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Author Topic: Polaris Sector - Space 4X Combat Galore  (Read 7496 times)


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Polaris Sector - Space 4X Combat Galore
« on: March 29, 2016, 02:37:08 am »

Published by the same guys who published the great Distant Worlds: Universe, Polaris Sector is kinda like what you'd probably get if you put real-time gameplay into Master of Orion. It has many similarities with Distant Worlds; small team, amusing artstyle, heavy focus on gameplay, weird UI. However, unlike Distant World's somewhat bland combat, Polaris Sector oozes tonnes of brutal capital ship beatdowns in slow, ponderous slugfests with massive numbers blasting each other with all sorts of heavy ordinance.

All the space 4X staples are here. There's an in depth ship designing mechanic and believe me when I say how you make your ship is supremely important. There's decent AI both in terms of combat and on the 4X front. Probably the only thing missing is the ability to destroy planets. There's lots of stars to play around with but don't think this is a Civ game. There's no peace. There's no harmony or culture. In the Polaris Sector, the only victory condition is domination (no, seriously. It's the only victory condition.).

Oh, and this is some of the lore for the human race:
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Youtube video of combat here:

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Re: Polaris Sector - Space 4X Combat Galore
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2016, 02:53:57 am »

I wanted to post this because I think this is a really, really good game and it hasn't been getting the attention it deserves. In fact, I'm actually quite annoyed it has mixed reviews on Steam when it's this good.

I've played this for over 40 hours these past few days, that's how much I like it.

I love that it concentrates solely on the ship designing and combat and throws away all that garbage like "diplomatic victories" and "culture victories". You're just constantly prepping for the next major slugfest and peace is merely an interlude to the neverending war. The AI great for it too as even on normal it can give you a challenge, with backstabs, flanking, formations, actually preparing for you, etc.. I recommend ramping it up to hard once you've gotten used to the handicaps it gives you though.

It has many flaws to be sure. The graphics are... derpy. The UI is also... derpy. Diplomacy is kinda just there. In terms of everything that isn't related to combat, it's relatively shallow (think Master of Orion 2 levels).

Honestly I get such a hardon when I see my well-crafted ship intended for a purpose doing that purpose. There was once where I spent 50 in-game years trying to break down Earth's defenses. The fucking humans built such a massive fortress and turtled in their final bastion that no matter how many hundreds of ships I threw at it I could barely make a dent. After giving up on conventional tactics I designed a frigate filled to the brim with nothing but torpedoes and torpedo bombers. It's job was to suicide charge the Humans and their dozens of space stations, fire off a salvo of torpedoes and release their torpedo-bomber babies before getting destroyed.

I built 40 of them.

I named them Earthfucking Drill and I slammed them into Earth.

So satisfying.

I have so many war stories like that and I want people to experience what I've experienced.

This game is so good.


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Re: Polaris Sector - Space 4X Combat Galore
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2016, 05:56:59 am »

i disagree, i dont think this is a good game. its not a totally bad game neither - just it does not offer anything that has not done better in other space 4x games.

let me go a bit into detail:

-the races are very generic and all play the same. yes, there are minor differences if it comes to the ships (later more about these) and of course the default races have some minor boni and mauli, like slightly faster or slower production rates.
but they all play excactly the same, and the customisation follows the moo2 sheme by the book - though it has fewer options.

-game balance is rather poor. the mentioned ships are a good excample. some races just have much less space on their ships. this is expecially crippeling for races that have shitty colonisation ships. (humans are a good excample, with cant have more then two colonisation modules on their colonisaition ships before midgame, and also have very slow colonisation ships.)
often, later tech thingies are arguably worse then lower tech thingies they suppose to upgrade.

-the ai is  very retarded. not a surprise considering the devs also made the space empires series. well, at least in this game the ai is not COMPLETELY inactive, it will build some colonies and build weak defense forces everywhere.
its worth noticing that the devs  claim the ai doesnt have to cheat to be competetive. with is a blant lie. not only knows the ai all the map all the time, it also doesnt have to bother about ship layouts or fuel, and it can build and research faster.
despite all this, the ai still fails hard. because it knows all the map, it early will just cherry pick systems around all the galaxy thus leaving itself usually with a scattered empire it then cant defend.
at war the ai is usually mostly inactive. it will send weak fleets of tiny ships at you once in a blue moon. it will not react to attacks exept with begs for mercy.
in tactical combat, the ai fails too. it will just send all its forces after your weakest unit, usually the fighters. you then can use these ships to make the ai ships go where you want while killing off single ships. the rest of the ai fleet will keep chasing its favorite target like mindless zombies.

-there is some alien mystery race, very much like the antereans in moo2. however, unlike the antereans in moo2, this mystery race is not fun at all. instead of an escalating force that will be a challange through out the game, its a doom time clock. once the race shows up, it will attack random systems and then destroy all the colonies in these systems if not defeated.
now the thing is, these fleets are realy tough and the normal ai players have no hope to ever win the defense battles. thous, once the mystery race shows up, its game over for the ai. consequently, at this point all the ai players will force peace on the player and with each other. victory condition changes too at this point. to win then, one has to research a few techs, build a special ship and send it to the mystery race to pacify them.
imo this is a very bad game design. it makes most of the game before the mystery race shows up irrelevant.

-the combat is quite shallow. 2d plane, realtime combat with variable speed. ai manages to have path finding issues in empty space if enough units are around. getting your whole fleet to fire proably is the most challanging part about this game.

-the techtree is a bit of a mixed bag. mecanic whise, it follows birth of the federation, and presents it on a single page with is nicely done.
but i is rather short, and its rather borring. yes, you get better guns. you get better engines and generators. but there is almost nothing that is more then a straight upgrade from something you already had.

-map generation just blows. proably the worst map generation since SE:V. you can generate a large map with 2 players, and have them start directly beside each other. on hard, there is some minor gimmic 1 planet ai race, with can trap the player in a tiny pocket of space. the map generation does not check the distribution of planets that can be colonized with early techs. its very common that you wont find anything to colonize within range.

as said. i dont think it is a realy bad game. i would call it medicore, 5/10.
anyway. there are many games in this genre that are just better in every aspect. i would not recomend this game.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 06:07:59 am by motorbitch »


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Re: Polaris Sector - Space 4X Combat Galore
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2016, 06:07:16 am »

Based on what a couple of friends have said, the mediocrity is strong in this one as laid out in the review in this thread. I'll be skipping this, but on a general level, I'm glad to see more 4X games out there. Competition is always good...still waiting for Stellaris, tho. (Although Distant Worlds II would be nice or properly made Sword of the Stars III)


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Re: Polaris Sector - Space 4X Combat Galore
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2016, 07:15:23 am »

Bit of a random thought, but why is the space 4x genre so popular with indy developers yet barely touched by the larger companies?
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Re: Polaris Sector - Space 4X Combat Galore
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2016, 07:48:30 am »

Money. It is a niche genre, while the games are complicated to make. The chances of failure are greater and even if the game becomes great, it won't be a huge commercial success.

I'm kind of hoping Stellaris will bring in new players to genre and change that, at least a little.


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Re: Polaris Sector - Space 4X Combat Galore
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2016, 12:00:31 pm »

Based on what a couple of friends have said, the mediocrity is strong in this one as laid out in the review in this thread. I'll be skipping this, but on a general level, I'm glad to see more 4X games out there. Competition is always good...still waiting for Stellaris, tho. (Although Distant Worlds II would be nice or properly made Sword of the Stars III)
I'm not going to dispute your friends but I think out of anyone on this forum, using motorbitch as a point of reference is a... questionable choice.

Just at a cursory glance I think he might have been playing an earlier build or something else.
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I'm not going to be able to stop you from thinking otherwise, but I'm almost 100% sure motorbitch is playing a very old version of the game or is completely delusional.

That being said, I did say that other than the great combat, everything else is pretty much Master of Orion 2.


Bit of a random thought, but why is the space 4x genre so popular with indy developers yet barely touched by the larger companies?
Large companies with lots to lose have a gigantic fear of risky propositions.

4X games by nature also tend not to sell as well as FPSes and RPGs and all that. With maybe the exception of Civ and Paradox games. Space 4Xes have pretty dismal sales in comparison. I can't think of a single one with noteworthy sales figures. At least, anything large enough to make a big studio go "holy shit we gotta copy this!"


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Re: Polaris Sector - Space 4X Combat Galore
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2016, 12:16:50 pm »

What is this?  Humans are space-hippies?  You are doing humanity wrong.
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Re: Polaris Sector - Space 4X Combat Galore
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2016, 12:21:20 pm »

What is this?  Humans are space-hippies?  You are doing humanity wrong.
Here's more:
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Re: Polaris Sector - Space 4X Combat Galore
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2016, 12:28:24 pm »

I for one find it refreshing to see a fictional future humanity as alien to us as our grandchildren's culture will likely be in reality.
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Re: Polaris Sector - Space 4X Combat Galore
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2016, 01:53:41 pm »

I have played this game some time ago (under previous name) and I very much like how the game changed since then. Although I hate the choice of publisher (Slitherine/Matrix). IMO this game would make better being steam indie with much more reasonable price. I know we had a dev lurking on this forum. Please don't take it personally, it's only my opinion.

Also i had been playing for several hours and had a game breaking issue mid-game just before my first all-out invasion on Maggelans. I have overcolonized a bit (well, a lot) knowing that hydro plants are just around a corner and my non- terrestrial/ocean planets will be able to support themselves. So i ran into little (not really) starving problem. Running on stockpiles i had noticed that one of my frontline colonies (ocean) lost all shipyards. Hell, it finished building invasion fleet few months before. I immedietly thought that it might be governor (balanced, set after setting last buildings to be built on that planet), or me abusing the fact that you can demolish factories after building shipyards (i get to 2-6 on ocean/terrestrial planets and demolish factories to make room for research), so I set all planets to micro. But in a short span of few years it happened all over my empire and also affected factories, although it didn't touch any planet other than gaia/terrestrial/ocean! Also on planets without governors and factory abuse! Then the starvation hit the bottom - I was about to be making enough food and only 1 planet (terrestrial) started to have unrest and managed to get into revolting state. You guessed right, my last planet with enough shipyards to be building fleets. Quitted playing, might start another campaign later.

As for starting close together - it's not really that big of a problem, in this game I have colonized over half of spirals in spiral galaxy with max number of AIs before hitting walls. And since in a lot of comments with this problem Distant Worlds is praised - You must have not played DW before latest versions. It was well known to spawn all AIs around a player in 1/8th of the galaxy, leaving the rest free.


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Re: Polaris Sector - Space 4X Combat Galore
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2016, 03:39:02 pm »

I for one find it refreshing to see a fictional future humanity as alien to us as our grandchildren's culture will likely be in reality.

I don't see at all jhow the human culture here is alien. It seems more like a rather snide and vague commentary on current society.


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Re: Polaris Sector - Space 4X Combat Galore
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2016, 07:59:08 pm »


my version is up to date, thanks.

more then one colony module will build more then one colony dome. each gives half the production of a factory for free. of course this matters. that said, its pretty bugged. if you use a passenger transport to drop additional  population, it will destroy all but one dome.
about human frighters on pair... yeah whatever. if you dont count speed and space, sure.

"huge defensive stacks" of the ai dont make the ai any good. it will just build low tech fighters and small ships everywhere, with wont defend shit.
if you dont notice the ai cheating... for one, even  if it doesnt have scanners, it will send its ships right after your fighters with should not be visible. at least i cant see ai fighters on that range even *with* scanners.
as for the ai knowing the whole map, you can try that.... just start a game, find a earth like planet relatively close to you but distant to the ai. you will notice the ai sends a colonizer right away without ever sending a scout first.
or, kill the fighers on a pirate gaia planet. few turns later, the ai will send a single colonizer.
but yeah. proably just coincidence.

or try to declare war vey early on an ai. you will notice that by the time you build a scout and a colonizer, the ai will build 3 corvettes a colonizer and a scout.

in any case. to me it just seems you realy WANT to like this game. i wont even argue with that. as said, i dont think its a realy bad game despite all this. it can certainly be fun if you can work around the flaws.
but again, i dont see where this game does anything better or just different then other 4x games.


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Re: Polaris Sector - Space 4X Combat Galore
« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2016, 01:50:03 am »

Thinking of getting this game as it's on 40% off on Steam. Last post was 9 months ago; any updated opinions?
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Re: Polaris Sector - Space 4X Combat Galore
« Reply #14 on: December 24, 2016, 08:14:22 am »

Having played it back when it was development, before its name was changed several times, I will say that if the commercial release is anything like beta, it is not worth the asking price, even on sale. Overall it was OK, but not at the same price as Distant Worlds(also by the same publisher).
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