Don't multi-racial forts imply that all races need all jobs in their graphics definitions, or am I missing something? This is how I've been distributing my own sets for some time. I'm re-basing my graphics text files on
Rally-Ho's graphics text files because they're clean and nicely formatted, but the goblins, for example, are missing almost every non-military job. Many graphics sets have this same problem from what I've seen, although I haven't looked at all of them. I have nice goblin and kobold monarch graphics, for example, but they'd never show according to these RAW files.
Information on these issues would please be greatly appreciated. In the past I just copied and pasted all of the dwarf definitions to the elves, humans, goblins, and kobold files. Ideally, I'd just like to sync my own graphics files (apart from filenames and TILE_PAGE names, of course) with Rally-Ho or something, but these files don't appear complete to me. (Or I have graphics that can't ever be used by the game, like my goblin/kobold monarch tiles).
When goblins end up ruling a dwarven civilization in the current version, do they just revert to a "g" with most graphics packs? Do they revert to using the default definition ([DEFAULT:RALLYHO_GOBLIN:0:0:AS_IS:DEFAULT])? These files have been a sore point for me for a while, for that matter: while documentation exists, when I last looked at these files it was scattered and most graphics files were/are half-filled with commented out graphics definitions and odd formatting/spacing issues, making it difficult to decipher them. It doesn't help that I haven't played Dwarf Fortress with graphics enabled--apart from brief testing--in a long time.