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Author Topic: (SG) The Redleaf Epic (Formerly Widow: A Duchess Scorned)  (Read 65270 times)


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #60 on: April 03, 2016, 06:20:47 am »

If the dark mages stir up trouble but not related to us directly, it could lead the rest of the kingdom to see the prince as incompetent while throwing our enemies into disarray.

Maybe we should offer dark blessings to Charlie and her son directly, we could throw some minor curse hexes in as 'part of the price of dark power'.  I am imagining something like gaining skill in swordsmanship or an uncanny battlefield tactical sense, but in exchange having nightmares and weird intrusive thoughts about the things that live deep underground. 1 blessing and two curses all in one convenient package.

We have a bunch of young orc warriors, maybe we should see if any of them can be trained in the divine orcish arts.

Lastly, we can not field goblin soldiers directly, but what if Charlie hired a large group of goblin mercenaries, and then they turned on her and wrecked havok in the dutchy?  Hardly our fault right?

In our meeting the dutchess should ask Charlie for advise with leading questions.  Better to have her think she is in control for now so she can use us until all our allies can be arranged.

Taking over the potion making business though would be great.  With fungal hexes and such we could supply high quality potions for low low prices!  And when it came time our allies would have them too...


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #61 on: April 03, 2016, 06:58:31 am »

Next post is already complete. I'll post it once I get to a place the device I wrote it on has Internet. Got Ninja'd by owl and everybody below him.

@owl: Mercs in town are mainly Orcs. Orc strong and fight cheap so no miss opportunity to fight over money issues. Also present are shady exotic Mercs who for one reason or another are no longer welcome in the mercenary markets of Tradewind Duchy, and lowborn veterans who fought on both sides of your husbands war against the Kinkaids and find that Merc work is better paying and often safer than the western front.

@void: One of the duties of an Orc clan such as Gruel is to test its young for potential. Tempest tells you that six of her underlings have potential and will be trained once they prove themselves worthy in battle.

Everything else from the ninjas is either addressed or not ruled out by the incoming update.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #62 on: April 03, 2016, 09:03:56 am »

2334th Year of Man, 4th Month, 17th Day:

You arrange for yourself and Dean to visit first thing in the morning tomorrow, you then spend the better part of an hour catching up with Fugitap before ending the meeting and sending him on his way.


You change the topic from your daughter by assuring Chieftian Foot that you plan on buying his collection once you are able to do so. He offers you his thanks.

Wrapping up your conversation with Chieftian Foot, you send him on his way with several large loaves of bread and bottles of wine. He tries to protest, but you simply inform him that you might send some children his way for testing, and that he can consider the foodstuff to be payment in advance.

Later that afternoon, you talk to Mackie about getting the kids tested. She is a bit confused as to why you might want to do that, as lowborns are not allowed into the priestly orders of the human gods. You inform her that if they prove talented, you will have them privately tutored in the casting of the Orcish Gods.

"But ain't the magic of non-human gods illegal?" She asks, sort of shocked.

"You know well enough that the magic I practice is far more illegal than Orcish Shamanism," you declare firmly, "and if I can protect myself, I can protect your children. It will be fine."

"Alright then, m'duchess, if you say its fine lets do it!"


"How about setting me up a meeting with Peat? Could you do that for me?" You ask.

"Eh," The mayor shrugs, "I don't think Peat is the one you want to talk to. He does the dirty work of their little group, but I think its the guy with the accent, the one who imports his potions from Titan Rock. I can't recall his name, but I think he is the guy who makes all the business decisions. Actually, your best bet is get all three of the brew-masters at once, unless you intend to pussyfoot around and play one against the others."

"Could you arrange that?"

"Tell ya what," he answers, "assuming the meeting with Lady Charlie goes well, and you want a strong negotiating position, I could have them all dragged to city guard headquarters this time tomorrow to meet with you in chains... If you'd like a less hostile meeting, it may take awhile. Last time I tried to deal with all three at once it took me almost a month to get their schedules sorted out."

"Thanks, I'll consider that. We can talk after the meeting." You are actually more comfortable intimidating Orcs and Lowborns than you are politely dealing with them, but if you want friendly relations you could easily get somebody else in your household to do the talking at a more civil meet up.

You pause for a minute, thinking of a good question to ask to better get to know the mayor. The first question that pops into your mind is 'how did you become mayor', but you actually already know the answer. The Rothwells are longtime allies of the Kinkaids, and before your husband removed them from power and brought the Marlowes in, their Bloodline ruled Silver County. Their final defeat came at the hands of Archibald Horton, Glen's Father and predecessor as your husband's general, who decided to have the entire family executed without consulting Sylvester. The only male survivors to carry on the Rothwell name were Gregory, who saw the writing on the wall and fled to his in-laws, and his older brother Clarence, who was a member of the High Masons and was spared because General Horton didn't want to have the blood of a priest on his hands.

After the war, your husband offered Clarence the role of mayor as reparation for the unsanctioned slaughter of his family, but Clarence refused to take the charity unless Sylvester had his general executed for war crimes, a demand your husband refused to meet. The job was then offered to Gregory, who, lacking the pride and sense of justice of his brother, promptly accepted.

A few years ago your husband complained about how frustrating Gregory's corruption was, but confided in you that he felt too guilty about what his old general did to the mayor's family to throw the book at him.

Doubting this story to be something the mayor would like to revisit, you decide to probe with another common question that one might ask an acquaintance. "So how is your family doing, Gregory? I haven't seen your wife and kids since I got here."

The mayor frowns, "None of em are in town. Julie is up visiting her family in the Godtouched Duchy... I have no clue how she is going to get back home with the Prince blocking the roads. Hope she is okay. Clarence, my oldest, is with Count Phineas, raiding Silver County to probe its defenses. The two young ones... They are at Riverwatch. They are... um... learning to fight under the Kinkaid's master-at-arms."

His hesitation in speaking about his younger children, and the look of concern that spreads across his face as he does so, leads you to believe that the arrangement to have them live with the Kinkaids may not be entirely consensual on the mayor's part. You wonder what sort of agenda or ambitions Gregory might have been perusing to lead Phineas and Charlie into obtaining that kind of leverage.

Deciding that you might need some serious leverage of your own should you choose to try and control the mayor yourself, upon your return home you deploy Wednesday to steal an article of his clothing through which you may lay hexes upon Gregory from the comfort of your own room.

2334th Year of Man, 4th Month, 18th Day:

You wake before sunrise to find a pair of ruby studded men's underpants on the pillow next to you. Wednesday has clearly come through. You chuckle at the exuberance of the garment, if you decide you don't need it you suppose the gems alone would sell for a few hundred silver. Not wanting to be recognized entering a goblin establishment, you borrow a set of Mackie's lowborn clothes, and set out with Dean to visit the Goblins.

A wave of nostalgia flows over you as you approach your destination. You haven't been to a proper goblin Knifehouse since you were a teenager. Goblins are deceptive by nature in many parts of their lives, but when it comes to food they are the most honest folk you know of; Their restaurants are judged as much by how good of a view they give customers of the butchery process as they are on the quality of food. As a result, you have never known a Goblin to be in the slightest bit squeamish.

Fugitap greets you upon your arrival, and invites you to eat on the house; The Dark Mages will join you for breakfast. You are seated at a table two yards away from where your friend is pulling the scales of a caiman and another goblin is chopping up another large reptile that has already been cleaned. A glass barrier is moved into place to protect you from being splattered during your meal, and when you order a bowl of traditional Giblet Chowder, the chef comes out to claim the heart and entrails from the animal being butchered in front of you for your dish.

The Dark Mages arrive before the food does, and introduce themselves. Goblins always practice Dark Magic as a family unit. Tonsz is the necromancer and summoner of the group, while his wives Triciz and Nix are in charge of any hex weaving that needs doing. Oortx, a male concubine shared between the three spouses, is the group Deceiver, tasked with any actual demonic negotiations required.

You chat about the state of their operation over breakfast. Their role is mainly to support the mission's diplomats by spreading blessings related to persuasion among the staff tasked with hiring mercenaries. Trusting you as a member of the Bonedust Family and Chief Regional Dark Mage, they also confess to supporting the mission's efforts to spy on the human government of the city - using blessings related to stealth and deception. To power these blessings, they of course spread minor curses randomly across the cities population, and will place more serious curses on mercenaries who take down payment and run. Tonsz then mentions that they keep five wights and two ice wraiths around to defend the Knifehouse.

After breakfast, they lead you to the basement to where they have set up their dark workstations. The three essentials, an animation table, a projection stage, and a summoning circle are all present. The workstations are a bit small for human use, but you can make do for now. You then note that they also keep several planters of blessed mushrooms, which you are told are used for recreational purposes, in the Knifehouse's kitchen, and in the occasional potion.

With the tour complete you formally ask that they provide you tribute, in the form of access to their workstations for yourself and Dean. In a clear effort to earn your favor, they make a counter offer of workstation access, regular briefings from the mission's spys, and a 5% share in the Knifehouse, which will yield you a respectable monthly sum in the neighborhood of 300 silver. You graciously accept this counteroffer.

To keep him away from a likely murderous crazy countess, you ask Dean to remain at the Knifehouse to introduce himself to all of the key non-mage members of the mission. He happily agrees, and stays behind talking shop with the four mages while you take your leave.


Groghall seems to shudder a bit as Charlie Kinkaid, flanked by her son Wendle and seven other officers you are unacquainted with, enters the main room. She is a formidable woman, designed more for battle than beauty with a stocky build, large muscles, and heavily tattooed fair skin. She has elven blood in her veins, her mother being a halfbreed mutt who was allowed to marry into House Valorpit, so despite being seventeen years your elder looks to be in her late twenties or early thirties.

Lunch starts with Charlie complimenting your choice of residence, and noting the long proud history of Clan Gruel. You respond by dropping the date of Groghall's construction and referencing the epic party that was thrown to dedicate it. After concluding the usual impromptu orcish history trivia contest that occurs whenever you meet a Kinkaid, you get down to business.

" like his father before him, the fourth chieftain had no choice but to name his eldest son as successor. And that is why Clan Bend is the only band of orcs to practice patriarchal succession... That reminds me Charlie, I was meaning to ask you a question."   

"Not even I know why Clan Stool hands succession to the late Chieftian's youngest niece or nephew who is of age, if that is what you were going to ask."

"No. Not that. I'll explain that to you later, that story takes hours," you reply, laughing at your guest's ignorance, "It is actually about the succession of my line. My son Dean, who can't be here today, isn't terribly interested in being Duke. He would rather practice the arts of House Bonedust, if you catch my drift. I'm strongly considering naming Joy Duchess instead. You commanded her in battle, what do you think Charlie?"

A look of shock spreads across the Countesses' face. She clearly didn't expect to get what she wanted so easily. "She is still a kid, so she lets her vagina lead her into some rash decisions, but that is nothing you can't get around by holding on to power as reagent or letting her husband rule until she is ready. Honestly, I think it is a great idea. She is a great fighter and has a mind for military tactics. She has a mean streak too, and I admire that greatly about her. Her membership in a priestly order also means the public see her as just and virtuous by default, which contrasts nicely with Prince Rubricon's reputation if you ask me. We'd just have to cover up the bastard is all."

Joy turns beat red as Charlie speaks highly of her. The countess's words clearly mean alot to you daughter.

"You can't forget the political implications either mum," Wendle chimes in, "if we make her Duchess her in-laws might flip sides. Imagine if you will, Lady Maeris, Port County won without an ounce of blood shed!"

You nod, and open your mouth to speak before Redding cuts you off. "I am glad to hear you find the idea agreeable Countess. Joy and I actually visited Mayor Rothwell this morning, and the three of us drafted this treaty to ensure everybody benefits should Joy and I be named Sylvester's successors.

Everybody falls silent, as the mayor, who you note for the first time is sitting right next to your daughter and son-in-law, spreads a piece of Parchment across the table and everybody moves in close to read it.

Proposed: The Groghall Pact Regarding the Succession and Control of Redleaf Duchy
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You are stunned. You didn't expect Redding to take matters so far into his own hands so quickly. One look at Charlie tells that she is thinking the same thing about the mayor.

After everybody finishes reading, Joy is first to speak. "Personally, I could do without the regent stuff, I mean strap a sword to my right hand, shield to my left, and a title to my name, and I'll kick the prince's ass all the way to whatever demon mom feeds her enemies to, but I think it is more than fair to my beloved mother, favorite man, and the greatest military officer this duchy has ever seen, right? No need to nitpick details when we all agree on making me duchess, right?" You can tell the last thing your daughter wants to see is the argument between three of her favorite people that may momentarily break out.

Duchess Maeris Bonedust Riverland:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Geopolitical Situation:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #63 on: April 03, 2016, 09:49:45 am »

Oh, shit.

Let's politely take some time to think about this.

Try to talk in private with the Countess. Gregory is out of control. That degree of self-determination and greed is just unhealthy for a good underling. She may not want to keep him around as mayor.

My posture on Joy as Duchess is a no until she gives birth, at least. Everybody will agree on that, as it is for the good of her health and that of her offspring.

((I love the political intrigue of this game))

Harry Baldman

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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #64 on: April 03, 2016, 10:04:07 am »

My posture on Joy as Duchess is a no until she gives birth, at least. Everybody will agree on that, as it is for the good of her health and that of her offspring.

Good point, though it may depend on the magical assistance employed in birth. Perhaps there is no real risk to her at all. Still makes for a decent excuse even in that case. However, one ought to consider that, should the unusual happen and the child be, say, an obvious half-goblin individual, Count Ernie might be consequently a little less well-disposed to placing trust in our lot, while if the arrangement were to be arrived at before that date, then a certain degree of commitment would hopefully smooth over the worst-case scenario. Regardless we'll still be open to funny business from the Kinkaids and Strongcurrents.

Another alternative is that we take the deal and name Joy "fit to rule" as quickly as possible, which would probably take a bit of heat off us and let us hopefully more peacefully do some dark magicking while relegating the more military bits to the actual military people. Granted, this would put Joy on the spot in a very big way, and not in any way shape or form immune to Strongcurrent and Kinkaid treachery (just because they get what they want doesn't mean they don't want much more, you know). In fact, they might just get rid of us entirely by some means at that point, given that we would have outlived our usefulness.

Quite a sticky wicket, in any case. These bastards have got us right where they want. Maybe there's a more clever solution.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #65 on: April 03, 2016, 10:13:07 am »

((*it's spelled regent actually.))

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #66 on: April 03, 2016, 10:17:42 am »

She should give birth in private, and if the child ends up being a half goblin, the we should just say that she miscarried or tht the child was born dead. Note that we are keeping the child alive anyway, it would be a useful asset in goblin politics.

Other points of the agreement that I don't like:
-The mayor ends up with too much power. Not good.
-Farquad may not want to come back. I find it highly unlikely that he would want to rule a County.

Right now, I vote for the political correctness of saying that we will be the regent until she gives birth, for her safety's sake. Nobody would object that. But the agreement should be given more thought, it would be too bold to agree to something we have just read.

Harry Baldman

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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #67 on: April 03, 2016, 10:26:44 am »

Actually, perhaps naming Fortune as the heir isn't such a bad idea after all. They're definitely not expecting it, at the very least. We should perhaps ask Fortune's opinion on this privately after making noises about perhaps not signing the treaty just yet, and confer privately with Joy and Dean on the idea as well. A forgotten god has designs on our daughter, who is to say they might not align with our collective interest? Risky, perhaps, but this is a risky game we play regardless.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #68 on: April 03, 2016, 10:37:26 am »

We have one problem with that: Fortune may just die on us at any moment. And I like the idea of a whole county switching to our favor to neglect Joy's possibilities.

We can just Hex Redding with lack of entrepreneurship so that he stays out of our way, or at least just doesn't get too power hungry.

Harry Baldman

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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #69 on: April 03, 2016, 10:47:17 am »

We can just Hex Redding with lack of entrepreneurship so that he stays out of our way, or at least just doesn't get too power hungry.

Heh, the ol' Ennui Hex. Classic.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #70 on: April 03, 2016, 11:37:01 am »

To each conversation:

With Fugitap:

Arrange an introduction to the Dark Magic community tomorrow. But Dean will be the one to go, instead of us. The reason is simple, it is an excuse for him to be away and thus he wouldn't be lured into the battlefield. Also, he likes being a dark mage, and leading them could be a great development for him. We may want to discuss it with him first.

With Chieftain Foot:

Give him some meals that can last him for a week or so, and tell him that we will probably buy off his library when we are able to do so.

With the Mayor:

Before deciding anything about this, let's discuss politics.

So, the mayor is a chicken, easily impressed by military might. We may want to eventually take over this town, so we will need to gain the Countess' favor.

So, we are going to pretend to play her game.

She wants Joy as Duchess, so we are going to suggest that we may declare her Duchess (we will not say that this is definitelly decided, though). She wants dark mage support, so we will say that Dean is already organizing support. This will also decrease the possibilities of him getting murdered.

So, after gaining her favor, we can work with the Mayor. The idea is that, before getting rid of him, he will be the one to do the nasty work inside the city. The idea of just executing them is nice, especially if we don't take responsibility for that.

So, eventually, we may make him do this:
-Have Syzzik's lie exposed publicy and execute him for price gouging. Just encouraging the rumor that he actually makes the potions and that he is lying about the imports should make the act more legitimate.
-Make Peat the bully orc try to kill us, and them have the city guard kill him instead, for attempted murder. It is easy to kill those who are easily induced into rage.
-Zeph the bullied and frightened human is going to be left alone. We can easily discuss the new terms when we are the only competence in the city. And as he is easily frightened, so we have leverage.

With Zeph on the head of the potion industry in the city, we could easily man the other workshops.



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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #71 on: April 03, 2016, 11:47:21 am »

3man, I'm afraid that you are late. There is a new update.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #72 on: April 03, 2016, 11:48:16 am »

I don't what the tradition is in this world, but I don't want Redding having any actual power in his own right, not him being named anything other then regent to Joy's children. He's marrying into the family after all.

Gregory is getting way too much out of this as well.


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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #73 on: April 03, 2016, 11:52:50 am »

Gregory is getting so much that it's making me think that Redding is such a bad negotiator that we shouldn't fear him (the agreement was his initiative, and he couldn't even put the terms himself. To be fair, why would he speak with the Mayor? He is not winning anything by getting Gregory into this). In fact, we may want to agree to the treaty and have Gregory killed, then fill the vaccuum of power with someone else.

High tyrol

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Re: (SG) Widow: A Duchess Scorned
« Reply #74 on: April 03, 2016, 01:04:14 pm »

Gregory is getting so much that it's making me think that Redding is such a bad negotiator that we shouldn't fear him (the agreement was his initiative, and he couldn't even put the terms himself. To be fair, why would he speak with the Mayor? He is not winning anything by getting Gregory into this). In fact, we may want to agree to the treaty and have Gregory killed, then fill the vaccuum of power with someone else.
good idea
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