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Author Topic: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)  (Read 20313 times)


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #75 on: February 29, 2016, 09:28:46 pm »

Letter to the Council in Ringruled

   Sorry for the lack of updates, the current Overseer has gotten this fort into a bit of a predicament. Almost as soon as he took the scepter a Titan showed up and slowed progress. Despite my protests, the current administration used the age old tactic of the "Zerg Rush"... with predictable results. I finally had a break to use the secret tunnel I dug from my Dinning Room to the surface. I got to one of the leaving merchants and, Armok be blessed, one of the order answered the pass-call.
   Beside the web spiting Zebra, all is well here, and the plan is proceeding as, well... planned. I await your arrival.

                                                                                               -Ryukan, Lord High Judge
« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 10:51:05 pm by TheImmortalRyukan »
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #76 on: March 01, 2016, 06:42:24 am »

Sorry in advance for typos, misconjugations and general broken tenses.

I placed my ear against the dacite plug, listening for any clues to what was going on outside. I heard shouts and the sound of hooves against stone, then a heavy crash, and then far too long a silence. I had given up hope when a knocking sound came from the other side! The sound was followed by cheers and exclamations of victory. "Nish killed it! Nish killed it!" The boulder was removed and our doctor rushed past, expecting grievous wounds despite victory. However, not a single wound was to be found! Nish told me he had named the sword that struck down Ozse, and it seemed an appropriate enough title:

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The first squad was memorialized, and I had a severe talk with that administrator who had suggested we send those poor recruits out first. We had learned to trust in the the Fortress Guard.

The surface was cleaned of animal corpses and life continued. That first night, the dining hall was packed full while Nish told his tale of the battle. The first strike, landed by Erush, pierced deep into Ozse's neck and opened the way for the rest of the squad to hamstring the zebra's long legs. It was over quickly after the beast had been brought to earth.

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 We also learned that Deduk had mistakenly taken his training sword to battle, though it made little difference to a warrior like him.

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We all became a little closer as we shared our surprise, our terror, and our eventual elation. We agreed that had been enough excitement to last a few years, and prayed to Kogsak that nothing else crept it's way up from the peat bogs.


Dwarves returned to their chores with a renewed vigor. Datan, one of our farmers, claimed he could butcher Ozse's corpse in such a way as to make it edible. We were hesitant at first, but he managed to cut almost 400 servings of surprisingly palatable steak.

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This wasn't the only resource taken from Ozse, as the piles and piles of webs it had left on the surface were slowly spun into thread. The thread was woven into cloth, which was then sewn into bags and used in the production of the clear glass blocks we needed so desperately.

Kûbuk finally finished his artifact, producing a beautiful glass scepter.

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This makes his the most proficient glassmaker out of the six we have employed, though this is is essentially wasted on the large number of glass blocks we produce. A block is a block is a block, no?

Whatever caused Kûbuk to produce the scepter must have been contagious, since not long after a glassmaker by the name of Catten was seen collecting miscellanous materials and refusing to speak. What made this so amazing was that Catten had been bedridden for over two years at this point! He had a crushed foot that healed improperly, and our chief medical dwarf refused to let him go before he could properly re-break and set the bones. As so Catten spent about a month crawling about the fortress, rummaging here and there for whatever bits and bobs his mind craved.

A week later he produced the most amazing box, entitled "The True Earth." It was installed in The Chamber of Suns. Our second legendary glassmaker returned to the bed from which he had crawled, seemingly content with this singular product.

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We also collapsed the Onciblu's tavern. After once again meeting across the stream, we pulled the lever and watched the gabbro structure disintegrate before our eyes.

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After the dust settled, we ventured back over and saw a newly formed chasm in the earth.

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It went down about four z-levels, piercing through old rooms, our trade depot, and my bedroom. Yes, you read that right - the only bedroom affected by the collapse was mine!
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I would suspect a conspiracy to murder me in my sleep if not for the fact I had been the one to suggest demolition. We patched up the chasm, rebuilt the depot and continued on as if nothing had happened.

A barracks was created down by the caverns, along with a room for weaving. The surface castle's foundations were completed and extended upwards. A lever was connected to the glass gate, giving us an easier way to prevent intrusion.

I took it upon myself to give every dwarf a masterwork stone cabinet, though this took many months and I shied away from my other duties. It was worth it, however, since every dwarf appreciated the gesture and it kept their old clothing out of the hallways.

A new mayor was elected, one of the recruits named Sakzul Stokecraft. He took over our old mayor's quarters, immediately demanding that we craft two sets of copper leggings. Easy enough, but I was wary of further demands.

Our old mayor, Shorast, suddenly found himself with time to spare. He expressed interest in carving a new dance hall adjacent to our current dining room. I approved his design and within a week we had the engravers working to smooth the floor and engrave the pillars. Boxes, chairs, and tables were installed. The tavern was now officially named The Chamber of Sun, and though we have yet to attract a single visitor (this is most curious) the dance hall is popular with our own citizens.

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Then, an accident! Our jeweler felt that storing gems in bins prevented him from properly viewing his collection and had asked we empty them. In some convoluted thought process, he thought it was necessary that we dump the bins into our newly-carved trash pit. Unlucky Zuglar, an engraver, happened to be smoothing the floor directly underneath the opening as the first bin was emptied. No one heard him and the other two were emptied right afterwards. Beautifully-faceted gemstones became missiles, puncturing his lungs and eventually crushing his skull under the weight.

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We discovered his corpse a week later, and it was dug out from the pile of gems and carried off to the glass memorial tower. What a sight: the bloated corpse glinting red, green and yellow as it was lifted past our workshops.

Later that month, we learned an important fact about the diet of kangaroo's when we found our sole specimen dead in it's cage. We noted this in our logbook, then asked Datan whether he knew what to do with the corpse of an emaciated kangaroo. Thinking for a moment, his eyes went wide and he exclaimed, "Soup!". Datan is amazing.


As fall arrived, so did the dwarven caravan.

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No outpost liason came, oddly enough, and the foreign dwarves seemed crestfallen though they wouldn't tell us what had darkened their moods. With no liason we had no news of the outside world, and as near as we could tell this would be the last caravan to ever visit. So we bought everything we could, including wood, metals, rare gems, steel weapons, leather, cloth, silk, thread, wool, yarn, fruits, vegetables, fish, cuts of meat, ropes, bags, and multiple casks of dwarven ale. While we were able to produce most of these things ourselves, boosting our stores was always a smart move. The traders left in a separate direction from the one they came, which was disconcerting to say the least.


Winter arrived, and one of our jewelers went moody. He claimed a single white opal, and within a day had produced the largest gem the fortress had ever seen. Named "The Stirred Illness," the opal was worth a staggering 48,000☼.

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The year came to a close, and I knew it was only fair to pass on the role of overseer to another dwarf. Fresh eyes might reveal some unseen problem within the fortress that I had overlooked.

My final action as overseer was to build a room for myself amongst the silver-veined granite. Here, I could keep away from those that might trouble me for past sins. The granite was richly coloured and perfect for contemplating the more obscure aspects of masonry. Finally, the room would likely be the last place an invading army might look for a hiding dwarf.

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And so ended the rule of Mad Sal.


Bonus images:

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« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 06:57:12 am by Salmeuk »


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #77 on: March 01, 2016, 07:30:49 am »

Our world was in the age of the marsh titan and the bronze collosus. With one dead, you caused the world to advance, and our own guards ( which I created) single handedly destroyed on of the last great powers. The new age never happens util a new year starts, so that is why you just got it at the end of your rule.

History Update to come
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 12:29:55 pm by TheImmortalRyukan »
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #78 on: March 01, 2016, 12:04:08 pm »

Inside the Atrium of the Crackedwalls Palace

There was a large gathering of all the citizens of our humble home. The Copper-clad Fortress Guard stood resolute against either side of the room. At the head of the proceedings stood the Lord High Judge and two other dwarves. Salmeuk and Sanctume stood side by side in front of, and a bit below Ryukan.

In a loud but clear voice, Ryukan spoke; "These past two years have been the most productive in this fortresses history. The Inner Court of the Glass Castle is almost complete. This Palace we find ourselves in is done. Our coffers have grown exponentially. Our Fortress Guard have become a force to be proud of and feared by our enemies. Even the Great Powers of this world are no match for their martial prowess. As of Today, 1st of Granite 154, the world acknowledged our defeat of Ozse and have acknowledged that a new age has come. No longer will two tyrannical being haunt our dreams."

"But with these amazing victories also came gruesome death. An entire squad was wiped out when the demon arrived. Several accidents have occurred as well. Overseer Salmeuk has tried to take the full blame, but it wasn't just his, but mine as well. That is why, as agreed by the Overseer charter, Salmeuk will hereby relequish his duties and responsibilities as Overseer and will pass the Glass sceptre to Sanctume."

Ryukan Turns toward Salmeuk. "The Sceptre please." Salmeuk takes the sceptre and hands it to Ryukan.

Ryukan turns toward Sanctume. "Recite the Oath of Office"

"I, Sanctume, do hereby swear to lead this fortress to the best of my ability and to protect it from all enemies foreign and domestic, to defend it to the last drop of dwarven blood, to ensure booze runs freely and swiftly, and to construct pointless monuments to my personal vanity. So help me Armok."

Ryukan hands the sceptre to Santume. "Long Live Overseer Sanctume, May his reign be blessed."

Deafening cheers and thunderous applause spreads throughout the fortress and out into the wildlands.


Later in Ryukan's Office

"This is troubling" Ryukan spoke to a hooded figure who appearantly had come in through the secret tunnel.

"Yes your excellency. The Elves and Goblins are still fighting, but our Civilization is taking a big hit as well." Replied the figure.

Ryukan looked deep in thought for a minute. "Tell the council that they need to get the Queen out of that hillocks now, if they don't we could lose the monarch and the entirety of the court."

"The council believes that they are safe as long as the Goblins and Elves are focused on each other"

"The council is foolish, once the Goblins are done for, the elves will seek retribution from those that didn't help them early on in the war, i.e. us. They are not safe there, that place is little more than a small mound that even the fabled halflings of old wouldn't use."

"Your orders sir?"

"Try to convince the council, but if that fails, start the transferring of Order assets here. When my next rule comes, I will construct a proper santum, but until then, just use the caverns."

"Yes sir." The dark figure left through the tunnel.

"This is not good at all, the existence of the dwarves rests on a knife edge." Ryukan stayed in the office, lit by candle light, studying scrolls and drinking strawberry wine throughout the night.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 12:27:54 pm by TheImmortalRyukan »
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #79 on: March 01, 2016, 02:01:36 pm »

nice year, I am kind surprise the beast didn't path find trough the track system.
Ô_ quack


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #80 on: March 01, 2016, 03:43:38 pm »

nice year, I am kind surprise the beast didn't path find trough the track system.

Truth be told I was slightly afraid I would kill someone if I tried to use it, so I put up a locked door. Also in the collapse I believe it was slightly damaged. I don't doubt it's usefulness, I just haven't spent much time with minecart routes and suspect the track might cause trouble.

I never quite finished giving everyone masterwork cabinets, since it seriously took over 7 months just to farm up about 70 of them. If you want to complete the task, the easiest way is to make a single cabinet stockpile for every quality but masterwork, while forbidding cabinets from the main furniture stockpile. Mass dump the trash cabinets into my fancy new trash compactor and pull the lever! Then, when you decide to <b-->f> you don't have to sort through a bunch of mediocre cabinets to get to the good ones.

Also, now that the actually atom smasher is set up properly, you won't have to worry about crushing hapless dwarves with miscellaneous objects anymore. The raised bridge blocks access to the forbidden items.

Oh, and this fortress is awesome because I was still getting 150 fps at the end of my year. fuck yeah pocket worlds (right?)
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 03:45:30 pm by Salmeuk »


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #81 on: March 01, 2016, 03:50:37 pm »

Yeah, he genned a pocket world, see my earlier post with the world history update
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #82 on: March 01, 2016, 04:57:16 pm »

Sanctume mumbles the words, "swearing... this... protect... enemies, defend... booze..., pointless... vanity... Armok!"  Then he stares at a scepter in distaste, shrugs and proceeds to scratch the back of his neck with it.


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #83 on: March 01, 2016, 05:07:27 pm »

Sanctume mumbles the words, "swearing... this... protect... enemies, defend... booze..., pointless... vanity... Armok!"  Then he stares at a scepter in distaste, shrugs and proceeds to scratch the back of his neck with it.

ROFLMAO!!! This made my day!!
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #84 on: March 01, 2016, 06:52:51 pm »

Sanctume mumbles the words, "swearing... this... protect... enemies, defend... booze..., pointless... vanity... Armok!"  Then he stares at a scepter in distaste, shrugs and proceeds to scratch the back of his neck with it.

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". . . menaces with spikes of durian wood. . ."

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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #85 on: March 01, 2016, 07:43:50 pm »

. . . menaces with spikes of durian wood. . ."

The edible flesh emits a distinctive odour that is strong and penetrating even when the husk is intact.

Some people regard the durian as having a pleasantly sweet fragrance; others find the aroma overpowering and revolting.

The smell (of durian) evokes reactions from deep appreciation to intense disgust, and has been described variously as rotten onions, turpentine, and raw sewage.

The persistence of its odour, which may linger for several days, has led to the fruit's banishment from certain hotels taverns and public transportation minecarts in Central CrackedWalls.


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #86 on: March 01, 2016, 08:27:26 pm »

I just love how the symbol of our Lordship is being used as a scratching stick...

Aaaand, Ryukan still requests his library, or I can build it my turn...
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #87 on: March 01, 2016, 08:34:29 pm »

I am about to recruit dwarves into roles for my story telling, do we have any Forumites who wants to be dwarfed (nicknamed)?

Current open positions are:
1. Manager
2. Militia Commander
3. (Tentative) Squad Captains, and Squad Members

There currently exists a Captain of the Guard squad.

Noble Position
Bookkeeper: 'Ryukan'
Broker: Ilral
CMD: Zon
Manager: (open)
Mayor: Shorast
CotG: Vutok
Militia Commander: *open)

Martial Prowess Evaluations
1. Deduk Inkedgrizzles, Expert Swordsman
2. Nish Amberpaddles, Adept Swordsman
3. Ezum Flameroads, Adept Swordsman
4. Lorbam Blanketdoors, Talented Swordsman
5. Vutok Stormplank, Proficient Swordsman and Skilled Axeman

6. Mebzuth Scribedseals, Novice Swordsman and , Novice Axeman, , Novice Maceman, , Novice Spearman
7. Erush Minedabble, Novice Swordsman
8. Zasit Cruptskulls, Adept Spearman
9. Urdim Reverecaves, Proficient Spearman
10. Asob Channeledfatal , Proficient Spearman
11. Zefon Gatizkubik, Adequate Maceman
12. Zulban Drinkboulders, Notice Hammerman
13. Zon Cryptgulfs, Notice Hammerman
14. Fikod Whippedinks, Notice Hammerman
15. Erib Hushtools, Expert Crossbowman
16. Ingish Heavygears, Proficient Crossbowman
17. Rith Commonpaints, Adequate Crossbowman


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #88 on: March 01, 2016, 09:11:59 pm »

This official CrackedWalls Prologue is located here
-- The Department of RetCon Affairs

« Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 11:29:53 pm by Sanctume »


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #89 on: March 01, 2016, 09:36:16 pm »

Journal of Ryukan

After that night of thinking, I head up to the surface and meet up with Overseer Sanctume. We are discussing the Silver supply, when I spot a Black Robed figure enter the secret staircase, I inform Santume, that we can finish our conversation later as I have to sleep and I make a speedy get away...

The robed figure brought me a message informing me that we had lost another settlement. I groaned and sent the messenger on his way. After that long night researching, plus the tedious process of organizing and performing the ceremony, and the whole demon zebra thing, I go to my room and collapse upon my bed. I'm asleep before I hit the mattress.
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name
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