Origin: Checkers
Any tile along the back of your base, or in front of an ally in that position. 400HP
You may declare you are "classic checker" and start with +200HP. You MUST use jump if you are able to, if you declare this.
1 space diagonally forward. Must move if able.
JUMP: You may go diagonally through a forward diagonally adjacent target. Instant kill. Repeatable. Take 50HP damage if your HP was higher, but stop at remaining 200HP
However, if that space is not free, simply do 50 damage(or 200 if you are a king) and stay put. No self damage.
ALIGNMENT: You must always be on an odd column in rows a,c, e and so on; you must be on an even column on rows b,d, f and so on. If something causes you to not be on one of these spaces, choose between adjacent valid spaces that are closest to your base.
WAIT: If no opponents moved since your last turn, you cannot move or attack and are invincible. Put (invincible) next to your HP until the effect wares off.
REST: If you cannot move(wait or blocked), heal 10HP, up to your starting HP this life.
BACKED: On your turn you may heal any damage you received since your last turn if there was an adjacent wall or unit on the opposite side of you, if it wasn't fatal.
KING | K |: Become a king by moving onto a back enemy base tile. As king you may now also move backwards. If an enemy was killed by you or an ally at point while you were a checker, additionally gain 400HP (If killed start next life as Checker)