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Author Topic: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)  (Read 20317 times)


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #45 on: February 24, 2016, 03:53:15 pm »

My name is Urist Somstinthäd, and I've lived at Crackedwalls three years now. I sometimes think back to that cold, spring day, arriving as I did with the other six founders:

Dastot, the humongous

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sycophant who unsurprisingly won the bid for expedition leader. All I have to say about her is that at one point, she was asking around for someone to help her catch a musk-ox. A few months later, she walked into the dining hall with torn clothing and blood-soaked forearms and refused to say a thing. I later found the pulped corpse of some furry beast not far from our glass tower, and decided I had better watch my back around Dastot.

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She makes our wooden furniture.

Zefon, the now-deceased miner who (like all good miners) kept to himself and isn't much remembered by anyone. He was killed in a strange minecart accident, along with two others.

Litast, the gem cutter who could only communicate using a hodgepodge of lower dwarven, elvish, and some strange long-dead language. He's also dead, though people remember him quite well considering he ran this place for a year. The minecart accident was his doing, or rather he was the one who built the track and ordered us nearby for some "testing," though no one suspects foul play because he was one of the three re-assembled corpses pulled from the dust. His decapitated head wore a grin even after death - a strange dwarf indeed.

Kubuk, the fisher dwarf.

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She's good at fishing and getting drunk and not much else. She also carries some strange beliefs about the relative worthiness of various shellfish, and when she finds the time (and the rum) she can go on for hours ranting about how, er, "Nautilus are the only shellfish worth anything, their shells are unique in nature since conform to the golden ratio and they have the pristine coloration of the true beings that led us to this point in history, and if our queen had only respected their divine loveliness and not eaten so many mussels our civlization might not be on the brink . . . " We sometimes like to hide away our fishbarrels and smudge the stock ledger, just so she goes back to the stream.

Zasit, who signed up as an unskilled laborer and tilled our first farms. He was also killed in the minecart accident, and perhaps the only dwarf I felt sympathy towards since we had often vented our frustrations over a few beers. He was like me in that he wasn't too sure about his own future, beyond the mastery of some specific skill. We were both worried about the future of the kingdom and this settlement, especially after we seized those elven goods. I guess he doesn't have to worry anymore.

And Datan, another peasant who advanced rapidly in her skills and currently leads the small group of farmers that feed our burgeoning fortress.

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While I find her personality to be offputting, we worship the same god and I can't help but respect that.

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Sometimes she will confide in me about the incompetence of her underlings, and we can share a quick laugh behind the back of Kubuk when she's on one of her rants, but more often than not she's closed off and grumpy. I guess all I can expect these days is a little bit of mutual trust.

Four out of Seven are alive, which as near as I can tell is above average for these sorts of expeditions. Things are quiet around here, but with more than 80 dwarves now living in Crackedwalls I expect us to attract some unwelcome attention.

I recently achieved the status of a Master Mason, my lifelong dream, but despite this I've been bored recently. Even antsy, like I want something exciting to happen. . . I suppose that's why I signed up to lead these dwarves for the next ten months. Perhaps I can set straight some of the odd choices made by previous overseers, or at least make some positive choices of my own.

Dastot keeps reminding me that the queen wanted a glass castle, but I figure that can wait until we wrap up some of the loose ends around this place. Like our tavern consisting of two parrallel Gabbro planes supported by a single staircase, without walls or decoration. We don't even have any mugs, and the migrants are so confused they just spit extra beer into a lonely cherry-wood chest.

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 As you can see, there's a lot to do.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 05:54:54 pm by Salmeuk »


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #46 on: February 24, 2016, 05:19:30 pm »

Cool, so this is v42.06 now?

I better practice playing in ASCII so I can dream in ASCII.


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #47 on: February 24, 2016, 07:07:48 pm »

- Salmeuk

During my reign, I just ignored the eyesore that is our "tavern". I built a Glass Burial Tower that is accessible via the Bedroom area. And If you touch Ryukan or his nice House, I will return the favor >:(

The "Palace" (quotes because it wasn't finished by the end of my turn) is for the furture Baron or even the Queen herself when she graces us with her presence.

Back to the Glass tower, I was hoping for a Tower 25 z's high and at the Top a wider (by 2 or 3 blocks) Tomb for... IDK, whoever turns into our resident Badass.

The Big room is, well, big. I was scared crapless when I saw it, I was afraid of a cave in, so some supports wouldn't hurt a bit. The Metal smith and the Smelter are located in the Big Room as well as a Craftdwarves shop, because I literally couldn't find ANYTHING on the surface.

And yeah, I didn't realize that I had upgraded to .06 yet... truly sry for that.

History update

After my year was up, I checked the legends viewer. And I must say that killing the elves was not a smart move. The Goblins (I'm sorry to say) were getting their Asses handed to them on a wooden platter. The War that the Elves and Goblins are in has lasted 75+ years. The elves have won 78 Battles and have conquered 21 Goblin sites. The Goblins? They have won 0, yes 0, battles. The Elves now have 80% of the worlds Pop in their Civ. So, ummm.., Good Luck :)  (I guess that's why we haven't had a gobbo siege yet)
« Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 07:11:21 pm by TheImmortalRyukan »
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #48 on: February 25, 2016, 12:41:47 am »

As overseer I was truly overwhelmed. My responsibilities were neverending - it seemed no one thought much of personal initiative and I was constantly hounded by dwarves wanting orders or advice or seeking a verbal punching bag. My problems were exacerbated by the election of Shorast, our legendary miner, to the position of mayor. He refused his duties and kept to the mines, while I was stuck 80 dwarves deep!

The stress of it all aggravated my twitching, and when I kept playing devil's advocate to their issues the dwarves took to calling me "Mad Sal". Not sure where that one came from, but it's here to stay.

I sought the counsel of our previous overseer, Ryukan.

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He was just as fat as Dastot, and claimed to have written a book at some point in his life. We met in the cozy dacite dining hall, some five floors down. On our way we passed this statue:

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I had carved this after Dastot lost power. I never thought I would take her role, and the statue now seemed rather ominous.

Over a few fried rainbow trout (courtesy of Kubuk) and a pitcher of beer, Ryukan outlined the most pressing issues facing our fort.

1. He insisted that his personal quarters be left untouched, along with his nearby tomb. When I pointed out that he hadn't told anyone to bury him there he said it was "obvious enough, I mean only a fool. . . " I changed the subject hastily while making a note in the death ledger.

2. He brought out some sketches of a completed glass tower, some 25 z-levels high and filled with coffins. This seemed awfully morbid, but he assured me, "it was what the queen wanted." I thought to meet the queen one day to verify all of this, then I remembered her name is Nightmarehate. It might be best to remain one of the many nameless subjects.

3. He also seemed worried about the large gabbro room dug out previous to his own rule. I mentioned how cave-ins were unheard of, especially in as strong a stone as gabbro. He was unconvinced and encouraged the building of supports.

4. Finally, he warned me about the elven threat. Apparently they had taken control of their long-standing conflict with the goblins and won more ground than we expected. I knew very little about these things, and was thankful someone like Ryukan was there to keep tabs on the big picture.

I brought forth my own list of concerns.

1. The tavern, if you could call it that, needed to go. Only a single set of stairs supported nearly 800 blocks of solid gabbro, and having carved every last one of them I knew first-hand just how heavy those blocks could be. It was unfinished and already covered in vomit and spilled alcohol. It wasn't even made of glass! We agreed to put the idea to a vote, since we knew some dwarves might feel strongly about removing the work of late Onciblu.

2. We had cut every last tree down. Surface construction stagnated while some were left without beds. Being dwarves, we knew there were caverns full of fungiwood somewhere underneath our feet, and all we had to do was find them. I would consult our miner-mayor on exploratory tunnels.

3. We had plenty of alcohol but not nearly as much to eat. Not to mention the food was scattered about in four different rooms, forcing dwarves to travel up and down five floors just to get a good meal. Some streamlining was in order.

And so, I got to business. Our extra woodcutters were told to engrave stone, though one claimed he was "no good at that sort of thing" - I took his word and told him to hack at it instead.

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This was done for every doubled-up profession. Previous overseers had apparently let any dwarf who claimed even the most novice of skill perform specialized tasks at will. It had gotten to such a point that we had four jewelers fighting over our solitary jeweler's shop, each taking a turn at the bench. I put a stop to that nonsense by, again, telling them all to go carve some rock. One promising dwarf claimed mechanical knowledge, and knowing what I had in plan for the tavern I gave him the title of mechanic.

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Meaningless craftsdwarfs, millers, and wax workers were conscripted. I was fearful of elven reprisal, and despite the dearth of weaponry any training would help should a siege arrive. A total of twenty dwarves became four squads.

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Our fortress would be completely unprepared for a siege, what with half our industry laying naked on the grassy plain above. However, moving these workshops would have to wait, since carving appropriate rooms would take longer than my allotted time as overseer! Then again, we had that massive room 12 floors down. . .

OOC: Yeah what do you think everyone, especially you Onciblu. Is it alright if I roleplay the removal of the massive gabbro thing? I don't want to be too rude about it, so I'll leave it up to you guys. It certainly must have taken a long time to make. There's this suspicious clear glass pillar already underneath it, which I swear I didn't build.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2016, 04:11:32 am by Salmeuk »


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #49 on: February 25, 2016, 03:32:55 am »

Just leave it and built a new thing.
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #50 on: February 25, 2016, 04:00:42 am »

The elves came.

They brought (no joke) wood. Enough to double our current stockpile!

They also brought some interesting creatures, including an anaconda, a tiger, a kangaroo, and a friendly little pond turtle.

We offered them a sweet deal, or at least that's what Ilral Merchantshade the broker thought. A straight 50% profit. Quality dwarven gold and silver (stamped 99.8% pure). Sure, the clothing was used, but it was made of silk from a giant cave spider. And the stone crafts were admittedly amateur, but so were their attempts to sell us some strange instrument called a yeque for 3000☼.

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I mean, really, you're trying to pass that off as worth more than three steel anvils when it literally grows on trees?! The scam was insultingly obvious once they priced the replacement strings at four times the base instrument's worth.

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Well, after some deliberation the foolish elves felt they could counteroffer.

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This was a mistake. Vutok Stormplank, having just finished a keg of dwarven wine, was overseeing the deal. Vutok had taken an interest in the caged tiger - just the sort of thing to reinforce his image as Captain of the Guard. At the minced words of the elven trader, "Don't you think this would be more fair?," he exploded into a rage, screaming and shouting. His loyal squad of sword-wielding legendaries assembled, then seized everything originally sought by our trader, and then some. No blood was drawn, but a fearful hatred filled the eyes of those elves. They left soon afterwards, with their camels and yaks dancing at the considerably lightened load.

Kubuk took the turtle back to her fishing house (I didn't mention this but we built her a granite house, complete with skylights and private underground access) claiming happy turtles bring good fishing. The tiger cage was installed in the dining hall, along with the anaconda and kangaroo. The rest were butchered. Fried Kestrel, anyone?

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« Last Edit: February 25, 2016, 04:03:20 am by Salmeuk »


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #51 on: February 25, 2016, 12:07:10 pm »

Journal of Ryukan

That Salmeuk fellow is decent chap, if I do say so myself. After I chose him for the overseership, he took me to the Dining room and ordered me a beer and a nice meal (Kubuk is getting good). We talked a bit about the state of the fortress, he told me his plans on reorganizing this mess. I wholeheartedly agree. He also pointed out a small oversight that I had made with my tomb and corrected it.

Today I was looking for Salmeuk again, I asked one of our miners, and he told me that Salmeuk was working down in the mines organizing teams. I didn't want to interupt him, so I told the dwarf to give him this message:

"Lord High Judge Ryukan man-... requests, a new library for himself to study and achieve new knowledge for our fortress."

After I sped that dwarf on away, I headed to my home. I walked in to my office and saw an  envelope upon the table. It had the seal of an Arrow backed by an outstretched set of Wings, the symbol of the Order of the Black Arrow. I quickly locked my door and opened the seal and Read the contents:

"Master Ryukan,
  Your Mission objectives have changed in light of recent events. Because of the recent tides of war turning in the Elves favor, the council has voted 4-1 to change your mission parameters. Below is your set of orders, please use code CD-41 for decoding:


 Glory to the Arrow
      -Councilman Ordok"

I fumbled through my code book and found code CD-41:  B = N. I hate these, but I had better decrypt it, whatever drove the council to send this message to me under such high rick circumstance must be of utmost importance.

I checked my door, then grabbed a bite to eat and moved to my Dining room for a long night of deciphering this message.

OOC: I love how Onciblu started the custom of slaughtering the elves when they came every spring. It seems like we have inadvertently started a tradition people. A new holiday, Elf Day. I vote to tear down the "Tavern" and replace it with Glass, what it should've been made out of in the first place.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2016, 12:12:30 pm by TheImmortalRyukan »
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #52 on: February 25, 2016, 02:11:56 pm »

OOC: Yeah what do you think everyone, especially you Onciblu. Is it alright if I roleplay the removal of the massive gabbro thing? I don't want to be too rude about it, so I'll leave it up to you guys. It certainly must have taken a long time to make. There's this suspicious clear glass pillar already underneath it, which I swear I didn't build.

Dastot no doubt votes for the removal of a stone tower, marring the beauty of her dream of a glass fortress, but frankly she's been a little unstable since she 'stepped down' as leader. I'd say you have final say as current leader whether to keep it or not.


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #53 on: February 25, 2016, 03:38:04 pm »

I hear we found tetrahedrite yet I have no news of silver maces? 
I must fix this issue upon my stepping up!


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #54 on: February 25, 2016, 09:32:30 pm »

Well, while I wait for my other fortresses, could I sign up for a second go?
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name

El Rey De Los Monos

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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #55 on: February 25, 2016, 10:48:46 pm »

Hey I am horribly inexperienced but if that is ok i'd like to sign up.
“You are perfectly safe.”
“But that’s not the point!” raged Ford. “The point is that I am now a perfectly safe penguin, and my colleague here is rapidly running out of limbs!”
- Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #56 on: February 26, 2016, 12:57:55 am »

Alright, I was hoping to finish another post tonight but it isn't going to happen. Expect one tomorrow. I really wish Onciblu would show up, I want to ask him how he recorded those gifs.


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #57 on: February 26, 2016, 01:56:55 am »

Could ou dorf me as a male hammerdwarf plz?
Named imic, of course...
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
Quote cabinet
Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #58 on: February 26, 2016, 05:37:05 am »

I really wish Onciblu would show up, I want to ask him how he recorded those gifs.
You can find a few different free programs for making GIFS here, posted on the dwarf fortress reddit.

Well, while I wait for my other fortresses, could I sign up for a second go?

You can, and if anyone else wants a second go you can go back in the waiting list, but I'm going to prioritise new players for a short while first.


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Re: CrackedWalls Succession Fortress (Vanilla 42.05)
« Reply #59 on: February 26, 2016, 09:29:18 am »

Alright, I was hoping to finish another post tonight but it isn't going to happen. Expect one tomorrow. I really wish Onciblu would show up, I want to ask him how he recorded those gifs.

Are we already using v42.06 vanilla? 
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