"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here." This is an RTD based largely on Dante's Inferno. Warning: If players haven't read it or it's been a while since reading it I would recommend to avoid reading it until after the game, as it will have a lot of spoilers while also giving you no in-game advantage.
PlotDan T. Alighieri, a poet, thirty-five years old, and thus "halfway along our life's path" finds himself lost in a dark wood in front of a mountain, assailed by three beasts - a lion, a leopard and a wolf he cannot evade. Unable to find the right way to salvation, he is conscious that he is ruining himself and falling into a "deep place" where the sun is silent. Unbeknownst to Dan, God has shown mercy on him and sent powerful angels representing virtues down into hell to find save him. But hell is full of corruption and dangerous both physically and morally. Can the Virtues find Dan and bring him back without losing themselves in a world of sin? Above the Gates of hell reads a sign "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."
VirtuesTemperance NRDLBring Non-violence, forgiveness, humility and modesty, restraint from excesses, anger; calmness and self-control.
Prudence Ozarck Have foresight wisdom, insight, and knowledge
Courage MidnightJaguarConfront agony, pain, danger, uncertainty or intimidation.
Justice Lermfish AbstractTraitorHeroConviction to give everyone his or her rightful due.
Rules[1]-Crit Fail
[3]-Slight fail or success
[5]-Crit Success
[6]-Success with a consequence
+1 to rolls related to your virtue or well thought out actions.
-1 to rolls that go against virtues or poorly thought out actions.
(Bonuses do not affect crits. Bonus scores withheld)