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Author Topic: We are safe up here in the tower.... BETTER JUMP OFF.  (Read 1258 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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We are safe up here in the tower.... BETTER JUMP OFF.
« on: February 17, 2016, 03:22:08 pm »

So... i had two 2 story towers with fortifications guarding my entrance.  I noticed that my dwarfs don't shoot through the fortifications, i recall a while back that they wont shoot through forts unless they are elite, not sure if that is still the case.  So for round two, i removed the fortification, and instead of shooting the incoming gobbies from up high, they all jump off the fucking tower and break their spines, legs and arms and shit and just lay on the ground waiting for a troll to come and beat them to death.  I can't believe they all jumped off the tower.  They all have ammo and quivers and some of em shoot, but i've re-ran this now 3 times and sooner rather then later, they all decide this is the time..... reminds me of that movie. 

Any way to get them to stay up there and shoot, or is about time for my strength to be broken.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: We are safe up here in the tower.... BETTER JUMP OFF.
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2016, 03:46:18 pm »

Non-elites will shoot through fortifications if they are right next to them. Only elites can shoot through non-adjacent fortifications. Just don't give your crossbowdwarves room to get farther away.  And watch out for elite goblin bowmen.

Have them killed. Nothing solves a problem quite as effectively as simply having it killed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: We are safe up here in the tower.... BETTER JUMP OFF.
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2016, 05:34:56 pm »

And yes, one of the most annoying features of crossbowdwarves is their kamikaze instinct married to their stupidity. The only way to ensure they don't try to climb down (and fall) is not to give them the chance, i.e. fortification and a roof so they can't climb out (Dorfs only climb to thwart your attempts to keep them in to do their jobs and to charge enemies swinging crossbows as clubs. They won't climb down from trees or up from shafts to avoid starving/thirsting to death. One theory of why dwarves starve to death in trees is that they get startled [probably by keas] and "flee" by climbing a tree, in which case there is a third reason to climb).

Admiral Obvious

  • Bay Watcher
  • Novice Wordsmith
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Re: We are safe up here in the tower.... BETTER JUMP OFF.
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2016, 06:12:33 pm »

And yes, one of the most annoying features of crossbowdwarves is their kamikaze instinct married to their stupidity. The only way to ensure they don't try to climb down (and fall) is not to give them the chance, i.e. fortification and a roof so they can't climb out (Dorfs only climb to thwart your attempts to keep them in to do their jobs and to charge enemies swinging crossbows as clubs. They won't climb down from trees or up from shafts to avoid starving/thirsting to death. One theory of why dwarves starve to death in trees is that they get startled [probably by keas] and "flee" by climbing a tree, in which case there is a third reason to climb).

I made a discovery today. If you've got a dwarf set to gather fruit from the tree the dwarf managed to climb. Presuming you have a stepladder, once the harvesting dwarf climbs the tree using said stepladder, the dwarf that was stuck should use that same stepladder as a form of ramp, assuming the harvester doesn't move it. You usually won't get cancelation spam either.
"I have a rock here for you.  No animals or plants died bringing you this rock.  How fast do you want me to throw it at you?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: We are safe up here in the tower.... BETTER JUMP OFF.
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2016, 09:36:23 pm »

Ahh, no path to the enemy.... put a roof on it, makes sense.  I didn't think of that.  I thought they were just jumpin through the slots didn't think they were climbin over to jump to their deaths.  I will try that, along with the 1 space spot on the fort.