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Author Topic: You are a Shaper!  (Read 10626 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #75 on: December 28, 2016, 06:24:52 pm »

Wants to rape and enslave my innocent night faeries ;-;


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of ze Snails
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #76 on: December 29, 2016, 10:15:28 am »

Marcus raises his hand before you do.

“What is a disc of Essence?”

Zackary blinks at that, at actually seems somewhat sheepish at failing to explain the unit of measurement beforehand.

“We Shapers keep Essence in small crystal discs, and use those discs as a means of measuring Essence. A single disk is about the width of a finger, and about as big as the palm of one’s hand. Creations vary widely in Essence costs - a Creation is considered cheap to create in terms of Essence if it requires less than 30 discs, moderate in expense if it is between 30 and 60 discs, expensive if between 60 and 90, and a huge investment if above 90. Keep in mind, when considering these costs, that it is extremely rare to make a single Creation for any purpose - these judgements of expense are based on the cost of creating batches of Creations. So when I say between 60 and 90 discs is expensive, that does not mean a pair of Therkusses would be considered expensive. As I said, quantity is its own quality.”

After Zackary finishes answering Marcus’ question, you raise your hand.

“Why would the Kerran’s obsession with blue be an issue, when you could just mark the object of their protection in blue? And why are the Therkusses allowed to be so rebellious - should that not be ironed out of their design?”

Zackary composes his response for a moment before answering.

“It is true that it would not be difficult at all to make use of the Kerran design’s obsession with the color blue, but consider. What if an intruder or infiltrator in a Shaper facility guarded by Kerran happened to be wearing blue? The possible consequences are too disastrous.. We can not allow the possibility of such a security breach simply because we deem it unlikely an infiltrator will happen to be wearing blue - and it is not, in fact, all that unlikely a scenario. Merely one of their articles of clothing would have to be blue - far too risky. As for the Therkusses.. The same reason we allow the Therkusses to remain so stubborn is the same reason it is possible for strange quirks of behavior to appear in experimental Creations so easily - as even with our master of biology and life, the mind is a baffling, impenetrable labyrinth to us Shapers. The mind, the consciousness, resides in one single organ - the brain, located in one’s head.”

Zackary taps his head.

“But the brain far outstrips every other single scrap of any living creature that exists in sheer complexity. Every other portion of the anatomy, we know exactly how to manipulate and form, exactly how to Shape Essence so this feature appears or that feature appears. Not so the brain. For the brain, when it comes to developing new Creations, we are entirely reliant on ancient designs passed down throughout the generation to Shape it - when we examine the whorls and spirals of Essence that Shape the brain, we find a pattern so sophisticated and incomprehensible that to alter even a millimeter of it could change the entirety of a Creation’s psychology. Even pure, stubborn systematic testing can only go so far when it comes to a thing so complex - what little knowledge we do have comes from centuries of such testing, and even now are there entire facilities dedicated to such efforts. Almost the entirety of developing a new Creation is working out the kinks that arise from shoving a standard-copy brain of ancient design into whatever body has been created - usually initial prototypes of a given Creation can barely move! The Kerran has taken years of development to get to this point, and it could take us many more months to work out what quirks it has left. And if we do, what other quirks might arise from our changes to its mind? We must absolutely get out its obsession with the color blue - we could very well leave in its tendency to immediately start to devour fallen enemies in. That is not such a compromising behavioral issue. Such are the concessions we must make in Creation development due to the unfathomable complexity of the mind. Thus do we accept the rebelliousness of the Therkuss, and the inconvenient quirks of each Creation design.”

“Any other questions?”

Zackary waits a moment, sees no one else has any questions at this point, then leads you all to the library and sets you loose.

What do you do?

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« Last Edit: January 01, 2017, 05:32:27 am by Snallac »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #77 on: December 29, 2016, 11:00:25 am »

Go to the shaping practice chamber and boost your essence capacity, it should be quiet there and it has pools of essence there for you.

High tyrol

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #78 on: December 29, 2016, 11:23:16 am »

Go to the shaping practice chamber and boost your essence capacity, it should be quiet there and it has pools of essence there for you.
great idea! I didn't know we could shape during library time but if we can...
  Attempt to boost Essence capacity through repetitive drills for a bit and then see if we can maintain multiple (3-4) flynds at once through the next day.
  Read about poisons and think of how to test poison ideas at night because they won't let us go out and shape at night. (we could also study tactics or strategy but that doesn't seem pressing.)   


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of ze Snails
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #79 on: December 31, 2016, 07:24:40 am »

An idea occurs to you, and you have Tavros find you a book about Essence, detailing as much as possible. It is simply labelled The Guide to Essence. Within it you find details on methods of storing Essence, methods of manipulating it directly and performing Active Shaping, spells that benefit from using Essence over Energy, the uses of Essence in alchemy - an art referred to as Living Alchemy - and most importantly, exercises to help one increase their Essence capacity. Your Essence capacity will, of course, increase gradually and subconsciously over time as you gain a greater proficiency in Shaping and manipulating Essence, but actively growing your Essence capacity will yield rewards greater than anything else you can imagine working on. Practicing Shaping on your own time can only aid you so much considering that what you will be able to practice, you will also be taught in due course anyhow - a greater Essence capacity, however, will be a huge advantage even when you are a full Shaper. You decide to start working on that, but not now - you must stay in the library for the time being.

In the meantime, you read a book Tavros found you titled Detailed Shaping - the Art of Creating Small Structures and Substances. It is about Shaping very fine, complex Essence patterns, the kind required for very physically sophisticated Creations, or those meant to have poison glands, magic organs or any variety of complex structures. It is more about development than following an already existing design - Instinctive Shaping is adequate to handle all the fine details when you are using an already viable design, with the anatomy already memorized. Occasionally your subconscious will screw up and cause a minor mutation or two, but even that is rare. No, this guide is meant to aid in developing Creations that incorporate such complex features as poison glands, or magical abilities, or any number of things. Muscle, joints, bones, blood vessels, those things are relatively simple. But a Creation is not going to be very useful for much at all if it has only those relatively mundane component. And, of course, there is the infinite complexity of the brain - this book contains a few of the standard brain designs used by Shapers. For now, you read up on poison-related Shaping - there’s nothing on the possibility of simply Shaping up poison alone, but maybe it would be possible to make a Creation that would Essentially be one big, living poison gland? That has some interesting possibilities, and you don’t think it would be too difficult - Zackary did say, after all, that most of the issues in Creation design lie in sorting out the mental issues, and such a being would barely need to have a mind at all..

You check out both books when Zackary leads you out of the library - it’s rather odd how many books you’re being allowed to check out. None of your classmates have checked out more than one book each - and they are hesitant to do even that. Even though the Shapers require literacy of their citizens, books are still rare and precious - although there is at least one library in almost any settlement of decent size, books are never allowed outside a given libraries’ walls, and it is rare for even large cities to have more than two libraries. You have no compunctions taking advantage of the Shapers’ generosity with books among their own kind, though - and you suppose it makes sense that books are nothing special to a Shaper.

Zackary leads you all to another new building, another hall - halls seem to be all the Shapers care to build - but within this hall lie patches of fenced in dirt, and on these patches batons and living tools breed, and thorn bushes grow. There are three patches total, one dedicated to living tools, one dedicated to batons, and one really large patch dedicated to thorn bushes. A lone Shaper oversees the patches, with the assistance of a few Serviles. You think he’s one of the Shapers you saw dissecting that Creation a few days earlier. He patrols the plots taking notes on the breeding and growing, occasionally directing the Serviles in feeding the Creatures or watering the bushes. Zackary brings your group around to take a look at each plot one by one, then assembles you all near the door. You take note that he’s back to being as unfriendly as when your class first met him - he seemed more relaxed when you were observing the Skitches. It seems he is disgruntled whenever away from his experiments. He commences a lecture.

“This hall is our tool breeding facility - something no true Shaper settlement or facility lacks. Here we grow living tool, batons, and baton thorns. No doubt Akar has already set you to practicing with batons - you already know what they are. Living tools, however, I do not believe you have yet encountered. Just as the batons are our powers applied to the problem of giving our soldiers ranged weaponry, living tools are our powers applied to the problem of equipping ourselves and our mechanics to manipulate, alter, maintain and repair our delicate works of machinery without undue hassle. Living tools are far more useful than normal tools - it is possible to manipulate and control living tools with a precision far beyond anything possible with normal tools, and living tools also allow one to reach deeper into a machine to maintain or repair it without needing to partially dismantle it. Today you shall practice using living tools - specifically, manipulating them to open mundane padlocks.”

Zackary leads you all back to the mess hall, and gives one living tool and one padlock to each student. Controlling a living tool is far harder than you expected, much, much more difficult than controlling a Flynd or a Skitch. With the Flynd, there was only room in its head for basic motor functions and subconscious operations like breathing - its will was essentially nonexistent. The Skitch was far more difficult to control - it had a will of its own, and you constantly had to battle that will to force it to do what you wanted rather than go off and start tunneling, or whatever Skitches want to do. The living tool, however, doesn’t really have a mind at all - which is its own difficulty. You have to manually control it - instead of simply informing it of what you want it to do and then forcing it to do it, like with the Skitch, you have to actually manually control its muscles. It is extremely difficult, and this also means that you need a good understanding of what you’re actually trying to do to actually do it - you suppose that’s why living tools lack any sort of independent mind - it’s useless to give a Creation orders it can’t understand, after all. A Skitch, for example, can understand instructions such as go there, attack that, watch this, but it wouldn’t even understand what a lock was - and a living tool, if it had a brain, would definitely be at a Flynd level of intelligence.

Luckily for you, you know the mechanics of mundane locks, and even though controlling the living tool is very difficult, to manage to raise the tumblers one by one and turn the lock bit by bit until it opens, just as Zackary begins going around to collect the locks and tools. You see that no one else managed to do much, as no one else knew how locks work - Zackary is a bit of an ass when it comes to actually giving instructions.. You suppose someone ignorant of a lock’s mechanisms could have theoretically figured those mechanisms out by using the feedback of the living tool, but it doesn’t seem anyone managed that - it seems most just gave up on the lock and simply practiced manipulating the living tools to do vary motions and gestures with their three appendages. One unfortunate boy managed to kill his living tool by essentially having it thrash wildly within the lock - which you learn when Zackary berates him incredulously, furiously and loudly. Oh - it was Oswild. Huh. You suppose it wasn’t a completely horrible idea, but it shows Oswild’s predisposition towards solving problems with brute force.. He’s definitely going to become a Guardian. Zackary is once again surprised by you when he finds your padlock unlocked - he takes your tool and padlock without comment, but you can feel his interest in you rising - this is the second time in a row you’ve managed something the rest of the class couldn’t, after all. The first time it was effort, and the second time luck, but in any case you are glad to stand out in such a positive fashion - the Shapers treat talent well.

Time has passed faster than you supposed - Zackary has a Servile lead you back to the dorms. Your classmates soon settle into sleep, but you wait, and after all your peers are slumbering, sneak out and make your way to the Shaping hall, taking The Guide to Essence with you. Your unofficial study group agreed to suspend your late-night practice for a week or two following Ralph’s death, but you have less compunctions about going out alone - you have no doubt Akar is aware of your excursion, but let him be aware - he let you make it to the Shaping hall, and even if he confronted you, you doubt he would do more than, at most, forbid you from going out at night again. Anyhow.

Once in the hall and by the Essence pool, you sit down on one of the mats next to it and crack open The Guide to Essence, flipping to the chapter about Essence capacity, specifically the exercises to actively increase it. You already have an inkling of what is necessary to increase one’s Essence capacity, seeing as you were tutored in the subject for two years preceding your arrival at Ithlum, but the exercises you went through during that period are, according to this tome, not safe without expert supervision - when going at it alone, you must take things much more slowly, and your gains will be more gradually as well, but if you do it every night, or even every two or three nights, for six years? Your Essence capacity will be all the greater for it. So you begin.

To increase one’s Essence capacity, one must simply hold within themselves more Essence than their capacity currently allows for. This is not, however, so simple, easy or safe as it might sound. Essence, as you already know, is an extremely dangerous substance - if you take some within yourself but fail to control and contain it properly, it will destroy you from the inside out. Thus, your Essence capacity refers not to how much Essence you can hold actively, but how much you can hold subconsciously, even when asleep. Thus, your Shaper tutor during that period would do such things as force relatively large quantities of Essence into your body, and the bodies of your fellow prospectives, keeping it from destroying you, so as to allow your bodies to adapt to the presence of Essence - obviously not the type of thing you can do alone. Instead, you will have to simply do such things as actively hold a disc or two more of Essence within yourself actively than you can subconsciously, for an hour or two each night. Through such persistence, your Essence reserves shall increase gradually, but safely and steadily. Thus, you begin, and hold two extra discs of Essence within yourself for an hour, before retiring to bed satisfied.

You are waken up in the morning, somewhat predictably, by Akar’s shouting. Today, he runs you all in laps around the training ground until you’re all on the brink of collapse except for Oswild, and even he is run ragged. Marcus looks like he’s about to die, and you wouldn’t be surprised if you looked to be in a similar state. You’re going to be very glad when -

“Don’t get your hopes up that you won’t have to go through this when you all sign up to be Shapers, kids! Even Shapers have to be decently fit, so they can outrun rogues when their lab experiments go horribly wrong! This isn’t part of the Guardian training schedule - it’s part of every training schedule!”


Fortunately, that’s all he runs you through today - no near-decapitations at the claws of Vernexes for anyone today. After heckling you all through lap after lap for an hour or two, he lets you go to listen to Craumpalin’s ramblings again.

Craumpalin is, thankfully enough, finally done with drilling the class on things you already know. Today he has you all memorize a few different formulas for the mixtures that Shapers use to fill their incubation vats - sometimes, when Shaping large, complex or costly Creations, if there is time to spare, Shapers sometimes Shape said Creations in an embryonic state and leave them in a vat to grow for a while before they’re to be put to use. It is a less costly alternative to drawing upon Essence during the act of Shaping to create a Creation beyond the average Shaper’s Essence capacity - such a process requires large crystals to store the required Essence, expensive, hard to get crystals. Thus, the far less expensive incubation vats.

After Alchemy, you all have lunch in the mess hall, and then you are sent to Bridget. Today Bridget explains the basics of warding - as you already know, all magic and even Shaping is based on the effects forming various patterns with Energy and Essence create. Warding is simply making use of the defensive effects one can provoke. Bridget drills you through some basic warding designs, and has you all practice making a few - you have some small success, but you get the feeling spellcraft is definitely not your talent. Katherine, however, is a natural at it - all her wards work beautifully at providing minor protection against whatever it is they are meant for - her dust ward flings away all dust near her, and so on. Then you are all sent to the library again. Unfortunately, up to this point you have not had the opportunity to put an idea you had into effect - you don't think any of your teachers would care about you having a few Flynds around, since even when you aren't controlling them they do nothing, but all of them would take issue with you Shaping in class, and no Shaping is allowed in the library.. At least, you think no Shaping is allowed in the library. Do you want to risk it?

What do you do?

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #80 on: December 31, 2016, 11:36:43 am »

Look for books on shaping plants, if getting out the kinks in the brain is what takes up the most time in shaping then we should just skip the brain and go for chloromancy.

High tyrol

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #81 on: December 31, 2016, 12:00:09 pm »

Look for books on shaping plants, if getting out the kinks in the brain is what takes up the most time in shaping then we should just skip the brain and go for chloromancy.
1+ I like that idea s
but  I think we should take a risk and try to shape in the library the GM seems to be on a generous streak so I think we can get away with it.
shape more flynds in the library and try maintain them. tonight we should keep up the Essence improvement at night.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #82 on: December 31, 2016, 12:03:53 pm »

Look for books on shaping plants, if getting out the kinks in the brain is what takes up the most time in shaping then we should just skip the brain and go for chloromancy.

Also, ask Mind Tavros if shaping is allowed in the library.

When we do our after-school practice tonight, try practicing casting Minuscule Warding with essence instead of energy.
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of ze Snails
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #83 on: January 01, 2017, 05:56:40 am »

“Servant Mind, are we allowed to Shape in the library?”

Mind Tavros hesitates before answering.

“..No student has ever done such a thing, Prospective Morden.”

“Yes, but is it forbidden?”

“..There exists no rule against it, Prospective Morden.”

Good enough for you.

Your classmates look over to you in surprise as you Shape three Flynds on the spot, one by one. It takes you about 15 seconds to Shape each one - a bit long for the tiniest of practice Creations, but hey, you only started learning to Shape a few days ago. You think you’re doing fine. One you are done forming them, you pick them up and lay them on one of the reading tables, take a seat and starting controlling them all at once. It is very difficult, not nearly as difficult as controlling the living tool manually was, but certainly more difficult than controlling a single Skitch - even though none of the Flynds give you one ounce of resistance before fulfilling your commands, it is very difficult to keep giving them all orders simultaneous, as well as keeping decent enough track of the feedback you’re getting from them all at the same time. You aren’t going so far as directly tapping into their senses yet - that would be a true overload for even a single Flynd - but even the fuzzy sense of your Creations’ current circumstances you get with minimal feedback is highly distracting from multiple sources. Marcus comes over to you.

“..What are you doing? You’re going to get in trouble!”

“I asked Mind Tavros if there was a rule against Shaping in the library, and it said there wasn’t. So I think I’ll be fine, thanks.”

“What are those things, how’d you learn how to make them?”

“These are Flynds, I practiced making them before our first Shaping lesson with Zackary - that’s how I was able to make a perfect Skitch by the end of that class on our first lesson. I got the design from one of the beginner’s guides to Shaping here that Tavros located for me.”

Marcus departs and you see him going over to Tavros. Oh, wait - you also need to read up on Shaping plants, too, and you want to try out something else tonight.. Even more multitasking practice, you suppose. You locate a book on Shaping plants, and before you crack it open you assimilate one of your Flynds, knocking the number down to two - you’re not some sort of multitasking prodigy. You crack open the book and start directing the Flynds at the same time.. You are extremely distracted, but luckily no one else comes over to bother you about the Flynds, and you manage to get the idea of what the main differences are between Shaping flora and fauna. Plants are, of course, mainly stationary, and even if you tried to design a plant to be specifically able to move, it’d have to be a small plant, and it would still move slowly. And, of course, plants can exist on far less than animals, although a Shaped plant will not grow very quickly unless you give it plenty of nutrients. The main difference, however, between flora and fauna lies in the mind. Plants have no mind at all, or at least not anything you’d care to call a mind - instead, they react on pure instinct and reflex, all the time. So when designing a plant, you essentially have to embed within it a predetermined set of orders that will determine what it does in response to any given circumstances - and that would be extremely daunting, except even the most complex plant doesn’t actually do all that much compared to an animal. Thus, Shapers are able to create flora much more swiftly than fauna, considering that they don’t have to deal with the issue of grey matter - and since the plant you have in mind would need to do little more than grow and exist, and exude poison from some orifice when squeezed, you bet you can make it within a week or two - as long as you can get your hands on Essence pattern references and enough Essence to make it, that is. Make that a month, actually. Or maybe two. Anyhow.

You absorb your Flynds as you see a Servile coming into the library to collect you, and the Servile leads you all to the mess hall for some more Shaper Etiquette with Rawal. You don’t bother checking out the book on Shaping plants - you learned what you need to know, and you don’t want to push things too far with how many books you’ve been checking out. You and your classmates take your seats, and Rawal begins.

“I have already explained the need for discipline and control, and you have already heard from Zackary of the unfortunate stubbornness and rebelliousness of some Creation designs, and why we must deal with these defects if we wish to use such designs at all, due to the difficulties of manipulating the mind. This means that every Shaper must be a master of not only controlling themselves, but controlling their Creations. The true limit of any Shaper’s power is not how good they are at Shaping, but how good they are at controlling what they Shape. Shaping is, of course, still an essential skill, but it is of limited value if you cannot exert proper control of what you Shape. It is possible to train Creations gradually and mundanely, and indeed, such is necessary to be able to entrust as many Creations to Outsiders as we do, for there are not enough Shapers in the world to mind every Creation whose aid is needed, and indeed, even our own guard Creation right here in this facility have been trained in such a manner, so as to recognize your access amulets, and so as to not need minding at every moment, but such training is slow and crude in comparison to simply taking control of Creations yourself. A Shaper or group of Shapers should never rely on such crude methods to field more Creations than they could personally take control of if needed - were we to come under attack, Akar, me, and the rest of the staff would immediately begin controlling the guard Creations we have here directly, so as better to direct them in defending this facility. And then, there are rogue Creations.. Rogue Creations are Creations that have been left without adequate training or control for a long time, or driven mad by something, or simply agitated in the moment enough to actively defy any attempts to control it, and attack any living creature it comes across other than other rogues, and even then it might attack.. A rogue Creation is not simply an uncontrolled Creation - it is a Creation who is hostile to all moving things that are not rogues, and actively defies and battles any attempts to control it - and no, your Skitches are not rogue for resisting your control.. Subconscious resistance from being directly controlled is always expected of any Creation, and that is what you are probably all getting from your Skitches, and of course that is difficult to deal with for completely inexperienced beginners such as yourselves, but if your Skitches were actively resisting your control, you’d be able to tell. No, a Creation is rogue when it actively defies your control, and sometimes it can be temporary - sometimes if you do not have a good enough level of control over a combat Creation in the first place, they may try to flee the battle, or any Creation might be disoriented by too much chaos, you get my point. Such situations can usually be resolved simply by focusing more on controlling them, and them calming them after whatever circumstances disturbed them in the first place are resolved. As for true rogue Creations.. They are to be destroyed immediately, always, both for their danger, and the effrontery to Shaper control that they are. Rogues disturb other Creations when near them, and so turn them into rogues if not caught quickly enough.. I’m sure you all can see the danger. The more intelligent the Creation, the more likely they will turn rogue, and the more dangerous they will be if rogue - Serviles and Servant minds in particular must be watched, and immediately destroyed if discovered to be rogue.”

Rawal then goes on to detail some of the warning signs that show up in more animalistic Creation when they’re starting to go rogue. Intelligent Creations like Serviles and Servant Minds, though, can conceal if they’re going rogue. So all you can really do with them is watch carefully..

Then, you are all sent to bed, and as usual, you wait till everyone else is asleep, then sneak out to the Shaping hall. Tonight, you decide to try out something Bridget mentioned, charging your spells with Essence instead of Energy. You decide to test it out on the dust ward she taught you - a fire spell could really screw you up if it went wrong.. You create the spell pattern as usual, but this time you make it with Essence rather than Energy - it drains half of your Essence reserves, and then you activate it, and.. Wow. Apparently the Shaping hall is much dustier than it seems. Dust is now being repelled from you in a radius far larger than even Katherine’s dust ward managed. Hard to tell if using Essence instead had any other effect with a simple dust ward, though.. After a little more fruitless investigation, you dispel the ward, refill your Essence reserves from the Essence pool, and then go through your capacity-expanding exercise for an hour. Then, back to bed.

In the morning, you are all sent to the Shaping hall, where Zackary drills you all through Shaping a Skitch again until every single student can do it perfectly - for those already capable of it, you simply practice controlling your Skitches at the other end of the hall. Zackary is once more surprised, but not by you, or at least not directly - by how quickly those participating in your little study group manage to perfect their Skitches. Then, lunch, then more Skitch practice, then library.

What do you do?

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #84 on: January 01, 2017, 01:29:49 pm »

Practice shaping plants, or at least the plant we planned on designing. Maybe pores on the plant that drip poison down to a bowl-shaped part of it?
Wants to rape and enslave my innocent night faeries ;-;


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #85 on: January 01, 2017, 10:40:04 pm »

Practice shaping plants, or at least the plant we planned on designing. Maybe pores on the plant that drip poison down to a bowl-shaped part of it?

Ask Mind Tavros if there are any books that have instructions on how to shape common plant parts.
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping

High tyrol

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #86 on: January 02, 2017, 01:00:40 am »

Practice shaping plants, or at least the plant we planned on designing. Maybe pores on the plant that drip poison down to a bowl-shaped part of it?

Ask Mind Tavros if there are any books that have instructions on how to shape common plant parts.
1+ keep up essence strengthening as well.


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of ze Snails
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #87 on: January 12, 2017, 03:38:04 pm »

Tavros finds you a few guides on designing and Shaping plants, and you get to work. It isn’t very difficult in comparison to Shaping creatures like the Skitch and the Flynd, but it is very different, and of course you haven’t received any official lessons on the subject yet - you can tell it's going to take you awhile to get a handle on even the simple stuff, and then it will doubtlessly take you a while longer to design and successfully Shape the poison plant thing you want to make.

You soon slip into a routine during the time leading up to your class’s caste selection, receiving lessons from the teachers of Ithlum, working on your plant idea during your time in the library, and working on gradually improving your Essence capacity during the night. Soon enough, the day comes - you are all woken up in the morning by Akar, and led into the mess hall, where Rawal and Genna await you.

“The time has come, students - it is time for each of you to choose your caste, and become true Shaper prospectives. Your education up to this point has been relaxed and generalized, to give you all some idea of the various fields each caste deals with, and to give you all some time to adjust to your new circumstances as students of Ithlum College. Now it is time for things to begin in earnest. Those of you who wish to become Agents shall have drilled into you a complete mastery of offensive magic, forces that when wielded improperly can cause immense destruction, as well as learn of every single aspect of our laws, our customs and history, everything necessary for you to become masters of magic, diplomacy and spycraft. Would-be Guardians shall be forged into skilled combatants and competent commanders, learn of strategy and the art of command, of the military hierarchy and how to lead Outsider soldiers, everything you need to lead our military forces and destroy true threats to our society. Those of you who wish to become Shapers shall learn how to design new Creations and perfect them, memorize every single detail of our research and safety regulations, learn how to dispose of experiments gone wrong and what to learn from them, everything you need to become the ones who bring entire new forms of life into the world to serve our needs. And, of course, every single one of you will gain a complete mastery over the art of Shaping Creations into existence and controlling them, no matter what your caste.”

“Now, form a line, and one by one each of you shall step forward, recite your name, choose your caste and then step to the side.”

Which caste do you choose?

What do you do for the rest of the month?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


We're now going to move into playing things month-by-month, since a time skip doesn't feel right, but I can't handle dragging out this school period for too long.

I got caught up in playing through Geneforge 4 and 5 again and again. The Spiderweb Software forums have infected me with the desire to achieve the perfectly min-maxed playthrough.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I didn't start the fire...Just added the gasoline!
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #88 on: January 12, 2017, 05:28:59 pm »

Shaper, Someone else can Choose.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #89 on: January 12, 2017, 07:34:57 pm »

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