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Author Topic: The End of Doomforests: The Final Turn that Never came  (Read 94395 times)


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Re: The End of Doomforests: For Doom the Bell Tolls
« Reply #735 on: August 25, 2016, 12:55:43 pm »

A new fort, eh? After all this time Doomforests hasn't let up, but it seems to be coming to a close.

Taupe, I hope you are planning on writing for the new one, your diaries were the best shit ever and I want to read more!


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Re: The End of Doomforests: For Doom the Bell Tolls
« Reply #736 on: August 25, 2016, 01:20:30 pm »

I can't believe this clusterfuck lasted as long as it did. I posted in the original thread 60 or so?

Sad to see it end. But, I'd like to be an active part of the sequel.  ;D


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Re: The End of Doomforests: For Doom the Bell Tolls
« Reply #737 on: August 25, 2016, 03:35:05 pm »

((I can't find the images, will add them if I find 'em))

This was it. Months of mysterious tunneling where ended. The ritual sacrifice was thrown down the shaft. Levers were pulled.

And this is where it all went wrong. Pipes burst. Water spewed everywhere, but thanks to Imic, everybody was too drunk to care. Except one. Locked up for the past year, he schemed. It was nearly ready. But the miners were dead.

 A pick, a pick! These words rang through the halls. Then it was found. A fine iron pick, imported from the mountainhome itself. So he raced down cramped tunnels, splashed through puddles of moisture, and swung. Water went everywhere, he ran. The wall burst, he was swept unconscious.

Meanwhile, a drunk dwarf snapped. He broke in to the locked chambers, and pulled all the damn levers he could find.

THUNK. THUNK. THUN-Crash. The final support, released in an ill-timed manner, broke the thin cyan floor. Demons swarmed up, but were met with a wall of water that came to early.

KRUNK went the gears. The water ceased. But no good was for the fell clowns, as the blood of the mountains itself swept in.

Meanwhile, washed up through a storm drain, the engineer awoke. He heard the machinery, and knew he was doomed. Unless...

High above, ancient floodgates holding back a new vigorous force burst. Upper Doomforest flooded. Water rushed down the stairs.

Below, the engineer struggled through the raging torrent, reaching the control room. Seeing the damage sent a wave of rage through him, causing him to punch the tantrummer's jaw off. The fool wrecked everything! But hope!  It was for this very reason a small grey switch was built. A ghetto solution, but a solution never the less. Overworked axles smoked as stressed gears sparked, and a great pendulum was set in motion. For this was the very weapon against hell itself. In awe of this, the ceiling promptly collapsed. This went on for many days, Demons slaying all the living. They never noticed the masterful steel door hidden among 200 masterful engravings of doors.

The engineer awoke to an olm in his ear. It was time. Racing down half-flooded hallways, he reached the candy spire. The supplies were in place. A bucket and a seed, no more, no less, to fight reality itself.

It was about this time a dwarven caravan reached the sogged Depot to trade. They were met by their prime minster making a tactical retreat, but it might be fleeing in terror just as well. Then the main hall burst into flame
((think like the gate at the Lonely Mountain when Smaug attacked, in the Hobbit, only from the inside.)) They fled. Doomforest had fallen.

Deep, deep below, mud sloshed onto the ground. A seed was placed. And the world burst into whiteness. Four sided triangles and wheels with a pi of 3 appeared. For strawberries had been grown in hell. Reality fought back, expelling this place into a new dimension.

The engineer knew it was as it had to be, and so he waited to step into the proper world at the proper time. A nice strawberry wine soothed his nerves.

Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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Re: The End of Doomforests: For Doom the Bell Tolls
« Reply #738 on: August 25, 2016, 04:56:50 pm »

« Last Edit: August 25, 2016, 10:02:23 pm by TheImmortalRyukan »
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


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Re: The End of Doomforests: For Doom the Bell Tolls
« Reply #739 on: August 25, 2016, 05:34:54 pm »

This school year, my schedule appears to be a bit looser, so I may be able to play a larger role in 2.0. If anyone missed it, I also got new equipment about a month ago, which means I will be able to play the game effectively past year 3.
Our forward thinking overseer at the time devised a way in which werebeasts can live in peace with other dwarves by utilizing the mysterious magical properties of soap!

Quote from: PsychoAngel on January 19, 2016
Don't worry. I've got extremely volatile exploding fish.
My friends and I say a lot of fun things to each other.


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Re: The End of Doomforests: For Doom the Bell Tolls
« Reply #740 on: August 25, 2016, 09:50:47 pm »

OOC:  Before we all get started on the new fort, prehaps we should RP the final moments of this beautiful shit-pit.

D3 was at the party, getting rather more drunk than normal, even by dwarven standards, and having one final chat with DO2.  It was good to say goodbye to the only pseudo-friend he had left in the fort.  He knew that once the demons were free, they'd take control of all the energy that this place had absorbed, and likely be able to conquer/destroy the world with it.  He mentioned that he did send word to the family regarding this, in the hopes that they might be able to do something about it. 

After D3 had parted ways with DO2, and was refiling his flask with rum, he felt the tremor, and knew the time was upon them.  Racing, he headed straight for his office, and the portal device within.  He had hoped he would of had more time, he hoped now that he wasn't too late.  This world falling to the demons was one thing, the risk of them being able to travel to other worlds freely was unthinkable.  In hindsight, maybe he should have destroyed the device, but deep down he was a somewhat selfish dwarf, and had wanted a chance to escape with his life.

The tremors grew greater and louder as he ran through obscure passages deep underground, hoping the his destination had not been flooded already.  Just as he turned the final corner he came face to face with a demon,  A hulking ox shaped thing, with 3 heads and 10 muscular arms, with 3 of them serving as legs.  It's long, matted fur was a dull purple, though there were large patches of it covered in what D3 knew to be dwarven gore.

"Hello there good sir and or madam, if it isn't an inconvenience, could you please step aside, there is something I must attend to in my chambers before you kill me."

The demon looked puzzled for a moment, then moved to smash D3's head in with the arm located on it's forehead when D3 held up his hand.  He rummaged around in his pocket for a moment before pulling out DO's gift.  Activating it, his constructs began to pour out and they charged the demon, quickly swarming it.  D3 knew that it wouldn't be long before all the excess energies being released from hell overwhelmed his constructs and destroyed them, but he hoped it would buy him the few moments he needed.

Ducking into his room, slamming the door and shoving as much as he could in front of it, he quickly moved to the portal device.  He removed it's power source and connected in the the stone floor, powering it with the energies that filled the fort.  Just as he was setting the controls to open the portal, the demon barged in, bloodied from the constructs attack, but far from dead.  It rushed him, but just before it reached him, something latched onto the demon's face and began attacking it.  Pausing, D3 looked at the thing before recognizing it.  It was Faustus, the little messenger construct he used to play his little game with Don Pedro.  Before he lost himself in nostalgia, he quickly opened the portal and went through.  A moment later and the portal overloaded, destroying Faustus and the demon, as well as every worldly possession D3 had aside from his clothes, his flask, some gold coins he happened to have on him, that little pocket radio he got during his inter-dimension jaunts and his journal.

Dazed, D3 wakes up face down in sand.  Standing, he looks around and sees a small community off in the distance.  Seeing no other potential destinations he walks towards it.  Patting his pockets, he finds his flask and takes a drink.  When goes to put it back he notices the radio and takes it out.  After some fumbling he gets it working and tunes into what thinks is some sort of local news station.  As he walks into the town, the smooth voice of the radio host gives him a small hope that things will be okay here, and that he can begin a new life here.

Meanwhile, in an other plane all together, Drazoth is sitting apart from the other watchers.  While they work to set up the new fort, he sits and smiles to himself.  While he doesn't normally go out of his way to help his minions, and much less does he ever directly interfere on the mortal plane like that, in this instance it felt right.  Afterall, D3 had served him well, and activating Faustus like that didn't take much effort.  Besides, he felt like at least one dwarf from that doomed place deserved a happy ending, so why not his own minion.  With that dealt with, he rejoins the others, and resumes his scheming.  This time, things will be different.  This time, he will Win.
Welcome to Doomforests, please, choose a cult of your liking or head to the overseers office to register your own cult. Religious freedom is pride of this fortress!


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Re: The End of Doomforests: For Doom the Bell Tolls
« Reply #741 on: August 25, 2016, 10:22:00 pm »

Events of 21st Granite, 01 A.D. (After Doomforest)

When the final cries of the dwarves finally vanished, and eerie quite set upon the whole world, as if the very planet and its inhabitants held their collective breath. Nothing ever came out of the ancient fortress, nor did any return who went to explore what had happened.

Emperor Smunstu I walked upon the road, his only belongings in the world now his clothes upon his back, a few pouches, a flask of ale, and his sword at his side. His destination? He knew not. All his mind would comprehend was that he had to move. Move as far from that place as he could.

"Do you even know where to go?" asked Ryukan as his spirit formed to his side from his sword.

"Must... go... away..."

"Very well then." Ryukan waved his hand, a bright light flashed and in front of him was a digital display, one of a more Modern period would even say a hologram. Ryukan typed his hands upon his keyboard and started imputing commands into a window labeled DFHack. Smunstu stared at this with idle fascination, his broken mind unable to comprehend it.

"There we go." Ryukan said as Smunstu crumpled to the ground asleep. "Now to delete those negative thoughts... now to memory... erasing relations as to avoid further emotional damage... There! Done." Ryukan said, and Smunstu's body went from a restless sleep to a peaceful slumber.

"System Command!" Ryukan shouted to no one in particular, "T.P. NPC Smunstu to location Gloomdiamond!" Smunstu's body pixelated into nothingness.

"System Command! Delete World!" A small window appeared reading "Are you sure?" Ryukan pressed "Yes." The very world shook as the edges began to pixelate and disappear. The cries of millions arose and vanished almost as quickly.

"System Command! T.P. Admin Ryukan to Watcher's Waiting Room!" As Ryukan's ghost began to pixelate, he looked around one last time as the world he had lived in for the past few years.

"Goodbye" He said as he and the world ceased to exist.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2016, 10:24:24 pm by TheImmortalRyukan »
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


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Re: The End of Doomforests: For Doom the Bell Tolls
« Reply #742 on: August 26, 2016, 12:56:09 am »

that was anticlimactic.
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
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Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.


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Re: The End of Doomforests: For Doom the Bell Tolls
« Reply #743 on: August 26, 2016, 08:11:50 am »

Flame and the others finished walling off the staircase. She sagged in relief as she heard scratching from the other side. Just in time. She led her group out of Doomforests, away to who knows where. Oh well. There will always be demand for legendary smiths...

Dark One

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Re: The End of Doomforests: For Doom the Bell Tolls
« Reply #744 on: August 26, 2016, 01:01:11 pm »

The Doom was inevitably coming while dwarves were partying at the festival. Dark Two and his knights did their best to make it grandest festival in the world... and they have succeeded. Many dwarves have come, citizens too poor to move on to another settlement or unaware of their fate. Only few knew what was coming and either escaped a moment after receiving the note, or shown themselves at festival for a short while then left. Dark Two spent the festival drinking as much booze and eating as much as he could, merrily spending his time with others. When he was drunk enough to forget about demons, Drazoth the Third appeared for a short chat. A few barrels of ale and rum later Drazoth had to leave, at this time most dwarves that attended to festival have blacked out, rest drinking or brawling. Then the demons finally came from their hellhole and began the slaughter. Drinking too much even for a dwarf, Dark Two's vision was highly altered by alcoholic visions. He died a happy man, seeing a deadly hulking brute demon as the most attractive dwarven woman coming close to him...


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Re: The End of Doomforests: For Doom the Bell Tolls
« Reply #745 on: August 27, 2016, 06:07:10 pm »

A new fort, eh? After all this time Doomforests hasn't let up, but it seems to be coming to a close.

Taupe, I hope you are planning on writing for the new one, your diaries were the best shit ever and I want to read more!

I so don't have time to do that, sadly. My schedule is super filled, and random apparitions on the forums are as much as I can dedicate to DF these days.


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Re: The End of Doomforests: For Doom the Bell Tolls
« Reply #746 on: August 28, 2016, 12:38:58 am »

A new fort, eh? After all this time Doomforests hasn't let up, but it seems to be coming to a close.

Taupe, I hope you are planning on writing for the new one, your diaries were the best shit ever and I want to read more!

I so don't have time to do that, sadly. My schedule is super filled, and random apparitions on the forums are as much as I can dedicate to DF these days.
I know the feeling.
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
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Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.


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Re: The End of Doomforests: That Final Turn that Never Came
« Reply #747 on: December 27, 2016, 09:46:03 pm »

I have decided to finish it. The ending it got, wasn't good enough, so, until the fort's fall, no matter how many years it will take, I will steer it, as its last overseer, pray for me. I honestly think it deserves a proper burial in the forums.

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The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


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Re: The End of Doomforests: That Final Turn that Never Came
« Reply #748 on: December 27, 2016, 10:42:01 pm »

I won't mind helping to bury the corpse, could make everyone fight each other :)
Quote from: TheFlame52
Fucking hell man, you aren't just getting the short end of the stick, you're being beaten with it.
Quote from: NRDL
Is your plan really to flush water into hell, and have the CARP marines fight them without threat of flame or disease?  If so, you are awesome, and one of the greatest DF military visionaries I've seen yet ( not that I've seen that many, or any, for that matter )


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Re: The End of Doomforests: That Final Turn that Never Came
« Reply #749 on: December 28, 2016, 01:55:54 am »

Good luck. Rping will be done in excess at my gloomdiamonds turn.
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
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Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.
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