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Author Topic: Santa's factory and his 100 dwarves  (Read 10533 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Santa's factory and his 100 dwarves
« Reply #60 on: December 17, 2007, 08:04:00 pm »

Okay. Probably can't finish tonight though; I was Christmas shopping this afternoon, and I've got some other stuff to do today, too.


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Re: Santa's factory and his 100 dwarves
« Reply #61 on: December 18, 2007, 02:36:00 am »

Wow. I've just started, but what an eventful couple months it's been. All I'm saying at this point is that it involves a titan and something I like to call "The Degrinchinator"


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Re: Santa's factory and his 100 dwarves
« Reply #62 on: December 19, 2007, 02:17:00 am »

Hahahahahahaha! That was so awesome I can't stand it! It had everything! A goblin siege! A dead kitten! Mad dwarven science! A BIG RED BUTTON! Hahahehehehahaha! I'm grinning like an idiot here and I don't care! The Degrinchinator is an unqualified success! Watch and be amazed!

Things can only go down from here, so I'm going to end my turn now. I've got to get to bed; I'll have a writeup tomorrow. For now, here's the save, complete with DEGRINCHINATOR! Bwehehehehe!

Save is here

(Oh, be sure to replace the pressure plate in the Degrinchinator - it was in the middle, and it raises the drawbridges on either side of the chasm of death.)

[ December 19, 2007: Message edited by: Vanigo ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Santa's factory and his 100 dwarves
« Reply #63 on: December 19, 2007, 02:20:00 am »

Oh, one important thing to add: In the room with the levers, the left lever works the main gates, the middle lever works the bridges in the Degrinchinator, and the red lever (which I made out of hematite, if you're wondering) activates INSTANT DEATH FOR OUR ENEMIES!

Hehehehehehe! I got to push a Big Red Button! I got to make a Big Red Button! Hahahahaha!



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Santa's factory and his 100 dwarves
« Reply #64 on: December 19, 2007, 02:28:00 am »

That was awesome   :D
I'm not familiar with pressure plates, what do you mean by replacing the plates?

[ December 19, 2007: Message edited by: RustedAxe ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Santa's factory and his 100 dwarves
« Reply #65 on: December 19, 2007, 02:29:00 am »

Nice trap, too bad I don't have that Dwarven trap ingenuity, im more of a physical dwarf anyways.
As you journey to the center of the world, feel free to read the death announcements of those dwarves that suffer your neglect.

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the cosmos. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips, I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my veins. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk and free throw.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Santa's factory and his 100 dwarves
« Reply #66 on: December 19, 2007, 02:43:00 am »

Originally posted by RustedAxe:
<STRONG>That was awesome    :D
I'm not familiar with pressure plates, what do you mean by replacing the plates?

[ December 19, 2007: Message edited by: RustedAxe ]</STRONG>

I stuck a one-shot pressure plate in the middle of the trench that was linked to both bridges. When the first goblin walked over it, it raised the bridges automatically. The pressure plate had to be one-shot or it would have lowered the bridges as soon as the goblin stepped off, but the downside of one-shot plates is that they vanish after one use and have to be rebuilt.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Santa's factory and his 100 dwarves
« Reply #67 on: December 19, 2007, 06:14:00 pm »

Okay, here's the play-by-play of my turn.

6 Limestone: Thinking about security, I ordered traps built at the entrance. I also deconstructed one of the absurdly large farms and built a more reasonable one, and built a proper well over our little watering hole. On a more personal note, I finally gave in and gave my rooms to the new mayor, and had a new office built for myself.

13 Limestone: I ordered a new ore storage room dug out, since the old one was flooded. Also, the dwarven caravan arrived today.

19 Limestone: A kobold thief snuck up to the trade depot, where it was spotted by the caravan guards. Needless to say, it didn't last long. I killed another myself, but a third somehow made off with some arrows we seized from the humans. No big loss.

25 Limestone: I finally made time to trade with the caravan. Bought some copper, zinc, tin, silver, and gold, and a bolt of giant cave spider silk cloth in case a moody dwarf decides he needs it. I also bought some fish - we can use the bones to decorate toys. In exchange, I gave them the loincloths from some kobold thieves. Blast if I know what they want with them.

28 Limestone: A good omen: our miner discovered some native aluminum while carving out the new ore storage room.

10 Sandstone: Oddom Nomaladil gave birth to a baby boy today! Feb Amkolkilrud is zero years old today. Lookit his little beard...

13 Sandstone: Gave the merchants some masterwork meals as a sending-off gift (mostly to be sure they didn't rot like some of the other meals around here).

19 Sandstone: Zuglar Ingishestil, one of our furnace operators, has been possessed! Hopefully by a friendly Baby-Armok-Day spirit...

20 Sandstone: Zuglar claimed our mechanic's workshop, oddly enough, grabbed three nearby chunks of claystone, and began working on something today.

25 Sandstone: Zuglar finished his work today, producing Laluthnural ("Floodedblind"), a set of claystone mechanisms.

More disturbingly, he also presented me with plans for a defense system he calls "The Degrinchinator". I'll have to keep an eye on him...

27 Sandstone: The mayor finished his negotiations with the village liason today. He requested wood, some metals we haven't found here yet, and giant cave spider silk. In return, the Mountainhomes want musical instruments and cheese. Fat chance of that. They'll give nearly as much for shields, however, and our legendary armorsmith should be able to accommodate them there.

27 Sandstone again: Oh dear. An enormous titan has just arrived on our doorstep. I fear for the safety of this fortress...

3 Timber: Victory! Our few soldiers were busily collecting armor when the titan burst through our gates, barely noticing our traps, but a few hastily-recruited crafters kept the beast busy, and it fell just as our soldiers arrived. The beast is not rotting outside, but it slew six dwarves and a few animals before it fell. We may never know who exactly finished the beast, but now we can all breathe a bit easier. I've ordered some more coffins built, for obvious reasons. Perhaps I'll give that Degrinchinator another look...

8 Timber: Some migrants arrived today. Eight of them, and they're all useless. A fisherdwarf, two fish cleaners, a fish dissector, a wood burner, a milker, and two peasants. I drafted half of them, and let the rest go on hauling duty.

12 Timber: I made a bizzare discovery today. Somehow, the dwarves got it in their heads that I had told them not to move food around. I am at a loss as to how this could have happened, but in any case it was easily corrected.

10 Moonstone: Construction on the Degrinchinator has begun. May Armok have mercy on our souls.

12 Opal: Finally got the mayor's rooms up to mayoral standards. Would have been much easier if we hadn't lost most of our engravers to the titan.

13 Obsidian: Awww....

17 Obsidian: Our miner struck sphalerite today. That'll be handy if we ever find any copper.

12 Granite: Gold! We've struck gold!

16 Granite: An elven caravan arrived today. Also, it seems a goblin snatcher was killed by the traps at the gate at some point, but no one noticed. Thank goodness.

20 Granite: The elves brought some wood, which is strange but helpful. They've also brought a few plants and a great deal of rope reed cloth. I bought all the wood and food and a little cloth from them.

25 Granite: The Degrinchinator's power plant is operating. It's little more than a water wheel and a pump that sit on top of the aquifer. Somehow, power comes out. I asked Zuglar how it worked and he just looked at me strangely and said "It doesn't." He's really starting to frighten me. (That was a lie, he's been frightening me regularly for months now.) In any case, I've ordered the dwarves not to approach the power plant unless absolutely necessary, as I'm concerned that exposure may cause birth defects or something.

9 Slate: The Degrinchinator is complete, and is about to be tested. Zuglar is giddy with anticipation at finally having the chance to push the BIG RED BUTTON. (He had it made out of hematite. Insisted that it wouldn't work right otherwise, and no one dared contradict him.) In less disturbing news, we've begun production of green glass toys.

12 Slate: The last of a huge group of immigrants arrived today, including our Dungeon Master. The others were a ranger, a carpenter, a planter, two potash makers, two bowyers, a miner, a clothier, a miller, two glassmakers, two metalsmiths, a fisherdwarf, three peasants, and a child. Plus their various pets, of course.

22 Slate: Another fey mood. Doren Abodlorbam, a wood burner, has claimed our mason's workshop.

8 Felsite: Doren finally began his construction today, using gold nuggets, rough purple spinel, goblin bones, mountain goat leather, turtle shell, onyxes, and willow logs. With components like those, we're all expecting something great to come of this. Also, Zuglar insists I note that the Degrinchinator did not fail to work as expected, and is not now undergoing rennovations.

12 Felsite: Doren finished his artifact, Thubilgostangkurik, The Nasty Awe-inspiring Thorn, a native gold grate. It's worth over 100,000!

16 Hematite: A human caravan and merchant baron showed up today. Let's see if they've learned anything since last year.

17 Hematite: Goden Vumommorul, one of our soldiers, has been elected mayor. I can't say I really understand what motivated this choice. In semi-related news, I've left my post with the military - I'm approaching hero status, but I can't afford to stay in the military full-time and neglect my administrative duties.

18 Hematite: The Degrinchinator has been finished for what Zuglar insists is the first time, and is ready for its... first... test run. We're all holding our breaths.

21 Hematite: I met with the chastened human traders today. They're being far more reasonable, not demanding any of our toys at all. I purchaced a great deal of wood, alcohol, blade weed and rope reed seeds, and some plants, fish, and meat, but I had no interest in the dead animals in cages they brought. I don't know what they were thinking, but as long as they get them out of here before they start to rot I don't much care. Some more dead goblins appeared, as if by magic, on our doorstep again. Other than that, the past few days have been uneventful. Yes, nothing at all out of the ordinary has happened, unless you count Zuglar developing a rather worrying facial tic.

(I reorganized the stockpiles, devoting some exclusively to toys and forbidding toys from the rest. This way, no toys had to be hauled up to the trade depot.)

8 Malachite: More migrants arrived today. A jeweler, a cook, a cheese maker, a woodworker, an engineer, a siege engineer, and five peasants.

2 Galena: Yet another strange mood. Vucar Satid, our newly arrived jeweler, is being secretive.

7 Galena: Vucar made an artifact toy! Ar Settad, a milk quartz mini-forge. Unfortunately, he seems quite unwilling to give it to a child.

10 Galena: We concluded negotiations with the humans today. Looks like we'll be trading them helmets and goblets. I asked them to bring wood, some booze, and a few barrels, and perhaps some toys of their own.

27 Galena: I've ordered the wagon walled off in case some unfriendly creature should want to destroy it. We can tear down the walls when it's time to leave.

11 Limestone: Horrors! The goblins have arrived, and the Degrinchinator is not yet operational! Looks like we may be doing this one the old-fashioned way... I've sealed the gates for now.

14 Limestone: Denied any path into our fortress, the goblins seem to simply be waiting near where they arrived. In the meantime, work on the Degrinchinator continues - it is nearly complete. Also, a peasant seems to have accidentally walled himself in with the wagon. Rather than remove the walls and leave him exposed to the goblins, I've ordered a tunnel dug to him.

26 Limestone: Struck lignite today. With magma forges, and no flux, this isn't really that useful, unless we decide to give lumps to bad children.

[Continued in next post; image limit.]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Santa's factory and his 100 dwarves
« Reply #68 on: December 19, 2007, 06:15:00 pm »

11 Sandstone: It's done. Hopefully for real this time. Let's see how well it works...
The upper half of the Degrinchinator. The pumps hurl freezing cold water over the wall into the channel, where it instantly freezes, killing anything unlucky enough to be present.

The lower half of the Degrinchinator. The pumps on this level are constantly active, and the bridges can be raised to trap enemies in the death zone. The pressure plate in the middle will automatically raise the bridges if the lever isn't pulled quickly enough.

The control room for our defenses. The left lever raises the main gates, the middle lever seals off the Degrinchinator passage, and the BIG RED BUTTON activates the Degrinchinator. In this image, Zucar is cackling like a maddwarf after pushing the BIG RED BUTTON.

12 Sandstone: Success! Zuglar is positively incoherent with glee. Now let's try it with some goblins inside...

17 Sandstone: The Degrinchinator has been reset, and the passage opened. The goblins think they can get in through the Degrinchinator, and are on the march. Let them come.

21 Sandstone: Man, these goblins are slow.

24 Sandstone: It is done. The goblins will trouble us no more, their bodies encased in solid ice. Zucar laughed maniacally until he passed out. The rest of us are more conflicted. True, we destroyed the entire sieging force with no casualties but a single stray kitten foolish enough to wander into the goblins' line of fire, but the suddenness with which they died has left us... unsettled. They lasted only moments once the BIG RED BUTTON was pressed. For now, we are excavating the goblins' bodies and possessions, and praying that the Degrinchinator is never needed again.
Here we see the excavation of the goblin corpse underway:



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Santa's factory and his 100 dwarves
« Reply #69 on: December 19, 2007, 06:33:00 pm »

How does the Degrinchinator work? I dont understand how you were able to freeze water on top of something.
As you journey to the center of the world, feel free to read the death announcements of those dwarves that suffer your neglect.

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the cosmos. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips, I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my veins. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk and free throw.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Santa's factory and his 100 dwarves
« Reply #70 on: December 19, 2007, 07:55:00 pm »

Simple: I dug out the ground above that channel, so it counts as outside, and in this climate water that gets outside instantly freezes. In fact, the first version of the Degrinchinator had the problem that the water would freeze before it fell to the bottom of the channel - that's what those grates on the bottom floor are for; to let it fall down while it's still inside.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Santa's factory and his 100 dwarves
« Reply #71 on: December 19, 2007, 10:00:00 pm »


I would like to see that same diagram with the water levels shown though, so I can see what water is going where.

"Quickly now, the goblins are more devious these days." - Captain Mayday


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Santa's factory and his 100 dwarves
« Reply #72 on: December 19, 2007, 10:40:00 pm »

You could just grab the save and watch it in action, you know. I posted it yesterday.

I still can't get over how perfectly everything worked out. A guy got possessed and made an artifact mechanism (called Floodedblind, even!) while I was planning to make this thing, then goblins showed up just as I was finishing it. Sure, it took four tries to get it to actually work, but if it had worked the first time I wouldn't have gotten to use it.

Also, PTTG, are you grabbing this? Or Rusted Axe?



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Santa's factory and his 100 dwarves
« Reply #73 on: December 19, 2007, 11:35:00 pm »

OK, I got it now! Let's give this a second try!
A thousand million pool balls made from precious metals, covered in beef stock.

Lord Nightmare

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Santa's factory and his 100 dwarves
« Reply #74 on: December 19, 2007, 11:43:00 pm »

That was BRILLIANT.  :)
"When life gives you zombies... *CHA-CHIK!* make zombie-ade!"
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