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Author Topic: (SG) The Redleaf Epic (Formerly Widow: A Duchess Scorned)  (Read 65371 times)


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #225 on: April 19, 2016, 05:45:11 am »

I feel like trying to arrest Glen might be pushing our luck. We do have exceedingly high Deception skill if we want to lie through our nose to Glen about the Strongcurrents being moles or the Gulfs being deposed for secretly supporting us or something, but remember that lies tend to work best at first and fall apart later on.

We probably should call out Redding on escalating the situation (in private), but I'd go with a more "you're supposed to be the schemer on my side, please try not to lose your temper around the obviously murderous psychopath technically in my employ" speech.

I agree with this.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #226 on: April 19, 2016, 02:27:07 pm »

What? SORRY SORRY I meant to secure Glen's prisoners and demand Glen and Redding talk with us in private.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #227 on: April 19, 2016, 08:38:31 pm »

Gentlemen, I guess that there is an important decision that we should take before a turn:

In case a fight erupts, on which side are we?

I'd rather choose whoever is more rational. That means that I would side against Glen.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #228 on: April 20, 2016, 12:09:10 am »

I don't think this is a question of sides; either we "side" with Glen by ordering him not to kill Redding or Joy, or we "side" with Redding by taking on thirty armored soldiers attempting to murder our family. Glen is insane and harming our interests, but he has the clear upper hand unless we've got that tentacle beast lying in reserve.

More granularly, if Glen and Redding get into it, Joy is almost certainly going to get into it on Redding's side; it's possible neither Glen nor his forces will dare harm our heir, but I wouldn't bank on it. This might or might not drag Dean and our goblin into it also, and if it does they'll obviously be coming down on Joy's side.

So... we have no good options, and a fight breaking out is an unmitigated disaster. I was leaning towards explosioning the shit out of Glen as fast as we're able to in order to break morale and composure, but even that's basically an attempt to break hostilities long enough to disarm them with words.

If it turns into an actual, unavoidable fight... if Glen's soldiers are clustered and not in full plate, Troublemakering them could thin them out or just disrupt them enough to give us an edge. If the rest of his hundred soldiers are in earshot of explosions, and I suspect Glen's crazy enough for that to be the case, then we'd still be in serious trouble. Chokepointing the door while taking Glen hostage would probably be the thing to do here.

Bonus point: There is a nonzero chance some of these soldiers were loyal to Sylvester and pressed into Glen's service. That might make them more amenable to our orders or situation when things start getting hectic.

So I guess my official stance is Explosion Glen To Second Chance Talking Everyone Down -> Explosion Soldiers While Screaming For Tentacle Demon If We Have One -> You Have Died.

Our other major option would be "siding with Glen" via Tell Glen Not To Kill Redding -> Tell Glen Not To Kill Joy -> God Fucking Damn It. I'm even less a fan of that one.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #229 on: April 20, 2016, 12:37:54 am »

A few more things on our present situation:

Excellent: Demon Lore, Lore of Goblin History
Great: Herbalism, Deception, Goblin Manners, All Other Non-Exotic Lore
Good: Demonic Manners, Courtly Manners, Intimidation
Decent: Handguns
Deception is Great, Courtly Manners and Intimidation are both Good. I'd rather try to disarm things "normally," but especially if things get worse these are the primary tools we have to work with.

The once youthful Count Horton looks to have put on another fifteen years since he reunited you with your family and assigned you an escort to Groghall.


"Oh my sweet Redding, you should just relax. I can't just forgive those who would denounce Sylvester; that would be akin to dancing on his grave."
Looking back at this, it seems like Glen might be crazy along somewhat visible lines. This is noteworthy because if he's really being haunted by his inability to save Sylvester and/or the fact that everyone's turned against him, there's a chance we could bend him off the path of single-minded murder and towards more productive aims just by talking to him and giving him a different way to honor Sylvester's memory and reclaim Sylvester's legacy.

Speaking of which, what would that be? It might be a bit premature to figure out what we're going to say to Glen in private, but we already have a vague current plan (order everyone to stop) and I've given my stance on the panic plan (explosions everywhere).
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #230 on: April 20, 2016, 04:33:52 am »

Perhaps make sure it is obvious to everyone, specifically Glen and Redding, that starting a bloodbath between loyalists is the single best way to dishonour Sylvester's memory, harm those whom Sylvester held most dear and allow Sylvester's murderer to go unpunished.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2016, 04:53:43 am by Kashyyk »


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #231 on: April 20, 2016, 05:44:36 am »

So, a good contingency if we can't calm Glen is to invoke Sylvester's name and cause? So that at least we change his current state of mind to something that involves less murder and more sadness?

By the way, what are our feelings regarding Glen? Do we hate him for what he did? Do we still respect him as a general? This is more of a question to the GM I guess.


I change my vote to keeping all three demons


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #232 on: April 20, 2016, 10:40:48 am »

So, a good contingency if we can't calm Glen is to invoke Sylvester's name and cause? So that at least we change his current state of mind to something that involves less murder and more sadness?

By the way, what are our feelings regarding Glen? Do we hate him for what he did? Do we still respect him as a general? This is more of a question to the GM I guess.

You have long since made peace with your husband and Glen's interactions. What you hold against him most is his neglect of Miri, who isn't nearly as good about standing up for herself as you are. Glen was very protective and possessive of Sylvester, however, and you strongly suspect that he dislikes you more than you dislike him.

Glen was too young to participate in the war against the Kinkaids and the mighty clans, and since then all the battles fought by the forces of Redleaf Duchy have been at the western front, so you never got to witness him command troops in person. His skills are highly praised by your family (Bonedust Lands are right on top of the frontlines, and since your marriage, Redleaf Duchy forces have usually stationed at forts under Bonedust control), and both your husband and Phineas Kinkaid (Who dislikes the Hortons as a rule and wouldn't give Glen praise if it wasn't deserved) have told you that his skills compare favorably to those of his father, which is about as great a compliment as one could give a military officer in Redleaf Duchy. So yeah, you respect him as a general.

2334th Year of Man, 5th Month, 1st Day:


Feeling bad for your poor neglected ghoul, you instruct Wednesday to snoop around town for divine casters and druids. Wednesday notes that a task so large and open ended will not be accomplished quickly, and that she drop in a few times a week to give you any report anything she might find, and to make sure that you don't have a more pressing task to assign her.

2334th Year of Man, 5th Month, 2nd Day:


You tell the Sorrow's Daughter that her name is Lilly, and that she will be living with your servants. Lilly then allows you to bind her into your service. The demon promises to earn both your favor and better living quarters. Your summoning skill is well honed to the point where you can gain a reasonable feel for a demon once you have it contracted. Lilly seems to be somewhat of a spoiled demon child, having spent most of her life under her mother's care, learning the courtly manners of several mortal races and how to play several instruments. Like all Sorrow's Daughters, Lilly can latch onto the soul of anybody who acts kindly towards her out of pity, highjacking their mind and body while she digests their spirit; Once a Sorrow's Daughter finishes eating a soul, she has the victim, now a mostly useless puppet incapable of acting on its own without constant direct orders, kill itself. Lilly is incapable of physical or magical growth on her own; Sorrow's Daughters are often used like cattle by the stronger emotion demons who create them, and are typically drained of energy or even eaten once they gather enough souls. Deciding that she will not be of much use dealing with the other demons, you send Lilly away to get set up in the servant's quarters.

Finding the terms offered by Starling to be acceptable, you bind him to them. Noting that his appearance is clearly demonic in nature, you instruct him to set up residence in Groghall's basement for now. The Star Beast notes that on weekend nights he will likely spend some time outside to read the heavens, but begins to make himself at home. Starling appears as a levatating uncut gem a bit larger than a human head, with an animated image of the night sky reflected on its surface. Like Lilly, you are able to get a good read on Starling, and find this demon to be significantly more dangerous. Starling can take a battle forms, which appear as large feline or lupine predators, and fight with teeth and claw infused with its own light energy. In well lit areas, it can also mold light into beams or blades with which to attack its foes. Directly wielding light is something no mortal can accomplish without the correct Divine Magic, but as your daughter is a member of the Steel Sisterhood, you know a bit about its strengths and limitations; Weaponized light can pierce through most armors, but a well polished surface can mitigate, block, or even reflect it. Luckily Starling knows a bit of earth magic to muddy up his targets if they are too sparkly.

Starling also has some useful skills outside of battle as well; Like all Star Beasts he is a master of reading omens in the night sky, which although vauge can sometimes be useful. Omens must be taken with a grain of salt however, as Star Beasts (along with a few other entities) can make minor changes to the night sky, such as changing the color of light from a heavenly body or generating false stars to burn for a few weeks. Aside from the skills shared by all Star Beast, Starling has a few talents of his own. He is an alchemist, capable of transmuting mundane metal into more miraculous materials. As he lacks the proper digits for fine motor skills, he will likely need an assistant for some Alchemy projects, and you will need a smith capable of working whatever material he makes once he finishes.

As soon as you bind the tentacle demon, it bolts for the door to go and feed, promising to be back to begin its service as agreed upon in about a week, two at the most. As it left so quickly, you are unable to get a great read on it. Like most tentacle demons, it was specifically made to serve mortals on the mortal realm, and as such has no real agenda of its own beyond feeding and occasionally reproducing or indulging its bloodlust. Whatever telepathy it has seems to be involuntary; it likely is programmed to hone in on its master's mind, and until you bound it to a contract it had defaulted to you as the strongest summoner in the area.

You consider the risks of fishing with Dublin, and how best to mitigate them. An Inquisitor of his skill should have no issue destroying the vast majority of lesser demons, and your summoning is honed to the point where you should at least be able to gauge the general strength of what you are pulling in. This leaves major dangers. First are the rare demons that Dublin would actually be at a disadvantage against; Some demons have traits that make the magic of the inquisition useless against them, most common amoung these are the Nullifiers, which are immune to all magic, the Sparkeaters, which feed on divine energy, and Demons of Silence, which would prevent Dublin from performing the incantations required. Although common by comparison within the Kingdom, where a dark mage might run into an inquisitor, none of these demon types occur with great frequency in their own realms. Some demons are also fast and strong enough to hypothetically harm you or Dublin before he has time to react, but since the vast majority of beings are briefly stunned when dragged unexpectedly to another realm, this is unlikely to happen.

The other, more serious, risk is that of a stronger demon detecting your fishing operation, and concealing its true power in hopes that you will bite off more than you can chew. If you pull up a major demon, it could easily be too much for a single inquisitor to handle. This risk can be reduced by not fishing one realm for too long, so that nobody catches on to what you are doing, or by fishing in areas where you are likely to find demons particularly vulnerable to Dublin's magic; Incorporeal Demons are among the most dangerous under most circumstances, as few things can hurt them, but even the mightiest among them are easily destroyed, and even more easily banished or sealed, by the divine magic of Mikael.

With that in mind, it is likely safest to fish a ream of wind or a realm of shadow, where incorporeal demons are most likely to show up. Sparkeaters and Demons of Silence, beasties that Dublin would have problems with, might have a small chance of appearing in a realm of shadow, but many shadow creatures are also weak to weaponized light, so if you fish there, Starling could be brought to tip the scales further in your favor.


Syzzik explains the building as he walks you down the stairs to the basement. The old Customs house operated during the time of the Gulf Dynasty, when humans and savanna orcs carved up and colonized the jungles to the south, the main crossing of the Roe River was in town and represented an important trade route for the Kingdom. The building has four floors and a basement. He goes over each from bottom to top.

"The ground floor is pretty much an extension of the marketplace. Small merchants rent out small segments of space during the day. My Apartment is on the second."

He points upward as you walk down, "a bunch of the orc clans pitch in to rent the third floor, my duchess, where they keep some childminders. Any clan affiliated orc born in town is raised right above my ceiling; It can get a bit noisy during the day, which is part of the reason I still leave to work everyday even though I could easily make rent on my investments alone."

"I talked to some of the Orcs, and ran the numbers," the merchant tells you with a shifty glance, "they don't add up. I think one of the mighty clans is bankrolling the operation, and it isn't Clan Ape. Peat says he pays as much as anybody else."

"The owner," he continues, "is Ms. Lou, she lives on the top floor. She runs a couple mercenary companies in town. I'm pretty sure you already know her though, right?"

He gives you a knowing wink, which you don't return. "No... should I?"

"I've seen her speaking with that fellow who has the fingers on his right hand cut off at the knuckles," Syzzik explains, "He is married to the young lady you brought with you this evening, correct?"

"Yeah, Redding is my son-in-law," you answer unimpressed, "Count Ernie's youngest son. He invests in some of the companies in town. I think he is the sole owner of a few as well. If Ms. Lou is in the Merc business, I'm not shocked they are acquainted."

"Oh... You really don't know her then." Syzzik shrugs, "I thought you would as a Dark Mage and all. She barely hides the fact she is a vampire. She isn't out very often when the sun is up, every few months she will bring a date home who never leaves, and she hasn't aged in the slightest since I moved in eleven years ago. I keep enough money handy to buy the building in case the inquisition comes around and pops her some day."

"Oh..." You answer a bit more interested, wondering if Redding knew the secret of the woman he does business with.

The basement itself is largely unfurnished, spotted with a few 'forts' made out of crates by Mable and the young orcs upstairs. After shooing the girls, Syzzik points out the series of pipes and vents for smoke on the basement walls and ceiling. "Somebody used this basement for cooking or brewing in the past, it is too warm in this town for that to be for heating. If I had to guess, the people who ran this place as a customs house would brew cheap liquor, and use it to replace a portion of any valuable booze that came through here. They did most of the hard work already, so Installing the nescescary equipment to teach brewing would be a trivial pursuit, m'lady."

Awkward silence falls for a few seconds, before Syzzik works up the moxie to add, "So what do you think? If you want, I could try to ask if Ms. Lou knows how to get whatever work stations you dark mages use down here."

2334th Year of Man, 5th Month, 3rd Day:


"Gentlemen," you cut in before more shots are fired, "I find it very disrespectful to Sylvester's memory that his two best friends in the world are fighting right now, when we should be focusing on punishing his murderer. His trusted advisor and son in law making a battlefield on top of his children?  Destroying the alliance that has a hope of bringing down his murderer and those who support him?"

"Oh, that is rich Maeris," Glen laughs coldly, "You don't get to talk about respecting Sylvester's memory, love, you are doing everything in your power to undo his legacy. Making Charlie Kinkaid general, and the misguided child who worships her heir? Are you mad woman?"

Joy abruptly strikes her own casting pose, but Dean and Caddor are quick to restrain her.

"Only because you are burning every other possible bridge!" You scream. The room falls silent as you compose yourself before speaking again. "The godsdamn crown is in on this Glen. We need more troops, not the heads of every count who didn't swear vengeance the instance my Sylvester was struck down. If the roles were reversed, would Sylvester have thrown away sound strategy over his grief? I miss my husband, but we need to smarten up unless we want to join him."

"Y-yeah?!?! W-well maybe I do!" Glen screams. The room falls silent again, before Count Horton falls to his knees and starts crying.

"By the four, get it together man." Redding drops his casting stance, and you see the anger recede and reason return to your son-in-law's eyes. "M'lady, it is clear that Count Horton is unfit to rule. The death of his Duke, as well as the slander recently levied against him by the Prince, have clearly compromised him. I strongly suggest relieving him of the responsibilities of his office for the time being, placing Southjungle County under his wife's control, and his troops under your general or another officer."

As if on cue another twenty orcs, what seems to be the rest of Typhoon Swarm, storm into the room. At this point you remember that one of Redding's talents as an earth Elementalist is the ability to sense footfalls on the ground within a few hundred yards. He might very well have a better idea then you do as to the location of the rest of Glen's men.

"No! No damnit! I wont let you relieve me! I will win this! I WILL AVENGE SYLVESTER!" Glen roars, but you can tell that the influx of troops to your side and the actions of their leader have deeply hurt the moral of Count Horton's men.

Phew! RNG came thiiiiiiiiiiis close to having violence occur. Glen is at your mercy. How do you deal with him and the prisoners he brought? Next turn should also run through Thursday, so give me another day or two of action in addition to any response to the events of this turn.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #233 on: April 20, 2016, 12:01:38 pm »

Tell Syzzik that it would be nice if he asked the vampire if she knows where to get some of them, but that we would rather use the basement of the Groghall to practice dark magic.

(We have demons in there, we may as well get the full dark mage gear).

Final shitstorm management:

Okay, this is perfect. We can perfectly fake Glen's suicide.

Calm things down. Things will be discussed latter, when emotions aren't controlling everybody.

We will keep the prisoners to ask them questions. Assure Redding that his brother is going to be treated with dignity during this period.

Offer Glen our hospitality to remain at the Groghall, so that we can explain things. Sylvester was fond of him and we honor his memory.

Once he has settled, (Optional: get hold of some of his clothes somehow, maybe via the servants. Curse his soul with Tiv's soul-stealing curse, and send Dean to speak to Tiv so that the soul is not processed until we decide what to do with it.) we send Lilly to brainwash him and make him commit suicide in public. Preferably in front of some of his troops. Tell Lilly that if she manages this she will get one of the noble quarters for herself, and that if latter she manages to do something even more impressive, she may even be promoted from servant to adoptive daughter.

After that, we give his power to Miri, and everything goes smooth.

Prison management:

-We temporarily curse them with Yaas' inability to deceive curse, without them knowing.
-We interrogate each one personally, asking what happened, their posture on the prince, any gossips about politics, and all that.
-We "negotiate" the terms of them joining our cause. And by "negotiate", I mean "demand".
-Do no kill or harm any of them.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #234 on: April 20, 2016, 12:05:24 pm »

Let's NOT kill the guy.  He's stated to be an excellent tactician.  We should keep him.

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #235 on: April 20, 2016, 12:13:50 pm »

I'd rather keep him in undeath. So that he and Sylvester can live happily ever after. For the rest of their rotten eternities.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #236 on: April 20, 2016, 02:48:31 pm »

I'm opposed to killing him. It's more convoluted than just trying to get his shit together, would take a really long time to come to fruition (waiting for him to show pity to Lilly, then waiting for Lilly to eat him, then waiting for Dad to get done cleaning Sylvester, THEN waiting for Dad to clean Glen), would imply the two belong together much stronger than I'd like (just because we're courting every psychopath in town doesn't mean he's not still our husband), and would be much worse for public image. Remember, Glen's very well-liked across the Duchy.

So to that end, let's order his soldiers (either as their Duchess or through him) to stand down and relax while we have a chat with Glen in private, and then try to make him our personal servant while he works his way back into being sane enough to recontrol his County. In the meantime, we can appoint Redding to aid Miri in doing so; Miri has the political clout and experience to manage her own domestic affairs, but we need someone with military experience for a county right next to hostile forces, and Charlie's busy elsewhere.

Once we get him in private, we try to encourage him to fight for Syvester's legacy in a more... restrained fashion, and assure him that Sylvester will be vindicated by history.

Spoiler: Proposed Speech (click to show/hide)
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #237 on: April 20, 2016, 03:17:11 pm »

It's more convoluted than just trying to get his shit together
I proposed killing him because I think the opposite. How much time did pass since Sylvester's death? And I think that Glen is even worse than before. If it were feasible to make him get better in a short amount of time, without causing us more political tension (remember that we are going to ally ourselves with the orcs, and we still have to deal with Charlie. Not to mention that a Kinkaid is courting us.), then I would support this. But keeping Glen around is detrimental on the short term. And by short term I mean this Thursday.

Also, having Miri with power would be better. We can even get her a better husband, and maybe get some political alliances.

would take a really long time to come to fruition

The initial plan was to just kill him, which should be quite quick. The whole soul-stealing stuff is optional, and I saw that just as a bonus.

waiting for him to show pity to Lilly, then waiting for Lilly to eat him
Any act of pity would work, I think. She can just pretend to be a crying child so that he helps her. Or maybe I didn't understand correctly. Also, there is no need to wait for her to eat his soul, in fact, that would be counter-productive to the whole soul-stealing thing. I thought that this would be quick, but actually I don't know. So, the best way to know is:

Question to the GM: will it be quick if Lilly skips the whole soul-devouring process and just goes straight to the suicide part?

would imply the two belong together much stronger than I'd like
Now this got me thinking. Maybe we don't want to bring him back.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #238 on: April 20, 2016, 09:12:52 pm »

It's more convoluted than just trying to get his shit together
I proposed killing him because I think the opposite. How much time did pass since Sylvester's death?
I'm not sure, but the first turn was halfway through the fourth month. Our birthday, which Dad thinks he can get Sylvester ready for if he pushes some other work aside, is 2/3rds of the way through the sixth month. So that's 2 1/3 months at the bare minimum if he started working on it immediately and relatively exclusively. Dad informed us of this timeline on the 19th day of the fourth month, so we're still looking at around 2 months even if he wasn't working on it prior to us contacting him. There's a few other complications that could be pushing that back, but most of them would presumably apply just as well to Glen.

Apparently soul cleaning is a really time-consuming process.

And I think that Glen is even worse than before. If it were feasible to make him get better in a short amount of time, without causing us more political tension (remember that we are going to ally ourselves with the orcs, and we still have to deal with Charlie. Not to mention that a Kinkaid is courting us.), then I would support this. But keeping Glen around is detrimental on the short term. And by short term I mean this Thursday.
Glen's detrimental in that he's going to berate us for using orcs and promoting Charlie. He's beneficial in that he's a brilliant general, powerful combatant, well-liked throughout the Duchy, and currently mostly loyal to us despite not liking any of our decisions whatsoever. Disposing of him because we don't feel like listening to him whine strikes me as an incredibly poor trade.

More generally, stabbing problems away tends to be a poor long-term strategy, and is best reserved for cases where non-stabbing is infeasible or ineffective. Stabbing problems that are currently allied or pledged to our service even moreso.

Also, having Miri with power would be better. We can even get her a better husband, and maybe get some political alliances.
At the moment, she is in power. Glen can barely handle military affairs, he probably hasn't been tending to County affairs for a while now.

I do like the idea of getting Miri out of her sham marriage, but we can handle most of that by getting her a boyfriend; Glen would not be in a good position to disapprove of that on any axis.

The political side would give us some options, but vague ones; we don't know if there are any meaningful alliances we could make. The Hortons are a Royal Duchy family, in fact, so on paper we've already got a political alliance.

waiting for him to show pity to Lilly, then waiting for Lilly to eat him
Any act of pity would work, I think. She can just pretend to be a crying child so that he helps her. Or maybe I didn't understand correctly. Also, there is no need to wait for her to eat his soul, in fact, that would be counter-productive to the whole soul-stealing thing. I thought that this would be quick, but actually I don't know. So, the best way to know is:
That was my impression, but she has to actually make it happen. Given his current mental state, performing an act of pity for a child might not be high on his list of priorities. Even if it is, we still have to actually trigger it in a way that doesn't clue anybody in; given that he's surrounded by soldiers most of the time and in our presence the rest of the time, that's going to be kind of tricky. I mean what, there's a starving orphan in our closet? His soldiers ignore a child with no coat in the rain, allowing Glen to give her his cape? We can't just tell her to go hijack him on a whim, he's got to hijack himself with a very specific action for a very specific reason.

You might be right on the digestion part, though. The phrasing made it seem like she might be carrying around whole souls on her, rather than parts or soul slurry or whatever.

On that note, I say we handle the "prisoners" by freeing them immediately, letting Virgil cry on our shoulder about how they have his wife, and promising to get her back safely. We'll also be housing him, I believe, since he no longer has a home. Then we negotiate with Ernie's son as intended, and also set him up to stay with us for a bit since Glen had his personal guard crucified.

War is terrible and also just incredibly strange.

For the rest of the week, I'd like to get us started on Fortune's pet snake and setting up Syzzik's daughter as a soul cleaner.

The soul cleaner part is easy but a little distasteful. We can check back at the guardhouse; if the same serious prisoners are still awaiting trial, we check each of them out to figure out who will be least missed. Then we murder that one and let Mable eat its delicious soul and begin cleaning it. Mable gets practice, we get in better with Syzzik and family.

The python's a harder project. We've got Wednesday working on it with a really broad net, but we might want to go more directly to look for a druid ourselves. Redding should be able to point us towards some capable snakehunters, but if not we can look around personally as well.

We should also probably figure out the Test of Faith. We don't seem to be making progress on that one, but it's pretty important.

I still say we feed it Joy: She wants to, would be an even more potent Duchess with it, would grant unprecedented credibility to our bond with Clan Ivy, and the professional opinion of our family is that the worst case is Clan Ivy trying to hold her hostage to negotiate us into a corner, which might work at first but would come back to bite them later. It's a little risky, but not by much, and the payoff if it goes smoothly is absolutely huge.

What's everyone else's opinions on it?
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #239 on: April 20, 2016, 09:48:18 pm »

Did Count Gulf actually denounce Sylvester or was he thrown out of office for not doing so?  If so, off with his head.  Make it clear, traitors die, starting at the top.  Let it be a lesson to Redding about why he should be convincing his family to switch sides now.

We should know more, but I think Glen is right about executing the leaders.
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