Update 1: Some Commlinks and Many TechnologiesThe first thing we get is that a scout I had auto-ed toward a pod discovered Doctrine: Mobility files. We can now make speeders, the horsemen of Alpha Centauri, if you will.
Few very uneventful turns later, Social Artery is build; it's the base near those minerals I talked about in previous update.
Also, The Hive spawned the last Colony Pod so I told it to start working on Command Nexus which gives you Command Centers in every base for free.
Next turn we find another Artifact. Curses, I really need to get Network Nodes so I can finally open those.
Then we get more mindworms, attacking freshly trained Scout Patrol at Social Artery...
Next turn after that, we create People's Endeavor, the fourth base of The Hive.
Also, I decided to spend one of the Alien Artifacts to hurry up Command Nexus project; it cut off half the required time, neat.
Eeeespecially that our scout found yet another Artifact!
By 2129 we are like a spreading wildfire, and now we have 5 bases.
Ah yes, the Biogenetics. They allow us to build Recycling Tanks, which get us extra minerals and are eco-friendly (a tiny bit). Every base will have one, because 'It is every citizen's final duty to go to the tanks, and become one with all the people'.
Aren't we Hive-Humans efficient, teeheehee~
Oops, our scout fell through a dimensional gate hidden under a Unity pod.
6 Turns later and we get Information Networks! We can build Network Nodes and cash-in those artifacts we have.
And a Colony Pod trips over a Datapod next turn which earns us Centauri Ecology tech. Sweeet.
Look whom our unlucky dimensional-gate-tripping scout found.
I have accepted the offer. Then we also traded Doctrine: Mobility for her secrets on Nonlinear Mathematics.
Now it's time to switch channel to:
CEO Nwabudike Morgan!
As we do not have Planned economy (yet), he is OK with being our buddy. I gave him Biogenetics for map of Spartan territory, and then gave him Doctrine: Mobility for his Social Psych.
He also signed Pact of Friendship with us. Can we take it further?
D'aww, Morgan is best buddies with us <3
But here is something that worries me: the borderlands of Col.Santiago. Will we have to go to war soon? Or mayhaps Santiago can keep out of our lands?
I guess we will see about that in next update!