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Author Topic: You are a Monster RTD - Epilogues  (Read 295696 times)


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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #780 on: March 04, 2016, 12:56:51 am »

The sun is setting once more. Now on the brink of the horizon line, the majestic celestial sphere is shining with a bright golden light.
This is twilight, night will come soon.

Out of nowhere a malevolent pulse disturbs the heavenly harmony.
For a second, the azure sky turns to white and the golden sun turns to black.
Few are those who feels the change, but to the few that do, a terrible feeling of unease grips them...

Turn 40 : Diabolus Ex Machina (Everyone bar The Tales..., but it won't escape it...)

Glint the Elemental Arcanivore
((Sorry to hear you're sick. Hopefully you get better soon!))

Go for a walk and see what pops up.
[The Monolith Monster]
[5] Overruled by [1]
You walk further ahead, looking for a higher ground to get a better look of the surroundings. Timir is still on your back, and Vagush is following closely, walking with heavy steps.

The rocky ground suddenly begins to shake and crumble. Feeling the danger, you quickly jump away from the crumbling rocks. Before you emerge a monolithic creature made of rock and harboring a single blue-colored eye-like symbol on its center. You have never seen such a thing before, but you feel a strong hostility emanating from it.

The broken boulders then rise and levitate around the monolith monster.

"What is this thing ?!" shouts Vagush.

Mana regeneration roll : 1d6
[4] You recover 4MP

Caedan the Vampire
Try to heal myself somehow. Failing that, look for some small wildlife. Failing that, look for fresh carrion as a last resort.
["Star fall"]
[3] Overruled by [1]
Broken and exhausted, you try to find a safe place to heal. You begin to head toward a grassy field with some sparse trees, intending to rest at the shadow of a tree. As you begin to tend to your wounds, you look at the first glowing stars in the sky.

One of them is out of place, shining brighter and seeming...closer. Looking more accurately, you realize it is getting closer.

You quickly stand back up and run away. You glance back up and see a burning ball of flames coming down directly on your tree.
You jump and a sudden explosion detonates behind you.

You are unscathed, thankfully. Looking back, you see a figure emerging from the impact zone.
It is some kind of huge obsidian moth with six rows of wings. It is covered in flames, and you can feel the heat from where you stand.

Mana regeneration roll : 1d6
[5] You recover 5MP

Ulkas the Lesser Osyluth
Too slow. Controlled humans shall take their lives right after attacking - keeping their minds controlled is too tiring. Slash every villager I can with my claws, going for any body part for paralysis to work so that I can concentrate on others.

((Seriously, with 1d6, killing villagers would take forever. So, are we waiting for Astrosa to become really mad? Also, I'm tempted in taking Mana Efficiency - I'm constantly loosing too much for too little effect.))
[Old Revenge]
[1] No need to Overrule
You suddenly lose your control over the humans, and your illusions vanish. You feel terribly exhausted for no apparent reason. Looking toward Astrosa, you realize she too has stopped rampaging, and has an exhausted look. You feel heavy, so heavy. What is happening ?

She looks at you and shouts with all her might :

Fleeing Roll :
[1] For some reason, the villagers and soldiers fall to their knees and stop fleeing. They seem terrified.

Losses :

Villagers left : 90
Soldiers/Adventurers left : 12

You hear a telepathic, familiar voice in your head.
"You thought I would forget you so easily trickster ?"

This is the voice of Tinzakena.

Thanks to your Expansive Mind, you quickly deduce what is happening. A "Chosen" of Tinzakena is close, and is coming here for you. He is probably the spell caster.

Gray the Meltadee
((Hope you get well soon, Nakéen.))

"Wow, it's so different than the castle. And it's hot. Neat! Do you want to keep going, Brown?"

Keep going if Brown can take the heat, or head West along the border if Brown doesn't want to go into the desert right now.
[Sunburns ?]
[2] Overruled by [1]
Brown suddenly contorts in pain and screams.

He is melting and smoke can be seen emanating from its structure. This is not normal, such a sudden reaction shouldn't happen !
Then you feel your own body melting to all of a sudden. It hurts, it's an horrible sensation.

This is not normal.
You lose 4HP

You notice a form flickering not far from you in the desert. You are sure it is not an illusion, but that there is indeed something here.

Squishy the Great Earth Mana Wisp
Immediately pour about 1/4 of my mana into casting mana shove on the door. With any luck, it'll be blasted off its hinges. Actually, cast mana shove from the OUTSIDE, pushing it inside. There's a chance that the door will come flying in and obliterate them all.
[1] No need to Overrule
You focus your mana to cast a Mana Shove, but you feel an interference in your mana coherence. All your mana is suddenly siphoned away, and the sudden mana loss makes you fall to the ground.
You lose all your MP

The knights unexpectedly fall to their knees or to the ground, and you can feel their mana being siphoned away in the same instant way.

A knight suddenly exclaims :
"What the...don't tell me...that Unit-0 broke out of its containment ?!..."

"Everyone retreat now ! If Unit-0 is free, we have to reunite with the rest of the Dikaios Knights !"

The humans all leave, totally ignoring you. You hear a powerful tremor. An incredible force is close.

ZoomochScoomtarto the Three-Eyed Beholder
Try to drag an archer up here with my telekinesis now that they can't hit me.
[Distance misestimation]
[6] Overruled by [1]
You are far into the sky, far from sight of the humans. You begin slowly heading back down, intending to drag an archer here.
The humans, still scrutinizing the sky, quickly notice you far before you get into telekinesis range.

You realize with horror that your telekinesis range is far smaller than that of an arrow, and a deluge of arrows come flying toward you.

You end up riddled with arrows, bleeding and hurting everywhere.
You lose 7HP

Before they fire another volley, you float back up into the clouds.

Dahak the Uncanny Unresaonably Spooky Scary Skeleton
((git better Nakeen :v))

Dahak braces himself as the pulse goes through him and expands into the distance. Something really terrible is happening, and its going to affect everything, literally everything.

Dahak realizes he can't just brute force this thing back into the portal, as cool as the idea of suplexing an otherwordly being may be.

Delinde, you go and get into the basement and bring me the notes, whatever the hell this extra dimensional ball of concentrated suck is, it is attracted to me, so I'll stay here and get its attention. AND DON'T YOU GO BATSHIT INSANE ON ME AGAIN.

He then turns to the spherical thing.

Alright you sphere of concentrated alien unlucky snot, I don't care if I have to literally punch you out of this universe, COME AT ME

Dahak then realizes that punching this isn't probably the best idea ever.

Send Delinde to get the notes, then try to SPOOK whatever this thing is. It probably won't do much, but its better then just punching it, and you managed to scare corruptors before, somehow.
[Gaze at the Abyss, and the Abyss gazes at you...]
[6] Overruled by [1]
"Be careful" says Delinde before leaving to fetch the notes.

You turn toward the black sphere. Gathering all your spookiness inside your eyes, you look very spookily at the sphere.

But looking straight at it revealed itself a terrible idea. You realize you can't turn your eyes away from the sphere, and feel something invading your mind.

Incomprehensible words flashing in your mind.
A plane so alien your senses would rather die.

This sensation is closing slowly on you, slowly crushing your sense of self. Enduring this is a torture. You feel like you are going to die if it goes on.

Thing from Another Plane roll : [6]
The portal suddenly fluctuates wildly for no reason. You feel like something is going to rip itself out of you.
The black sphere is still unmoving, gazing at you.

Snehk the Stalker
Whispers of damned, combined with series of claw and weapon attacks.
[Internal wounds and back pain]
[1] No need to Overrule
You start standing back up, when you feel a sharp pain in your chest. You cough blood, the blow probably inflicted you internal injuries. The pain is so strong that you can't focus properly. You still try to force yourself and cast the Whispers of the Damned. It fails and you cough even more blood.
You lose 4HP

As for the bear monster, his back is still locked and he falls backward into the river.
"Oh snap !" he says while falling.

Stormslayer the Aradian Mirage Beetle Hero
He would listen respectfully, before replying.
"I see. Then with our meeting concluded, We must return to the hive to organize a detachment of soldiers to guard here. We will return upon having gathered a few soldiers."
Without further hesitation, he would turn and set off, back for the hive. There was work to do, and he knew that it would only be the beginning of a possibly dangerous undertaking.
[The Fourth Party]
[6] Overruled by [1]
"I bid you farewell, and hope we will soon meet again."

You only walk a small distance, when you hear from afar "Ambush !"

Humanoid figures suddenly emerge and attack you. You never saw those creatures before : their physical appearance seems charred and twisted, some have wings, some have a tail, some both. There is an evil aura emanating from them.

Those are demons. Six of them are currently attacking you and Guard-kin.

Monsters :

Spoiler: Caedan the Vampire (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Snehk the Stalker (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Gray the Metaldee (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 18, 2017, 06:57:51 pm by Nakéen »

Dustan Hache

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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #781 on: March 04, 2016, 01:05:15 am »

(Everything was overruled by ones? What?)
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #782 on: March 04, 2016, 01:08:41 am »

(Everything was overruled by ones? What?)
((It's because of the sphere. I thought it was rather fitting and screwy enough considering it pumped three 1s in a row. Sorry if you think it is too much of an abuse :P))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #783 on: March 04, 2016, 03:23:29 am »

Attack that form in the desert. Engulf it and Harden so it can't get out. Get Brown to help, hopefully.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #784 on: March 04, 2016, 03:24:11 am »

"So, a god of Truth and Lies resorts to mere violence to get revenge? Low, so low... A party of chess would be better."

Ulkas coughs while observing kneeled humans.

"Astrosa, should we flee from here? Whatever comes is better met alone, not while surrounded by possible pawns and materials. Speaking of that... You won't mind if I consume essences this time? It should be nearly enough for the next stage."

Quickly consume essences around. I NEED power to go against the god Chosen. Then flee or prepare a defensive formation.

Spoiler: Transform (click to show/hide)
Science is always important. But it needs more flaming cats. Can't we build bridge-based catapults and fling flaming cats at the dust and goo?

It's time for the ATHATH Death Counter to increase once more in celebration for the end of the world.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #785 on: March 04, 2016, 06:01:55 am »


Ah hell, follow the Dikaios knights! They probably have the best way out...
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #786 on: March 04, 2016, 07:59:15 am »

((:v! EGADS, caused the entire world to slip and fall onto its face)

Dahak is paralyzed. The damn thing has gotten hold of Dahak's mind in a strange way. Its certainly not controlling it, but its emitting a flood of alien thoughts(?) that are too absurd to endure for much longer.

JeessUUUUSS CHRist wHAt THEeee FuCkkkk-k-k

i hAVe a STrange FeElING tHat tElls mE I mAY have JUssst inDIREctly PuNCHed EVEryone eVER in thE FACe, inclUUUDing mYselF.

WAAAiiiiiiiiiiiTT, THats iT! INdireCT puNCHIng!

Dahak's disturbed mind flares with an idea, and new skeleton jokes!


Summon your Feral Otherwordly Aura against the sphere! Even if it ends up not doing much, the extra confusion will probably be enough to break contact between you and the sphere. Make sure to adjust your sunglasses.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2016, 08:56:00 am by TempAcc »
On normal internet forums, threads devolve from content into trolling. On Bay12, it's the other way around.
There is no God but TempAcc, and He is His own Prophet.

Dustan Hache

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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #787 on: March 04, 2016, 08:01:18 am »

"Unnatural creatures. Hardly a-He would stop midsentence as he loses his remaining connection to the hivemind, severed by the pulse of sinister corruption. he would briefly seem panicked as his mind is submerged in loneliness, and become painfully aware of his mortality in the situation. He would then quickly attempt to Distort every living creature in the nearby area so as to escape in the confusion.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #788 on: March 04, 2016, 08:05:23 am »

One final try at dragging a human up here
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.

Dark One

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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #789 on: March 04, 2016, 08:39:15 am »

Save the bear!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #790 on: March 04, 2016, 08:44:15 am »

((Dammit, TempAcc. At least it's going to be night beginning from the next turn.))

"... seriously?"

Get out of its line of sight. Gauge its hostility. If it looks like its hostile, use up all of my mana on boiling it and bravely run away. If it doesn't seem hostile, tend to my wounds and bravely run away. In both cases, try to lose it in the darkness of the forest.
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #791 on: March 04, 2016, 12:16:12 pm »

Time to run.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #792 on: March 05, 2016, 10:49:14 pm »

(Just want to say I haven't forgotten about this, I was busy Friday, and I didn't feel like writing today. I may be busy tomorrow mowing the yard (It's a massive 2 acre yard, that is in a valley, and is not flat in the least.), but I'll see about writing a turn on Monday, if I don't have a job. Otherwise, I guess I'll drop out. This is a great game, hope it runs for a while. Keep up the good work.)
Yep, the sig is here
Whoops. Well, shit. Typical salsacookies.
I don't need my cavities checked. I just went to the dentist! Ba-dum-tiss.
I am a Christian


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #793 on: March 05, 2016, 11:46:13 pm »

((I think nakeen himself is taking a break since he said he was sick, so no worries, game is prob on a standstill now due to that)
On normal internet forums, threads devolve from content into trolling. On Bay12, it's the other way around.
There is no God but TempAcc, and He is His own Prophet.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #794 on: March 05, 2016, 11:52:24 pm »

((I think nakeen himself is taking a break since he said he was sick, so no worries, game is prob on a standstill now due to that)

((He's finishing up his other RTD, actually. Updates will probably go back to normal once that's done, most likely in the next day or two.))
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