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Author Topic: You are a Monster RTD - Epilogues  (Read 294821 times)


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Re: You are a Monster RTD [14?/?] - Turn 70
« Reply #1740 on: September 07, 2016, 05:23:32 pm »

Name : Squelchy
Species : Polyslime
Appearance : The polyslime is almost exactly the same as a normal slime. However, the colors of all the slimes it has consumed swim across the surface of its membrane.
HP or MP increase : choose one. HP + 5, MP + 2
Attributes increased : Constitution
Traits gained : Luminescence: Yellow pigmentation on the polyslime's surface gathers energy from the sun whilst in sunlight. This energy is released as light whenever the slime wishes to do so.
Skills gained : Flash: A blinding light is shone upon the target, rendering it temporarily or even permanently sightless.

Squelchy continues to consume the fruit happily.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: You are a Monster RTD [14?/?] - Turn 70
« Reply #1741 on: September 07, 2016, 06:06:48 pm »

Thanks, and sorry for taking so long to notice that you came back, I was busy lately :x But now I'll be able to play as normal ^^

No worries ! It actually felt nice to have fewer players than usual, turns were faster to write :P

Dustan Hache

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Re: You are a Monster RTD [14?/?] - Turn 70
« Reply #1742 on: September 07, 2016, 11:19:55 pm »


This single word encompassed nearly whole specter of feelings Ulkas experienced at this moment. Rage, anger, disappointment, amazement, satisfaction, worry, anxiety... and gut-wrenching terror. Somewhere deep inside, he still remained a little black imp, fleeing for his dear life from the almighty demoness. He grew in power and wisdom, gained trust and respect of his near-killer... but when shown this pure animalistic side, old fear raised its head again.

A moment passed, and Ulkas felt like his consciousness split. He felt the terror still, but it had no hold on his steeled mind anymore. It was a thing of the past. Thing he outgrew and defeated. Mind rules the body. And mind rules itself as well... Ulkas grinned smugly in his mind for a moment, before returning to the present.

Humans already fled too far, their image forever burned into Ulkas memory - in case he'll meet them again in the future. Astrosa... While greatly wounded and nearly berserk, she was still in the present, barely holding on her slipping sanity. There were many ways he could help her...

Stopped by a sudden thought, Ulkas paused, only to discard it vehemently. He'll never use his powers against Astrosa directly. This was a betrayal of trust most foul. And only a dire situation in the temple following Fenia death could make him think along these lines. Now, he had a much better solution, though not without its pitfalls.

After breaking from imprisonment, Astrosa was controlled mostly by her impulses, mind becoming suppressed in a fits of extreme emotion. And if he could fix her emotional state somewhat, it should help mitigate the immediate danger and help her recovery as a whole. But the main problem remained: how to approach this? While not being a master on emotional side, Ulkas understood that for Astrosa, extreme emotions served like glue holding together her damaged personality. It started recovering bit by bit, but still was very fragile and vulnerable to outside threat, as many events has shown. Hasty actions would only make the situation worse...

Carefully 'sedate' Astrosa with emotion of serenity while talking to her reassuringly. Hopefully, this won't trigger some underlying memories...
(why not feed her your arm? after all, she did it for you..)
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: You are a Monster RTD [14?/?] - Turn 70
« Reply #1743 on: September 08, 2016, 12:08:22 am »

(why not feed her your arm? after all, she did it for you..)
((Because, unlike in the Temple, she is not dying right now. Just losing sanity she somewhat regained while traveling with me. Arm feeding is actually essence transfer. Remember how Astrosa reacts to essence feeding? Can you guess her reaction to that in unstable state of mind? I can't, so emotional sedation is a better bet in my opinion. If things go awry, she'll get my wings and tail, one way or another.))
Science is always important. But it needs more flaming cats. Can't we build bridge-based catapults and fling flaming cats at the dust and goo?

It's time for the ATHATH Death Counter to increase once more in celebration for the end of the world.
Re: You are a Monster RTD [14?/?] - Turn 70
« Reply #1744 on: September 08, 2016, 06:18:11 am »

Check the room for experiment logs and history of this place


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Re: You are a Monster RTD [14?/?] - Turn 70
« Reply #1745 on: September 08, 2016, 08:26:51 pm »

Retroactively exchange bits and thank Vagush for mentioning that, then wander off.


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Re: You are a Monster RTD [14?/?] - Turn 70
« Reply #1746 on: September 09, 2016, 01:07:20 am »


I'm doing some cleaning in older turns. Misclicked !
« Last Edit: September 09, 2016, 01:16:05 am by Nakéen »


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Re: You are a Monster RTD [14?/?] - Turn 70
« Reply #1747 on: September 09, 2016, 06:03:41 am »

Turn 70.02

Roeway the Raging Blood Hound
Roeway leads the pack on wards and upwards out of the dangerous underground. Supporting Wrapfur as much as possible as they go. (I've forgotten whether or not I'm still underground)
[3] You urged your friends to depart right now. With difficulty, you and Iverpack tried to support Wrapfur as best as possible.

Your group moved at a slow pace, and you could feel the presences getting closer.
You had to hurry, the echo of their steps became stronger and stronger.

[5] Until the presences changed direction all of a sudden.
Relieved, you slowed down the pace, seeing Wrapfur was in pain from the effort.

Not anymore in a hurry, you progressed through the long and dark tunnel. You often came across other shafts leading to dozen of tunnels dug by enormous creatures.

Progressively the air changed, becoming lighter and fresher. You hummed. That was a unique experience, you never knew the air could be so light... Until eventually, you reached the blinding surface... and all three of you gasped in amazement.

The infinite azure blue sky, the silk white clouds, the vast green surface...
"Everyone... they would have loved this..." said Iverpack with a mournful tone.

Tears fell of his face. He thought of all his brothers and sisters who died without being able to see such marvelous scenery.
"We did it... we did it everyone..."

However, there was a taint in this painting. You could see black smoke coming out from various points of the forest. What kind of trouble was brewing there ?...

-Hell Wolves Pack : 2 (Iverpack and Wrapfur)
>Iverpack the Blackflame Wolf(M): Okay
>Wrapfur the Hell Wolf(M): Very Badly Wounded

Spoiler: Roeway's Status (click to show/hide)

Ulkas the Sorcerous Osyluth of Lies

This single word encompassed nearly whole specter of feelings Ulkas experienced at this moment. Rage, anger, disappointment, amazement, satisfaction, worry, anxiety... and gut-wrenching terror. Somewhere deep inside, he still remained a little black imp, fleeing for his dear life from the almighty demoness. He grew in power and wisdom, gained trust and respect of his near-killer... but when shown this pure animalistic side, old fear raised its head again.

A moment passed, and Ulkas felt like his consciousness split. He felt the terror still, but it had no hold on his steeled mind anymore. It was a thing of the past. Thing he outgrew and defeated. Mind rules the body. And mind rules itself as well... Ulkas grinned smugly in his mind for a moment, before returning to the present.

Humans already fled too far, their image forever burned into Ulkas memory - in case he'll meet them again in the future. Astrosa... While greatly wounded and nearly berserk, she was still in the present, barely holding on her slipping sanity. There were many ways he could help her...

Stopped by a sudden thought, Ulkas paused, only to discard it vehemently. He'll never use his powers against Astrosa directly. This was a betrayal of trust most foul. And only a dire situation in the temple following Fenia death could make him think along these lines. Now, he had a much better solution, though not without its pitfalls.

After breaking from imprisonment, Astrosa was controlled mostly by her impulses, mind becoming suppressed in a fits of extreme emotion. And if he could fix her emotional state somewhat, it should help mitigate the immediate danger and help her recovery as a whole. But the main problem remained: how to approach this? While not being a master on emotional side, Ulkas understood that for Astrosa, extreme emotions served like glue holding together her damaged personality. It started recovering bit by bit, but still was very fragile and vulnerable to outside threat, as many events has shown. Hasty actions would only make the situation worse...

Carefully 'sedate' Astrosa with emotion of serenity while talking to her reassuringly. Hopefully, this won't trigger some underlying memories...

Calming your storming worries and fears, you focused on the present. Astrosa needed you, and you needed her. There was no time to fret about meaningless thoughts.

You remembered this time when you flew together and she explained her abilities...

"Bloodlust Madness" - A trait that made her prone to enter a berserk state in battle, and which was probably closely linked to her skill "Strength in Suffering" - A skill that increased her strength depending on damage suffered.

Berserk was a state of mind, so there was a possible way to break through with emotions...

Emotion Control : [3]
You focused on Astrosa's mind, and suddenly fell to your knees.


Crushing. Burning. Deafening.

Such rage, such wrath. Was that... was that how her mind was inside ?... It was as if a burning inferno suddenly engulfed you whole, attempting to devour your sanity.

Focused, you had to stay focused... With great difficulty, you managed to partially fan this inferno by implanting breezing and cool emotions. You spoke to Astrosa at the same time. Her eyes were wavering, as if shifting rapidly between the beast and something else.


Astrosa, in the depths of her mind : [3]

"Ul...kas ?..." she weakly muttered.

She was coming back ! It was working !
Slowly, she was being pulled out of it. There was progress, her madness was dying down.
Then she began half-consciously repeating the names of old acquaintances.

[1] "...Malderuine."

"MALDERUIIINE !!!" she screeched, so strongly you thought your ears would break.
In a split second, she blinked forward and stopped.

Her claws just stopped under your throat. She didn't move, and you didn't either out of surprise.
Your heart was beating so fast you felt the whole world shook in fear with you.

And then she collapsed from her injuries.

Spoiler: Ulkas Status (click to show/hide)

The Unnamed Ettin
((im so dead)) try to dodge its attacks and cross that river, try to grab one of those big boulders and throw one at it

Ettin: [6]
Husk: [2]
You felt a rush of primal fear as you sensed the grasp of death closing in... With an impressive burst of strength, you kicked it back and made a run toward the river, holding your spilling guts.
-1 HP

Jumping in extreme haste, you landed in the calm river and swam in a panic toward the other shore, tears of fear in your eyes.
You didn't want to die. Everything but this, you would hold onto the last rope of life until the end.

The husk stood back up with difficulty, and tried to pursue you, tripping because of its wounds.

And suddenly...

[2] A huge humanoid made of mud emerged from the muddy ground next to the shore of the river. It had gaping mouths all over its body, and a single blood red eye on its head.
It closed its hands on the Gaunt, attempting to crush it.

You reached the other side of the shore, exhausted and recovering your breath.

-Gaunt Husk of Pestilence Heavily Wounded
-Blood-Eye Mud Devourer 

Spoiler: The Ettin's Status (click to show/hide)

Caedan the Bloody Impaler
((Someone in her family was a siren. I'm calling it right now.))

"Indeed, a very beautiful song. Though I can't shake off the feeling that I heard a similar song before."

Let's go.

"How convenient it must be to be an amnesiac huh ?" she joked.

You progressed together through the familiar ruins. Architecture and edifices of a bygone era stood everywhere, evoking you an ever-increasing nostalgia. Vanare was humming, and you could feel magic around her. It was probably a way of preparing a spell in case something happened.

Following a broken pale beige slabs path, you arrived in front of a dilapidated structure of great proportions. Instinctively, you felt like it was a library of some sort.

Memories : [6]
You suddenly had a violent headache. Scenes flashed in your mind, your body shivered as if it remembered something.
It was too sudden and brief to let you understand what you saw, but the feeling was still here. Uneasiness and pain in your skull.

Vanare broke the silence :
"This is were the serious job begin. I can't get in this building alone : the protective field around it so strong I can only open a path in it by using my strongest spell. It's a spell holding me immobile, and if I stop the gap closes. See where I am coming ?

I have in my possession a magical device able to disrupt fields as long as it is fed mana. So when I will open a gap, you will go on the other side, maintain the gap and I will join you. Can I count on you ?"

Allies :
-Vanaremalia, short Vanare. Songstress.

Spoiler: Caedan's Status (click to show/hide)

Oran the Decrepit Fountain Golem

Keep eyes locked on the creature, move in to protect the humans.

[5] The being charged, and you rushed in to place yourself in front of the humans. As soon as you moved in between them, the mysterious entity stopped and moved back.

"Γυαρδιαν, ωηψ δο ψου προτεξτ τηε ιντρυδερσ ?!"

You understood what it said. "Guardian, why do you protect the intruders ?!"

Enemy ? Ally ?
-Mysterious being

Non-hostiles :
-Cloaked Humans
> One fighting
> One unconscious

Spoiler: Oran's Status (click to show/hide)

Gorra the Lich
That could have gone better, Perhaps I Should stay away from Combat... and Stay where my own talents Lie.
I Concentrate on Drawing on the Spirits of the Departed to Necromanticly Create a Basic Poltergeist or some other Weak Spirit.
[I perceive "Drawing on the spirits of the departed" as far more than necromancy in this universe, given what was established about the realm of spirits and the extreme difficulty of connecting to it. So I just reworded your action to get the same effect !]

Create Weak Spirit : [4] -5
Drawing on your necromantic magic, you attempted to gather enough unlife energy to create a basic undead spirit.
Slowly, a shape appeared in front of you as the unlife energy accumulated in the tomb gathered. Flickering and unstable, a mindless ghost appeared. It screamed as unlife was breathed in it.

Your amethyst staff shone bright. And an aura enveloped the ghost, making it grow.

Cyclops: [4]
Osuro: [5]
The Cyclops hit Osuro with all his might as if he batted a fly away, sending him crashing on the wall of the tomb. Hurt but not broken, Osuro stood up and charged once more.
Dodging skillfully another hit, he hacked apart the lower left leg of the Cyclops, making it fall.

Enemy :
-Cyclops : lost hand / left foot unusable

Allies :
-Great Skeletal Knight, Osuro Injured
> Worn battle axe
-Mindless Ghost

Spoiler: Gorra's Status (click to show/hide)

Nox the Vampire Bat
Attacking a human village right away might be dangerous in my current state. I fly up and try to spot an animal of decent size or an isolated human with echolocation. If I find one, I try to sneakily land not too far from them, then I attack them from behind and attempt to suck their blood.

You flew up, leaving the cave you were hidden in. But the outside... looked like nothing from your vague memory.
There was a green plain here, you were sure of it. But instead, all you saw was a lifeless gray land and black leafless trees...

[3] You spotted a large crow feasting on the carcass of some creatures. Approaching silently, you landed near it.
[4] It didn't detected you, too busy ripping the flesh of its meal. It seemed like it was so starved it didn't pay attention to its surroundings.

Taking advantage of this you lunged and bit it in the neck, sucking voraciously on its blood.

Crow: [5]
The crow shrieked in shock, and began struggling. You felt something off, as your vision began being obscured by feathers.
The crow began to grow in size, and in the span of a mere seconds, it turned into a tall black-feathered humanoid with the head of a bird.

The shriek turned into a monstrous voice :

Nox: [5]
It attempted to grab you and throw you away, but you held firmly, drawing more and more blood. Its movements became more and more sluggish.

Enemy :
-Crowshifter Lot of Blood drained

Spoiler: Nox's Status (click to show/hide)

Gray the Metalslinger
"Brown and I came from a castle to the south, across the desert. There used to be humans in it, and they made most of us that lived there, but then they disappeared. The others seemed to miss them, so I decided to leave and find friendly humans to come back. I want to make a kingdom, with humans and non-humans living together peacefully, where a being is judged on their merit, not their appearance. As for my appearance, Brown and I were originally small blobs. Kind of like a slime, but way cooler. Then we ate this piece of a crown and got stronger. We also found out we could get even stronger and grow if we found more of this 'essence' to eat. We've changed twice now, I think. The easiest way to get it is from killing things, but I don't like mindless slaughter. We could probably also get more if we ate other powerful objects. I'm sure there must be other ways to get essence that I don't know about, too. I know learning from Barag's master won't result in essence, but maybe I could learn something useful, or at least how to fight better so I can be strong enough to defend myself and Brown while we look for friendly humans and other beings to join us. Oh, and we went to that Quarry too. Then humans and Radasars showed up and started fighting. Then we went to the Oasis, where we met you."

Gray's life story, abridged.

"Oh, so you ate an Essence Vessel. That is what Radasars are looking for, they take the shape of crystals or stones in the desert.

You have a strange dream. I don't think that humans and monsters -or even different species of monsters for that matter- can live in harmony on a common territory. There are too many differences among beings, and I don't know about you but we of the desert must kill to feed.

If we had to think about mercy when killing our pleading preys, we would be long dead."

You kept progressing in the desert, heading further West.

[1] Something moved in the sand.

Gray: [4]
Brown: [6]
Kokaun: [1]
Barag: [5]

A dense cloud of sand was expelled upward in an instant, and the shadow of a huge barbed tail covered the sun.
You, Brown and Barag jumped out of the way in time. Brown fell off a dune, rolling down in the sand. Barag drew his spear during his jump, taking on a battle stance instantly.

Kokaun wasn't so lucky, as a huge pincer snatched him and held him high.

A Gigantic Sand Scorpion appeared. Huge in size, not as much as the batoid monster you fought last day, but much bigger than anything else. Its pincers had the size of Vagush, and its body was at least 50ft in length.
Its bronze colored chitin glittered under the sun, and seemed thicker than a shield.
"Shaaargh !" screamed Kokaun as the scorpion applied an immense pressure on its body.

Enemy :
- Gigantic Sand Scorpion "Bronzeking Scorpion"

-Barag, Muscular Human
> Great Spear
-Kokaun, Golden Radasar

Spoiler: Gray Status (click to show/hide)

Squelchy the Slime
Name : Squelchy
Species : Polyslime
Appearance : The polyslime is almost exactly the same as a normal slime. However, the colors of all the slimes it has consumed swim across the surface of its membrane.
HP or MP increase : choose one. HP + 5, MP + 2
Attributes increased : Constitution
Traits gained : Luminescence: Yellow pigmentation on the polyslime's surface gathers energy from the sun whilst in sunlight. This energy is released as light whenever the slime wishes to do so.
Skills gained : Flash: A blinding light is shone upon the target, rendering it temporarily or even permanently sightless.

Squelchy continues to consume the fruit happily.

Transformation Success Roll : [3]
As you digested happily the fruit, your membrane morphed and assimilated the yellow slimes body to strengthen your structure.
You felt deep changes in the workings of your body, but didn't care. This fruit was delicious.

You gained +5HP, +2MP and +1CON
You acquired the trait Luminescence
You acquired the skill Flash
You are now a Polyslime

[6] Consuming the fruit made you lose track of time. Hours passed as you stayed on the same spot, enjoying your gourmet finding.
Then your instinct warned you. A familiar smell filled the air : predatory slimes. Slimes hunting other slimes to assimilate their enzymes into themselves and turn the rest into nutrients.
They were close.

Spoiler: Squelchy's Status (click to show/hide)

T946 the Security Bot
Check the room for experiment logs and history of this place

[2] There were some strange items in the rows among the codices. They seemed to withheld informations according to how they were sorted, but you had no idea how to read them.

[2] Starting from a random row, you extracted with your mechanical arm a heavy codex. Browsing through it, you only found logs telling you what you already knew or suspected.

This place was a research center dedicated into the creation and development of Magical Constructs. But it didn't tell you what happened here, or what kind of experiments they did in particular...

Frustrated but motivated, you continued your research.

[2] Still nothing worth noting. Resistance tests, aptitude tests of different models of Golems and other constructs. Lot of data useful if you knew how to build a Magical Construct from scratch.

[4] Finally after much scouring, you found a different log from the others. "Classified Data". Such delicious words.
Then you found another.
Spoiler: Al Veshur's Log (click to show/hide)

It seems they studied "Essence" and how to create new type of Magical Constructs through the study of the souls. Something began to go awry with the prototypes later on...

The rest is not in this codex. You are still feeling observed.

Spoiler: T946's Status (click to show/hide)

Glint the True Arcanivore
Retroactively exchange bits and thank Vagush for mentioning that, then wander off.

"Heh, don't thank me. It was a natural thing to do, and it would be nice if they survived so that we meet again."

The group composed of Gray, Brown, Kokaun and Barag eventually disappeared from your sight. You decided to wander off, aimlessly.

What was next now ? You didn't have much a purpose apart from journeying across the world. Gray had a goal in mind, you... well, you couldn't claim you had something as strong as his.

As long as you lived, you felt alright with the situation. You left for the opposite direction Gray and company headed for. To the East.

[1] The unchanging desert still seemed endless to you. A world with a harsh law, a world where everyone was a prey and a hunter.
And today, you were the prey.

From afar, you spotted a looming shadow in the sky. A massive wingspan, talons sharper than swords, a beak harder than diamond.
Called by some the king of the birds. A Roc.
A juvenile one was coming toward you, having chosen you as its next meal.

"Kss !" interjected Vagush.

Enemy :
- Juvenile Roc

Spoiler: Glint Status (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: September 10, 2016, 03:32:56 pm by Nakéen »


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Re: You are a Monster RTD [14?/?] - Turn 70
« Reply #1748 on: September 09, 2016, 06:04:10 am »

Turn 70 Players Data

Spoiler: Squelchy the Polyslime (click to show/hide)

So long to write !
« Last Edit: September 10, 2016, 02:38:38 pm by Nakéen »


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Re: You are a Monster RTD [14?/?] - Turn 70
« Reply #1749 on: September 09, 2016, 06:09:35 am »

((I am still alive! Phew. Now, to read more carefully...))
Science is always important. But it needs more flaming cats. Can't we build bridge-based catapults and fling flaming cats at the dust and goo?

It's time for the ATHATH Death Counter to increase once more in celebration for the end of the world.


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Re: You are a Monster RTD [14?/?] - Turn 70
« Reply #1750 on: September 09, 2016, 07:32:13 am »

Squelchy burbles worriedly. He hops away, into some deep underbrush, seeking shelter in any possible areas.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: You are a Monster RTD [14?/?] - Turn 70
« Reply #1751 on: September 09, 2016, 08:07:30 am »

Attack the Cyclops my spirit!!
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: You are a Monster RTD [14?/?] - Turn 70
« Reply #1752 on: September 09, 2016, 12:07:08 pm »

((I wonder if Vanare picked up on my previous subtle hint that I'm actually a monster, back when we met.))

"I shall try to meet your expectations."

Let's do this.
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.


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Re: You are a Monster RTD [14?/?] - Turn 70
« Reply #1753 on: September 09, 2016, 12:40:55 pm »

Oran the Decrepit Fountain Golem

Oran simply stares for a little bit, then responds in the same tongue, raising his right palm to the sky and flowing his water into the basin within as he looks down at it

I have only awoken very recently, However, I know my purpose is to protect others first, I bring life, not death. When I saw the humans being attacked, I went to protect. I do not understand myself, nor this place, and if I, one who originated of this place, did not know, then they surely did not either, what have they done other then enter this tower, in which they may not have known they did not belong?
« Last Edit: September 09, 2016, 12:45:29 pm by Failbird105 »

Legendary Marksdorf

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Re: You are a Monster RTD [14?/?] - Turn 70
« Reply #1754 on: September 09, 2016, 01:13:07 pm »

Sink your claws into the crowshifter's neck so he can't get you off and keep sucking blood.
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