1. The game proceeds in rounds. The gamemaster starts a new one by setting a theme for the new round. Upon this, two points are transferred from each participant (who has at least two points) to the pool.
2. All eligible participants may post new Fantasy Rules, numbered FR-x:y where x is the number of the round and y is the first unused number in that round (so FR-5:12 would be rule number 12 of round 5). The purpose of Fantasy Rules is to regulate subsequent Fantasy Rules.
3. If an FR does not comply with any other VALID FR posted earlier that round, it is to be judged INVALID by the gamemaster. An FR posted by the same participant as the last VALID FR that round is also to be judged INVALID. Otherwise, it is to be judged VALID.
4. All participants are eligible at the start of a new round. A player posting three INVALID FRs in a row loses his eligibility for that round.
4. The gamemaster may also give 1-5 style points to a posted FR. A player's FRC score is the sum of all style points awarded all his FRs in the current round.
5. If 24 hours pass without a single FR being judged VALID, the round ends. Starting with the highest score, each participants gain points from the pool equal to their FRC score. If the pool runs out of points during this, then tough luck; the participants who have not yet gained their points do not get any.
6. To ensure that anyone who wants to gets to be in the Committee, the gamemaster should opt to transfer the gamemastership after a completed round. The first candidate should be the highest scoring participant of the last round; the second should be the participant posting the last VALID FR, the third candidate anyone who feels like taking up the job.