SandslashSandslash doesn't have a shell, they're supposed to have quills like a porcupine. Heres how DF does quills
PinsirBulbipedia calls his pinsers "horns" at one point. So you may want to treat them like horms (as opposed to tusks), but that difference is mainly cosmetic.
KangaskhanAll mammals make milk, but no one really drinks kangaroo milk. And I don't think anyone should try to drink giant armor plated territorial kangaroo milk
Vibrava and FlygonI'm not sure about a dragonfly pokemon pulling wagons.
WeedleShould also produce silk.
Vulpix/NinetalesThose pokemon are typically portrayed as sort of uppity well groomed pokemon. I don't think its very within their personality to be vermin hunters.
UrsangWhy would a bear pokemon pull wagons? Bears don't pull wagons.
AbsolThats a pretty regal pokemon. Not sure it would really chase down rats.
Wellspout/Weepinbell/VictreebellThey should have the sneak ability and ambush predator (as thats how they hunt).
Vigoroth/SlakingWagon pulling apes?
Skarmory Wagon pulling flying giant metal bird?
Minun/PlusleThey're rabits. Rabits don't hunt vermin. Some could even argue rabits are vermin.
SudowoodoOk, now a wagon pulling bonsai tree is ridiculous.
Kadabra/Alakazam You could give them the [EQUIPS] tag. Otherwise, to get them to have spoons you'd have to have a BP named spoon]. Also they are powerful psychics and wouldn't have the strength or inclination to pull wagons.
Murcrow (And evolutions)Should have item thief.
Oddish (and evolutions)They don't eat vermin. They're photosynthetic.
Drowsie and HypnoNeed a special hypnosis interaction.
LikitungNot every region needs a wagon puller. Making a common domestic type of pokemon (tauros would be best) would solve this weird wagon pulling thing.
Gulpin Now that's a vermin eater which makes sense.
Machoke/MachampNot every region needs a wagon puller.
Graveler/GolemI can see them pulling a wagon. More than living statues and giant metal birds.
Loudred/ExploudNot every region needs a wagon puller.
SnoruntThey're peaceful social creatures, it would be weird for them to hunt and kill vermin.
Ok I'm just gonna stop there because I think that my point has been made and there is still a lot to go.