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Author Topic: You are a Shaper!  (Read 10632 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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You are a Shaper!
« on: March 11, 2016, 08:48:37 pm »

Starting a 2nd forum game right after the first when I'm still new to the forum and a noob GM in general? No way this can go wrong!


I have too much free time..

Anyhow! Welcome! If you do happen to be following my other forum game, well, prepare for something completely different!

I'm borrowing monk12's rules for this, from his You are a necromancer thread. Same rules for the most part, a d12 will be rolled to determine the outcomes of your guys' actions, information as to your status, friends and capabilities will be spoilered at the bottom of each post, etc. Also, take into account that for some actions, instant success will be assumed, unless you roll a critical fail.

As to what kind of posts are allowed.. the usual stuff. Don't be a prick, NSFW stuff can be alluded to but not described, etc. If you guys really want to, the Omnicide route is open.. but you CAN die. And you are likely to receive a lethal ass-kicking if you piss off the wrong person before you're powerful enough.. and there's ALWAYS going to be someone stronger than you, or at least your equal.

Anyway, onto the IC info.

The Shapers rule the known world.

The Shapers are the most powerful magical sect, masters of magic with the power to create life from raw materials. With this power, the Shapers have dominated every other society in the known world - two continents, and the few islands surrounding and linking them. Every scrap of earth known to man has known the control of the Shapers for two centuries.

When the Shapers require servants, they create Serviles, the humanoid slave race they brought about to take care of their need for servants and manual labor, and when they require a foe brought to waste, they can conjure into being one of the many deadly creatures they have designed to kill and lay waste to their enemies. When they need information recorded and Serviles organized, they call into being the living, immobile, organic computers they call Servant Minds, and when they desire something as simple as a sliding door, they make fungal beasts to move their doors from the inside.

Shaper rule is harsh, but fair. And whether or not one thinks the Shapers are fair, the prosperity the Shapers have brought to Terrestia is undeniable. Harsh labor need never be performed by human hands, when there are Serviles to fulfill such roles in society. Nor are human supervisors needed when a single servant mind can instruct a host of Serviles more efficiently than any number of human overseers. Neither famine nor disease are of much concern, when the Shapers can use their abilities to create new and better plants, as well as cure disease. Humans no longer live in poverty - instead, every man or woman is a merchant or craftsmen of some kind, or helps the Shapers in their work - either joining the Shaper army, and helping maintain order in Shaper society, or aiding the Shapers in feeding and maintaining their creations. Or even learning magic themselves - although even normal magic is strictly controlled and monitored by the Shapers, lest dangerous arts such as necromancy cause instability and disorder, a dedicated, loyal and focused Outsider - a non-Shaper - can easily learn magic and use it in service to the Shapers. Shapers have opened public schools all throughout Terrestia - lack of education is no longer an obstacle for anyone. And of course, in each settlement, governing, bringing forth new Creations as needed, and maintaining order, is a Shaper.

And you are a Shaper prospective

When you were but a toddler, you were tested, for your intellect, focus and loyalty to the Shapers, and over the years tested again and again throughout your education in the general curriculum everyone citizen in whatever province you belong to goes through, and again and again you were proven smart enough, focused enough and loyal enough to have Shaper potential time and time again. Two years ago, you were taken aside by a special tutor after school one day, and he explained to you that you were specifically chosen to learn how to hold the special, semi-living magical energy used only in shaping, Essence, within yourself, a skill you would need to Shape later on in life. Ever since then, you have attended private classes with said tutor - a Shaper himself - and a group of other young prospectives the same age as you, fellow classmates who have shown the necessary traits, just as you have.

But now, you have learned to hold Essence within yourself, night and day, without even thinking of it, and you have grown old enough to move on to the next step, with the rest of your peers. Today, a week after your twelve birthday, you are finally being sent to a special school, to learn the skills you will need as a Shaper.

Today your journey begins.

What is your name?

What is your gender?

What are your interests?

Which school are you being sent to?

- Barstow Academy - A facility located in the countryside near the capital city and province of Perikalia, in the middle of Eastern Terrestia, where the Shaper council meets to deliberate, Barstow Academy is a state of the art facility that produces top notch Shapers. Their standards are especially harsh, and nothing is allowed to occur that is not planned for - some might see that as a good thing, some as a bad thing. However, a Shaper that manages to graduate from Barstow and get an apprenticeship is sure to be prepared for a life of Shaper politics, but might find themselves less able to improvise and deal with Outsiders than normal.

- Ithlum College - An experimental research facility slash Shaper school, Ithlum college is located on the southern coast of Western Terrestia, in the middle of the Dera Reaches, an inhospitable wasteland even the Shapers have found difficult to cultivate. Isolated both physically and culturally, and used for dangerous experimentation and research, Ithlum College is extremely strict in it's safety procedures, but rather lax in how it teaches it's Shaper prospectives. Most of the teachers there are.. eccentric by Shaper standards, and willing to look over similar eccentricities in their students, as well as actively involving their students in their rather dangerous experiments. Not to mention the host of Outsider soldiers the students will inevitably interact with. A Shaper who graduates from Ithlum will end up with a much greater wealth of practical knowledge than the average Apprentice, and be far more used to interacting with Outsiders, but will no doubt be considered eccentric by Shaper standards, and find themselves rather inept in matters of Shaper politics.

- Caburh Academy - Located on the northwestern coast of Eastern Terrestia, in the Lethia Province, Caburh Academy is considered a perfectly normal Shaper academy, that produces mostly average Shapers. Of course, even the most boring Shaper academy is bound to be far more interesting than any sort of Outsider education, but you've literally heard nothing of Caburh other than the fact that it is average.


Sorry for the wall of text, this setting is crazy detailed. And no, this setting isn't mine. I'm basically turning the Geneforge game series, by Spiderweb software, into a forum game. If you're familiar with the series, you'll notice I'm changing the setting quite a bit to suit my purposes, and please keep the spoilers down. If you aren't, don't play it just yet, or you'll spoil some of the surprises I have planned for yourself.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2016, 11:23:55 am by Snallac »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2016, 09:01:12 pm »

((So is this a SG?))
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2016, 09:07:22 pm »

What is your name?
Aaron Johnson
What is your gender?
What are your interests?
Omnicide Military tactics
Which school are you being sent to?
Caburh Academy, since Average people are easier to kill we will get a well-rounded education.
Wants to rape and enslave my innocent night faeries ;-;


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2016, 09:37:06 pm »

NAME: Morden Shazoow
GENDER: Mail (*do to a slight mix up on our birth records)
INTERESTS: Makeing Poison, Causeing Violent assult, Studying Crimes against Existance
SCHOOL: Ithlum Collage
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2016, 09:56:42 pm »

((So is this a SG?))

SG? I'm not familiar with the term.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2016, 10:03:18 pm »

(Suggestion Game, where the audience reads what you've written, and suggest a next course of action. Usually, most voted action is taken.)
Yep, the sig is here
Whoops. Well, shit. Typical salsacookies.
I don't need my cavities checked. I just went to the dentist! Ba-dum-tiss.
I am a Christian

Ardent Debater

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2016, 10:23:57 pm »

Ooh, this looks very interesting, +1. If you don't mind my asking, what are the Races in Terrestia, and are there any Monsters that have managed to avoid/fight off the wrath of the Shapers?

NAME: Morden Shazoow
GENDER: Mail (*do to a slight mix up on our birth records)
INTERESTS: Makeing Poison, Causeing Violent assult, Studying Crimes against Existance
SCHOOL: Ithlum Collage

+1, I vote that instead of messing with Shaper Politics, we spend our time learning other magic, like Pyromancy, Illusions, and maybe even Necromancy... Then we can OMNICIDE, Or not, I'm fine with an ordinary play-through, it's just been a while since Demonhood...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2016, 10:25:25 pm »

Ooh, this looks very interesting, +1. If you don't mind my asking, what are the Races in Terrestia, and are there any Monsters that have managed to avoid/fight off the wrath of the Shapers?

NAME: Morden Shazoow
GENDER: Mail (*do to a slight mix up on our birth records)
INTERESTS: Makeing Poison, Causeing Violent assult, Studying Crimes against Existance
SCHOOL: Ithlum Collage

+1, I vote that instead of messing with Shaper Politics, we spend our time learning other magic, like Pyromancy, Illusions, and maybe even Necromancy... Then we can OMNICIDE, Or not, I'm fine with an ordinary play-through, it's just been a while since Demonhood...
+1 if we get to OMNICIDE.
Wants to rape and enslave my innocent night faeries ;-;


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2016, 10:41:28 pm »

The only creatures in Terrestia other than humans are those artificially created by the Shapers - even natural flora and fauna has been beaten out by superior Shaper-made species, for the most part. Other than the Serviles and servant minds, there are endless varieties of other Creations made for any purpose you can think of, and some can get really weird. Also, you know of no significant rebellion against the Shapers - their control isn't perfect, as far as you know, but it's damn close.

And yes, this is an SG.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2016, 10:44:25 pm by Snallac »


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2016, 09:04:06 am »

Ooh, this looks very interesting, +1. If you don't mind my asking, what are the Races in Terrestia, and are there any Monsters that have managed to avoid/fight off the wrath of the Shapers?

NAME: Morden Shazoow
GENDER: Mail (*do to a slight mix up on our birth records)
INTERESTS: Makeing Poison, Causeing Violent assult, Studying Crimes against Existance
SCHOOL: Ithlum Collage

+1, I vote that instead of messing with Shaper Politics, we spend our time learning other magic, like Pyromancy, Illusions, and maybe even Necromancy... Then we can OMNICIDE, Or not, I'm fine with an ordinary play-through, it's just been a while since Demonhood...
+1 if we get to OMNICIDE.

Are we at the school yet?
herp de derp LE LINUX MASTER RACE herp de doo


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2016, 09:55:21 am »

Ooh, this looks very interesting, +1. If you don't mind my asking, what are the Races in Terrestia, and are there any Monsters that have managed to avoid/fight off the wrath of the Shapers?

NAME: Morden Shazoow
GENDER: Mail (*do to a slight mix up on our birth records)
INTERESTS: Makeing Poison, Causeing Violent assult, Studying Crimes against Existance
SCHOOL: Ithlum Collage

+1, I vote that instead of messing with Shaper Politics, we spend our time learning other magic, like Pyromancy, Illusions, and maybe even Necromancy... Then we can OMNICIDE, Or not, I'm fine with an ordinary play-through, it's just been a while since Demonhood...
+1 if we get to OMNICIDE.

Are we at the school yet?
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2016, 10:15:02 am »

Your name is Morden Shazoow, and you are.. rather different than the rest of your peers. Rather more intellectual, certainly, even by the standards of Shaper prospectives, and you are interesting in rather different things than most kids your age.. you have been studying poisoning, for example. And you are always rather annoyed by the interactions with other people that you are forced into on a day-to-day basis.. in fact, you are quite the sociopath. Not just antisocial, as many of the other prospectives are - the traits Shapers tend to look for in new students also tend to bring social awkwardness - but a full-blown sociopath.

You are somewhat surprised to have made it to this point, selected as a Shaper prospective. Of course you passed the prospective tests as a small child, as the determining factor in the testing at that stage is merely intelligence, but how is it that you made it this far? Your inherent sociopathy must be obvious to the Shapers by now, and it has never occurred to you to attempt to hide it before.. in fact, it is only recently that you have realized that you are, in fact a sociopath. You are only twelve, after all. So why you? Although, now that you think about it, the Shapers might even see sociopathy as a plus - it guarantees that you will always be inhumanly focused on your work, after all..

In any case, you are rather glad for the opportunity this new turn your life has taken will afford you - a chance to grasp true power in the world. You aren't going to let the Shapers control your life forever - that would be unacceptable - but for now, you might as well feign obedience to the greater authority, as is only intelligent, and gain what power you can in your time at Lithlum College. And you will be here for a rather long time - You will be here for six years, until you turn eighteen, and at that point you will be assigned to an active Shaper as an apprentice, until you face the Test - and if you make it through Lithlum College, make it through your apprenticeship and survive the Test - then you will be a true Shaper, a mighty, life shaping wizard.

The road there will certainly be difficult of course, and your specific eccentricities will make it both easier and harder..

On one hand, you undoubtedly be far more focused on your studies than the other students, unburdened by social concerns as you are, giving you a leg up on the competition.. but on the other hand, if your guise of false obedience ever slips and the teachers realize your true intentions, you may be booted from the school, or even executed.

Fortunately for you, you have been sent to Lithlum College, and the other prospectives in your group have spoken of how Lithlum's teachers are eccentric, and the whole place is isolated from the rest of Shaper society. Not to mention the dangerous experiments that are constantly performed there, which, rumor has it, the teachers sometimes involve their students in.. the perfect place for you to hide your own goals and study your own, unique interests..

The College is quite the eyesore. Located right on the coast of the Dera Reaches, the only structure visible for miles, it is very much built like a military facility. It is surrounded by a large, square wall, right up to the ocean, with a big gate set in the middle of the side of the wall facing away from the sea, a pair of big, rectangular wooden doors with a rusty iron portcullis set before them, a little window set to the left of the gate, a guard looking out from it and sending word to let you in. The portcullis slowly creaks up, retracting back up into the wall, the doors pulling back before you to reveal a series of rectangular, squat square buildings, varying in size, and a little, windswept, dusty courtyard in which you were assembled. The Shaper who tutored you in holding Essence and guided you all here in a wagon now departs, leaving you to wait for.. a new guide? A teacher?

Your fellow prospectives soon split into their respective cliques and social circles. The only other people around are the guards, wielding halberds, and garbed in chain-mail and great helms, and you get the feeling they aren't interested in talking to a bunch of kids. You don't really know any of the other Shaper prospectives, except for Marcus. His mother is an alchemist, and you would ask him questions about what herbs were used for what, on occasion. He is similarly friendless, although for him, it is due to shyness and self-doubt. If anyone could be considered your friend, it would be him.


Health -10/10
Essence - 3/3
Energy - 6/6
XP - 1/10
Inventory - Prospective Robes, An Overview of Military Strategy, Basic Herbs and Their Uses
Status - Curious


Absorb Essence - 1 Energy - Replenish your Essence reserves from a nearby source of Essence
Hold Essence - 0 Energy - Your special training allows you to hold a certain amount of Essence reflexively without it destroying you from the inside out
Boost Essence - 6 Energy - If you focus and have a source of Essence nearby, you can increase you can multiply your Essence reserves by 1.5, but if you lose focus or fall unconscious, the surfeit of Essence will destroy you.

Notable Figures:

Marcus - The only person you could possibly call a friend, if that, Marcus possesses a great amount of herbal and alchemical knowledge, due to his parentage.


So it begins! For clarification's sake, Energy is the standard magical Energy anyone with the right training can access and use for conventional magic, and Essence is a significantly more potent variety used for Shaping, that is semi-living and actually a physical substance - the secret of Essence creation is kept secret by the Shapers.

Also, how do you make spoilers? I couldn't find the button for it.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2016, 10:17:46 am by Snallac »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2016, 10:34:50 am »

Also, how do you make spoilers? I couldn't find the button for it.
I don't know how it looks on your screen, but on mine the spoiler button is right below the font size. It's a black and yellow circle.
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.

Nirur Torir

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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2016, 10:35:27 am »

Also, how do you make spoilers? I couldn't find the button for it.
It's the radiation warning button, or you could use text.

Spoiler: Example (click to show/hide)
Code: [Select]
[spoiler=Example]Like this.[/spoiler]
(I'm not seeing much we can do now? You might want to consider ensuring that we have hooks to respond to in each update, unless this is more of a story we can influence and less of a game we're directly controlling.

I really dislike the Boost Essence skill. I find Failure Will End The Game abilities need to be handled with extreme care. It might be better to change it into just needing us to remain stationary and be undistracted while at a source of essence.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Shaper!
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2016, 11:21:17 am »

Also, how do you make spoilers? I couldn't find the button for it.
It's the radiation warning button, or you could use text.

Spoiler: Example (click to show/hide)
Code: [Select]
[spoiler=Example]Like this.[/spoiler]
(I'm not seeing much we can do now? You might want to consider ensuring that we have hooks to respond to in each update, unless this is more of a story we can influence and less of a game we're directly controlling.

I really dislike the Boost Essence skill. I find Failure Will End The Game abilities need to be handled with extreme care. It might be better to change it into just needing us to remain stationary and be undistracted while at a source of essence.)
That's kind of the feel I was going for for that spell description. It's sort of taken for granted that, as a Shaper prospective, you can focus pretty much instantly when needed to - that's sort of what being able to hold Essence requires, much less Shaping and controlling your own Creations, so it would be pretty much effortless to use it in a safe place without distractions, which is the only place you'd ever use it, in my mind - say, if you were short of Essence to make the kinda Creation you wanted to make. Under those circumstances, I'd count it as an instant success. I'll edit the rules to put that in, actually - for a lot of actions, under the right circumstances, instant success will be assumed. And even if you rolled a critical failure on a spell check like that, if there were other Shapers around to save you, you wouldn't die, there would just be some.. extreme consequences, let's say. Unless you guys pull something completely suicidal, or unless shit is really going down, I'm not likely to consider death as a consequence - and even then, I'll try to come up with something else, to keep you guys from dying and to keep the game going. And sorry if it doesn't seem like there's anything to do, I'll try to leave out more obvious hooks in the future, but I'm trying to nudge you guys towards examining your surroundings or talking to Marcus right now.
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