I can agree with this.
The old adage is "everything tastes good when you're hungry."
I eat two meals a day. One provided by work usually, and then I eat very late at night.
It's been the same thing for years.
Kiwis for the vitamin C and fiber. Apples because they rock and it's another color of fruit to eat. Some lean roast beef for protein and meat-based goodness. A small bowl of unbuttered, salted popcorn for carbs. Almonds for fats. Whole milk for Vitamin D and fats and other good nutrients. A protein bar for extra protein and some extra fiber. I can put together over 1000 calories of only semi-processed, nutritionally complete food in less than 5 minutes. My biggest motivation, outside of not eating too much garbage, is that I just got tired of trying to figure out WHAT to eat and investing the time in making it.
It's the one meal of the day I can stand behind almost everything in it. (I know, Deli meat isn't good for you. But it's quick and ready protein that isn't pre-packaged lunchable meat.)
I've been doing that for years without getting bored. Why? Because when you're 12 hours between anything solid, you'll eat what's put in front of you. I'm not even working out atm. If I was I'd be RAVENOUS by that time, and I'd probably eat rocks if there was any caloric content to them.
Try fasting. Seriously. People eat when they're not really hungry these days and pack in so many additional calories and other nonsense that isn't great for them, then wonder why they feel like shit.
I know that's not your actual complaint, just food sensitivities. But any time I feel bloated or like crap, I just skip a meal or two because my body is still clearly working through something, and just piling more food on top of that doesn't help. People don't need three square meals a day unless they're an athlete or doing manual labor. They just don't. Most people need maybe two meals and some supplementary snacking at most.
It sucks for larger people because their BRAINS are telling them they need more food but their BODIES do not. Every time I try to suggest this as a means of weight control to some people, the reply I get is "what you want me to STARVE??!?!" Motherfucker, you're not starving. Starving is a very specific thing. You're HUNGRY but HUNGRY =! STARVING. But most people can't live through that ~hour window where their mind is screaming at them to eat. Guess what? It passes. And then it comes back. Riding out past that first initial hunger pang is what gets you to the next one. You ain't gonna die, and your blood sugar is fine. Lord knows overweight people are swimming in high blood sugar constantly, so much so they don't even know what low blood sugar feels like.
Sorry, that turned into a bit of a rant.