Crew TurnRemilia runs Mallkatla through with Tonbogiri [15 physical].
Gnomes move in to corridor A. Gnome 1 continues to the Engine to be safe. D. uses free action to move in, gives the bone of Reckoning to a gnome with a staff. He takes two damage to ignore the aversion of the silver and holy symbols in the location (a free action still counts as an action for aversions).
Gnomes attack:
-The one with Vengeance attacks with other two with staffs at Tofa, smiting the poor seer and iron morningstar (4 physical damage) (13/2 rounded up is 7+2=9)
-One with the 5 magic damage weapon and three others kill Ljot (5+3=8), dropping another iron morningstar.
-Another with 5 magic damage weapon, two gnomes and one shadow-hopping shade attack the final assailant, Asvor (dropping a Silver Mace 4 damage) (5+2+1=8)
The gnome with Vengeance wanted to give it to D.
D. teleports to the temple, and cuts the vala Yri in twain, dropping a wooden staff [13 damage].
Suffering shadow-hops and cold snap the mage in the Library: Gerrid, already pained by falling down a pit shatters to pieces.
Nik'Nak and the rest of the shades attack the mage at the engine and the wisp. [7 mental damage exactly enough]
Nik'nak then possess Unn's corpse, to be on the safe side.
With brutal and efficient use of action, the team take down almost all the assailants.
ROUND 2 - VALHALLA - Estrid's TurnEstrid casts Adamantium Skin on herself [4 physical armour] and moves to the bone grove, looking for a second engine.
BOSS TURNIt's now Hundolfr Karsson's turn to try and destroy the engine.
Reminder: From Round 3 onwards everyone will 4 physical damage at the end of every round.