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Author Topic: Archcrystal: 500 years in a fortress [SPOILERS] Finished  (Read 483506 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 284 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #150 on: September 25, 2016, 05:05:29 am »

Dwarves used to have no response to being on fire.  I don't think contaminated food would mean much.


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Re: Archcrystal: 284 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #151 on: September 27, 2016, 12:20:31 pm »



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Re: Archcrystal: 284 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #152 on: September 30, 2016, 12:31:43 pm »

It's the 300th anniversary of the fortress and the dwarves of Archcrystal get ready for a celebration.


Before the 300th annversary.

Moldath and Iton waited impatiently for the tricentennial ceremony to begin. Over the last few decades they had settled into middle age without effort or noticable fatigue. In fact, most would say they were just now in their prime having accomplished so much already. They had each been bestowed with titles for their battle prowess which they both delighted in.
They looked at eachother and sighed.

“Doren would have hated a ceremony like this,” said Iton.

“That's why he's not here,” said Moldath.

8 years ago Doren Lashgrooved, the Sheriff of Archcrystal seemed to realize his time was coming to an end. Well into his 150's he began to mutter to himself, withdrawing from society even more than usual. He still carried out his duties with his usual effiency, but his mind seemed disturbed by something – something only he could understand. While they passed by his quarters, dwarves could hear him talking to himself, saying cryptic phrases to no one in particular.

“I can't slip back,” he would whisper. “I can't slip back into the immense design of things.”

The dwarves would pretend not to hear and continue on. He would be seen in the kitchens collecting random items like buckets or cave wheat supposedly furnishing his room as some had suggested. Every so often he would pass by the new library and mutter into his cloak. “The letters and numbers. They mean more. More than we think.”

He would eat alone in the dining hall talking constantly to his feet. “It's the way we survive, the way we exist.”

Most would politely move away.

Despite his ramblings Doren still seemed very focused during drills and demon hunts. But his age was slowing him down. At last, the next year, Doren the sheriff passed away from old age.

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He was laid to rest in the glass tower, with his folding wooden chair propped up next to him against the wall.
Moldath and Iton had prepared his funeral – a grand ceremony that Doren would have hated also. They giggled at this. At the same time Etur their militia commander had taken on the role of duchess, after the title had been given to merchant centuries ago. Etur named her own choice for captain of the guard to replace Doren. Ber was a lawful dwarf but not very capable and a poor marksdwarf. The others followed Ber only out of necessisty.

It was not long afterwards that Archcrystal was officially named the mountainhome, despite having the crown for over 200 years already.
The following years were very productive. The farms and hospital were finished.

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The Wild Belly, a tavern in the middle of the fortress opened for business. Many marriages were held following it's opening.
It only seemed to attract goblins from the nearby Dark Fortresses who laughably pretended to not be spying, but they were tolerated until a seige came, and then quickly dispatched. The library was also finished even though the dwarves of Archcrystal had no idea how to make books.

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The furniture had centuries of writing and pictures on them anyway.
As the population grew, so did the appetites of the dwarves, and it was becoming obvious that the rutherers would not be enough to provide a steady supply of meat. Fortunately, a mate was captured for the two Hydras already in captivity and a breeding program was started.

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King Ushrir was starting to show his age as well. He made a habit out of getting drunk and belligerent in the tavern every night. One night he decided to pick a fight. Unfortunately for him, he targeted Moldath. As so often with happy go lucky people, Moldath had quite a temper when provoked, and besides being a deadly opponent in battle, she was not one to care where a challenge came from. The fight was brief.

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After exploding the king’s throat with a single punch, she went merrily on her way as if nothing untoward had just happened, and not even Erith the captain of the guard gave even a thought to arresting her. And so ended the reign of Ushrir Dikeguards. Many said he was about to die anyway given his age, but now a problem came about as who to name the next king as Ushrir never fathered any children. It was decided to avoid this problem in the future, and Ingiz Lashkindled was named the new king.

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Ingiz was the widower of Asob Boltaction who had the renowned title of birthing the most children in the fortress at 46. Ingiz was almost near the end of his life and the rest of them knew it, but at least he had a line of offspring that could take over the throne. This created another problem however as in dwarven culture it was not simply the eldest child who was the rightful heir, but the most qualified of them, so for the next year great debates were held in the tavern as 46 children played a game of thrones. A year later, Ingiz died, and his son Zan Guildinks at the age of 17 inherited the throne.

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It was hoped that he would marry one of his cousins and continue the line.

The 300th anniversary.

The anniversary had come and another goblin siege came with it, and once again Moldath and Iton had grinded them into paste. They brushed off bits of bone and brain from their armor as they waited for the celebration to begin.

“I wonder if the new king will be any good,” said Iton waiting her turn to march in the parade.

“I don’t think it matters,” replied Moldath.

“Why? Because you’ll punch that one to death too?”

“He started it,” smiled Moldath.

“What would Doren have said if he were alive, bout you, punchin’ a king to death, hmm?”

“He probably would have made me clean it up.”

“Darn right, he would.”

“Too bad he didn’t have any kids. They might have made a good king.”

“Well, he didn’t. We’ll just have to live with this one.”

The trumpets blared and the procession marched through the halls waving their banners. Moldath and Iton led the way missing the former sheriff. But unbeknownst to them Doren Lashgrooved had made plans that were maturing even now.

The last child of Asob Boltaction

Fath Ringeddimple was born in the winter of 361, 11 years before the 300th anniversary of Archcrystal. He was the 46th child of Asob Boltaction and Ingiz Lashkindled, and as it turns out the last, as 3 months later Asob died in her sleep.

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Fath as a baby continued on seeming to value his independence. There seemed something special about him, bright, clever, with a sharp stare that made him look older than the infant he was. He would wander the halls and smooth slade floors of hell on his own, crawling along without a cry or a whimper.

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It was the stare that caught Doren the sheriff’s attention. He knew his time was coming, and he decided he needed to pass on some knowledge. He started by feeding him and bringing him water. When he grew a little older, Doren would talk to him in his room, “I can't slip back. I can't slip back into the immense design of things. My name will come again, but I won't remember. Someone has to drive them. Otherwise everything will fade away.”

He would collect cave wheat and buckets in the kitchen for him so he would have something to eat while he led the drills. Fath would hide in his cloak, and as they passed the library Doren would say, “The letters and numbers. They mean more. More than we think. If you look hard enough you can see them moving. You have to see things for what they are. Then you can direct them. Save them from themselves.”

In the dining hall, Fath would sit under the table while Doren spoke, “It's the way we survive, the way we exist. They need a purpose and an enemy, otherwise the whole thing crumbles. Keep directing, don't stop. If you do, you're just the immense design... of something else.”

The other dwarves of Archcrystal would not know of any of this. They had know idea what Fath would become.


I upgraded the fort into 43.05. I'm liking a lot of the new features especially all the marriages. I'll be uploading the save later today, so far I can't get it to not time out because the file is so big even zipped. Next I'll be working on building the tower past the 3 cavern layers.

Fleeting Frames

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 300 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #153 on: September 30, 2016, 05:39:18 pm »

....Doren...Hunter of Winged fiends, passed away from old age?

The safety, the care and the scale. *shakes head*

And mountainhome, only now?

Truly, you must have exported all you desire.

The complete blackness of deep underground really throws me off.

Bizarre to look at the mono color rooms. It's like it is outside of time, or something from decades-old game.

Surprised to see there still to be progress and megabeasts, even so far in. Hydra farm....

And heh. Typical tavern.

...Oh that's not your typical royal line. Are the others second in line for throne?

Nice to see that he takes care of ...Oh. So that's what Doren was muttering.

43.05? From 40.24?

You will not get all the tavern features, though I recall there is some dfhackery possible to get some of the instruments and such. (Though dfhack's not available for 43.05, ofc)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 300 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #154 on: September 30, 2016, 06:42:36 pm »

Yeah, so far I can live without the instruments. I would like to insert books eventually if it was possible.

Anyways, the save is finally done uploading. It can be found here:


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 300 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #155 on: October 01, 2016, 09:06:26 am »

If someone can put this on a server...
Guess which one will be sooner?
DF beta, or 1000th birthday of this fort?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 300 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #156 on: October 01, 2016, 11:01:12 am »

Unfortunately after this initial rush of marriages things are going to slow down. It's almost impossible to get dwarves to socialize in 0.42 and up.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 300 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #157 on: October 04, 2016, 10:15:14 am »

I just wanted to join everyone in saying what an amazing achievement you have created. Thanks for showing us the fruits of all your hard labour.

Furthermore, if you ever gain a breeding pair of rocs, the top floor of your glass tower would make a pretty sweet rocery.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 300 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #158 on: October 04, 2016, 11:47:19 am »


I've had to chain the Hydras because they keep fighting each otherand trying to escape the pasture which cripples the fps.

And Flame, I have noticed the socializing decrease, so I'm making the meeting areas smaller which will hopefully encourage it more. It's tougher also to get the new married couples to have kids I've discovered, probably because they're too busy praying, storytelling, etc. Whereas before in 40.24 they would just idle in the meeting area, thus produce more kids.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 300 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #159 on: October 09, 2016, 02:26:31 pm »

Holy Damn, how am I just reading this.

I commend your fortress good sir.

The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 310 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #160 on: November 12, 2016, 08:42:56 pm »

Archcrystal is now in it's 310th year. Work continues on the glass tower which is coming up on the second cavern layer
Here is a zoomed out view of the fort in hell.

That's the zoo taking shape in the upper right.
Here are the fort's stats:

Also here is an updated save:

I'll have a more detailed update soo, just waiting on a few things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 310 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #161 on: November 12, 2016, 09:47:18 pm »

humm... Has this been nominated for the Hall of Legends yet?
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name

Fleeting Frames

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Re: Archcrystal: 310 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #162 on: November 13, 2016, 01:37:32 am »

For now, I'll say that I like the circular dining hall on SW, zoomed out like that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 310 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #163 on: November 13, 2016, 06:39:17 am »

Came here from the reddit thread. This is absolutely amazing!

steel jackal

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archcrystal: 310 years in a fortress [SPOILERS]
« Reply #164 on: November 13, 2016, 07:07:54 pm »

dang, hadent realized that this was still an active thing.

you sir, are absolutely amazing, and are the kind of DF player that i aspire to one day become
i am a dwarf and im digging a hole, diggy diggy hole

my art:
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