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Author Topic: Wild Mages: Dominic, The Naked Mage  (Read 85662 times)


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Re: Wild Mages: Dominic, The Summoner of Self Hatred
« Reply #750 on: July 07, 2016, 12:27:56 pm »

Alan roars loudly, beckoning Professor Cuddles back to him. If he spies Professor Cuddles in danger, he immediately rushes to the aid with a relatively low temperature blast of fire; low enough to not affect the crocodilian dragon, but enough to kill any dangers to the pet. He inhales deeply through his nostrils, attempting to somehow discern the scent of his target, wherever he is, from the other scents around him.

Alan was fighting an inwards battle now. Nothing too big; not an identity crisis, or something like that. No. He was worried. About his name.

People don't quite fear the name ALAN. People don't cower in fear of "Alan... the evil dragon king". No. People were scared of names like Malicus, Evilicus, and Dreadicus. Alan wondered; what should he call himself now. Probably didn't matter. People would invent their own names for him. And he probably couldn't speak. He'd have to try that sometime.

Your beconing call leaves something to desire for. It seems you need to practice roaring a bit more. Perhaps somewhere alone where nobody can hear your bad attempts. Anyway, moments later Professor Cuddles springs to the skies behind buildings and lands on nearby rooftop. It creaks under his weight, threatening to give in. He's actually smaller than you now. Small enough that you could carry him on your back with minor difficulties.

The smells that enter into your nose are decidedly more detailed than ever before. Fire, smoke, delicious burned flesh, hundreds humans, sick and healthy, rotting sewage, rats, dogs, cats... All kind of new smells you easily identify. But not your target. Actually, you don't even know his smell. That makes tracking him down bit more difficult.

As for your inner fight, you have thick and flexible tongue. You could probably imitate all kinds of noises like a parrot.

"Use yours mother there is less chance of something going wrong I live if you do it."
Your last words are buried under a loud... roar? It's like when a teenager tries to sound manly and strong but his voice breaks and betrays him. There's probably an intent behind it, but it ain't clear. Or even particularly threatening for that matter.

Mother stares stairs up before nodding and focusing on magic, thinking how to do it with least amount of backlash. Then you find yourself suddenly on top of the stairs leading into the hidden cellar. After hesitating a moment you descend the stairs again. You find her in the cellar looking at a book and casting a spell. Déjà-vu? The table the book was on turns blue. Your mother studies the table, the book and herself few confused seconds.

"This is not what I expected 1 to be at all." She turns to you worried. "Are you allright? Did magic do something to you?"

"Give it... A moment..."
The throbbing pain doesn't appear to leave you any time soon. You clench your fists hard to distract yourself from the pain and rise your gaze. Your new eye sees world differently from the another. Black waves washes over the room many times each second, scanning for changes, numerous black knots on walls observe ongoings here carefully, feeding information to the fortress. Tlaco before you is nothing but infinitely complex darkness focused on you. She twists her hands restlessly, wanting to do something to help you. The electrified scaps of cloth floating around her have their strict orbits unfold before you, hundreds paths they can take to protect anything from approching the dress they are attached to, wing shapes they default to when the dress is falling clearly visible behind. Behind her in another room unbreakable cage of containment circle and thin treads of dispel array ready to rip apart anything made of magic.

Then you look at the lone Die of Order resting on the table. Your natural left eye sees it. The True Eye does not.

"Okay. I think we're safe from our friends now, CenTreepede, you can slow down. Guys, we wild mages really are a danger to friend and foe alike. I continue to seriously question the nature of our mission. And that thing about the chaos emissary. And all kinds of other things. Welcome to the team, statue. Now, what shall I call you? Enchanted Statue is too ordinary, and Horrible Example, while being true to my intention in creating you and dragging you around like this, doesn't quite have the proper ring to it.

Dominic slows CenTreepede to a calmer stride and attempts to aim it toward the capital, preferably going into the woods at a point nearthe city but out of sight and stopping where we have a reasonable view but aren't conspicuous. I know this is asking much, but we'll try it.

Along hte way, and once we find a decent little camping spot, Dominic ponders the meaning of all this, piecing together clues from his various experiences, especially a) the dream that gave him his quest, b) the more recent dream of a chaos emissary, and c) his interactions with Soleus. Oh and his pamphlet on Wild magic and the poem from the base of his statue.

There isn't any woods around this city. It's grassland and gently rolling hills as far as eye sees. And cows. They raise cows here. Or some other bovine species. Asking for inconspicuous location is quite too much. A massive piece of rock falling like meteorite does ask for attention. Not from bovines, no. They are moving directly away. But from a party of horsemen approaching from the city. Time to skedaddle away, now isn't time to be picky for hiding places.

You navigate CenTreepede through all low areas always keeping something taller than you between you and rest of the world. You keep going until you lose your sense of direction and keep going even after that. You finally stop at someone elses camping spot. A ring of square rocks to host a campfire, now hosting only ash. One lonely bedroll. No one in sight. It's probably as good as any you are going to find.

Now then, pulling clues together... Well, the dream quest. A major task to produce eternal life to all people. Why? Surely not because of goodness of the entity wearing face of dog. It clearly must benefit it somehow. A change, as it said. Breaking rules. Defying order. The Order. What or who benefits from that? Chaos does. Change is the very basic concept of Chaos. Unpredictable constant change. Your quest will benefit Chaos. Was it Chaos itself who you brokered a deal with? Maybe. As a wild mage you are essentially agent of Chaos anyway, so what you are doing is just taking it up a notch.

Next the vision of the emissary. That was less a dream and more a memory, you think. A memory from past. Very distant past, because you don't remember hearing anything about Emissaries of Chaos ever. Forgotten past even. Forgotten intentionally or accidentally? No way of knowing. However it made it clear it will be back. That someone will open the way again. Did someone already do it? Or is what you are currently made to do it? It claimed immortality in abyss. Nothing of what you know about anything conforms to that. It appears that a lot of important knowledge has been lost to ravages of time.

Thirdly, Soleus. Self proclaimed mage of order. He said he had a dream quest too. Probably from the very same entity. He said his task was to ensure others would do theirs. Plural. You are not the only one with a task from Chaos. Multiple mages doing multiple tasks, probably each different. From nature of your own quest you would say they all aim to change rules. A fundamental push for change, for chaos. Without knowing all facts here, you could presume that increased chaos only makes Chaos stronger. Despite what he said about his task he's still letting you go and not chasing after, entirely ignoring what his job was. Did he lie? Unkown. Maybe. Perhaps if you were to make contact with other mages Chaos assigned tasks for you could make more sense of this.

Lastly, the pamphlet and its modified counterpart. You read the now bloodied pamphlet once again to refresh your memory and then its... Oh would you look at that. You left the statue pedestal at Soleus's front yard. Too hasty retreat. Oh well, gotta work with what you remember. Both were results of 3. Basically incomplete. But if you put two incomplete things together what do you get? Something. The pamphlet is incomplete truth, you think. Only well known facts. Or facts that people think are facts. Just because observed facts correlate, it doesn't mean that underlying rule is understood correctly.

Binding all thoughts together produces something to think for. Basically Chaos is attacking Order on multiple fronts and... apparently Order isn't doing anything about it. Your knowledge of things is sorely lacking or outright wrong. It appears that past long forgotten contains answers and knowledge that were forgotten... long time ago. If you want to get full understanding of the current situation, you need more information. Get it from those who have it. From other mages, or from magic itself. Clearly magic has all the answers, and if you catch it on a good mood it may even tell you. Which is another interesting thing. Wild magic is apparently better in touch with basic nature of Chaos than the Chaos entity giving quests around. What's the deal with that?

Spoiler: Coolrune206 - Alan (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: CenTreepede (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Laudata (click to show/hide)
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.


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Re: Wild Mages: Dominic, The Summoner of Self Hatred
« Reply #751 on: July 07, 2016, 12:42:05 pm »


Well there's only one reaction to this.


So.  Chaos.  Cannot see Dice of Order.

At all."

Relay this to the others.

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: Wild Mages: Dominic, The Summoner of Self Hatred
« Reply #752 on: July 07, 2016, 12:52:50 pm »

Alan groaned inwardsly. "Damnit, Sharkman. You couldn't just tell me where my target is, or give me any hints?"

He then attempts to cast some magic. He attempts to cast a locate spell for a "Soleus Arendar", despite not knowing if such a thing existed.

He also beckons Professor Cuddles to take position on his back, and flexes his wings cautiously, testing them to see how easy flight may be.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: Wild Mages: Dominic, The Summoner of Self Hatred
« Reply #753 on: July 07, 2016, 06:33:56 pm »

"Oh boy. I think I might be trying to summon a horrible, intelligent monstrosity bent on destruction and conquest into the world, rather than helping people live lives of peace without the threat of war and death. And I've already planted one of the trees. If I don't even the balance, that kingdom will expand, possibly to conquer all. Before it too is destroyed by this emissary. I need to think. And maybe find some help.  I don't want to destroy all life on the planet. Not even for a cute ball of kitteny goodness.

But is Order any better? Are there alternatives? Balance? I need a sage. or a priest."

Dominic casts Locate Smart people Who Know About These Things And Can help Me Make An Informed Decision About My Quest.

Dominic is either terrible, or really good, at naming spells.


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Re: Wild Mages: Dominic, The Summoner of Self Hatred
« Reply #754 on: July 08, 2016, 02:44:04 am »

Soleus has been very contemplative since Dominic left. Was he himself really like this when he was a Wild Mage ?

He would sigh if his emotion control would allow him to.

Once Dominic is dropped, resend the island on a proper course toward the nearest node. In the meantime, use quantum probability analysis to estimate the future roll of the following action : improve elevation platform to meet greater safety norms and allow for movement without an operator standing on.


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Re: Wild Mages: Dominic, The Summoner of Self Hatred
« Reply #755 on: July 08, 2016, 11:59:46 am »

Summon a magical artifact.


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Re: Wild Mages: Dominic, The Summoner of Self Hatred
« Reply #756 on: July 11, 2016, 01:10:19 pm »

Sorry for sudden lack of turns. Start of my summer vacation threw all kinds of wrenches into the schedule.


Well there's only one reaction to this.


So.  Chaos.  Cannot see Dice of Order.

At all."

Relay this to the others.
Assume information shared. Soleus and Samuel do not seem to react. Perhaps they already knew it?

Tlaco is getting restless. "Are you done? Can I heal you already?"

Alan groaned inwardsly. "Damnit, Sharkman. You couldn't just tell me where my target is, or give me any hints?"

He then attempts to cast some magic. He attempts to cast a locate spell for a "Soleus Arendar", despite not knowing if such a thing existed.

He also beckons Professor Cuddles to take position on his back, and flexes his wings cautiously, testing them to see how easy flight may be.
3. Approximate location of "Soleus Arendar" is about 500 km to 1500 km to east.

Professor Cuddles jumps into air causing the building he landed on collapse. He flies around you and lands heavily on your back. You can feel how his claws dig into cracks between scales. It... hurts. A little. His weight is not inconsiderable. It might make take off somewhat harder. Time to test that.

You take a step forward to give your wings more free space and try them out. First careful flaps to find out how they move, then few more to find natural, instinctual movement, and at last few swings at full force within limited space sending anything not nailed down flying. It feels like doing push ups with a toddler on your back. Doable, easier even than normal human pushups (you can feel infinite endurance of your muscles), but you still feel like the first flight should be done without any hindrances. Besides Professor Cuddles has wings of his own and has proven he can fly just fine. If he can't keep up with you, then he can hitch ride on your shoulders.

"Oh boy. I think I might be trying to summon a horrible, intelligent monstrosity bent on destruction and conquest into the world, rather than helping people live lives of peace without the threat of war and death. And I've already planted one of the trees. If I don't even the balance, that kingdom will expand, possibly to conquer all. Before it too is destroyed by this emissary. I need to think. And maybe find some help.  I don't want to destroy all life on the planet. Not even for a cute ball of kitteny goodness.

But is Order any better? Are there alternatives? Balance? I need a sage. or a priest."

Dominic casts Locate Smart people Who Know About These Things And Can help Me Make An Informed Decision About My Quest.

Dominic is either terrible, or really good, at naming spells.
That may be better as description for the spell. It's not like any mages actually write down names for spells because there ain't anything to study or remember. Spell casting is natural like writing (after you have learned to write, of course). Once you know what you want you just do it. And like with writing, you need to focus on it.

3. What you seek is on east, somewhere on The Spine. Suppose it makes for sages to live in dangerous and inhospitable places.

Also it makes sense for someone to arrive on this precise moment. The man walks from behind the hill on top it and sees you. He's a dark tanned lean man, wearing only loose leather pants, sporting long black hair tied on ponytail and a short equally black beard. He has a longbow, spear and probably a knife. And other stuff hanging from his belt. His chest and biceps are black with tattoos. He stops to study you for two long seconds before pulling his bow and fires an arrow at you.

At the same moment your animated statue kicks you off from your seat and falls protectively on you, effectively sandwitching you between hard wood and hard rock. It feels uncomfortable. Very.

Soleus has been very contemplative since Dominic left. Was he himself really like this when he was a Wild Mage ?

He would sigh if his emotion control would allow him to.

Once Dominic is dropped, resend the island on a proper course toward the nearest node. In the meantime, use quantum probability analysis to estimate the future roll of the following action : improve elevation platform to meet greater safety norms and allow for movement without an operator standing on.
Dominic improved its safety a bit just before messing up the place. But it can always be better.


In case you didn't notice it, Arken Frost sent a message about Chaos and Dice of Order on this turn.

Summon a magical artifact.
Something random, huh? Why not.

6. A window frame with thick edges appears. It looks like made of oak, but is far too smooth. It doesn't even smell like wood. Your hot left arm makes its surface soft and pliable. From the front side the frame is filled with unfathomable deep darkness, but from backside it looks completely normal empty frame. The funny thing about it is that you can easily resize it by pulling and pushing its edges and the darkness within grows and shrinks with it.

In case you didn't notice it, Arken Frost sent a message about Chaos and Dice of Order on this turn.

Spoiler: Coolrune206 - Alan (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: CenTreepede (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Laudata (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 11, 2016, 01:44:01 pm by AoshimaMichio »
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.


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Re: Wild Mages: Dominic, The Summoner of Self Hatred
« Reply #757 on: July 11, 2016, 01:13:13 pm »

"Well, whatever it is, this thing allows me to see Chaos magic.  But not Order.  So that's weird.

I, um, think I'd better just get a five...Um, can I check your queue?"

((You're missing the dice.))

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: Wild Mages: Dominic, The Summoner of Self Hatred
« Reply #758 on: July 11, 2016, 01:18:02 pm »

Alan growls to Professor Cuddles and shakes his back a little, signaling for the smaller dragon to remove itself from his back.

With that, Alan takes off, and uses his innate animal senses to locate the poles of the world. He then estimates the rough direction he must fly in, and begins moving at top speed to that location, taking care not to crash, and attempting to maintain a rather high altitude. He makes sure Professor Cuddles is following him.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: Wild Mages: Dominic, The Summoner of Self Hatred
« Reply #759 on: July 11, 2016, 01:47:12 pm »

"Well, whatever it is, this thing allows me to see Chaos magic.  But not Order.  So that's weird.

I, um, think I'd better just get a five...Um, can I check your queue?"

((You're missing the dice.))
Oh damn it. I was certain I pasted status spoilers in but apparently didn't. Whatever, fixed now.

So you are asking Tlaco to figure out her full queue? You need to lend her all your dice for that, assuming you trust her that much. With one Die she can't figure out any more than next roll.
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.


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Re: Wild Mages: Dominic, The Summoner of Self Hatred
« Reply #760 on: July 11, 2016, 09:01:50 pm »

Dominic orders the doombox to sing to this new guy, and orders the statue ot defend him from a standing position. Dominic climbs to his feet and stands behind the statue.

"Wow. You're like, the second thing I've animated that isn't hostile to me. You are even protective. Wow."


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Re: Wild Mages: Dominic, The Summoner of Self Hatred
« Reply #761 on: July 11, 2016, 09:24:27 pm »

If I lent her my first three dice, would I keep the 5?  Additionally, can I re-insert her dice in my queue anywhere or just on one end or the other?  Additionally additionally, does her queue actually extend to 10 dice?  Additionally additionally additionally, would the rolls persist if she had no Dice to represent them?
« Last Edit: July 11, 2016, 09:28:37 pm by TheBiggerFish »

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: Wild Mages: Dominic, The Summoner of Self Hatred
« Reply #762 on: July 13, 2016, 09:43:51 am »

If I lent her my first three dice, would I keep the 5?  Additionally, can I re-insert her dice in my queue anywhere or just on one end or the other?  Additionally additionally, does her queue actually extend to 10 dice?  Additionally additionally additionally, would the rolls persist if she had no Dice to represent them?
Yes. Yes. Depends. Yes.

The Dice is just a way to see how magic reacts in future. Number of Dice you posess represents merely how far you see. I assume that in between turns you always roll them all and memorize the result, assuming it is physically possible. If you roll one Die, you always get result of next spell. Roll two, and you get results of next two spells. Even if you physically rearrange Dice it doesn't change anything. Future doesn't change even if you move few objects around. So you can give her all your dice, let her roll and memorize the outcome and get them back. The question marks in Tlaco's queue are there just to indicate presence of undiscovered future rolls.

Which is what I assume you are doing here:

"Well, whatever it is, this thing allows me to see Chaos magic.  But not Order.  So that's weird.

I, um, think I'd better just get a five...Um, can I check your queue?"

((You're missing the dice.))
Ignoring throbbing pain in your replaced eye you place rest of your Dice onto the table and retreat backwards letting Tlaco try them out. She rolls them and as usual the Dice ends up in neat row.

"Six, four, five... I could spend the six to fix my clothes and heal you with next spell. Four should work fine."

Alan growls to Professor Cuddles and shakes his back a little, signaling for the smaller dragon to remove itself from his back.

With that, Alan takes off, and uses his innate animal senses to locate the poles of the world. He then estimates the rough direction he must fly in, and begins moving at top speed to that location, taking care not to crash, and attempting to maintain a rather high altitude. He makes sure Professor Cuddles is following him.
Dragons are not exactly gentle creatures and Professor Cuddles' take off from your back feels nasty even if it tries to be careful. Eh, it probably heals on its own. You ready yourself for take off, letting instincts guide you. Wings up wide, one running step, kicking upper body up into air, jumping, wings down and you are flying. Well, scraping tops of tallest buildings. Oh crap that bell tower is on the way howyouturninmidaircraptoolate!

You manage turn into vertical position and slam your entire weight onto the tower somewhat gracefully. The tower cracks, shakes and starts bending over. Without missing your pace you use it as a springboard and launch yourself even higher up, and this time you don't hit anything. Open empty air welcomes your presence. Welcome! Fly higher! Air belongs to you! Flying with your own strength is something entirely new and pleasing. Occasional levitation spells just do not compare. This is outclassing everything you have done before by far.

You climb higher and higher. The city below shinks, everything shrinks into small and insignificant. Up into clouds you ascend, their mist cooling your scales. Up and above them, into perpetual sunlight. Clouds look quite fluffy and white from up here, you note. Unexpected. But in a way very natural. This is the way you are supposed to look clouds. Higher you go, until you notice it is starting to get harder. Well, suppose that's good enough. You can enjoy some quality gliding time on your way.

You fly in circles and figure out directions while waiting Professor Cuddles to catch up with you. It seems you are much faster than him. You set out to east as soon as he caughts up with you, gradually accelerating until he grabs on your tail and just glides behind you. Feels weird, but at least this way you don't have to wait for him.

Dominic orders the doombox to sing to this new guy, and orders the statue ot defend him from a standing position. Dominic climbs to his feet and stands behind the statue.

"Wow. You're like, the second thing I've animated that isn't hostile to me. You are even protective. Wow."
It turns out doombox is oriented slightly wrong way, blasting its voice at your direction rather than the enemy. You silence it right away, order your golem stand up and be as menacing as a guy with crushed head can be. In meanwhile you you crawl back to the doombox, reorient it and let it sing a song of soon to be deaf people. And god damn it is loud, even when aimed in correct direction. The bowman, whose camp this probably is by the way, drops his weapons and rolls behind the hill. You spot a pair of dogs running down the hill stumbling over and trashing. Your ears are already hurting so you can only imagine what that guy might be feeling. Well, you know what he's feeling. You have experienced this before.

Well then, everybody and their dead grandmas knows you're here now. Might be good idea to do something about it.

Quote from: Nakéen
You reach the approximate area of southmost node. There's few hundred square kilometers to cover, but you persume it will be easier to find this time.

Spoiler: Coolrune206 - Alan (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: CenTreepede (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Laudata (click to show/hide)
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.


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Re: Wild Mages: Dominic, The Summoner of Self Hatred
« Reply #763 on: July 13, 2016, 10:42:20 am »

Why have I never done this BEFORE?

Alan flaps his wings a few times to accelerate in an attempt to neutralize the slowing effect of Professor Cuddles, then extends his wings and glides to his destination.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: Wild Mages: Dominic, The Summoner of Self Hatred
« Reply #764 on: July 13, 2016, 03:55:31 pm »

"Well, it sure beats getting shot!"

Dominic turns off Doombox, remounts CenTreepede, and calls back the statue, to mount up again as well. We then head toward the Spine Mountains and wisdom.

"Let's get this one out of the way. I have a feeling we're gonna need a slightly better roll soon."

Dominic casts 'Regrow That Guy's Hearing' at the bowman who saw fit to shoot first and ask questions later of the guy wielding an organic construct made of trees, an inorganic construct honoring the death of a Wild Mage, and a box of super fucking loudness. And also a crapsack.

"I tell ya, guys, I am torn as to whether I care if that guy actually gets his hearing back or not. I feel bad for invading his space, but he fucking shot at me! Well, he missed, anyway, thanks to you, so no harm, no foul."
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