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The save file gets corrupted by reclaims. Should the saga of Boarpaints come to an end now?

Hell yeah! Savescum and go for the candy!
- 2 (11.1%)
Let it end now, with NCommander's disastrous turn!
- 6 (33.3%)
- 9 (50%)
I don't care actually...
- 1 (5.6%)

Total Members Voted: 18

Voting closed: July 11, 2016, 10:09:03 am

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Author Topic: !!THROWBACK FORTRESS!! (v0.23a | FINALE COMING SOOOOOOOOON!)  (Read 122221 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!THROWBACK FORTRESS!! (A Succession Game... in v0.23a???)
« Reply #555 on: August 09, 2016, 01:01:39 am »

*This is a lightly burnt leather bound book. It looks out of place amidst it's surroundings, perhaps because the pages are made from materials you don't recognize. It appears to be a journal of some kind, but the first half of the pages are missing.*

...I ran through the lichen coated caverns, ducking roots and oversized insects alike. The entrance had been sealed by the giant, sonofabitching boulder that had crashed through the temple when I picked up the idol - of that I was certain - so my only hope was to simply escape my pursuers, then try to find some crevice or collapsed sinkhole that would lead back to the surface. The laughter of the dark wizard echoed behind me, seeming to keep pace with my frantic footsteps.

I should have known better than to have come on this expedition. "You can't instruct archeology and lore unless you've spent some time witnessing it first hand," my idiot superior had said, "I'm leading a small outing to some ruins in the Hills of Loathing. You should come along - you may just learn something." I tried some well-reasoned arguments as to why my place was here, but he'd have none of it. Sure didn't make me feel too badly for him when he pulled the wrong lever at the Second Seal and got dropped into a pit to whothefuck knows where.

So anyway, here I was, the last survivor of our simple, small outing, running for my life through ruins older than the Mountainhomes, demons and zombies and the devil knows what else hot on my tails. I had nearly lost hope when I rounded a corner and slammed face first into possibly the most frightening looking slab of adamantine I'd ever lain eyes on. Admittedly, it was the only adamantine I'd ever laid eyes on, but let's not get muddled up in the little details. I rebounded off it like poor Urist had off the whirling minecarts that had assailed us at the entrance to the Third Seal, and felt a tingle of energy roll through my body as I landed unceremoniously in the dirt. Recovering, I finally reopened my eyes (they were closed because I was worried about the dust I'd stirred up getting in them, not because I was absolutely terrified I'd just run in to some forgotten beast and was about to meet my end), and took in the glory of what was in front of me full on.

I do not exaggerate when I say it was a truely horrifying sight. Whatever hands had worked the metal were surely not Dwarven, for it was covered in grotesque visages quite unlike those found in even the most depraved of fortresses. It took me several moments of inspection to realize that this was not merely a giant piece of the world's most valuable metal simply left here willy nilly, but infact, it was a massive door.

It was at that moment I realized I'd been unable to hear my pursuers for several minutes - mostly because the cacophony of their pursuit suddenly resumed. It occured to me that they must nearly be opon me, and that the devil I knew was likely far, far worse than the devil I didn't in this instance. Unless something far worse was on the other side of this portal, it seemed I would be safe there - even these foul monsters could not penetrate adamantine. Taking a deep breath, I reached into the mouth of one of the vile icons on the door, where I somehow knew a handle must be found, and pulled. The door opened with almost supernatural ease, and with far less hesitation than, in retrospect, I should have had, I stepped through it into the darkness. I last remember hearing the laugh of the necromancer sounding around me, and then I was falling, and falling, and falling.

I don't know how long I fell for. I'm sure I passed out from fear it was a while, as I eventually grew bored, and decided to take a nap. I'd need my strength for whatever awaited me at the bottom, assuming I survived the fall. I was awoken not by the wet crack of my legs shoving themselves into my chest cavity, but by the gentle sunlight and calm air of the above ground.

Two things quickly became apparent to me - something was very, very different about the sky here. I still can't quite place my finger on it, but it's somehow... less than the sky I know. The second was that the calm air had a decidedly unpleasant stench to it, that of unwashed dwarves, stale ponds, and dead trees, all mixed with the slightest hint of sulfur. Looking around, I realized I was at the foot of possibly the largest cliff I have ever seen - it seemed to stretch forever into the dull sky. My hopes leapt as I noticed a bridge leading into the cliff face, showing the telltale signs of sturdy dwarf construction. I ran towards the fortress, overjoyed at having landed so fortuitously infront of my salvation.

"YOOPT! YOOPT! WUH YOPT WAN?" The cry came from directly in front of the entrance, more specifically from one of the filthiest, most pathetic looking dwarves I've ever seen. "WUH YOPT WAN? I RUN!" Before I could say a word, he dropped his load of stones and fled back into the fort. I was puzzled, to be frank, and decided that it would be more prudent to sit and wait to see if he came back than to follow him inside, lest there be something amiss in the fort. I was about to get up and make my way inside when the dwarf reappeared, a slight less pathetic if no less filthy companion following cautiously behind him.

"Good day, sirs.." I began, but was quickly cut off by the second dwarf.

"Oi, yeh moron. That's not a goblin. That's a fancy dwarf. One what bathes and eats sometimes." he barked to the first dwarf, swatting him on the back. "Git back to loading them stone traps or we'll both be troll food." The first dwarf scampered away, stopping only to pick up his load of stone. "Yeh gotta to excuse him. He ain't quite right in the head. Dunno what happened meself, but I think 'e took a good whack to the noggin while setting one of them traps."

"I see, it's quite alright." I replied. "I appear to be a little lost, good sir. Could you by chance tell me where we are?"

"Ya mean yeh don't know? Yeh don't know about the best fortress ever to grace dwarfdom?! Yer at BOARPAINTS, ya fool. We've got the finest of doors, traps, and dining rooms in all the kingdom, not to mention the finest of dwarves, if I do say so meself. We've even got some of the finest of the fine admantine! I truely am ecstatic to live in such a wondrous place."

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. Fine goods, fine company, and even glorious adamantine. Truely, I'd found a sanctuary. "Thank Litsat I've found your fortress. You must muster your forces and bar your fine doors, for I may have been persued here by a deadly foe!"

The dwarf glanced over my shoulder in a disturbingly unconcerned fashion. "Yeh mean them unicorns? Don't worry much about that, they know to stay away from here. DON'T YEH, YEH STUPID BASTARDS!"

((OOC: About four pages of that.))

I whirled around, trying to figure out who exactly he was yelling at, but saw nothing. It was beginning to occur to me that my welcoming party was perhaps playing some kind of joke on me.

"My good dwarf, this is of the utmost seriousness. I have reason to believe that I'm being pursued by a necromancer and his minions, and they could be..."

"Well, I dunno anything about that. Why don't yeh come have a drink and calm yer teats?"

"SIR," I was beginning to grow annoyed, "If you don't have any interest in defending the fortress, then point me to your guard Captain. This is no laughing matter."

"Can't," he replied, "dunno where we stuck him anymore."


"E's over there someplace, but I dunno which one no more." he gestured behind him vaguely. "I'm off to find me that drink."

With nothing else to do, I followed him into the fort. The only words I could truely find to describe what awaited me inside are simple: WHAT THE UTTER FUCK HAPPENED HERE? The halls were a mess, items and bone strewn about, and utterly deserted. We passed workshops, quarters, and stores, which in any other fort would have been bustling with life, but here were decrepit, empty, and coated with a thin layer of ash and dust, betraying how long they'd been silent. I did not have much time to take in my surroundings as my guide moved at a brisk pace, and for that I was almost thankful. Finally, we arrived at what I took to be the dining room, and my host produced two mugs of some foul brew that resembled liquor seemingly from thin air.

"There now, much better," he said, taking a swig, "Now tell me why yeh are so worked up again."

I gave him a quick recount of the events that had led me here, during which he nodded and hmmed as though he held complete comprehension and that what had happened to me was a simple part of daily life. After I finished, he took another pull of his drink.

"So, yeh say yeh fell. No wonder yeh's so loopy. I meself get pretty shook up sometimes too, always trippin' over all this shite and fallin' on me face." He kicked away one of the many empty mugs littering the floor, as if for emphasis.

I sunk my face into my hands. "No, I mean I fell as if through some kind of magic portal. When I awoke, here I was."

He smiled knowingly. "Yeh, I know all about how falling can seem magic, and about wakin' up some place I wasn't before. Why, just the other day I had a little much of the ol' spirit here and nearly tumbled in the chasm. Woke up OUTSIDE of all places. Dunno what happened there."

I had pretty much given up on this particular conversation. "I see. Say, is there by chance a doctor here I could speak to? I think I may have hurt my head during the fall."

"Doctor? Well, I dunno anything about that."

"You know, a medical professional? The fellow who helps the sick?"

"Oh. Well, I gotta bucket and some water if that'll make you feel better. It's what we usually do for fool dwarves who've gotten themselves sick."

Ugh. "How about your mayor? Surely he might be able to shed some light on how I got here."

"OH!" he exclaimed, "Yeh, we had one of thems. Think e's over near the guard cap'n, if'n you can find him." He gestured behind him vaguely again. It finally dawned on me that he was gesturing to one of the many coffins that lined the dining room in a rather morbid form of decoration.

"Wait, you mean to say he's dead? And buried right next to where you eat?!"

"Well, I know e's a deadie. I dunno if e's in one of these, or over there," he pointed back at the way we'd come, "or over there," he pointed behind him, "or someplace else I's forgot. E's around somewhere though, 'less 'e burned up. Dunno what good it'll do yeh to find him though."

"What about your manager?"


"Your trader?"



His face lit up. "OH YEAH. They's dead too." He grinned slightly disturbingly.

"Well, you said you had the finest of dwarves here. Where are they?"

"Well, I's here still, and I's about the finest folk I've ever met, if I do say so meself. And ol' Loopy ain't so bad, even if he ain't much for conversation."

"Wait, are you saying everyone else is dead?"

"Yup. Gotta couple-a horses here someplace, and a whack of them goblin invaders caged up somewhere too, but 'sides that it's just me an' Loopy."

What. The. Fuck. "WHAT THE FUCK. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?" I'm not ashamed to admit that I was beginning to lose my grip. The story he told didn't help, and I'm fairly sure I was in shock for most of it. I did catch mention of killed unicorns, never-ending sieges, and some kind of horrible, horrible event involving fire, followed by a massive flood. When I came back to reality, he was just finishing his tale.

"...and that's why I ain't ever gonna touch one of them levers again." he slugged down the last of his drink. "Anyway, think that about covers it. So now it's just Loopy, them horses, and meself."

"Holy goddess. Why didn't you just dig up, away from the fires?" My mind was reeling. There's no way this disaster could have actually happened.

"Up? Yeh mean north? We done that. How'd yeh think we got the pretty magma out to kill the unicorns?"

"No, up! As in towards the sky!" I gestured at the crude ceiling above us. It suddenly occurred to me that I'd seen no upwards stairs, or anything leading to the passages that were surely below us.

"HAH!" he bellowed out a laugh, "That'sa good joke. Yeh can't dig the sky."

"No, I mean..." I struggled to think of a way to explain such a simple concept. "When you dig mines, you dig down. When you dig to escape something below you, such as whatever the fuck happened here,  you dig up, which is the opposite."

He thought for a moment, then looked at me with a soft smile, as if I was a child or a simpleton. "Yeh know, yeh can dig mines north and east too, not justa the south. Yeh can even go to the west a ways if you start far enough back towards the east."

The conversation carried on this way for a while, but I could not seem to get him to understand the basic concept of three dimensional space, be it through examples of simple illustrations. Finally, it was as though a lightbulb came on, and he lept up without a word, dashing down the hall. Shortly he returned with a charred piece of parchment.

"'Ere it is! Yeh ain't the first to talk about these "ups" and "downs"." He thrust the parchment under my face. A quick glance revealed it to be a journal of some kind, but he quickly whisked it away again and continued "And now 'ere you are, and we can get the fort up into fort-shape again!"

After he calmed down, he explained that there had previously been several dwarves present who'd understood the concept of three dimensions, as well as being unsure as to how they'd arrived, and that they'd been elevated to a position known as "Overseer", responsible for the direction of the fortress. Under them, it had prospered.

"Least till I got into them levers." My host looked sheepish. "Anyway, ways I see it, yeh can be the overseer and fix the troubles we've been havin'."

And so, I somehow found myself the Overseer of Boarpaints, in charge of a brain damaged simpleton who I was told was a farmer of some sort, and likely the most obnoxiously optimistic leather worker I'd ever encountered. Untill I could ascertain what had happened to me, it seemed to be as good a position as any to be in. My first act was to take count of exactly where the fortress stood in terms of supplies.

My second act was to sketch out a quick map of the fortress, with the help of my new companion NCommander, who despite his exuberance and seeming ignorance of the situation we were in, proved surprisingly familiar with every inch of the fortress itself.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

My third act was to get some rest. I was going to be very busy for the foreseeable future.

((OOC: This post is gameplay light because I'm going to need a bit of time to figure out what the fuck is going on in this place. The pictures do not do this place justice - to put it bluntly, this is a beautiful, terrifying clusterfuck of a fort and I'm pretty sure touching anything at this point will result in killing the two guys who are left - BTW, if anyone wants to be dwarfed, there's a perfectly good braindamaged invalid staggering around and I'd be happy to oblige. Tomorrow, I'm going to work on figuring out the godawful mess of levers going on here, then I think I'm just going to lock everyone behind the river and wait for migrants. I might even break down and read the thread because I have no idea how else I'm going to figure out what's going on here.))
« Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 01:16:33 am by ApatheticExcuse »


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Re: !!THROWBACK FORTRESS!! (A Succession Game... in v0.23a???)
« Reply #556 on: August 09, 2016, 04:29:28 am »

let me explain a bit. During NCommanders turn,  demon attacked and set fire to everything. NCommander proceeds to flood the world with magma to put out tha fires, and then water and magma again. Two dwarves remain

My turn, I try to get thos place together. Goblins siege. I have to reactivate the magma flood, but it is broken becasue of a tree. A very risky operation is carried out and the problem fixed. Next, I try to get the water moat working properly. It turns on , but doesn't turn off. I start making a cave in are on the supply channel. Spring arrives.
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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Re: !!THROWBACK FORTRESS!! (A Succession Game... in v0.23a???)
« Reply #557 on: August 09, 2016, 12:51:54 pm »

I love the fact that I left such a large impact (crater) behind that a full year later in-game we still haven't managed to get past two dwarfs and that FUCKUNICORNS left pages of fucked unicorns in the unit list.

It's possible the "u" list is full which is why we're not getting migrants. It can be cleaned with DFHack-23a which I'll do on my next turn if the place is still standing.
Quote from: TheFlame52
Fucking hell man, you aren't just getting the short end of the stick, you're being beaten with it.
Quote from: NRDL
Is your plan really to flush water into hell, and have the CARP marines fight them without threat of flame or disease?  If so, you are awesome, and one of the greatest DF military visionaries I've seen yet ( not that I've seen that many, or any, for that matter )


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Re: !!THROWBACK FORTRESS!! (A Succession Game... in v0.23a???)
« Reply #558 on: August 09, 2016, 05:14:30 pm »

I would have guessed the massive death toll was why no one is showing up (much as what amounts to a purpose designed giant firey death trap seems like a pleasant vacation destination), but if my turn runs by without a 'no migrants' message or similar showing up then that might be the way to do it.

Your unicorn fuckage was pretty effective, to say the least, and I can't currently find a single one alive on the map.


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Re: !!THROWBACK FORTRESS!! (A Succession Game... in v0.23a???)
« Reply #559 on: August 09, 2016, 06:21:18 pm »

So technically my project worked.
GM of Trespassers V2.
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Re: !!THROWBACK FORTRESS!! (A Succession Game... in v0.23a???)
« Reply #560 on: August 09, 2016, 06:30:55 pm »

So technically my project worked.

I just had to bless it with bits of king in the barrel. There's nothing a royal corpse can't make better.
Quote from: TheFlame52
Fucking hell man, you aren't just getting the short end of the stick, you're being beaten with it.
Quote from: NRDL
Is your plan really to flush water into hell, and have the CARP marines fight them without threat of flame or disease?  If so, you are awesome, and one of the greatest DF military visionaries I've seen yet ( not that I've seen that many, or any, for that matter )


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!THROWBACK FORTRESS!! (A Succession Game... in v0.23a???)
« Reply #561 on: August 09, 2016, 06:37:22 pm »

It's possible the "u" list is full which is why we're not getting migrants. It can be cleaned with DFHack-23a which I'll do on my next turn if the place is still standing.
Migrants don't stop until the "u" list contains 3,000 units, and I highly doubt there have been that many units (it can take decades to reach that point).

It's more likely that migrants have been scared off by the number of dead dwarves, especially the Nobles.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 06:39:19 pm by Quietust »
P.S. If you don't get this note, let me know and I'll write you another.
It's amazing how dwarves can make a stack of bones completely waterproof and magmaproof.
It's amazing how they can make an entire floodgate out of the bones of 2 cats.


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Re: !!THROWBACK FORTRESS!! (A Succession Game... in v0.23a???)
« Reply #562 on: August 09, 2016, 09:45:13 pm »

Migrants don't stop until the "u" list contains 3,000 units, and I highly doubt there have been that many units (it can take decades to reach that point).

It's more likely that migrants have been scared off by the number of dead dwarves, especially the Nobles.

Decades seems high. If we burn an entire wave of migrants, that's 40 dwarfs going up in smoke. Goblins have sent on average 20-30 per wave. Assuming an annual average of 200 units entering the map and expiring, we should start to see migrants stop appearing about 10-15 years in.

Does that even work correctly in this version? I know the game is supposed to compare the number of dwarfs who died in a season (or year?), and have thresholds on determining which of the immigration messages are supposed to play, but we haven't even gotten "The fortress attracted no migrants", let alone "None dared venture to such a deathtrap of a fortress ..."

Quote from: TheFlame52
Fucking hell man, you aren't just getting the short end of the stick, you're being beaten with it.
Quote from: NRDL
Is your plan really to flush water into hell, and have the CARP marines fight them without threat of flame or disease?  If so, you are awesome, and one of the greatest DF military visionaries I've seen yet ( not that I've seen that many, or any, for that matter )


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!THROWBACK FORTRESS!! (A Succession Game... in v0.23a???)
« Reply #563 on: August 09, 2016, 10:05:21 pm »

Several days have passed, and I've concluded that there is no way for me to tell where I am. I attempted to get my bearings via the night sky, but found to my astonishment that there are no stars here - the nighttime sky is simply a flat, black abyss looming above us. It appears as though I won't be leaving any time in the near future, and that I will indeed be forced to "oversee" this fort for the time being.

Unfortunately, I must admit that my tenure as overseer has thus far been fairly unproductive. While we are well stocked on food and have sufficient drink to last the three of us for the near future, I am at a loss as to what can be done to truely help the fortress regain it's footing. Besides the food stocks, neither of the other dwarves seem to have any idea as to what other stocks are available to us. If the situation was more stable, I would appoint one of them to the position of record keeper and attempt to sort the mess out. Either way, without knowing what we have, I'm unsure as to what needs doing, or even how to get it done. Perhaps if I had more dwarves, or at least more functional dwarves.

NCommander has been assigned to brew several more bushels of plump helmets into something more palatable than the current swill that is available, but even that feels like a fairly worthless gesture. The sole other resident of Boarpaints seems to have truely lost his wits - he has spent several days now lugging the same few stones around, and when asked what he is doing, he simply screams "IMMA LOADA TRAPS!". Unfortunately, he seems to be unable to fulfill his task, and instead continues pushing around rocks in the large pile near the entrance. NCommander informs me that he has been stuck in this tragic loop for quite some time.

I myself have made a truly astounding discovery.

Aqueducts! Long forbidden throughout the world under penalty of death, the dwarves here seem to have made extensive use of them in their works. When I questioned NCommander about how they had managed to rediscover this dark technology, he simply shrugged and gave me his usual "I dunno anything about that" response. Apparently, whatever civilization these dwarves belong to has never outlawed these evil constructions, nor have they heard of their taboo status elsewhere. Having now spent some time studying their design, I myself have concluded that there appears to be no real reason for them to be forbidden - they are simple constructions of stone that don't seem to radiate the malice which is attributed to them in legend.

It has made me think, though - where do I find myself if the culture here is so truly different? Aqueducts, no knowledge of the third dimension, a flat black sky at night, and a flat blue one in the day - it's almost as though I've been thrown across space and time and into another universe. Curious.

Besides pondering my predicament, I've also spent some time inspecting the fortress' defenses. It appears as though the dwarves here had very mixed ideas about a suitable defensive system - corridors filled with traps snake through the face of the mountain, most appearing to have no real purpose and to have been sealed off by successive mining operations. There is one that concerns me, however:

It appears as though this is simply an otherwise pointless corridor that is barred only by two sturdy doors. While this will thwart our more feeble foes such as goblins, it would be no match for a creature such as a troll, or a necromancer's minions, should they have managed to follow me here.

I asked NCommander as to how they'd survived for over a year without an effective trap system, logical defenses, or even the semblance of a militia. "Oi, that's simple!" he replied, "All we's gotta do when the gobbos show up is turn on the pretty magma machine."

"Magma machine?" I enquired.

"Yup. I keepon forgettin' that yer new here. We gotsa great weapon here. Some of the lads called it "FUCK UNICORNS", 'least before it also fucked them and everyone else 'round here. Levers, I tell yeh."

"So wait, how does this machine work?"

"Easy. Yeh see the goblins, yeh pull the lever, yeh hide someplace safe, and then yeh don't see the goblins no more. 'Course, FUCKUNICORNS has a couplea leaks, so before yeh go back outside, yeh gotta turn on the OTHER great weapon we gots."

"Which is.....?"

"Well, the boys called that one FUCKFIRE 'fore it decided to fuck a bunch o' them. Wasn't me that time, I swear it. Anyway, yeh pull the lever, out comes the water, and all the fires go out, nice and easy."

"Uhuh." I made a mental note not to touch any levers while I was here. "So, which lever turns this machine on, and which puts it out?"

"Ah, well, that's an easy one too. The lever yeh want is the white one."

(("Yeah, pretty sure it's the white one."))

"Or was it the grey one? Don't matter. Most of the levers do somethin' terrible, far as I recall."

I made a mental note to send Loopy out to pull all the levers in the event of an attack, while I hid in my room like an elf. I had been spending my evenings utilizing my archeological experience to explore the meanings behind the engravings around the fortress. There were many different cultural symbols to be found, as well as the expected items such as cheeses and pets, but the vast majority of the engravings were a somber testament to the success of the FUCKUNICORNS machine - or rather, a harsh warning as to the costs of deploying it:

((OOC: x 1 million))

As you can see, there was also even a single engraving attesting to the unicorns the weapon had been built to combat. Whether or not they were truly as terrifying as required to justify the holocaust that had occurred here is something better left to men more philosophical than I to determine.

Anyway, there is work to be done, and I should not be using my time in such an idle fashion!

((OOC: Ok guys, I need a little help here. I have no idea what's up with all the levers, and I consistently get a Siege on literally the fifth day, before I've had time to play with them and see what happens. I also get elves on the second day, who I'm sure will be happy to see a nice friendly wall of magma coming for them. Migrant chance ruining fuckers. Anyway, without knowing where the proper lever is (or the one to raise the river bridge so that I can hide behind that), I'm pretty sure the couple of traps they might conceivably pass through on their way to slaughter poor NCommander III and company won't do anything against them. Help please!))
« Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 10:07:04 pm by ApatheticExcuse »


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Re: !!THROWBACK FORTRESS!! (A Succession Game... in v0.23a???)
« Reply #564 on: August 09, 2016, 10:08:54 pm »

There's a crypt with four levers past the cave river like this:
 ! ! !

Pull the upper right one to start the magma flow, and the center one to fire. I think. Goblins can't get through locked doors in this version, and I don't think building destroyers can either. And yeah, that entrance way was dug by yours truly cause the old one was on fire. Also, don't use fuckfire, its built wrong and will flood. FUCKUNICORNS was fixed not to flood the main fort. I did that intentionally to put the fires out by removing a door. I put it back before my turn was over.
Quote from: TheFlame52
Fucking hell man, you aren't just getting the short end of the stick, you're being beaten with it.
Quote from: NRDL
Is your plan really to flush water into hell, and have the CARP marines fight them without threat of flame or disease?  If so, you are awesome, and one of the greatest DF military visionaries I've seen yet ( not that I've seen that many, or any, for that matter )


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Re: !!THROWBACK FORTRESS!! (A Succession Game... in v0.23a???)
« Reply #565 on: August 09, 2016, 10:20:47 pm »

IIRC trolls can come through doors just fine.

Anyway, that's reassuring, haha. Should be able to work with this.

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: !!THROWBACK FORTRESS!! (A Succession Game... in v0.23a???)
« Reply #566 on: August 09, 2016, 10:27:13 pm »

Whether or not they were truly as terrifying as required to justify the holocaust that had occurred here is something better left to men more philosophical than I to determine.

I can't wait until he comes across the fact that the annihilation he knows about is merely the latest one rather than the only one.
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon


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Re: !!THROWBACK FORTRESS!! (A Succession Game... in v0.23a???)
« Reply #567 on: August 09, 2016, 10:29:08 pm »

Whether or not they were truly as terrifying as required to justify the holocaust that had occurred here is something better left to men more philosophical than I to determine.

I can't wait until he comes across the fact that the annihilation he knows about is merely the latest one rather than the only one.

He'll logic it out when he realizes that someone else had to have still been around to engrave all this and that something had to happen to them, I think.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!THROWBACK FORTRESS!! (A Succession Game... in v0.23a???)
« Reply #568 on: August 09, 2016, 11:03:46 pm »

It's more likely that migrants have been scared off by the number of dead dwarves, especially the Nobles.
Does that even work correctly in this version? I know the game is supposed to compare the number of dwarfs who died in a season (or year?), and have thresholds on determining which of the immigration messages are supposed to play, but we haven't even gotten "The fortress attracted no migrants", let alone "None dared venture to such a deathtrap of a fortress ..."
I'll have to look over the migrants code again, but I'm pretty sure that deaths do impact migrant wave sizes - it just don't display messages when it happens.
P.S. If you don't get this note, let me know and I'll write you another.
It's amazing how dwarves can make a stack of bones completely waterproof and magmaproof.
It's amazing how they can make an entire floodgate out of the bones of 2 cats.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!THROWBACK FORTRESS!! (A Succession Game... in v0.23a???)
« Reply #569 on: August 10, 2016, 05:26:54 am »

Errr... I modified FUCKUNICORNS to flood the fort up too the cave river. Goblins and trolss got in..
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane
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