Just realized; would using Flash heal me, with my other trait? The whole healing dealio. Because Flash stores sunlight; the other trait needs sunlight.
Just curious, of course. No reason for me to hold the answer is yes.
Oh, so it stores sunlight ! I just thought it was either a light producing spell or a photoelectric reaction.
Anyway, if it stores sunlight there is no reason it wouldn't heal you.
Though I would rather make it a two part skill : you can use the stored energy to heal you, or to produce a strong flash of light.
((i rested so i should have healed, right? or i need some kind of magical shaman to put my guts back in the right place?)) ((also my character hates fire, his backstory is that he is from a clan of frost giants, like jotuns, frost ettins and hyperborean giants, but he didnt had ice powers and was exiled))
You are indeed healed, but you rolled a [6] ! So I needed something to spice up your resting.
((Suain Fuilsgiath. That's Irish, right? Sleeping protector of blood? Slumbering blood wing/shield? Or something along these lines? If it's Gaelic - 'latent blood shield' or something like that. I kinda like it.))
Seeing Caedan is of Scottish origin according to some site, I tried to put together some relatively nice sounding pseudo Scottish/Gaelic name.
It should be "Latent Blood Wing", but it turns into Shield when you do a reverse translation. As I used Google Translate, don't expect something great haha.