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Decided to start a poll about it. Do you guys want intermissions, with both backstories and the events after a Chapter?

Yes. Backstories about our characters, which may answer questions? Seeing the world after the destructive chapters? Yes, please!
- 2 (40%)
Nah. We should just start Chapter 2/3/5/291, and put background info in the Chapter itself.
- 0 (0%)
Why ask, Greatness? It's your game, if you want this sort of thing, just do it already.
- 3 (60%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Voting closed: July 20, 2016, 05:13:00 pm

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Author Topic: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm  (Read 146576 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm
« Reply #780 on: August 23, 2016, 07:57:49 pm »

I will use my ability Portals of Gargos and instead of punching use my rapier with the portal to finish off assassin and sick the demons onto the 501'st
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm
« Reply #781 on: August 24, 2016, 07:24:21 am »

Make a plan for the battle. Use my thermal detonator first at either the heaviest armored target, or on the largest concentration of enemies, and then switch to my AA-12.
Please don't let textbooks invade Bay12.
The Conquistadors only have the faintest idea of what the modern world is like when they are greeted by two hostile WWI Veterans riding on a giant potato; Welcome to 2016.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm
« Reply #782 on: August 24, 2016, 04:07:44 pm »

Plans? Shoot people with the blaster rifle. Once an opportunity to charge presents itself, down some more Buffout and apply blunt trauma to enemy targets while dual-wielding the lead pipe and wrench.
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.


  • Bay Watcher
  • A sarcastic, weird nerd of many things. That's me.
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm
« Reply #783 on: August 24, 2016, 08:50:38 pm »

The turn will come shortly. I want to give it some time because A. I procrastinate more then a fan of Nercubed (which I am) and B. Beirus is apparently moving into a dorm or something like it, as he said, so I felt like giving him a bit of time. So...yeah, that's it. See you soon!
« Last Edit: August 25, 2016, 09:19:40 am by Greatness942 »
Offer them each a glass of a local drink, Rwandan Flower Wine, which contains secret ingredients to help calm the drinker such as crushed amethyst, dandelion wine and just the right amount of marijuana.
I desire, for whatever reason, to create Space Louisiana.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm
« Reply #784 on: August 25, 2016, 10:49:23 am »

((My bad. Got caught up in first week of classes and getting books and all that "fun" stuff.))

Beirus: Offer exciting commentary now that there seems to be a fight going on.

Porkins: Move with the others. If I get in a fight, try to not die through using the Force to sense attacks.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


  • Bay Watcher
  • A sarcastic, weird nerd of many things. That's me.
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm
« Reply #785 on: August 25, 2016, 06:03:28 pm »

@Beirus: No big deal, man. First, I know buying books for schoolwork sucks is fun. Trust me on that. Second, I'm glad you told me about what's up, because I could accommodate around it.

@Everyone: Turn will come sooner, but because my all nighters are catching up to me, it may be another day or so.
Offer them each a glass of a local drink, Rwandan Flower Wine, which contains secret ingredients to help calm the drinker such as crushed amethyst, dandelion wine and just the right amount of marijuana.
I desire, for whatever reason, to create Space Louisiana.


  • Bay Watcher
  • A sarcastic, weird nerd of many things. That's me.
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm
« Reply #786 on: August 26, 2016, 06:33:53 am »

Chapter Two: The Battle of Hoth
Match Three: Elimination
Round Ten: Assault on Forward Operating Base 79-281 N
Imperial F.O.B 79-281 N, Hoth VI, Hoth System
Afternoon, Snowstorm (Manageable), 42 Months ABY (On Earth, 7/19/2016)

Boss Battle Theme!

Suddenly, the shaky fingers of DigitalDemon shoot up, hanging the air as he speaks. "Wait, we can talk this out!", he says in a panicked voice, the familiar Undertale UI appearing back in the man's vision as he tries his hardest to prevent death, whether it's his own or not.
>ACT: 501st: Appeal to Humanity
*You attempt to appeal to the 501st's human side rather then their clone births, [10+2 v 3]
*You bear witness to every 501st member lowering either their aim, or just ceasing to fire as you call out to their human origins.
*As they remember Jango Fett and his life, even Janus holsters his sidearm, causing a smile to form on your face.
>ACT: 501st: Make Peace
*You try to make the 501st cease fire by being there, being positive, and showing them a new lease on life, [6+2 v 3-2 (Crit Success Friendship)]
*As you plead with them to stop firing, they comply with human responses, rather then callsigns and war.
>MERCY: 501st
*BATTLE WON! 0 EXP and 5 GP awarded.

BiggerKhepri watches in proud and relieved shock as three of the four members of the Vader's Fist faction holster their weapons with noticeably calmer body language, their previous eagerness to fight giving way to human emotion as though broken out of brainwashing. The only one who seems like they're not happy about the turn of events is Bantha, and that's only because of the fact that, from what BiggerKhepri can tell, he's always eager for conflict. After feeling the now healed wounds drain his magic, BiggerKhepri lands and quickly changes back to human form, before feeling something wet covering his clothes near his stomach, making it apparent that Khepri's form won't heal his human wounds unless he siphons magic in that way. Feeling drained, he merely sits down. Thanks to Demon, the 501st won't attack the two present company, but if anyone else attacks, or Fish and Demon break their trusts, he feels that it will be a different story to those who would commit such an assault...

Rather then charging into the now calm camp, the strategic Wiki-Warrior named NRDL stays crouched in place, staring into the snow covered camp with a look of deep thought etched upon his face. NRDL crouches beside a hill as he tries to use his mathematics skills to figure out a way to circumvent the snowstorm's blinding effect, and also use their environment to the highest use. [2+2] As NRDL thinks and ponders, his theories continue to be shot down. Whenever he comes up with something, the snowstorm changes slightly with the wind. While he has a sound theory and how to work the storm, he needs to wait to see if it changes any before he can put it to action.

As NRDL ponders how to circumvent mother nature, the increasingly impatient PirateJoe is itching to get into combat, his hands beginning to shake with familiar adrenaline as he hovers his hand over a rapier. As he does so, he swears he can see Veronica out of the corner of his eye, but when he turns his head, she vanishes from being seen. As PirateJoe pulls his rapier out, he opens a small portal, trying to make sure to place it in a way that no one can see it. [8] Luckily, he places it behind Assassin, the purple glow going unseen as no one is paying attention to potential threats. Joe thrusts his Rapier through the portal, pushing it through with expert style. [4+2 v 2-2 (Caught Unawares, Crit Fail=No Buffs added)] Suddenly, a Rapier thrusts through Assassin's throat, piercing several important arteries in the process. Assassin drops to the ground, obviously not dead as he groans from the pain and futilely grabs at his wound, gushing like a blood fountain as it paints the white snow crimson. Despite this, the sheer volume of blood coupled with the rest of his limbs twitching as though he has no control over his body means that he is quite close to death anyway.

With PirateJoe's plan of near instant death by stabbing in place, Sir Intrigue decides that whatever plan he has, he needs to do it at that moment. He decides on something simple, yet effective, and quickly puts it into action. He grabs his Thermal Detonator and activates it, a telltale red glow casting light on his hands, before he chucks it over the hill at the heaviest armored 501st member, which would be Bantha. [2-2 v 9+2 (Armor Bonus)] After the results of his throw, Sir Intrigue quickly guesses that the only reason why BiggerFish injured Bantha was because magic can circumvent most armors. As the Detonator flies through the air, Bantha turns from his dying comrade to the flying explosive and quickly bats it away, causing it to go towards Sir Intrigue at speed fast enough that Sir Intrigue has a small window to even dodge it! [3 v 8] Sir Intrigue dodges the Detonator, an explosion going behind him, before he grabs his AA-12 and prepares his attack. Bantha tries to find his attacker, obviously not seeing him despite batting a grenade to him. [9] He turns his head and sees Sir Intrigue pull out his AA-12, causing Bantha to grab his Minigun. The assault has begun.

The currently stealthy assault causes Hawk to grin again, his teeth bared as he grabs his Blaster Rifle. After briefly adjusting his sights, he levels his Rifle at Bantha who is quickly rearing to fire at Sir Intrigue. [4-2 (Sight) v 7+2] As Hawk fires his ionized plasma at Bantha, the snowstorm and the armor combined means that the shot doesn't even hit, Bantha not focusing on him as he charges on Sir Intrigue's position. Taking this as an opportunity, Hawk downs more Buffout and reaches for his wrench and lead pipe. As soon as he grabs both of his melee weapons, the drugs kick in, causing Hawk to laugh maniacally before he charges right for Bantha with murderous intent. [9+2 v 6+3 (Armor)] [3+2 v 7+3] Hawk first uses his wrench, it's blow only glancing off of Bantha's helmet with an unsatisfying *plink* before bouncing off of the armor of Bantha. As Bantha turns, he ducks a lead pipe before throwing his fist at Hawk! [9 v 8+2] Bantha, to quick dismay, finds that Hawk's armor is quite tough as he hits the chestpiece only to rear his hand out in pain, Hawk merely shrugging getting into a boxing stance, ready to fight Bantha.

Upon seeing the fighting start in glorious fashion, Lady Porkins tries to remain unseen to avoid the conflict. [6] While she swears Near saw her, she's also sure that it was only a glance, an incidental look into a sea of chaos. Due to this, Lady Porkins stays down, and ceases to make noise, carefully avoiding line of sight as she crawls away.

((Auto'd, 2 turns idle)) ATH, however, loudly plays Flight of the Valkyries before aiming a Fusion Cannon at Janus. [9+2 v 6+2] Janus gets his left side grazed by a Fusion Cannon, clutching it as he collapses onto his knees.

Beirus excitedly jumps up and down as he realizes that there's an actual battle going on! "Finally! It looks like the F.O.B. is currently being assaulted by the Wiki-Warriors! Assassin's dying, and Bantha's trying to kill everyone himself, but all in all, it's going to become a warzone!", happy as can be. As soon as he finishes, however, he takes another sip of drink before looking for...a certain little problem. [10-2] Looking in the snowfall, he sees the familiar doctor-like visage of the Operator staring into the battle, looking up at both the sun and the Helicopter before beginning to walk closer to the camp. It's obvious that is planning something. Beirus turns back to see Jess sitting with his drink, Veronica relaxed into her seat with a hand around Jess's drinking her whiskey, and Logan seemingly nervous at something. Beirus turns to the window, waiting to see just what happens...

Bantha slings his Minigun to his back before adopting his own MMA stance, quickly throwing a punch to Hawk's head! [4 v 5+2] Hawk dodges the punch, the only contact being a glancing blow to the helmet before he pushes Bantha back.

Near tries to find any Wiki-Warriors in cover, prepping his Jetpack in case he sees one. [9-2] He finds the same Wiki-Warrior Bantha saw, Sir Intrigue, and jets towards him. He lands on Sir Intrigue's snowhill before leveling both Blaster Pistols at him. [5 v 5] Sir Intrigue dodges both shots with ease, and they both level their guns at eachother.

Janus grabs both DigitalDemon and BiggerFish and chuck them into a tent, though whether for cover or as prisoners is unknown. Janus then tries to boost morale. [1+2] He weaves a tale on how, if they try hard enough, Assassin may just live...which lessens Morale, because Assassin is currently gurgling blood and twitching. Near and Bantha stay how they are, but only because Assassin's injury did enough on it's own.

A blue light appears as Luke appears and charges towards Near, readying his grip like he practiced for maximum effect. [10+2 v 1] As the Lightsaber passes through Near's neck, Sir Intrigue looks on in either awe or shock as Near's head flies off of his body before disgracefully landing in the snow. Luke then does a gesture, as a silent signal to the other Rebels.
Boss Killed! Luke is an NPC, and cannot gain any Articles!

Han springs his head up and points his pistol at Janus, before squeezing the trigger shooting a red beam of Plasma at him. [3 v 5] Janus dodges the shot, before heading into the tent as cover.

Chewie runs in after Han, before firing his Bowcaster into the tent. [3 v 10] Chewie's shot goes off center, and Janus pokes his head out to shoot back at them! [3 v 1] A Slugthrower round goes through Chewie's left arm, causing him to drop to cover and howl in pain as drips of blood hit the snow.

Ara charges in and levels her blaster at Bantha. [1 v 7] Another backlog of Plasma prevents her from shooting, causing her to drop to cover to clear it.

The Rebels charge in, and due to being the last ones in battle, they calm down and think back to the plan before all firing at Bantha. [6+2 v 7] Bantha feels plasma graze his left arm, causing him to turn to the Rebels before focusing back on Hawk.

Izzik and Dretch charge towards Bantha, ready to begin their assault. [5 v 7] [5+2 v 3] Izzik thrusts his spear out, before Bantha catches it and pushes him back. Dretch then scratches at Bantha, and due to his magical properties, Bantha gets tripped up, ready to be attacked by anyone.

We wait in the snow, carefully looking over the battle with a simple gaze. As we wave purple flame through Bolton's fingers, we can swear we hear James sipping his drink, waiting for the inevitable... Help me.

BSN: Decided to make the turn anyway. I have to start sleeping...

Alright, because I'm a fraud honest, I'll admit it. I handwaved the Rebels being calm enough to think to the plan. I hate handwaving about as much as I hate double negatives, but I have a reason. It's not the best reason, but it's a reason. You see, I was typing up Ara's action when I realized I forgot it, and by the time I realized...just look up. I typed out everyone's turn, and if I had to retype everything, I'd either start playing Garry's Mod to procrastinate, or pass out from being tired, because I can't sleep, apparently. I'm really sorry, next turn I'll include the buff. I hope you guys aren't too upset at me for my idiocy.

Spoiler: AbstractTraitorHero (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Person (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: LordPorkins (Beirus) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: DigitalDemon (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Hawk132 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: NRDL (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: TheBiggerFish (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: piratejoe (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: NPCs (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 26, 2016, 11:10:35 pm by Greatness942 »
Offer them each a glass of a local drink, Rwandan Flower Wine, which contains secret ingredients to help calm the drinker such as crushed amethyst, dandelion wine and just the right amount of marijuana.
I desire, for whatever reason, to create Space Louisiana.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm
« Reply #787 on: August 26, 2016, 06:52:17 am »

"They won't stop coming. You're going to have to run."

Convince the 501st to flee, and assist them in doing so.
Quote from: Sergarr
When in doubt, use puns.
Quote from: Calidovi
in our own special way we are all shitpost
each day, when the sun shines and greets us with a smile, at least one of us finds that inner strength to spout bullshit on a forum revolving around the systemized slaughter of midgets
dont call me a shitposter, call me a spirit one with the shitpost atman
Quote from: Descan
that's pretty gay


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm
« Reply #788 on: August 26, 2016, 07:29:54 am »

Open fire on bantha with my blaster rifle.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Obscure References and Danmaku everywhere.
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm
« Reply #789 on: August 26, 2016, 10:36:54 am »

I would crack my knuckles and let out a roar before charging hoping I would step over Assassin and ram into Bantha
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Somewhere around here.
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm
« Reply #790 on: August 26, 2016, 10:43:23 am »

Argh.  Attempt to heal myself.

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm
« Reply #791 on: August 26, 2016, 03:21:14 pm »

Maul Bantha with my wrench and pipe. Should he fall, find another enemy to attack.
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.


  • Bay Watcher
  • A sarcastic, weird nerd of many things. That's me.
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm
« Reply #792 on: August 28, 2016, 11:18:04 am »

Bumping for those who haven't posted yet...maybe I should be either just bump or just PM, and stop doing both. This sort of thing adds unnecessary replies, so...
Offer them each a glass of a local drink, Rwandan Flower Wine, which contains secret ingredients to help calm the drinker such as crushed amethyst, dandelion wine and just the right amount of marijuana.
I desire, for whatever reason, to create Space Louisiana.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm
« Reply #793 on: August 28, 2016, 12:06:32 pm »

Open fire at Bantha with my AA-12.
Please don't let textbooks invade Bay12.
The Conquistadors only have the faintest idea of what the modern world is like when they are greeted by two hostile WWI Veterans riding on a giant potato; Welcome to 2016.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Warfare: Cataclysm
« Reply #794 on: August 28, 2016, 12:35:52 pm »

Beirus: More commentary

Porkins: Be helpful somehow.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.
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