose-Winged
-Start by telling Jan that we feel we are an enlightened ruler trapped in the backwards office of queen. We would like to someday bring the colony to enlightenment, but as a benevolent ruler, it is our duty to ensure that the transition is as seamless as possible. Tell him we will support a Closed Fist revolution once the following conditions are met to ensure it succeeds with minimal disruption to the colony. 1: Our own forces are largely loyal, either to us directly or to the faith. 2: We have good relations with stable Shogunate Warlords, who may provide troops to aid the cause. 3: The colony is not openly at war with any of its neighbors at the time the revolution begins. 4: We shall govern for the rest of our life; From there on out, the monks may elect and advise any member of our race as leader.
-Instruct Jan to tone down the rhetoric, especially within the hive, for now. We will claim that the order embraces us as an enlightened queen, and they don't have to confirm this so long as they don't deny it. We don't want the elites get nervous - until we strike.
-Ask if the Closed Fist might be willing to spearhead an effort to take down 'Queen' Rekov Yutcho. It would be a good way to practice and advertise their ideology without frightening the elites in the hive. Perhaps even form alliances of convenience with some nobles to get rid of her, who can then be lulled into a false sense of security and later betrayed or even possibly converted to the cause once they trust the Closed Fist.
-If Jan seems agreeable to our ideas, Request that he and the other monks pressure Shinvo to kill himself, at which point we shall make Jan our personal Monk. We would also like to be inducted into the Closed Fist if such a thing is at all possible.

That's an awful lot of social change, relying on a lot of forces and factions beyond our direct control.  We'd basically be chipping away at our own existing power base and handing it over to the Closed Fist and the shogunate.  Be interesting to see if it would work.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


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Re: Queen and Colony
« Reply #24 on: April 28, 2016, 03:29:31 am »

It does involve alot out outside forces beyond our control, but assuming the Closed Fist can be convinced to operate covertly, and are not the sort of religious nuts to go out and shout their intentions in the streets, it might actually be the least disruptive option.

It is highly likely the Closed Fist and the Nobility will start some shit during our reign, and staying neutral there is a good way to get killed; To the elites, we are a dirty moth worshiper, and to the Fist, we are the breeder elite that they rail against. Neither side as reason to trust is, so when the shit hits the fan, somebody will eventually decide to get rid of us. In that case, it is best to pick a side so we have allies. I think aligning with the Closed Fist will allow us to end the mess quicker and cleaner for several main reasons.

1: The Closed Fist will likely be the aggressor in the conflict, meaning that by siding with them we get some say in when they pull the trigger on their scheme, or at least some forewarning. If we leave the Fist to its own devices, we will have to play far more conservatively with troops and resources, because we don't know when or where the Fist will inevitably strike. The Elites are a reactionary force, trying to maintain status quo, so as long as we keep it a closely guarded secret that we intend to knife them, we shouldn't have to worry about them randomly rising up and mucking up our other plans until we strike.

2: It will be much easier for us to defeat our nobility than it will be to defeat the Closed Fist, which is a large organization spread across multiple colonies and has proven capable of bouncing back from a failed uprising before. We know who and where our nobles are, and a coordinated purge might even be enough to make destroying them a far more trivial issue than it seems. The foreign policy fallout would normally be a giant downside to kicking out the monarchy (the rest of Eurpoe didn't particularly care for the French Revolution), but right now most of our neighbors are either fighting each other or likely to react to our actions in a positive manner.

3: If we are not siding with the Closed Fist, our smartest move is to destroy them at once before they grow bigger or cause any trouble. Nothing good comes out of their continued existence unless we are on their side. I think, however, the last thing our military needs to be doing at this point is running about chasing Monks from their hidey-holes when we have a whole surface to secure.


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Re: Queen and Colony
« Reply #25 on: April 28, 2016, 03:41:23 am »

1. You're definitely right about having to pick a side.  The main problem with the Closed Fist winning though, even if we are on their side, is that at the very least, they will force our queen to stop being such.  I'm not sure I see any way to gain enough influence or respect in their organisation ( or the Cult of Moon and Stars religion as a whole ) to actually command any real power in the new command structure that would ensue following revolution.  They hate nobility, and the monarchy, and will in all probability want to prop up their leader ( whose identity we REALLY need to know )

2. You're also certainly right about the ineffectiveness of our military in dealing with an amorphous, asymmetrically organised force of strong combatants.  THey'll just go guerrilla on our numerically superior forces' asses.  What I think could be a decent countermeasure would be assassins.  Covert warriors, highly trained, and capable of infiltration.  The fact that we don't have any organisational infrastructure like that in place right now is precisely why I'd prefer some more conservative ruling in the meantime.  Any project that our queen would undergo right now, such as building up the army, securing the surface, expanding the underground, improving diplomatic relations, all that would be put on hold ( if not go to the shitter entirely ) if we decide to just flat out go Moth Priest Uprising.  Play it cautious, build up our power, resources and intel, whilst hiding our intentions to keep our enemies guessing, that's basically my entire suggested agenda.

Your approach is more dramatic, and would probably be really fun, these are just some concerns of mine.

NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


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Re: Queen and Colony
« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2016, 04:00:18 am »

1. You're definitely right about having to pick a side.  The main problem with the Closed Fist winning though, even if we are on their side, is that at the very least, they will force our queen to stop being such.  I'm not sure I see any way to gain enough influence or respect in their organisation ( or the Cult of Moon and Stars religion as a whole ) to actually command any real power in the new command structure that would ensue following revolution.  They hate nobility, and the monarchy, and will in all probability want to prop up their leader ( whose identity we REALLY need to know )

2. You're also certainly right about the ineffectiveness of our military in dealing with an amorphous, asymmetrically organised force of strong combatants.  THey'll just go guerrilla on our numerically superior forces' asses.  What I think could be a decent countermeasure would be assassins.  Covert warriors, highly trained, and capable of infiltration.  The fact that we don't have any organisational infrastructure like that in place right now is precisely why I'd prefer some more conservative ruling in the meantime.  Any project that our queen would undergo right now, such as building up the army, securing the surface, expanding the underground, improving diplomatic relations, all that would be put on hold ( if not go to the shitter entirely ) if we decide to just flat out go Moth Priest Uprising.  Play it cautious, build up our power, resources and intel, whilst hiding our intentions to keep our enemies guessing, that's basically my entire suggested agenda.

Your approach is more dramatic, and would probably be really fun, these are just some concerns of mine.

At the private meeting, we run this off them and ask if they are willing to keep us in power if we end the Monarchy. Unless they are stupidly un-pragmatic and honest (and if they are, I don't want to team with them), they are either going to say yes, or make a counteroffer we can consider. If they say yes, they could be lying, and I'd watch our backs for a bit when reach a position where we might have outlived our usefulness to them, but that wont come until after we knife the nobles, or just before we are ready to do so at the very earliest. Hell, we could be lying about wanting to align with them as well; The biggest thing we gain from this alliance is the ability to play it cautious and build up, as you suggested, without having to send our troops on regular monk hunts or be quite so paranoid about what the Closed Fist is up to.

We could just as easily screw them later as we could screw the nobles. The biggest goal here key here is using intrigue (which seems to be our biggest strength at the present) to hopefully buy us a peaceful early game.


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Re: Queen and Colony
« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2016, 04:16:00 am »

Alrighty then.  +1 to making overtures, as long as we don't rush into anything.  We need to get a tighter grip on our military as well, either directly ( your plan with spreading the cult faith will probably help with that ) or by getting serious leverage over the general we pick.  If shit eventually hits the fan, we need the warriors on our side. 

Also, seriously, let's create an assassin caste, from our sneakiest, most cunning warriors.  Think of the possibilities...
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


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Re: Queen and Colony
« Reply #28 on: April 28, 2016, 04:42:38 am »

I'm not sure how new castes are made. If I had to guess, it involves importing a male breeder with the desired traits and setting it up with an unfertilized female breeder. Is that correct GM? Also, on the topic, what, if any, baby making duties do we have?


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Re: Queen and Colony
« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2016, 05:54:09 am »

+1 to all the Pro-Iron Fist Business

I say we should actually go very diplomatic with the Iron fist, if we manage to convince them that beyond the obvious ruling of the monks, you need an elected emperor to deal with the worldy matters. So we should try to convince them to go charlemagne. So we should ally with some daimyos, and quickly take over the shogunate. If we have united them all under one banner, the iron fists still can attack our royal position, but if we align ourselves with the right players along the way they will accept us as an elected shogun. Not even the most powerful religion is able to withstand against the full united people, especially if that people is made up of already recognized leaders.

I think having a subsect like the iron fists is pretty neat to have, but you have to keep them at bay.

Why don't we ally with that one daimyio in secret, promising him some of the land we take together, while still being part of the empire officially. The empire should be kept off of the knowledge that we are expanding as long as possible. By the way nice game...
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