Turn Fourteen: Please? Die?WARNING: IF NOBODY DIES IN THE NEXT THREE TURNS(including this one), SUDDEN DEATH MODE!
Blink surprisedly a few times, then shout out "I AM FERDINANDO ALINO!" to the transthingy. Then punch the stupid guy who attacked me to the moon. Oh, look, some dogs. If they keep trying to attack me, kick them.
"Just a moment."
Make that comment sound like the other Thrakor. Continue speaking like Thrakor.
"Ah, Ferdinando, you are still as tough as always. However, I have your weakness!"
Present a random plant that I found the forest.
"Behold! As soon as this plant touches you, you will be vulnerable to my dogs' attacks! Muahahahahahah!"
Touch him with the plant to negate Ferdinando's Toughness bonus, then have my dogs attack him. Stab him if the dogs don't kill him.
Mage Guy(2-2(SPD)=0)
Ferdinando Alino(6+3=9)
Dog 1(2+2(SPD)=4)
Dog 2(1+2(SPD)=3)
Dog 3(1+2(SPD)=3)
Ferdinando Alino was first to act in this round. Somewhat unsurprisingly. "I AM FERDINANDO ALINO!" "What? I- speak... like a smart person? Who is this? Really?" That said, punch.
(2-3(TRG)=-1 vs. 3) The punch... went wild.
With that, Mage Guy's dogs attacked once more... or rather, they waited for Mage Guy to act.
Mage Guy (luck: 3) surprisingly managed to... slightly imitate the signature tone of the Thrakors, the Thrakor Tone. It sounded nothing like what the mech Thrakor actually sounded like, but considering Mage Guy had never met him, it was pretty good. "Just a moment."
"Ah! Ferdinando, you are still as tough as always! However, I have your weakness!" (5) Mage Guy presented a plant he had pulled up just a moment ago. "Behold, as soon as this plant touches you, you will be vulnerable to my dogs' attacks! Muahahahahahah!"
(4 vs. 5-6(DEX)=-1) With that, Ferdinando completely failed to dodge the herb Mage Guy rubbed all over his limbs, rather methodically. His skin felt... raw. (-1 to TGH, this turn and the next.) ((On a six, it would have been... more potent.))
Then the dogs attacked. (1 and 6 and 5 vs. 2-6(DEX)=-4 and 3-6(DEX)=-3 and 5-6(DEX)=-1)(0, -2, 0) (2+1(STR)=3 and 6+1(STR)=7 and 4+1(STR)=5 vs. 1+6(TGH)-1(HRB)=6 and 4+6(TGH)-1(HRB)-2(BAD_DODGE)=7 and 1+6(TGH)-1(HRB)=6)... Ferdinado... felt none of it. Against a lesser opponent... that could have been lethal. But as it was, the dogs couldn't penetrate his skin.
(1 vs. 4-6(DEX)=-2) (2 vs. 2+6(TGH)-1(HRB)=7) The knife... similarly bounced off Ferdinando's chest.
Bloody invincibiles...
(chain attack: 5) Ferdinando grunted, then launched a kick at one of the dogs. (6-3(TRG)=3 vs. 4+2(DEX)=6)... only for it to jump out of the way.
Slip out from the cape holding me, and take it for myself.
Huh. The quote thing is true.
Slip out of the cape and try to crush the roach by jumping off a tree again.
The Superfast Roach(4+6(SPD)-2(AGH)=8)
The Superfaster Exterminator(6+6(SPD)=12)
And with that, the Roach's arms were left tied in a cape as
the Exterminator jumped onto a tree. (6+6(DEX)=12) The Exterminator ran up the side of the tree, with ridiculous speed and dexterity... (+...3 to damage roll on a successful impact) (Tree height: 6(...+2 to damage?)) It was a rather tall tree... (2+6(TRG)=8 vs. 6+6(DEX)-2(AGH)=10) The Exterminator impacted with the force of a meteor. The Roach wasn't hit, however.
The Roach (2+6(DEX)=8) removed the cape from his arms, taking it for himself. (luck: 4) He decided to wait before trying the cape on, though.
Lilia tries to point Ira in a direction which will have him shooting at his bird. Some actual damage wouldn't be amiss, either.
Then, Jonathan cuts off whatever Ira's been using to fire the cannon. Presumably his hands.
Shoot wildly around!
Ira's Baby(2+4(SPD)=6)
Johnathan the Invincible(5-6(SPD)=-1)
With that, Lilia ran at Ira once again... (6+3(DEX)=9 vs. 3-6(DEX)=-3) Lilia grabbed Ira's auto cannon... and directed it.
The young bird swooped at Lilia in response. (4+1(TRG)=5 vs. 4+3(DEX)=7) Lilia sidestepped...
then oh the horror.
Johnathan... waited for Ira to shoot...
Ira was trying to shoot randomly. Lilia was having none of that, though. Ira attempted to resist Lilia's direction, because whatever she wanted him to shoot was a bad idea to shoot... bang. (4+1(TRG)=5-1(Ira's resistance to shooting, his targeting roll)=4 vs. 6+3(DEX)=9) The bullet shot through the air and missed Ira's bird by a long while. "Guess what you almost just shot?"
Johnathan the Invincible took matters into his own hands. (5+4(TRG)=9 vs. 2-6(DEX)-1(DIS)-2(BLIND)=-7)(-3 to TGH roll) (5+6(DEX)=11 vs. 5+6(TGH)-4(BAD_DODGE)=7) And... how Johnathan was supposed to cut off Ira's hands with a spear, he didn't know. So he just cut Ira's arms up even more. (-2 to TRG for ranged attacks, -1 to TRG for melee attacks)
GM Note: I did this entire turn before I pressed preview and I noticed heydude changed his action.