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Author Topic: Poke  (Read 37563 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Poke
« Reply #30 on: January 27, 2016, 02:58:24 pm »

Hm hm hm interesting.

So, to clarify, Xanessa would still be the very same Xanessa (albeit high velocity) that was torn out of reality?

And this could be used to "save" prefabricated houses/people for offsite construction/breeding and compact transportation of said houses/people?


7c. Can a Pocket Dimension feed directly into a Matter Saver cartridge?

7c.Uh.  I'm not sure what you mean, but it sounds extremely dangerous.  I invite you to try it yourself, though.  You're in M26; you can afford it.
Basically, can I arrange a Pocket Dimension Exit and Matter Saver Cartridge so that stuff that exits is immediately saved?
Ask PW.  I don't know how the Matter Saver works.
So, can a Matter Saver be linked to a Pocket Dimension to just grab bits of matter out of it?

Can we make Pimp Sods? Basically Sods trained to control Pimpanium in very specific ways such as making it fly in given directions so that we can harvest their brains to make what are essentially manipulator batteries for Pimpanium?

Oh, and can a Matter Saver receive input from one side and output from the other? So if say, hypothetically, if I were to disguise one as a fleshlight so that anything shoved into the input end gets messily hurled out of the other side, would it work?

Could the Matter Saver be modified to automatically save continuous and eject everything inside it? So in the above example, which I definitely won't do in-game at all, you would be able to use it as an improvised melee weapon that saves the upper layers of a target and ejects them via loading like some sort of horrible, horrible woodchipper?

Linked how? You could store a matter saver IN a pocket dimension. And you could theoretically set one up to be activated as things moved into the dimension. But the matter saver is just a machine that allows you to compress and save matter into it. And the pocket dimension is just an over sized extra dimensional closet that you can throw stuff in.

Maybe. But you'd probably wanna give them what amount to pimp knuckles, since they're not very creative.

No. Again, matter saver is what amounts to a pokeball. You use it to capture things and put them into it. Then you can take them out. I mean, the very act of capturing said part would snip it right off so there's no reason to grind it up unless you're particularly vindictive.

And the way you do that is by rapidly pressing the capture button.

Syv directed me to you, so here I am.

In Hephaestus they had researched an artifact recovered from the Anomalous Planetoid that they discovered ate space magic to slowly grow and spawn others like it, converting the absorbed space magic to heat and light in the process. It essentially acted as an area denial against space magic, both friendly and hostile. Could I get one of those? If yes, how much would it cost?

Second, could I get a battlesuit sized arranger? If yes, could you give me a price? It costs 2 tokens right now.
And it takes multiple kinds of ammo... kinda like a Gauss rifle, if you think about it. Only this one creates effects instead of shooting bullets.

Third, could I get a battlesuit sized solid light shield and solid light containment gun? If yes, could you tell me how much they would cost?
Just to let you know, those may not protect against everything of that kind. The lurker's influence seems mostly unaffected by them. But you can get one for like 3 tokens.

As in do you want one with bigger bullets and bigger effects or just one that you can comfortably hold?

Same question as before.

Am I allowed to Tinker myself?  If so, who do I tinker to--you or the council?  Judging my own designs seems like a really bad idea, due to bias.

Am I allowed to shock people if they get annoying or... try things?  Nobody has shown themselves to need a buzz, but I'd like to know so I can uphold the tinker tradition of empty threats.

I'm pretty sure Saint was IC involved in the wunderkinder project and would have interacted with the children, but just to make sure I'm asking you.  He did, right?

On the topic of backround Hephaestus IC stuff, how many years have passed since Saint, Simus, and Sean's char were left on Hephaestus?  I just want to know how many years old Saint is now.  For reference, the wunderkinder guy is 21 years old, though I think we were making use of some accelerated growth shenanigans.
Do it with the council, unless they can't figure something out then you can all ask me.



It would have probably been 100 years or more.

What does the weevil gun look like?
Solid light protection field?
Containment gun?
Brainworm gun?
Auto target system?

Matter saver?
Elemental infuser?

All these latest space magic weapons and stuff, we know what the do but we have no idea what they actually look like.

It's got a pistol grip, no butt, a foot and a half, fairly large and round barrel and a sharp pointed tip. Kinda looks like across between a syringe and a gun.
A nondescript metal box with a convex light absorbing metal protuberance on top.
Squarish body, gel grip to fit your hand better, extra grip halfway down the body. About the size of a thompson submachine gun in terms of length, but with a much fatter barrel. Tipped in what look like three small metal bearings that rotate at high speed when it is in use.
A lot like the weevil gun, but with a more ovoid body rather then a tube, and with three spikes at the end rather then one.
Depends but it sort of just looks like a exoskeleton arm if I remember right.
Box about the size and shape of a briefcase, with a screen and keypad on one large flat side, the scanner on the top where the handle would be on the briefcase, and the cartridge slot on the left side.
Sort of looks like a metal wand. Like a cattle prod.

"It's a featureless black box."

Materials science-wise, would an edged melee weapon made of hexbug work? Dev told me that it magically removes kinetic energy, but I think he was thinking of forcefields.
It would make a good hammer, if only because it's heavy. As far as a bladed weapon, there are probably better choices.

As far as I know its just nigh unbreakable, dense as fuck, and heavy as sin.

So it would probably only work as a replacement for the melee battlesuits I-Beam sword and function in much the same manner.

How expensive are the heat eating rods when used in mass production?
albiet likely ill advised production.

how do matter savers save matter as an action?
can they do it from range or do they need to toich it?

Not very.

You point them at what you want saved, make the roll and depending on how good your roll is, it either misses and saves something else, saves part of what you want, saves it all or you fumble and save your lower body.

How the elemental infuser works? Do we just think about the infusion and the thing is coated?

Is there a way to make a rechargable battery for it? Or something that we could got the ressource around the char to use?

Can we put the force infuser in a bat, like the Shockwave Bat?

You get the right cartridge in and then touch the thing you want to infuse and press a button.

I think it's just the cartridges that it needs, not a battery.

You could.

Will Faith's berserk mode work in robot bodies and assaultsuits?

Do kinamps suffer from "safe use" limits like amps/manipulators? What about weirdness from combining with synthflesh?

Speaking of safe use limits, are those per user or per amp/brain? Would two copies of a microwave amp or a single manipulator swapping between brains allow more safe uses per mission or not?

Speaking of weirdness from combining amps/manips and synthflesh, we have any details?

It's in her mind, so as long as she has a mind, it will work.

Over use would be bad, but it's harder to do than with an amp or manip. It depends. I mean, you go berserk mode and start really pushing them both at the same time, it could be bad.

User. The thing is being drawn toward YOU.

I wouldn't recommend it.


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Re: Poke
« Reply #31 on: January 27, 2016, 04:33:17 pm »

Do you know how you have the Gauss Rifle that can shoot some nasty bullets? You know, redshot, blackshot, viruses, stuff that can ruin someone's day? A good gun for a soldier?
And then you have the gauss cannon that can shoot 3 nukes for 3 tokens? Something that can be used both as a tank's gun and as an artillery? Something that can ruin a city block's day?
That's basically what I want, but with the Arranger. An arranger that can handle really powerful bullets.
EDIT: Unless it can already handle really powerful bullets, in which case I guess I'll just have to buy some expensive bullets.

About the containment gun and the light barrier, I don't want them to be especially powerful. I just want to make them bigger to handle the battlesuit's strength and size. Maybe protect from heavier attacks a bit better, if that doesn't make them too expensive.

EDIT2: Some people are asking about Arranger ammo. Would it help you if we made a small list of suggested ammo types (2-5 word descriptions) and you just went through it and said yes/no/possible token cost? Or something like that? Whatever you would find most helpful.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 05:38:01 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Poke
« Reply #32 on: January 27, 2016, 07:22:57 pm »

Matter Saver:
What happens to living creatures when put into Matter Saver? (Could we use it as a replacement for stasis tech, for example?)
What happens to things that are attracting the Lurker's attention when put into Matter Saver? (I.e. can it be used as a shelter against his focus?)

Id Manifester:
What would be the difference between the Ids manifested of someone with Mind +1/Exo +3 as opposed to Exo +3/Mind +1 and to Mind +2/Exo +2? (Mind and Exo scores both affect the manifestation potential, but in what proportions/how differently?)
If an Exo or Mind score changes during the game after the Id has already been manifested, will it be updated now that its creator is more powerful now?
If the creator's self-perception has changed through-out the game, does the Id manifested update somehow? (Say, Pancaek takes executes a trooper, is shocked by the event, and decides that he can no longer suffer being a Commissar, he doesn't want the job, that just isn't him anymore - would Comrade Dimitri transform somehow?)
Does the Id Manifester have an on/off switch?

If, highly hypothetically, you did not respond to several PMs (and it probably wasn't "meaningful silence" in return), what is the correct procedure for getting a reply? Waiting for it yet longer, or sending more PMs, or both (alternatingly)?
Past Sigs
Nikitian kneels in front of his computer, fresh lamb's blood on his hands, and prays to the dark powers for answers about armor thickness.


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Re: Poke
« Reply #33 on: January 27, 2016, 07:33:01 pm »

"It's a featureless black box."

Materials science-wise, would an edged melee weapon made of hexbug work? Dev told me that it magically removes kinetic energy, but I think he was thinking of forcefields.
It would make a good hammer, if only because it's heavy. As far as a bladed weapon, there are probably better choices.
Sorry, but I'm gonna have to ask; like what? :P
I figured that since most of our sharp melee weapons right now are prone to exploding in one way or another, that it would be good to make a nice stable indestructible future machete. If you could impart a nice edge on a hexbug sword, than supposedly its very rigid and durable nature would allow it to keep sharp for a very long time, and its heavy weight would help our big strong guys to penetrate the other big strong guys.
At least as an updated version of the melee battlesuit heavy blade (HINT HINT SYV.)
« Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 07:37:00 pm by Egan_BW »


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Re: Poke
« Reply #34 on: January 28, 2016, 02:29:53 pm »

I think we wanted Battlesuit-size effect for Arrangers.  Or would that just mean bigger "ammo"?

Also, do we have any ammo for it yet?  At least a few "standard" cartridges so we can get a visual picture of what a custom one would cost?
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Poke
« Reply #35 on: January 28, 2016, 02:32:29 pm »

Also, do we have any ammo for it yet?
Are Five Second Reset Rounds available for it? Seems like it could come in handy for a medic, just go shoot a patient right after they get horribly murdered to reset their position and physical condition.

((Read the following with the voice of a wrestling announcer.))
Prrressenting... the newest squad automatic weapon, the DEFINITIVE solution to all our waste problems and a memorial to the fallen - the General Waste Gun, or GWG for short! You take all of a planet's waste and you pump it straight into a Pocket Dimension, you then feed it straight into a Matter Saver Cartridge, and then straight out, at ABSOLUTELY ludicrous velocities! It has functionally infinite ammo, no recoil and comes with a fire selector! Who knows what it will fire? It could be raw sewage, electrical appliance shrapnel, even spent fuel rods, all determined by the user's Fate stat! It may not be able to pierce battleplate, but against groups of likely armored foes, it is UNPARALLELED! Suppress enemies until they drown in filth! Cut down whole swarms of combat drones! All in a compact little package! Sure, its raw components cost 19 tokens in total, but we're sure we can get the planets that benefit from it to chip in and MASSIVELY subsidize the cost! Approve one today!

Okay, so the design is as follows: You place a Pocket Dimension entrance on a planet and let them dump all of their assorted waste into it, the planet's government agrees to subsidize the cost in exchange for having a quick and easy way to get rid of their waste. The Pocket Dimension exit will, upon being opened, eject some of that waste in front of a Matter Saver that then, as quickly as possible, saves and loads the matter at high velocities, propelling it forwards. This should be fast enough to provide a high rate of fire, which combined with its effectively limitless ammunition, makes it superb for suppressive fire. It would count as a conventional weapon, but when firing, it would use a Fate roll to determine what exactly it is that comes out of the exit.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 11:57:02 pm by Empiricist »
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Poke
« Reply #36 on: January 28, 2016, 09:34:47 pm »

Does chem-off protect from haebi acid?

Can changeling mask change your skin tone, beard, etc. or just your facial structure?

Is there any limit to the amount of force a force infuser battery can contain?
A limit to the amount it can release at once?
Is there any inefficiency between absorbing and releasing?

The gun Spazyak built, the gauss rifle with a built in force infuser, does it just use Con or Exo too?
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 12:40:18 am by NAV »
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


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Re: Poke
« Reply #37 on: January 29, 2016, 09:08:25 pm »

Are Weevil Degenerators hard/expensive to produce. b]
He knows how to fix River's tiredness.
Alan help.
IronyOwl   But Kyuubey can more or less be summed up as "You didn't ask."
15:52   IronyOwl   Whereas Dungbeetle is closer to "Fuck you."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Poke
« Reply #38 on: January 30, 2016, 12:53:46 pm »

Do you know how you have the Gauss Rifle that can shoot some nasty bullets? You know, redshot, blackshot, viruses, stuff that can ruin someone's day? A good gun for a soldier?
And then you have the gauss cannon that can shoot 3 nukes for 3 tokens? Something that can be used both as a tank's gun and as an artillery? Something that can ruin a city block's day?
That's basically what I want, but with the Arranger. An arranger that can handle really powerful bullets.
EDIT: Unless it can already handle really powerful bullets, in which case I guess I'll just have to buy some expensive bullets.

About the containment gun and the light barrier, I don't want them to be especially powerful. I just want to make them bigger to handle the battlesuit's strength and size. Maybe protect from heavier attacks a bit better, if that doesn't make them too expensive.

EDIT2: Some people are asking about Arranger ammo. Would it help you if we made a small list of suggested ammo types (2-5 word descriptions) and you just went through it and said yes/no/possible token cost? Or something like that? Whatever you would find most helpful.

It can already handle things like that, though they would be very expensive....well...unless you get black bullets.

Well containment gun can already handle the strength and if you just want a bit stronger than add a token or two.

Yeah, I'll get a list made here today, give me a bit.

Matter Saver:
What happens to living creatures when put into Matter Saver? (Could we use it as a replacement for stasis tech, for example?)
What happens to things that are attracting the Lurker's attention when put into Matter Saver? (I.e. can it be used as a shelter against his focus?)

Id Manifester:
What would be the difference between the Ids manifested of someone with Mind +1/Exo +3 as opposed to Exo +3/Mind +1 and to Mind +2/Exo +2? (Mind and Exo scores both affect the manifestation potential, but in what proportions/how differently?)
If an Exo or Mind score changes during the game after the Id has already been manifested, will it be updated now that its creator is more powerful now?
If the creator's self-perception has changed through-out the game, does the Id manifested update somehow? (Say, Pancaek takes executes a trooper, is shocked by the event, and decides that he can no longer suffer being a Commissar, he doesn't want the job, that just isn't him anymore - would Comrade Dimitri transform somehow?)
Does the Id Manifester have an on/off switch?

If, highly hypothetically, you did not respond to several PMs (and it probably wasn't "meaningful silence" in return), what is the correct procedure for getting a reply? Waiting for it yet longer, or sending more PMs, or both (alternatingly)?

They stay in the exact same state they were when they entered. So yes, could replace stasis.

The lurker would be attracted to the matter saver, and probably destroy it and the cartridge.

Exo influences how damaging they are, mind how robust. A 1 exo, 4 mind manifestation would be incredibly hard to destroy but not very dangerous. Reverse would be a glass cannon.

Yes. But you gotta remind me so we can do it.

If you tell me and it makes sense. No metagaming words until you get what you want.

It does, but the id doesn't particularly like being turned off.

"It's a featureless black box."

Materials science-wise, would an edged melee weapon made of hexbug work? Dev told me that it magically removes kinetic energy, but I think he was thinking of forcefields.
It would make a good hammer, if only because it's heavy. As far as a bladed weapon, there are probably better choices.
Sorry, but I'm gonna have to ask; like what? :P
I figured that since most of our sharp melee weapons right now are prone to exploding in one way or another, that it would be good to make a nice stable indestructible future machete. If you could impart a nice edge on a hexbug sword, than supposedly its very rigid and durable nature would allow it to keep sharp for a very long time, and its heavy weight would help our big strong guys to penetrate the other big strong guys.
At least as an updated version of the melee battlesuit heavy blade (HINT HINT SYV.)

You could probably make something with an edge made of the stuff and a body made of something else. So it won't dull but also won't be too absurdly heavy.

I think we wanted Battlesuit-size effect for Arrangers.  Or would that just mean bigger "ammo"?

Also, do we have any ammo for it yet?  At least a few "standard" cartridges so we can get a visual picture of what a custom one would cost?

I'll have a list up today.

Also, do we have any ammo for it yet?
Are Five Second Reset Rounds available for it? Seems like it could come in handy for a medic, just go shoot a patient right after they get horribly murdered to reset their position and physical condition.

((Read the following with the voice of a wrestling announcer.))
Prrressenting... the newest squad automatic weapon, the DEFINITIVE solution to all our waste problems and a memorial to the fallen - the General Waste Gun, or GWG for short! You take all of a planet's waste and you pump it straight into a Pocket Dimension, you then feed it straight into a Matter Saver Cartridge, and then straight out, at ABSOLUTELY ludicrous velocities! It has functionally infinite ammo, no recoil and comes with a fire selector! Who knows what it will fire? It could be raw sewage, electrical appliance shrapnel, even spent fuel rods, all determined by the user's Fate stat! It may not be able to pierce battleplate, but against groups of likely armored foes, it is UNPARALLELED! Suppress enemies until they drown in filth! Cut down whole swarms of combat drones! All in a compact little package! Sure, its raw components cost 19 tokens in total, but we're sure we can get the planets that benefit from it to chip in and MASSIVELY subsidize the cost! Approve one today!

Okay, so the design is as follows: You place a Pocket Dimension entrance on a planet and let them dump all of their assorted waste into it, the planet's government agrees to subsidize the cost in exchange for having a quick and easy way to get rid of their waste. The Pocket Dimension exit will, upon being opened, eject some of that waste in front of a Matter Saver that then, as quickly as possible, saves and loads the matter at high velocities, propelling it forwards. This should be fast enough to provide a high rate of fire, which combined with its effectively limitless ammunition, makes it superb for suppressive fire. It would count as a conventional weapon, but when firing, it would use a Fate roll to determine what exactly it is that comes out of the exit.
Unfortunately that would all require someone to sit in the pocket dimension and manually save and fire things. As well as someone else to place a separate portal entrance elsewhere when you wanted to fire.

Are Weevil Degenerators hard/expensive to produce. b]
Nah, but they're kinda hard to contain.

Does chem-off protect from haebi acid?

Can changeling mask change your skin tone, beard, etc. or just your facial structure?

Is there any limit to the amount of force a force infuser battery can contain?
A limit to the amount it can release at once?
Is there any inefficiency between absorbing and releasing?

The gun Spazyak built, the gauss rifle with a built in force infuser, does it just use Con or Exo too?

Maybe, Haebi acid isn't specific. There can be almost limitless forms of it, depending on what the maker wants.
Just facial structure
No, at least not any amount that you could reasonably get hold of.
No, beyond the amount that will pulp you via shockwave.
No. Not that I know of.


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Re: Poke
« Reply #39 on: January 30, 2016, 02:25:45 pm »

Does chem-off protect from the specific type of haebi acid that we use our chem throwers?

How exactly does the force infuser gun use both Con and Exo? Do you make two rolls every time it's fired? Or does it use con but have an exo requirement? Something else?
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 02:32:19 pm by NAV »
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


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Re: Poke
« Reply #40 on: January 30, 2016, 03:07:14 pm »


All rounds come in 4 levels of power and then  a black round. Each level increases the power of the shot and the cost, up to level 4. Black Rounds are the most powerful but only cost 1 token. The downside is that they drain 1 stat point when used.
Level 1: 1 token
Level 2: 3 token
Level 3: 5 token
Level 4: 8 token
Black Round: 1 token.

Cutter Round:  Fashioned after the famous horizontal heat blade technique many amp wielders used. Level one is a single blade, roughly 5 feet in length. Higher levels increase not only the number of blades but the heat and cutting power behind them.

Compression Round: Fires a black orb that, once it comes into contact with a solid physical object, will expand and encompass a wide area around it. Once it expands it will contract, compressing the encompassed matter. Higher levels increase effected area.

Heat Point Round: A white hot ball appears on the first piece of physical matter in the direction the gun is pointing. Higher levels increase both heat and size of ball.

Kinetic Round:  A simple shell that creates a high density sphere of matter and then fires it at extremely high speeds. Effectively a recoil free gauss cannon. Levels increase both the speed of the shot, and the mass of the round.

Fleshrend Round: Fires an invisible beam which cases flesh that it intersects to be violently rent apart. Higher levels cause greater damage and increase the size and length of the beam. It is NOT stopped by physical matter.

Material Corrosion Round: Similar to the fleshrend, but it causes a rapid rust like corrosion to non-organic materials. Higher levels increase the size of the beam and the materials which it effects. At level 1 it only effects fairly standard mundane materials.

Fleshknit Round: A short range beam with a diameter of about a foot. Causes rapid tissue regeneration. Higher levels increase the degree of regeneration and beam diameter.

Blinding Round: Causes a ball of blinding light to appear on the first physical matter in the path of the shot. This ball of light's ability to blind increases with increased levels, blinding across multiple spectrum and eventually even blinding electronic monitoring systems.

Shielding round: Produces a short lived but powerful anti-kinetic shield in the direction the weapon is pointing. Increased levels increases the size of the shield, the length of the effect and the amount of force it can block.

If you have ideas for more, lemme know


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Re: Poke
« Reply #41 on: January 30, 2016, 03:14:13 pm »

Are Fleshknit Rounds perfect regeneration or do they have the same problems as Fleshknitter (basically just growing a mass of scar tissue)?


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Re: Poke
« Reply #42 on: January 30, 2016, 03:16:03 pm »

Anything non-lethal? Like sleep or pain or paralysis or torture? Or EMP? Although I guess very high pain could cause death. So maybe less than lethal?

EDIT: Do we get any rounds for the arranger when we buy it?

EDIT2: Do we choose which stat point we lose when using black-rounds or is it random?
If we can choose, I foresee a lot of people suddenly getting uglier after using the Arranger...

EDIT3: The Limiter Unlock page isn't 100% clear. Is it used only for stats or both stats and skills?
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 09:32:33 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Poke
« Reply #43 on: January 30, 2016, 05:27:05 pm »

So what are those little weevil degenerators normally contained with?
He knows how to fix River's tiredness.
Alan help.
IronyOwl   But Kyuubey can more or less be summed up as "You didn't ask."
15:52   IronyOwl   Whereas Dungbeetle is closer to "Fuck you."


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Re: Poke
« Reply #44 on: January 30, 2016, 08:12:09 pm »

Is the Heavy Blade that came with melee battlesuits wieldable by assaultsuits? What about Heavy Robotic Bodies? Can we get or buy them somewhere? Are they made of anything special or just a titanium I-beam?

EDIT: While smaller (or is that thinner/more flexible?), the assaultsuit is supposedly twice as strong as a battlesuit. Does that mean it could use an even larger and/or heavier version of the Heavy Blade?

EDIT2: How hard would it be to make a Ghost Blade the size and consistency of a battlesuit's Heavy Blade? Would it even be a useful ability to have on something intended to crush anything it hits with raw power?
« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 09:14:23 pm by IronyOwl »
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.
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