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Author Topic: The End of Doomforests: The Final Turn that Never came  (Read 94515 times)


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Deep beneath p Doomforests, in the portal room...

'What was that, anyway?
Gwolfski had just ordered everyone to stop working on the portal until his secret project was completed. The paladins were having a snack. Imic repeated himself.
'What was that, anyway?'
Gadrok answered finally:
'Some kind of... Divine intervention. Some kind of powerful magic meeting the portal's energy... At the same time, however, it couldn't have been any mortal being. Only Armok himself could have broken into such power as was running through that portal. Maybe... He's trying to tell us something...'
'It wasn't just him, was it though?'
'No... Something... messed with the signal. Diverted the power. That sort of thing...'
'On unrelated terms, has anyone seen Dark Two lately? I owe him a litre of strawberry wine...'
'I'm... Not... Sure...'
'Those cultists of the black arrow sure are quiet lately.'
'They're going over what they saw last night, too busy looking terrified to do anything.'
'Those goblins.. So many...'
'It wasn't real'
'It looked real enough.'
Gordak ran into the room
'The portal is activating!'
They ran into the chamber
'Everyone get out!'
Once everyone was out, they ran for the bunker, but it was too late for the paladins.
'Get down!'
A flash of lightning flew out from the portal, and suddenly there were strange letters all over the portal's gate. They seemed to form letters.
'Take them down!'
Gadrok obliged.
Then, Suddenly, the portal fell down, looking even more damaged then ever before.
'Do we know anyone good with codes?'
' heard that Drazoth III was good with codes...'
'Give it to him.'
Gadrok left to find Drazoth III.
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
Quote cabinet
Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.


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Public Service Announcement

The Order of the Black Arrow is not a cult. Cult implies following blindly behind some one impersonating some one famous (usually a god). The Order worships no one, we serve Power in Power's name. We strive for domination.

Also, as of this day 21 Obsidian, Ryukan has been temporarily replaced as head of the Order by acolyte Airith, due to a severe case of mental duress.

            Thank you
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


  • Bay Watcher
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Public Service Announcement

The Order of the Black Arrow is not a cult. Cult implies following blindly behind some one impersonating some one famous (usually a god). The Order worships no one, we serve Power in Power's name. We strive for domination.

Also, as of this day 21 Obsidian, Ryukan has been temporarily replaced as head of the Order by acolyte Airith, due to a severe case of mental duress.

            Thank you
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
Quote cabinet
Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.


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D3 was getting annoyed.  So far his searches hadn't turned up any realistic threats to the fortress.  As he wandered through the ruined corridors of an abandoned fort, he felt a twinge in the back of his neck.  It was then followed by a surge of energy as a thunderous sound came from behind.  Slowly, he turned and looked at the source.  Behind him was a massive, and rather unstable looking portal.  Through it he could see the ones whom he had stolen the plans from, some others who had been fighting, and most curiously, the Glorious Prime Minister Smunstu.  Then, as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone. 

'Strange, I'll have to pass word to Kronk and Hans when I return' He thought.  Remebering then that he hadn't even learned the name of these ruins, he looked at several of the engravings on the walls.  'BoatMurdered.... sounds like an appropriate name for a place like this.'
He then continued through the ruins, hoping to find the source of this once great fort's demise.
Welcome to Doomforests, please, choose a cult of your liking or head to the overseers office to register your own cult. Religious freedom is pride of this fortress!

Hans Keip

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It did not take long for Gadrok to arrive at Drazoth's office however the only dwarf he found there was Hans.

"Hello," Hans said as Gadrok entered, "I'm afraid that Drazoth III is currently indisposed. I can take a message though and let him know as soon as he arrives."

"Um, sure," Gadrok replied uneasily, "I'm supposed to give him this. It's some sort of code."

Hans took the page and studied it for a moment, "I'm sure we'll have this decoded shortly. Thank you."

Gadrok then left quickly, glad to be away from Hans.

"I must find some way around that," Hans said to himself, "I still seem to unnerve a lot of beings I'm near."

Hans then turned back to the list of portal destinations and scoured through for the one he had noticed earlier. Upon finding it he quickly expunged all the data relating to it.

"It is for the best that they not interfere there," he said, "Now to find all the other copies."


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(OOC: Gwolfski, hurry up!)

Journal of Airith, Temporary Head of The Order of the Black Arrow

Well, that happened. I had just received word from a source that Imic and those paladins (they think we are their nemesis, so adorable) had finished a portal. After I scrounged up as many Truthbearers as I could, I made haste to the lowest parts of the fortress. As we passed the secret gate (which may or may not exist on the east side of the fortress...) Ryukan entered, he must have finished his time at Constructivory early) and asked what I was doing with a virtual army of Truthbearers. I informed him of the situation and he took immediate command of the raid and we continued our decent.

As we rounded the last corner their was a bright flash and we beheld a fully functioning portal. Ryukan gave the order to attack and all hell broke loose. Ryukan took on Imic personally and I found the Paladin's second-in-command, Gadrok, and I engaged him. He turned out to be masterful with a hammer... Even as Ryukan nearly killed Imic effortlessly, I had to use every trick up my sleeve to keep my head intact on my shoulders. But it wasn't enough, I slipped in my defense and Gadrok took the opportunity to knock me on the floor. All I could do was close my eyes and wait for my doom. Then I heard Ryukan shout for my partner, Zasit, to move. Then a loud explosion. I opened my eyes and turned to look at my partner for my entire life, my brother really, his eyes were pure white, and as I looked into them I saw something that I will never forget;

The destruction of Doomforest, through means that I will not dare to write on paper.

After that, Zasit claimed himself a god, and then... he just... I can't. I'm sorry, it's too painful. After a moment of silence, I noticed that Smunstu was here giving orders, I realized that if we stayed here, we would run the risk of exposing our true strength, even if this was just a small percentage. I looked and saw our fearless leader on the ground frozen with a look of pure terror on his face. I got up and ran over to him trying to tell him that we had to leave. We didn't even respond, he just sat there. I ordered two Truthbearers to take him to the Sanctum.

When we arrived, I ordered Ryukan to be placed in his room. Even now, two days after the event, he still lays there, not taking food or water and I'm sure he does not even sleep, he just sits there. Not living, he just... is right now. I, with the approval of the council, took temporary command of the Order.

I now sit in my- his office, looking at the copy of the portal that we stole some time ago. As the night wears on, I sit here just thinking, this portal will be the fall of us, this fortress, this world, and the many now connected to it because of Imic's mad schemes.

This portal means death. No, this portal is death. I have seen it. I just don't know when.

In Some Far Dimension, Where Time Does Not Reign

Ryukan was drifting in and out of this space. He had been here before, when he received his title of Head of the Order. He knew his body was back in Doomforest, slowly dying of starvation and dehydration. He would have to hurry up and find what he looked for here. He drifted through this space, nothing but black. At times, he thought he wasn't even moving, but he had been here before and knew that it was just an illusion. Before much longer he spotted a stone structure floating in the expanse. This was his goal. The birthplace of the Order, The Void Temple.
As Ryukan entered the huge gateway, we walked great distances to a set of familiar doors. He stopped, took a deep breath and walked in (knocking would be meaningless in this place).

As he entered, he spoke, a sound that was like a scream in this infinitely dark and silent place.

"I have come my Master" Ryukan said as he knelt before a pedestal, on which was statue of an unknown substance. The statue was in the likeliness of an Elven Goddess. But Ryukan knew better, this being took on the shape of anything it deemed, right now a Dark Elf, and held enough power to rival that of Armok's.

After minutes, Ryukan thought that his words were lost on the stone. But then the stone began to crack and fall off, revealing a figure of pure beauty. Skin as white as (sorry for the pun) snow, and hair as purple as royal robes. The figure wore a dress of silk that was every color and no color all at once.

"I hear you my most faithful student" It spoke with a voice of that like many speaking at once.

"My master, we are in trouble" Ryukan spoke fervently.

"What can trouble you Ryukan? You who stole the Palantir of Annuminas, the Triforce of Hyrule, the  Four Crowns of Cair Paravel; You who defeated the Armies of Gondor, King's Landing, Tamriel, and Hyrule in the same day. Tell me o servant, what is it you are afraid of?" The Being replied.

"My Death"
« Last Edit: April 21, 2016, 11:33:01 am by TheImmortalRyukan »
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


  • Bay Watcher
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Heh. Remeber that plan? Well, yeah.....
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


  • Bay Watcher
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Heh. Remeber that plan? Well, yeah.....
Did it go a little how we expected it to go? More importantly, has the framerate improved?

Seriously, though, Flame will be disappointed if you didn't use any of their hard work...


  • Bay Watcher
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I think the framerate is on the way of improvement, while our population might suffer a steep decline. Depends on the haulers.

Ahbem, ic folows

THe plan is going great! We have already located our structure of interest! Through the use of road-dar we have pinpointed the barrier.
Kronk, set up the levers. Everyone shall watch!
« Last Edit: April 21, 2016, 12:41:28 pm by Gwolfski »
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


  • Bay Watcher
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Heh. Remeber that plan? Well, yeah.....
Did it go a little how we expected it to go? More importantly, has the framerate improved?

Seriously, though, Flame will be disappointed if you didn't use any of their hard work...
Wait, what hard work? I've done a lot, which thing specifically? Improved framerate?


  • Bay Watcher
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Heh. Remeber that plan? Well, yeah.....
Did it go a little how we expected it to go? More importantly, has the framerate improved?

Seriously, though, Flame will be disappointed if you didn't use any of their hard work...
Wait, what hard work? I've done a lot, which thing specifically? Improved framerate?
I was thinking specifically of the Dwarven Chessboard. Please tell me if I've completely misunderstood Gwolfski's vague hints.


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Oh yeah, that's a thing I did. Did I unseal the intakes before passing on my turn? I forget.


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I am working on write up . Ready by Saturday or Sunday.
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


  • Bay Watcher
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Cancel my turn. I don't have time. sorry.
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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I am working on write up . Ready by Saturday or Sunday.
Do you mean by that that you've finished playing? Because if so, we should probably contact Sanctume, and if you could upload it that would be a great help.
Just the inter-turn period can go on quite a while if we let it...
Sorry, didn't see your later post. Shall I contact Sanctume?
If you've got... anywhere, really, could you upload where you've reached? Just because any movement forwards must be accounted progress at this point.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2016, 11:33:59 am by Sacasco »
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