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Decided to start a poll about it. Do you guys want intermissions, with both backstories and the events after a Chapter?

Yes. Backstories about our characters, which may answer questions? Seeing the world after the destructive chapters? Yes, please!
- 2 (40%)
Nah. We should just start Chapter 2/3/5/291, and put background info in the Chapter itself.
- 0 (0%)
Why ask, Greatness? It's your game, if you want this sort of thing, just do it already.
- 3 (60%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Voting closed: July 20, 2016, 05:13:00 pm

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Author Topic: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm  (Read 142175 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm: Chapter IV, Round XV (10/10, 0 On Waitlist)
« Reply #1515 on: December 18, 2017, 06:36:20 pm »

Spoiler: Pro-Herzog (click to show/hide)
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm: Chapter IV, Round XV (10/10, 0 On Waitlist)
« Reply #1516 on: December 18, 2017, 08:09:03 pm »

Spoiler: Anti-Herzog (click to show/hide)
Generic Arms Race.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Affably Evil
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm: Chapter IV, Round XV (10/10, 0 On Waitlist)
« Reply #1517 on: December 18, 2017, 09:27:10 pm »

Spoiler: Anti-Herzoog (click to show/hide)
Does that make scientific sense? No? Well it's Earth IV and he's a giant crocodile-man. Use your imagination.
Ongoing Forum Thingamajiggers:
Wikipedia Wars: Revengance


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm: Chapter IV, Round XV (10/10, 0 On Waitlist)
« Reply #1518 on: December 19, 2017, 03:25:51 pm »

Spoiler: Still secret... (click to show/hide)
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm: Chapter IV, Round XV (10/10, 0 On Waitlist)
« Reply #1519 on: December 19, 2017, 10:10:29 pm »

Spoiler: Pro-Herzog (click to show/hide)
Please don't let textbooks invade Bay12.
The Conquistadors only have the faintest idea of what the modern world is like when they are greeted by two hostile WWI Veterans riding on a giant potato; Welcome to 2016.


  • Bay Watcher
  • A sarcastic, weird nerd of many things. That's me.
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm: Chapter IV, Round XV (10/10, 0 On Waitlist)
« Reply #1520 on: January 03, 2018, 01:04:30 pm »

((Genuine apologies for the long wait, guys. I was busy with Christmas stuff, and now my sciatic nerve is acting up again, so to make a long story short: I've been in agony for the last week. When I feel better and I have more time, I will promptly update. Thank you for your patience.))
Offer them each a glass of a local drink, Rwandan Flower Wine, which contains secret ingredients to help calm the drinker such as crushed amethyst, dandelion wine and just the right amount of marijuana.
I desire, for whatever reason, to create Space Louisiana.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm: Chapter IV, Round XV (10/10, 0 On Waitlist)
« Reply #1521 on: January 12, 2018, 06:16:57 pm »

Spoiler: anti-herzog (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
  • A sarcastic, weird nerd of many things. That's me.
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm: Chapter IV, Round XV (10/10, 0 On Waitlist)
« Reply #1522 on: January 12, 2018, 08:42:08 pm »

Chapter IV-2: Duel of the Runner Ups
Team Deathmatch
Part II: Conflict of Interests
Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico
Midday, Sunny, 7/23/2016

Still stunned from the blow, the groggy Viking Vegar Trygstad stumbles on his feet while clumsily clutching his sword. Taking the opportunity, GigaGiant readies another strike with his pickaxe, aiming at his center mass. [1 v 2] Still groggy, Vegar weakly blocks the strike with his shield, which slams through the material despite not hurting him. With that in mind, though, GigaGiant moves in to grapple, aiming to take his weapons. [9 v 4] [6 v 1] Giant easily wrests control over Vegar's sword and shield, twisting them away from him. Giant holds them in his hands, sheathing away the pickaxe.

Peeking through the sleeves of her jacket, NRDL's rats sniff blood and fear in the air, and they begin anxiously squeaking. NRDL looses her sleeve up, letting them free to sniff out the enemy. [6+2 (Scent)] The rats move in behind the desk, spotting Fallacy as he presses himself back against the desk. [6 v 10] Before the rats can attack, Fallacy uses his reflexes to fire off a bolt of the plasma [7 v 5], which takes out three of the rats. The sound of this has given away his position, however, so when Fallacy rises up on instinct, NRDL takes the opportunity to punt her volleyball at him. [2+2 v 2] While Fallacy is smacked with the volleyball, he is mostly just bruised.

The first thing Fallacy wants to do is return to stealth. After all, not only was his position compromised by rats, but if his abilities get Adapted out, who knows how screwed he is? So, the first thing he does is attempt to bolt upstairs. [4] While he is successful in making it up, the layout of the bar distracting NRDL, the rats are still chasing him. Turning back, Fallacy fires [3 v 4], but the blasts whiffs them and blows a hole in the wooden floor. While Fallacy is away from having his abilities adapted away, there is still the rats to worry about. So, here comes the summoning. [9] First, he focuses on his power to bring in a certain antagonist. Out of nowhere, a butcher suddenly appears before him, brandishing a bandolier of meat (and meat by-products). He waves his hand and shouts "SALAMI!", and all of a sudden, salami cutlets burst forth towards the rats. [2 v 8] The rats, however, are unfazed, dodging the meat with no care. Fallacy then attempts to summon in the Power Ring. [5] And he manages to get one, though he is unable to use it as the rats gang up on him.

Dolosus Doleus, and his elephant that an ear-tag helpfully names as "Mikey," stand watch over the entrance. If anyone tries to enter, they will be trampled. (Action Prepared)

Climbing back to his feet, Joe sighed with frustration before turning to his Synths. "Yes, actually. How about you try and disable the car of Failbird, if you can disable the breaks and maybe make it keep accelerating when the gas pedal is stepped on, that would be nice," he whispers, making sure to add the addendum of "Of course, wait until Fail has left his car before you try and do that." Nodding, the Synths watch as Joe takes aim with his revolver once again. [4 v 7] He fires, but the bullet goes off center and slams into the building itself. Dolosus scowls at Joe, but keeps watch at the entrance.

[8+3 v 3] [5 v 9] Suddenly, a musketball smashes through a window, blowing through Vegar's skull and blowing chunks of brain and sprays of blood out of the back of his head. He falls onto his back, killed instantly by the round. After Michael nods in confirmation of the kill, the two leave their post and go after Vegar and Fallacy, only to hear rumbling come from their left. [4 v 9] [10 v 3] Person turns just in time to see Dolosus's elephant crush Michael's legs, as he was closer to Dolosus. Person jumps out of the way just in time, as the elephant is pulled away via it's own momentum. Person only has a second to react before hearing Michael's pained cries. His legs are snapped apart, bone cutting through flesh and his ankles twisted. Out of an autonomous sense of goodness, he attempts to pull Michael closer to the building. [7] Pulling him up by the arms, Person drags Michael to an outside wall.

Still within his car, Failbird turns his sights on the furthest competitor from him, that being PirateJoe, who continues to take potshots at his teammate. He speeds towards Joe. [1+2 v 4] Hearing the commotion, Joe leaps out of the way of the car, sending it speeding away. Pushing on the brakes, the car stops, but Joe is still fine.

BSN: To answer your question, Failbird: Yes, so long as you go in first.

Again, apologies for the delay. When things went well, there were distractions. It was a whole thing.

Spoiler: FallacyofUrist (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Failbird105 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: DolosusDoleus (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: GigaGiant (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Person (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: NRDL (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: piratejoe (click to show/hide)
Offer them each a glass of a local drink, Rwandan Flower Wine, which contains secret ingredients to help calm the drinker such as crushed amethyst, dandelion wine and just the right amount of marijuana.
I desire, for whatever reason, to create Space Louisiana.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I Actually Like Elves
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm: Chapter IV, Round XV (10/10, 0 On Waitlist)
« Reply #1523 on: January 12, 2018, 08:53:07 pm »

Spoiler: Pro Herzog (click to show/hide)
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm: Chapter IV, Round XV (10/10, 0 On Waitlist)
« Reply #1524 on: January 12, 2018, 09:25:15 pm »

Spoiler: Anti-Herzog (click to show/hide)
Generic Arms Race.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Affably Evil
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm: Chapter IV, Round XV (10/10, 0 On Waitlist)
« Reply #1525 on: January 12, 2018, 11:04:26 pm »

Spoiler: Auntie-Herzog (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: January 12, 2018, 11:11:01 pm by DolosusDoleus »
Does that make scientific sense? No? Well it's Earth IV and he's a giant crocodile-man. Use your imagination.
Ongoing Forum Thingamajiggers:
Wikipedia Wars: Revengance


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm: Chapter IV, Round XV (10/10, 0 On Waitlist)
« Reply #1526 on: January 14, 2018, 03:17:41 pm »

Spoiler: Pro Herzog (click to show/hide)
Please don't let textbooks invade Bay12.
The Conquistadors only have the faintest idea of what the modern world is like when they are greeted by two hostile WWI Veterans riding on a giant potato; Welcome to 2016.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm: Chapter IV, Round XV (10/10, 0 On Waitlist)
« Reply #1527 on: January 14, 2018, 04:23:46 pm »

Spoiler:  Pro Herzog (click to show/hide)
Insert witty signature here


  • Bay Watcher
  • I Actually Like Elves
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm: Chapter IV, Round XV (10/10, 0 On Waitlist)
« Reply #1528 on: January 14, 2018, 06:41:19 pm »

NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Obscure References and Danmaku everywhere.
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm: Chapter IV, Round XV (10/10, 0 On Waitlist)
« Reply #1529 on: January 18, 2018, 07:44:30 am »

Spoiler: STILL SECRET (click to show/hide)
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.
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