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Author Topic: You are a Monster RTD - Epilogues  (Read 295566 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #645 on: February 26, 2016, 01:44:34 am »

Turn 32 : Everyone

Caedan the Vampire
This would've been over quickly, but you just had to struggle, didn't you? Snap its neck and drain the body. If I lose my grip, jump away and boil its blood.

[3] You attempt to snap its neck, but the creature is struggling with a lot of force. You don't manage to break its neck, but still hurt it a bit.

[4] You jump away and the creature counter-attacks, goring you with its antlers !
You lose 4HP

[2] You fall backward, bleeding from the wound. You try to make the creature's blood boil, but it only heats it a little. The creature is feeling a little hot.

Squishy the Earth Mana Amorphoid
I will survive! Draw mana out of this strange metal surrounding me. It's possible that I may be able to drain it of its special properties, and refill myself at the first time. If I succeed, then break out of the metal and analyze my surroundings.

[2] These strange chains, you can feel magic emanating from them. You try to draw mana, but the protective countermeasures are too strong. Nothing happens, and you feel a bit exhausted.

Well. You observe your surroundings. A dark square room with black walls. There is a single steel door in front of you.

In the meantime, not far from here...
?? :"It's incredible. All these monsters grow stronger when they absorb this "essence". Are so much of these monstrosity really appearing everywhere in the world ?! This is madness !"
?? :"We learnt a lot from these captured monsters. They grow and evolve, adapting and developing unknown powers every time !"

[6] A sudden tremor is felt in the whole installation. An alarm bell echoes.

?? :"Containment breach ! Containment breach ! Specimen S-045 has escaped !"
?? :"What ?! I told those fools to stop feeding it "essence" !"

Returning to Squishy :

You feel a tremor. There is something brewing outside.

Robobert the Green Sylvan Clay Giant
Keep running towards the humans. Grab one up to use as a shield

[4] You keep running toward the humans, managing to dodge the Sylv Guardian's strikes. You arrive in front of the humans, but they have already set up a shield wall formation with protruding spears.
[4] vs [3] You grab a shield and lift it. Fortunately for you, the human doesn't drop it and you grab the shield holder and use it as a shield. But it is small for you large body, so it isn't covering a lot.

[2] You wave the human around, and the soldiers are too scared to risk hitting their comrade. They stay alert but don't attack you.

[6] Then the activated Sylv Guardian charges in and destroy the whole formation with its momentum, flaying his four arms around and sending humans flying. You are also caught in the impact and an arm brutally strikes you in the body. You lose hold of the human and fall on the ground.
You lose 7HP

[2] In the rear, the four archers fire at the Guardian, but the puny arrows don't even dent its armor. As for the poison, it is ineffective.

Snehk the Stalker
Disappear and claw his neck off. If it fails - whispers again and run away.
[5] You disappear instantly, and realize there is this lodged spear waving around visible. You take it out, bleeding, but invisible.
You lose 4 MP
And with a swift attack, you claw at the human's neck ! [3] He barely sees it coming, but too late. The claws are already tearing its flesh apart, and blood gushes out. But the human is still alive, screaming in pain.

[6] In a last ditch effort, he draws a dagger and stab you in the already open wound ! He twists the dagger to open the wound but fall dead on the ground, drained of its blood, before inflicting a mortal injury.
You lose 4HP
You gain 1 essence

[3] The other human is still maddened by the whispers, but is slowly getting out of it.

Dahak the Spooky really Scary Skeleton
Dahak could shed a tear, if he had eyes to do so, and glands, and tear ducts.

You mean... I can't believe it...


Dahak can barely contain his excitment. In a flash, he puts them on. It only covers one of his two pair of eye sockets, but he doesn't care.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

O-oh, the old man is dead? Aw, bums.

Dahak then gets up excitetly, ties his dagger to his femur, stuffs more bones into his ribcage, then picks up Delinde and puts her on his shoulder.


Depart immediately to your old master's cabin, taking Delinde with you and make sure to try to turn the entire bone museum inside your ribcage into MP.
"What are you doi...Hey !" says Delinde when you pick her up. She wiggles a bit, but calm down once you put it on your shoulder.

Then when she hears "shorty", she suddenly says with her monstrous voice :
"Don't calm me shorty ever again."


You both head toward your ancient master cabin, not far from the graveyard. Along the way Delinde can't help but be puzzled when she sees you with so much bones sticking out of your ribcage :
"Why...are you doing this ? Aren't you already healed ?"

You speak of MP and magic energy, and she stares at you dumbfounded.
"But there is no mana in bones. You recover your mana naturally by resting."


Along the way, you narrate your incredible misfortune to the Death Fairy. She listens attentively, not interrupting you. Eventually you reach the cabin. A single, wooden cabin big enough for one person. The wood is old and moss is growing on the exterior walls. You push the door, and the air charged with dust carry the stale smell of the cabin.

The interior itself is a mess, with notes and broken items lying everywhere. There is also just the minimum required furnitures to live.

Glint the Elemental Arcanivore
((Whoops, missed a turn. I blame school.))

Glint closes his eyes for a moment.

"...I guess I should start from the beginning, huh?"

"I found this place largely by accident. The 'accident' in question involved quicksand, a giant scorpion, and a breath attack that was too dangerous by half. But I digress."

When I fell down here, I was unconscious and too injured to move. I woke up pretty soon afterwards, but the injuries remained, so I needed to drag myself into a corner and rest. When I woke again, I heard cries for help coming from a passage. I followed them, of course. Never been one to ignore those sorts of things.

What I found was your father. He looked to be in a bad way, although I suppose the shouts for help tipped me off to that beforehand. He wanted me to go find you- didn't seem to care a bit for his own safety. When I asked where you were, he told me you were being chased by Rotten Egg over there, and offered me his 'last forces' to help in saving you. Still not entirely sure what he meant by that. I assume it involves that core I've got now."

Glint sighs.

"The whole thing sounded pretty final, and I didn't want to finish him off. He kept with it, though. Said he wasn't going to survive anyway, then told me to eat his core 'while it was still pulsating.' He proceeded to rip it out of his own chest, killing himself in the process. It would have been pretty horrible of me not to accept it, after that, so I swallowed it, transformed, and ran to you as fast as I could. You've seen the rest."

Glint glances around, hopefully having recovered his MP by now?

"I understand if you don't believe me. Run away, if you like, or do anything, really. I'd be happy to look out for you if you there's any other trouble, and I could take you to what remains of your da if you want to pay your respects. It's up to you."

[3] Upon hearing the gruesome description of his father death, the child freezes. Maybe you should have been more tactful. You wait for it to do something, resting in the meantime.
You recover 2MP

Eventually, the child speaks. He seems unsure of your honesty. On one hand you did save him, but on the other hand you did kill your dad.
"I want to see him..." says the child.

Stomrslayer the Aradian Mirage Beetle Hero
"Do not be disheartened. Perhaps we can revisit the subject of alliance when our queen has settled down. We will undoubtedly meet again on good terms."
He would say to the sand golem, in response to their comment about it being best for them to never meet again.

With a bargin struck for the moment, and travel resumed, he would return to scouting ahead for the hive, occasionally returning to the queen to check in and talk with her.

The sand golem bid you farewell, and you leave with your guard kin.

[4] Your colony resumes the travel, passing through the sand golems lands. As always you lead the way, scouting ahead in case of approaching danger. But the journey reveals itself calm and without problem. You eventually arrive at a change of landscape : the sand is gone and replaced by the rock.

The colony stops at the base of a hill. This is were your new hive will be dug, the Queen decided so. Excavation begins, and Aradian Beetles works diligently and tirelessly. Tunnels and large rooms are dug out, your new home is taking shape.

"Our journey is finally over. But this is only the beginning for our hive." says the Queen to you.
"I have a mission for you. I want to deepen our knowledge of this newfound individuality, and as the most unique member of our young colony, you will be the one in charge. Your brother the guard-kin will follow you, and hopefully grows alongside you. I do this in the hope that we will discover a new path for our future."

The Guard-kin bows graciously :
"It's an honor to fight alongside you brother."

Guard-kin is now your companion !

Gray the Metal Blob
"Trying to find tastier food. We found a carcass the Metal Guardian left. It was good, but it wasn't exactly what I was looking for. It's strange, this new craving. I don't really know what it is I want. Do you have any recommendations?"


((Two 3's, two 5's, probably gonna get a string of 1's next.))

[5] ((you are sucking the luck of Coolrune :P))
"Tastier food you said. I can't say I'm surprised, you are a blob after all. But would you be interesting in something more "spicy" than simple food ?" says the Sentinel.

You don't really understand, but agree to whatever the Sentinel is proposing.

"A friend of mine ran an experience recently, and brought these shards back."

She shows you the broken pieces of what was once a beautiful crown. It's strange, it seems there is something left in the crown.

"Try to eat this."

You comply and gobble the shards, and also give some to Brown. It tastes like metal, nothing special. But suddenly, a strange power fills you. It's...incredible. You feel like you just discovered a hunger for something stronger than food.
You can transform

ZoomochScoomtarto the Three-Eyed Beholder
Keep Chewing, If that doesn't work try the neck, It's bound to fit in my mouth.

[6] You decide to aim at the neck. To no avail, it's still too hard. It's beginning to anger you, so you bite everywhere you can, shaking wildly. Then you find a weak spot, and chew it with all your strength ! The part flies off, and the bird bleeds abundantly !
Eventually, it dies drained of its blood. And you broke your teeth.
You gain 1 essence

Ulkas the Lesser Osyluth
Even being frozen in fear can't stop Ulkas from bowing to his benefactor. And, truth to be told, the most scary existance he ever met. And the craziest one, mayhaps. He tries hard not to make his voice shaky:

"Greetings, mistress. It's a big surprise; I had not expected to meet you so soon. How may I help you?"

((Ahah, great! Still, I really wanted to meet her while being at stage 4  :(
Now, I really want to roll good next turn, as all my remaining life depends on it...))

If she tries to eat me: CONTROL! Maybe, it'll be a test and I'll survive...

[5] She smiles widely.
"How polite little boy, but no need to be so formal, we are old acquaintances after all, aren't we ?"

She licks her lips with a lustful air, like if she was going to eat a wonderful meal.
"You have grown so much since our last encounter, and so fast... I wasn't mistaken when I let you live and fed you my arm...You even exceeded my expectations, how marvelous !"

She closes her face a little, gazing in your eyes with her fiery red eyes.
"Initially, I intended to kill you and eat your essence if we were to meet again. But you show much promise, oh so much more than the few that I let live... Little boy, I still want to kill you. Oh this urge is so strong, I want to devour you whole... Would you become part of me ?"

You clench your fist, ready to defend yourself.

"But...another urge is stronger than this hunger. I want to see how far you will go. And I see something more than just a meal in you... So here I come with an offer : will you join me in my quest of power ?..."

"Or will you fight me to death here and now ?"

Her crazy smile and captivating eyes are peering at your soul. She is waiting for your answer...

Monsters :

Spoiler: Caedan the Vampire (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Snehk the Stalker (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Gray the Metal Blob (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 18, 2017, 06:38:36 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #646 on: February 26, 2016, 01:45:38 am »

Testing a new mechanic : companions !


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #647 on: February 26, 2016, 02:00:07 am »

Feeling a chill running down his spine, Ulkas still finds in himself to grin eagerly. Serving the strongest entity was always a custom for demons. So what if Demoness is obviously crazy? She is powerful. And even takes interest in his growth...

"Joining you in quest for power? With great pleasure, mistress. Will you grace me with your name?"

((So, while others are accumulating companions, I - arguably the strongest of player monsters - become a companion myself? Funny indeed!))
Science is always important. But it needs more flaming cats. Can't we build bridge-based catapults and fling flaming cats at the dust and goo?

It's time for the ATHATH Death Counter to increase once more in celebration for the end of the world.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #648 on: February 26, 2016, 02:01:43 am »

((So, while others are accumulating companions, I - arguably the strongest of player monsters - become a companion myself? Funny indeed!))
((Haha, yes ! We will see how the story goes :) ))

Dark One

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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #649 on: February 26, 2016, 02:57:55 am »

Kill him with my claws - claw his hearth out of his chest. Do it quick before invisibility wears off.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #650 on: February 26, 2016, 05:53:01 am »

Now, get to the archers and SMASH them! Run the opposite way of the Tree-No-Friend afterwards
Yep, the sig is here
Whoops. Well, shit. Typical salsacookies.
I don't need my cavities checked. I just went to the dentist! Ba-dum-tiss.
I am a Christian


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #651 on: February 26, 2016, 06:26:29 am »

I'd best eat the overgrown chicken before something else comes along.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #652 on: February 26, 2016, 07:03:23 am »

Boil it alive.
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #653 on: February 26, 2016, 07:20:20 am »

Wait, what

Dahak would make an expression similar to this :v, if he could.

You know, my memory is still foggy, but I'm fairly sure I remember that me and my master were wizards, not hobos

Dahak stares at the dilapidated cabin with the same look of a child that realized she's only getting underwear in her birthday.

Well, uh, guess I better get searching around and reading, I guess. Help me around, shor-, I mean, Delinde

Search around the cabin for useful notes on the incident and any other stuff that might be useful. Additionaly, try to rest and recover your MP. Keep the bones inside your ribcage though, might come in handy.
On normal internet forums, threads devolve from content into trolling. On Bay12, it's the other way around.
There is no God but TempAcc, and He is His own Prophet.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #654 on: February 26, 2016, 07:22:05 am »

Press myself to the back of my cage. Desperately attempt to somehow regenerate HP.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."

Dustan Hache

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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #655 on: February 26, 2016, 08:12:02 am »

"Then I shall learn all that I can, both about myself and about our new home. I shall return upon finding anything of significance to the wellbeing of the hive. Farewell, my queen."
with his new companion in tow, he would set out into the countryside, curiously investigating everything that he found, be it big or small.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #656 on: February 26, 2016, 09:41:06 am »

Take him back to his dad's body, then. Maybe recover more MP on the way?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #657 on: February 26, 2016, 03:17:24 pm »

Turn 33 : Everyone bar Gray

Ulkas the Lesser Osyluth
Feeling a chill running down his spine, Ulkas still finds in himself to grin eagerly. Serving the strongest entity was always a custom for demons. So what if Demoness is obviously crazy? She is powerful. And even takes interest in his growth...

"Joining you in quest for power? With great pleasure, mistress. Will you grace me with your name?"

((So, while others are accumulating companions, I - arguably the strongest of player monsters - become a companion myself? Funny indeed!))

Her smile widen even more, she holds both her hands and tilt her head with an air of "relief".
"I'm so glad you accepted, what a waste it would have been to kill you so soon !"

She laughs heartily :
"I'm joking, I won't try to kill you...maybe ?"

You can't grasp her intentions. Maybe she does is crazy in the end.
"I am Astrosa. What is your name little boy ?... Ulkas ? That's a nice name, but I will still call you little boy for now."

She extends her hand toward you, signifying you to stand up. You take her hand, and stand up face to face. She is slightly taller than you.
"I never associated myself with anybody before. But you are a special case."

"Say, how many time did you undergo change since our last time ? Two ? Three ? Or more ? If you reached your fourth transformation, then you probably know what I'm trying to say."

She understands with your look that you don't know what she is talking about.

"I see, so you haven't reached the 4th stage yet. It reassure me, your growth would have been totally off the charts if you already did."

"Starting from your 4th stage, gathering essence will become increasingly difficult. I am suffering from this limitation, and my quest for power has greatly slowed down since then. Weak essences will at best be diminished, and at worst disappear. Only strong essences won't suffer from this limitation."

She looks at you with a devilish look.
"Oh ? So you understood ? Not bad. Yes, I was already at my 4th stage when we first met. This is why I initially fed you, so that you become stronger and that I could absorb your essence."

She sighs.
"But now is different. You have potential, and you could be much more useful in life than in death. Together we could gather phenomenal amounts of essences, and become stronger than these cursed demon lords of the East..."

The last words are said with intense hatred, you feel yourself trembling a bit.

"Ah~~ sorry for this outburst. Did you have any plans from there ? I intended to go to the human lands, to kill humans."

Snehk the Stalker
Kill him with my claws - claw his hearth out of his chest. Do it quick before invisibility wears off.

[1] You are wounded, and so decide to quickly finish this human. But in a stroke of luck, the man recovers enough lucidity to see your flickering form in front of him and miraculously dodges your claw. You lose balance, and he immediately counter-attacks.
[3] His dagger slices your flesh, not going too deep but still injuring you and making you bleed even further.
You lose 4HP

Robobert the Green Sylvan Clay Giant
Now, get to the archers and SMASH them! Run the opposite way of the Tree-No-Friend afterwards
[6] You run toward the archers to finish them off. They are too busy firing at the Guardian to notice you. You smash them, sending them flying but not killing them all. [1] One of them suffer mortal wounds, while the others are just hurt or stunned.
You then intend to run the opposite way of the Guardian, but you realize he is right behind you. You didn't pay attention to him and he followed you while you ran.

[5] vs [1] ((it couldn't have been worse...))
The Guardian grabs you firmly with his two front arms, you try to struggle but in vain. He then takes you down to the ground and unleash a mortal series of powerful pounds with his two back arms. The ground crackles, the trees trembles. Your wooden armor is totally crushed by the impacts and your clay is reduced into a miserable paste.
The Guardian only finishes when there is nearly nothing left of your body.
You lose your remaining HP. You are dead.

((If you really are attached to Robobert, there is still the possibility to give him a "second life". Like with Ferratus, it will be the first and last one))

ZoomochScoomtarto the Three-Eyed Beholder
I'd best eat the overgrown chicken before something else comes along.
You are bleeding, in pain, critically wounded. But you are alive and it's all that counts.
[3] You eat the bird meat, filling your stomach and recovering some forces.
You recover 6HP
You recover 2MP

You have had a good meal, and you could continue or rest a little more.

Caedan the Campire
Boil it alive.

[2] You are surprised the creature is still standing, so you once more try to make it boil. To no avail, once more the creature's blood just heat up a little
You lose 3MP
[2] The horned creature charges at you, and you manage to dodge it in time !

[1] You try once more to heat up the creature blood but it fails once more and this time, you feel your own blood boiling ! It hurts ! "This creature is probably a magical beast" you think after so many failed attempts.
You lose 3MP
You lose 3HP

Dahak the Spooky really Scary Skeleton
Wait, what

Dahak would make an expression similar to this :v, if he could.

You know, my memory is still foggy, but I'm fairly sure I remember that me and my master were wizards, not hobos

Dahak stares at the dilapidated cabin with the same look of a child that realized she's only getting underwear in her birthday.

Well, uh, guess I better get searching around and reading, I guess. Help me around, shor-, I mean, Delinde

Search around the cabin for useful notes on the incident and any other stuff that might be useful. Additionaly, try to rest and recover your MP. Keep the bones inside your ribcage though, might come in handy.
When you begin to complain about this crappy lodging despite your past status as magician-researchers, Delinde adds :
"There is basement."

You immediately stop complaining, and thinks "Of course coming from Morvad, I didn't expect less from him !"

[4] You still begin by searching around in the cabin. Delinde helps you diligently, picking up littered papers and arranging them cleanly. Then something catches your eye : a pair of sunglasses. You immediately grab it and gaze at it. It's a round style, different from your more rectangular sunglasses.
"Those were Morvad's. Both of you were always wearing your mutual sunglasses, even when it was not sunny out there."

You rejoice at this great finding. Morvad's spirit will forever live on in those sunglasses.

There are a lot of notes here, and some kind of diary too. You read the diary first.

Spoiler: Morvad's Diary (click to show/hide)

Squishy the Earth Mana Amorphoid
Press myself to the back of my cage. Desperately attempt to somehow regenerate HP.
You press yourself to the back of the cage, desperately attempting to absorb or regenerate some HP or MP. But without mana and possibility to absorb mana, your efforts are vain.
(1-3:Human 4-6:Monster)
[4] Then the door bursts open, with all the wall around it. A lot of noise is heard outside. Human voices, monster roars and sounds of battle. A familiar looking monster appears, but it seems different. It's a Forar Crystaloid, but this one has many different colored elemental crystal spires all along its body. And his main body color is deeper than the usual clear blue of the other Crystaloid you saw. He speaks to you :
"Hey you. Do you want to live ?"

You answer with a faint beep.
"Good. Look like you still have some will left."

He breaks the chains and the cage with its claws, and you are finally free. He then breaks one of his crystal spires, and tend it to you.
"It will regenerate some of your mana, eat it. We don't have much time, the humans are reacting swiftly and they had a lot of countermeasures ready. Will you join us in this escape ? My name is Crear."

Stormslayer the Aradian Mirage Beetle Hero
"Then I shall learn all that I can, both about myself and about our new home. I shall return upon finding anything of significance to the wellbeing of the hive. Farewell, my queen."
with his new companion in tow, he would set out into the countryside, curiously investigating everything that he found, be it big or small.
You leave the hive, heading further to the south-west in search of the unknown. Guard-kin accompanies you, and the two of you travel through the rocky desert.
[4] You find a place on high grounds, and from it you can grasp a better idea of the landscape.
The rocky desert is small compared to the seemingly endless sea of golden sand. Somewhere in the north west, you notice a lot of glittering, it's like the whole land is reflecting the light. Further south-west, you see an usually rare color : green.

You are pondering where to head.

Glint the Elemental Arcanivore
Take him back to his dad's body, then. Maybe recover more MP on the way?

[4] You propose him to take him to his dad body, he accepts. You tell him to jump on top of you. At first he seems wary, but he eventually complies. You head back to the dead crystal humanoid body, walking at a moderate pace. You can feel the child is calming, at first he was tense on your back, but now he seems a bit more relaxed.

Then you reach the dead father. You can immediately feel the child tensing up and trembling. He hops off and runs toward the inanimate carcass. He sobs, and burst in tears.

You wait here, nor interfering nor saying anything.

Then the child comes back toward you, nearly a half hour later.
You recover 3MP

"So this is really daddy's core..." he says with a tone still full of grief.

He approaches you, intending to touch it. You let him do so.
And in an instant, he instantly burst in tear again, and hug your leg. He is crying, calling out for his dad desperately. You can't help but feel sorry for the poor kid, who is now an orphan.

He calms down, and speaks to you :
"You weren't lying...sorry for mistrusting you... Daddy's core...his last will. I heard it. Thank you for everything..."

You are a bit surprised, you expected something along the lines of "Why didn't you save him" or "Why did you have to kill him".
"I...have no family left. Say mister, can I...can I accompany you ?" asks finally the child.

Monsters :

Spoiler: Caedan the Vampire (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Snehk the Stalker (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Gray the Metal Blob (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 18, 2017, 06:39:57 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #658 on: February 26, 2016, 03:24:26 pm »

(All well, at least I was able to get him to also beat down on the humans along the way! I'm making a new character, say a new Lifetree grew where I was pulverized.)

(My new character will be either a hunchback or a living book, I'll give you both sheets and see what you think.)
Yep, the sig is here
Whoops. Well, shit. Typical salsacookies.
I don't need my cavities checked. I just went to the dentist! Ba-dum-tiss.
I am a Christian


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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [10/10]
« Reply #659 on: February 26, 2016, 03:25:35 pm »

Beep affirmatively and absorb the crystal shard. If it only restores Mana, convert some of that mana into HP. If it restores both, then follow Crear and provide mana-spark based backup for him.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."
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