Alright then.
I'm not giving up yet, though.
Currently, my only idea for seeking out who to hunt is to see who jumped on my bandwagon the fastest.
Oh fucknuggets I had a whole post written out and then FoU claimed the kill.
So in other words.
We have no idea who the mafia is
It could be you! It could be me! It could even be... * 4maskwolf is shot
Let's start with the people who would have nothing better to do than kill and so probably would have.
4maskwolf (toxic goo)
notquitethere (vanilla)
Teneb (green goo)
Deus Asmoth (suiciding to avoid actions seems dumb as the only scum)
Unless one of us is being really sneak (which, okay, NQT and I are on the list, that's totally a possibility) none of us are mafia, since we'd have chosen to kill rather than sit on our asses.
That leaves Shakerag (who's dead today anyway, no need to lynch) and FallacyofUrist
...And I ended up voting for the person I was going to vote for anyway. That's fine by me.
Claiming a role with a kill still doesn't change the fact that there was only one kill last night. The king not killing still doesn't make much sense during N1 unless they have something better to use. So either the king picked the same person as FoU or FoU is also the King. I'm in favour of cutting the knot, so FoU.
4mask was definitely toxic, sorry Shakes.
Fallacy, yes the rationale for killing in general is obvious but why Persus specifically?
Okay then. Let's play 3 Questions and a Vote!
...And I ended up voting for the person I was going to vote for anyway. That's fine by me.
4maskwolf: What was your argument against me going to have been if I didn't claim the kill?
Deus Asmoth: I know this question will get into wine territory... but... why would I claim the kill if I was King Mafia?
NotQuiteThere: And now suddenly I realize it was your vote that brought me to L-1. And interestingly enough...
Fallacy, yes the rationale for killing in general is obvious but why Persus specifically?
This looks like a pressure vote to me.
A pressure vote(if I'm reading it right) that brought me almost to a hammer.
As some people say:
what gives?
And here's some more stuff I've got to use: Wait, never mind. Your 1-shot corrupt bureaucrat claim solves everything else I was thinking of using.
I know it's not much, but it's all I've found(so far), so I'm going with it.