This corporation means business, I didn't expect to unload most of the inventory already. Their enemies are going to be in for a ruff time, whoever they are. Lets see, the goods cost me three-hundred sixty thousand in total. Normally I would try for at least ten percent profits, but the circumstances seem to be favoring me. They are allowing me to make my own price, and are obviously in too much a hurry to do much negotiating. Twenty-percent may be ideal, but at this point I would be pushing it. If I push to hard they might back out and look for something cheaper rather than trying to negotiate. Fifteen percent sounds fair, especially if it means I get the bonus for allowing weapon testing. But in the end, I can back out at any time and go to the other buyers if needed. Pushing it seems like my best option, netting me at least seventy-two thousand in profit, if all goes well. I would still have forty thousand worth of good left over for resale, and all the weapons for personal use.
"Four-hundred and thirty-two thousand credits (432,000) in total. I am also interested in allowing test runs, for a small bonus to that price of course."((Note: Stirk doesn't have any clue what the actual market prices are compared to what he payed :p. Calculations for that price went like this: (400000*.9=360000)(360000+360000*.2=432,000), thus leading me to getting a 20% profit for the sale if it actually works out :/. Seeing as how ATH managed to get 10K for nothing, I figured my chances of squeezing out an extra 20k (~5%) from the corporation was pretty good :p.))
Look for body armor on teh internets. The kevlar-fitted trench coat served me well so far, but it probably won't help much against rifles and such. Might be time to start thinking about an upgrade. Also, try to figure out why I have that weird feeling that someone's doing something stupid.
((...You are working for an arms dealer. Now that I think about it, I probably should have included body armor in the shipment :V.))
Also, do you guys mind me not putting the results of rolls in? I've rolled a fair number of times now, but I haven't put the results in because I feel like it breaks the flow of the text.
((I like the hidden rolls, it works better for more story-type games. Putting rolls after everything makes it feel more gamey :/))