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Author Topic: You are a Monster RTD - Epilogues  (Read 294761 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster RTD - Turn 73 -With a Google Doc!-
« Reply #2085 on: April 18, 2017, 04:40:00 am »

Turn 73.3 Previous Turn

Ulkas the Horned Demon
((Awesome! Appearance of such powerful entity is both thrilling and exciting... Now, could we flee from it, using all the powers at our disposal and advantage of a long distance? I'm also very curious about its origin, though I do have some theories...))

Ulkas was quite surprised by this sidden revelation, as his plans did not account for arrival of such powerful entity that could shake even Astrosa, making her consider retreat immediately. Still, he was quick to follow the situation.

"Lets fly with haste to the sea, then."

While already on move, Ulkas questioned his companion:

"What exactly your eyes told you? Can you judge the distance between us and that being in case it follows our trail? And was such power hidden there all the time, or appeared suddenly only moments ago?"

"I only noticed it moments ago. That distant, powerful fire, like a lone star in a blackened sky: once you spot it, you can never take your eyes of it. I can't tell if this being is after us or not, but my instincts are urging me to hide from this light…"

[3] You flew together toward the coast, looking for the twin villages of Ilmer and Inmer. After a moderate amount of time spent flying, you still couldn't find their exact location.

Astrosa kept watching the movements of the great force she sensed. It did seem like it was moving toward your direction, but she was unsure.

Spoiler: Ulkas Status (click to show/hide)

Eron the Ghost Musician
"Once more, then."
Play it once more, but a little jazzier this time. Afterward, tell them "You may want to hear this piece of respite again, but others lay without it in their ears, their burdens stretching out the pain upon their souls. Perhaps, one day, I can find a way to give you a truer peace, something more after death. I must be off, for I am needed elsewhere."

((Honestly, I just realized something here. Going to save explaining it for my next action, though. You'll see why)

[1] You play once more, this time with a different tune. The melody turns into a more swingy, rhythmic variation, also carrying additional meanings over its original ones. Carried by your song, your enthusiasm increases and your performance becomes louder and louder.

A loud thumping resounded. It came from deeper inside the building.

A scream of rage roared from the darkness, and a stream of malevolent energy flowed in the room. The shadowy remnants quivered, visibly agitated, and the doctor's figure moved toward the room the scream came from.

It was instantly swept away by an ectoplasmic clawed hand. The dim figure of the doctor seemed to wane on the ground as it laid lying.

Before you stood what you suspected was a vengeful wraith, born from one of the many deceased. A body made of some black smoke, with only the claws and the head made of a more ectoplasmic substance. What would be its face was distorted by pain and rage. It had no lower body, instead the black smoke spread on the ground above where it hovered.

-Vengeful Wraith [Enraged]

-Doctor's Ghost [Critical State]

Spoiler: Eron's Status (click to show/hide)

Squelchy the Polyslime
((So now I can charge Flash using sunlight, but I also naturally radiate sunlight?


Squelchy begins to search for more sustenance, be it other slimes or fruit.

[3] You start wandering around the tropical maze, looking to satisfy your basic needs. The flagelly follows you heartily, appreciating the advantages of your company.

Eventually, you found a lone predatory slime. A low purple puddle of ooze, known to usually hunt at night. One out during the day was a rarity.

[Trait] Reformative: +1HP

-1 Purple Ooze [Neutral]

- 1 Pheromone Flagelly

Spoiler: Squelchy's Status (click to show/hide)

The Psychic Forest Spider and Roeway the Raging Blood Hound
(oh god oh god oh god oh god)
Alright fuck the spider. FLEE FLEE FLEE

Spider: [6]
Terrified by the life-threatening situation, the Spider darted away in a panic, fleeing from the scene as far as it could. No demons bothered to pursue it, and when the Spider finally calmed down, it looked around. The Spider was lost.

This part of the forest was unknown to the Spider.

Roeway: [4]
Covered by a layer of protective blood, Roeway ran through the incoming demons, withstanding a few weak blows from his surprised enemies.

Despite being short on breath, Roeway ran, his body surging with adrenaline. He didn't know if the demons were still pursuing him, he was too focused on running to care about this detail.

-Undetermined number of demons [Status Unknown]

Spoiler: The Spider's Status (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Roeway's Status (click to show/hide)

Heros Draco Infans the Drakling
Study the others and their abilities and stuff before testing out some of mine against a nearbye tree. Then go home, unless we see something that looks like it'll make a good meal on the way.

You shared your experience with the others. Styrfing and Okilion's accounts were pretty similar to yours. They both felt something beckoning them to change, and a deep, hidden desire seemed to manifest through this transformation.

Styrfing: Styrfing's appearance was unchanged, only his body size increased.
[Frost Scales]: Styrfing's scales are cold enough to numb its physical assailants senses if their cold resistance is low.
[Frost Breath]: Styrfing can breath a freezing air of moderate power.

Okilion: Okilion was pretty much unchanged, except for its single horn which was now longer and glowed with power.
[Horn of Power]: The single horn of Okilion contains a great amount of its latent energy. Attacks with its horn are imbued with this energy.
[Energize]: Okilion empowers its body with the energy of its horn, increasing his offensive capabilities and his speed. This skill will fail if its horn is damaged.

Deair and Dormall interrupted your enthusiastic conversation, but were quickly rebuked: none of you had a real idea of why you three transformed. The issue would be dropped until you would get home.

[4] You found a nearby tree, and unleashed your breath on it. A stream of flames engulfed the poor tree, quickly turning it into a charred version of its former self. You were amazed at your newfound power.

[4] After this experience, you returned home with the body of the creature. On the way back, you found two malachite lizards wandering in the mountains. These creatures bigger than an ox were of the same color as the rock their name originated from. Their scales were also very strong.

-2 Malachite Lizards

Styrfing, Frost Wyrmling
Dormall, Earth Drakling
Deair Vol Zephon, Sky Drakling
Okilion, Emerald Drake

Gorra the Lich
"We Shall Slaughter them, That is what we shall do."
I shall try to Drain at Their life forces, So they may sooner Fall to Osuro.

"It will be done Master."

Osuro charged at the lair, letting out an battlecry coming straight from a tomb.

Gorra: [4]
Osuro: [1]
[Necromancy] You remembered how to cast a Life Drain spell, and proceeded to do so meticulously. -3MP
You extended your hand, and a stream of life energy surged out of the humanoids and went to your hand. The sensation was truly exquisite.

Osuro cleaved at the first creature he found, and one would have expected the small being to be turned into mere paste by a single blow from the mighty Skeletal Knight.
But instead of turning into a bloody pulp when the battle axe struck, the humanoid vanished in a burst of smoke and the axe ended up firmly lodged in the ground.

The humanoid reappeared on the back of Osuro, and proceeded to viciously bite it. The others, albeit weakened creatures snarled and came toward you two.

-6 small humanoid monsters
> 5 weakened
> 1 fighting Osuro

-Great Skeletal Knight, Osuro [Damaged] [2/5]
> Worn battle axe

Spoiler: Gorra's Status (click to show/hide)

Gray the Unstable Prismetal Blaster
"Then we should keep going. The sooner we get to that place Barag talked about, the better. I'll split myself and have those pieces follow us from behind. Hopefully they'll let us know if the rodents try to close in."

Keep traveling. Split two tiny, hard to notice pieces off, one to follow us close to the maximum range of my control and the other to follow about halfway in my range. Preferably have them follow us underground if they can eat it fast enough to keep up. Their purpose is to warn me if the rodents enter that range, and maybe explode with energy if the rodents attack them, or pierce inside the rodents and devour them. Especially since they already have an easy way to the rodent's brain if they're in its mouth. Try to heal up while walking, eating dirt or something to recover my mass of necessary.

Everyone agreed on the same decision. The group would keep moving forward.

[5] You split two small pieces off of you, and made them follow your group at a distance, to warn you from the progress of the rodents. -2HP
While they couldn't dig through the earth fast enough to travel at a decent speed, it was extremely hard to notice them easily.

As you moved forward, you detected the rodent group through the first piece, which remained undetected. It even managed to hear an useful conversation from the rodents:
"We must hurry to get to this weakened group. If by chance they reach the Sand Golems territories, we won't be able to get to them."

You also heard that the Sand Golems were extremely hostile toward the rodents.

-6 rodent-like monsters (back)

-Barag, Muscular Human Cut and Bruises all over Side melted / Skin melted / Medicine applied
> Great Spear
-Kokaun, Golden Radasar Wounds opening / Wounded / Scales melted [4Ess]

Spoiler: Gray Status (click to show/hide)

Nox the Vampire Bat
Try to find out if the creature's blood is edible. If it is, drink to your stomach's content, then go rest and tend to your wounds. Once you're healed, find some new preys.

[6] You took a lick at your bloodied claws.


This creature's blood, despite its murky and thick appearance, was so palatable you couldn't believe it. You drank more than your fill, carried away by this reason-numbing taste.

It didn't need long for you to feel very sick. You rested in a large hollow trunk. The pain and nausea made it very hard to have a proper rest.

Despite being unable to heal properly, you felt that it was better to move away soon. Staying in this strange forest of black thorn trees made you feel uneasy.

Enemy :
-1 Thorn horror [Dead]

Spoiler: Nox's Status (click to show/hide)

Caedan the Bloody Impaler
"8, do you mind if I bring two of my traveling companions here to investigate their bloodlines later? One of them has vampire blood I awakened accidentally, and I wish to help him find his heritage."

"I simply connected a few dots together. So, why does Fordania need this 'weapon'? If you can tell me, that is."

Talking continues. And so does helping Vanare uncover the information she requires.

"8" answered politely:
"Simple matters such as these shouldn't pose problem. We may analyze their bloodlines later in the Atrium."


You noticed suspicion on Vanare's face. You felt like a misunderstanding was brewing in the air, or maybe her interests could clash with yours.
"What else but for war. Fordania has many enemies, many with which peace is an impossible possibility. And our Kings would do anything to protect our country."

You inquired about these enemies, and why the apparent distrust.
"In the West lies the Tymarch Theocracy. They have been Fordania, Vol and Ashafan sworn enemies since their very creation. The source of the conflict is their very religion, which clash with some of the three kingdoms "customs"."

What customs?
"Heard of Pact Houses? The deities associated with these are reviled by Tymarch."

She kept on talking:
"Then there are the Cearns of Merenn, and other faraway foreign countries. And of course, monsters.

Upon saying the word, she looked at you with a complex expression.
"Aren't you one after all? What does it make you toward Fordania? An enemy? There are so many things we don't know about monsters, that sometime, we feel like the best option would be to see all of them as enemies."

She told all of this with a distant tone, as if speaking in the stead of her fellow humans.

Ally :
Vanaremalia De Veraide, Fordania Great Library's High Archivist

-Levemite Sentinel ""4""
-Levemite Sentinel ""8""

Spoiler: Caedan's Status (click to show/hide)

Theta the Wolf
Bite the spiders face.

Theta: [6]
Human-faced Arachnid: [2]
Unwilling to let go of this offense unpunished, you jump toward the creature's face. Latching on it, you viciously shake to rip off the flesh. Red blood spews from the human-faced arachnid as you bite and the bitten flails around to shake you off.

While it fails to shake you off, its wild movements make you collide into many obstacles. -3HP

The creature screamed in pain, as its disfigured face bled more and more.

-Human-faced Arachnid [Face Mauled]

Spoiler: Theta Status (click to show/hide)

T946 the Security Bot
Flee back to the upper levels

[4] You rushed through the corridors, heading toward the "safe zone". You heard the heavy steps of Guard Golems on your tracks, but fortunately, you left fast enough to avoid getting trapped.

In front of you, a group of Guard Golems arrived. You recognized that they were under Alpha's control. Getting past the group of allied golems, you saw them enter a violent melee. Not wasting more time, you headed toward Alpha's room.

"Did you get the key?" Alpha asked eagerly.

Spoiler: T946's Status (click to show/hide)

One-of-the-many Arthropedes
I'll attack if it gets on attack distance. If it leaves I will wait a little longer and then find the sweet spot between "safe" and "dangerous area".

Ambush predation is not preferred form, but will serve well.

[3] You waited for an occasion to ambush the monstrous owl, but the creature didn't move a bit. It seemed still alert, and stood at a place where an ambush would be a hard task to pull off.

Eventually, it left. You waited a bit before moving out, to ascertain the creature was really gone.

[4] Under the cover of brushes and low trees, you scanned the creature's territory. It seemed to leave talon marks on the trees within its territory, allowing you to determine its relative extent.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster RTD - Turn 73 -With a Google Doc!-
« Reply #2086 on: April 18, 2017, 04:43:43 am »

Hey, so I can't really think of where to go from where I'm at with Oran(just couldn't decide where I wanted his character to go), can I just leave that storyline and make a new character?

However, I want to know if this would be a valid trait at this level
Megafauna - rolling a four on transformation also gives extra attribute points equal to half the amount of points gained that level, and increases character height by (whatever you think is balanced for the ability).

If so, I'll take that as a second trait with no skills, if not, I'll take this skill:
Powerful speech - good at dominating others with speech or speech based magic/abilities. Yes it can talk despite lacking a physical mouth
((Of course, no problem with dropping your old char. I'm having difficulties balancing writing turns and studies and other real-life things though, so I haven't decided yet if adding you right now would be a sound decision.

As for the sheet, shouldn't death bolt be a skill? Stats wise, you are technically only allowed to lower 2 stats and increase 2, not 3-3. I won't be nitpicky over this if you really want to start with that spread.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster RTD - Turn 73 -With a Google Doc!-
« Reply #2087 on: April 18, 2017, 07:46:43 am »

Hey, so I can't really think of where to go from where I'm at with Oran(just couldn't decide where I wanted his character to go), can I just leave that storyline and make a new character?
((Of course, no problem with dropping your old char. I'm having difficulties balancing writing turns and studies and other real-life things though, so I haven't decided yet if adding you right now would be a sound decision.

As for the sheet, shouldn't death bolt be a skill? Stats wise, you are technically only allowed to lower 2 stats and increase 2, not 3-3. I won't be nitpicky over this if you really want to start with that spread.))
Okay, I moved death bolt down to skills, and yes I'm sure about that spread. Also I'm probably going to change the name and appearance, save the image for a later level.

However, what about the two options, I've altered them, mostly the second one.

Megafauna - rolling a four on transformation also gives extra attribute points equal to half the amount of points gained that level, and increases character height by an additional (whatever you think is balanced for the ability).

Powerful speech - its words have an essence of both the divine and damned, they broadcast meaning rather than sounds, and listeners are more likely to obey.

Ideally I'll hopefully be getting both of these anyway as I level up, but I want to know which one, if either, I can start with as a trait.

Edit: For the love of Nar'Sie I'm already considering a DIFFERENT character, and thats not counting the two sheets I ALREADY had in reserve. This is my curse, I have too many ideas to use them all.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2017, 05:52:00 pm by Failbird105 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster RTD - Turn 73 -With a Google Doc!-
« Reply #2088 on: April 18, 2017, 07:57:33 am »

((can i use telepathy to "scan" the area and find other monsters in the area? maybe only those with mind powers?))
EDIT: If i can, do that. Try to find help to defend the forest from the demons.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2017, 07:53:45 am by randomgenericusername »
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster RTD - Turn 73 -With a Google Doc!-
« Reply #2089 on: April 18, 2017, 08:41:21 am »

Bite the human-faced arachnid's neck.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster RTD - Turn 73 -With a Google Doc!-
« Reply #2090 on: April 18, 2017, 09:29:35 am »

Whelp, I may not be Physically strong but I should be able to Slay a few Physically... Thus I shall Beat Them over the head until dead.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster RTD - Turn 73 -With a Google Doc!-
« Reply #2091 on: April 18, 2017, 10:21:03 am »

Conjure 3 wisps; one stays near the doctor to protect him from any attacks by attacking whatever part of the wraith attacks him, while the other two attack the wraith directly from opposite sides, all while I'm playing something calming. How about...Dire Dire Docks?
Work on a potential forum game for my return to Bay12. Figure out parts that puzzled me before. Find more things to figure out that I can't. Work on another game instead of solving them. Get distracted and stop working. Remember it a week or two later. Remember I'm still on hiatus. Illogically, Be too ashamed to return yet. Repeat ad nauseam.

Finally have a game completely ready. Wait a week before posting it out of laziness.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster RTD - Turn 73 -With a Google Doc!-
« Reply #2092 on: April 18, 2017, 06:03:18 pm »

Find a hollow or somewhere to hide and get some rest
My Sig
Fluttershy jumps onto TCM, giving him a hug. "~Yay~"*Player TCM has left the server. Reason: HHHHNNNNNGGGG-

We Madmen are very ingenious.  Sometimes it just takes just a little less sanity to pull off something completely awesome.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster RTD - Turn 73 -With a Google Doc!-
« Reply #2093 on: April 18, 2017, 10:33:35 pm »

Squelchy pounces upon the hunter slime and begins trying to dissolve it by releasing small amounts of his acidic interior upon it.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster RTD - Turn 73 -With a Google Doc!-
« Reply #2094 on: April 19, 2017, 07:45:06 am »

“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster RTD - Turn 73 -With a Google Doc!-
« Reply #2095 on: April 19, 2017, 11:20:10 am »

Flying creatures are annoying. Hmm, time to be bold perhaps. Estimate my ability to take it down from advantageous position. If estimation gives me good change, then attempt to locate its nest and prepare for ambush. Carefully. Otherwise wander around aimlessly, avoiding obviously powerful creatures.
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster RTD - Turn 73 -With a Google Doc!-
« Reply #2096 on: April 19, 2017, 12:03:40 pm »

((Hmm...hey Nakeen, how far is it to that monastery we were headed towards?))

"They're coming. If we make it to the Sand Golem's territory, they won't follow us." Gray warns the others.

To the Sand Golem's Territory! Seriously try to heal this time if possible. Keep monitoring the progress of the rats with my pieces, and try to have the furthest piece keep up slightly behind the rats, or discreetly attach itself to one and move into its ear canal. If the rats pass up the second piece, have it do the same as the first piece and drop three more pieces that will follow a decent distance behind us, halfway between us and the next closest piece, preferably hidden. Their goal is to discreetly stick to the rats if they get in range and move into their ear canals, so it will only be a short munch to their brains if they mean us harm.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.

Legendary Marksdorf

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster RTD - Turn 73 -With a Google Doc!-
« Reply #2097 on: April 19, 2017, 07:40:41 pm »

Exit the forest (without flying, that skeletal serpent might still be there). It's time to move on to new horizons. Try to locate a human settlement.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Monster RTD - Turn 73 -With a Google Doc!-
« Reply #2098 on: April 20, 2017, 06:27:25 pm »

"Do tell your superiors to be careful with this 'weapon'. The relics of the past are not simple."

"I'm not an enemy. Or rather, I do not wish to become one and hopefully I won't end up being one. Can't say for sure about the others, but I'm pretty sure some monsters have similar thoughts."

"Oh, and speaking of monsters - I forgot to mention it, but Ramas actually has vampire blood. It's one of the reasons why we travel together. I'm going to have the Sentinels analyze his bloodline."

Caedan's lips curve into a carefree smile. "Want to see if you have any monster blood yourself? The possibility is always there~."

Conversing continues. Whether Vanare agrees or not to have hers checked, put my own bloodline to the test as well, just for the heck of it. That, and I want to see how bloodline analysis works.
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.
Re: You are a Monster RTD - Turn 73 -With a Google Doc!-
« Reply #2099 on: April 21, 2017, 01:27:12 am »

Yes, I do have the key

Give the key to Alpha and watch the construct use it to open the cage
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