Searches the thread for any signs of life... or undeath.
I'm currently trying to think of where I want to go with this. I have a character I like thematically but I'm not 100% on mechanically, and I have a few vague directions I'd like to go in mechanically, but no certainties or themes to go with them.
I guess I should probably go with what I have until I make up my mind to do otherwise, though:
Skills: Whip Fighting(Major) Grappling(Minor)
A slavecatcher out of Mirm, a prosperous but corrupt city ruled by sorcerors and slavers. IronyOwl rose to comfortable prominence hunting down and returning escaped slaves, criminals, and other undesirables at the whim of the wealthy and powerful. Though her victims often faced fates worse than death, she never thought of herself as cruel or bloodthirsty, supremely confident that the will of her masters was indisputable, and that if she didn't carry out their edicts, someone else would.
This loyalty took an unfortunate turn when she was summoned to the Masked Council, informed of a prophecy that she would be instrumental in bringing about the fall of the fledgling necromancer, and ordered to do so on pain of the Council's supreme displeasure, ie tortured to death or similar. She's not fond of being rewarded for her service by being sent off to die, and she knows their "prophecy" could be totally fabricated or dead on, while their motives are probably convoluted and nefarious.
Still, her old convictions haven't been tested by this new development: She still knows that the Council's word is law, and if they want her to go kill a necromancer, apparently she's going to go kill a necromancer. She just hopes she can profit from this new venture, and that the Council's brilliant plan doesn't involve her dying in a ditch for some elaborate reason.
A wiry woman with copper skin, green eyes, and dark copper hair pulled into a tight ponytail. Presumably she has clothes, and they're probably either bronze-studded black leather or that's her armor and her clothes are whatever one wears underneath.
For whip fighting, I'm thinking basically what you were telling someone else they couldn't do without skills: Indiana Jonesing zombies around.
Her second skill is not something I'm happy with. Grappling fits thematically, but a second combat skill is likely of limited utility. Tracking could work, though I'm not sure if that'd be better. Some kind of divination could also work, but if she's just using it to track down runaways tracking would probably be easier and more reliable, so it's a little eccentric.
I considered a diplomatic skill, thematically for convincing targets to just give it up, mechanically for acquiring outside assistance, but I'm not sure how broad or effective that'd be. Or even if diplomacy can be meaningfully improved via skills.
Equipment I'm not too sure of; presumably she would not be hunting very dangerous targets most of the time, so she would likely not be well-armored. That leaves mostly hunting gear, I suppose.
Hence my liking the character thematically but not being too sure about her usefulness mechanically. Nonlethally incapacitating zombies while wearing light armor is... probably not the
first role you'd pick for a party.