Corporate organizations. Ugh.
We built a thing 7 years ago to transmit inventory orders back and forth between Party X and Party Y. Party Y sends it to Party X, Party X sends it back to Party Y, yadda yadda. Party Y is my client. Party X is their partner.
Party X has always sucked about communication. Party Y is a unique special case in the way they do things, which mean's they're a thorn in the ass of Party X from a technical perspective.
So Party X updated a whole bunch of shit on their side and fails to tell us any of it. The thing breaks. Party Y is now out about, oh, $600,000k in transactions due to this. Enough has changed we have to refactor the 7 year old application package so it starts working again.
The person who wrote this thing is long gone, so I have to take the time of the best dev in my company to address it. He drops everything he's doing to respond to someone else's crisis, which we all hate but we do because it's why our customers love us.
Panicked emails back and forth. Finally we get a real response from Party X and calls start getting scheduled. There are upwards of 8 people representing Party X on these calls. Scheduling meetings at like 8am the day of with zero respect for my time. And they admit they just completely dropped the ball and changed everything without contacting us.
In one day my dev refactors our stuff. All we're waiting on is a password to send with it so we can test the changes. I'm told what generates us our password and user account is an automated process on Party X's side.
Party Y needs this working by like, Monday. Or they have to submit all this stuff by hand to meet month's end and collect, and that will take them a day.
I tell Party X: Get us our password by like, 2pm today and we can probably be testing or at least find the next problem and maybe have it back up and running by end of day.
My dev is messaging me saying he's ready to do this shit if they'll meet their end. By 5pm they don't. So basically I'm waiting on an email that will probably come over the weekend and it's up to my dev whether he wants to work the weekend on this, grind it out at 8am and hope everything works, or just say fuck it, your vendor screwed us all and this month is a bust and enjoy your OT entering 300+ transactions by hand.
And then they dump even more great news on us and tell us our application won't work once we migrate it off Party X's network. Which was supposed to happen by year's end. I emailed 6 months ago asking what we needed to know if we were going to change the location of the integration. I got a "we'll look into that for you" and never heard back. I'm pretty sure the person I emailed was on the calls we've been having.
They want us to use their API like all their other customers do. It took the original dev like a year to build this thing. It predates their API. So there's no way we'll redo it before year's end, which means the migration can't happen.....all because Party X doesn't have their shit together and never has.
Why were they supposed to migrate before year's? Because the Corporate IT for Party X wants to decomission Party Y's server because it's an outlier and it's a security risk. Last year they came at us with a massive security audit and threatened us to make immediate changes to the server (which is their's, btw) in like, a week or they'd just shut it down. And we did it. We completed all their audits and made 80% of the changes we were able to and saved Party Y's business from coming to a complete standstill. But the plan was to get them off that server and on to our side, so Party X's IT could shut it down once and for all. Now that plan is basically fucked, something we've been working on for a couple months now and myself and Party Y just heard it at the same time.
It really kind of sucks some days being the one in the middle of all this bullshit. Even when it's not our fault, our customers will usually breathe down our necks to pressure their partners because "we understand it." Thankfully Party Y has a whole new crop of people who are trying to take management more seriously and actually advocating for their own needs and contacting their own vendors and partners. It's still baffling to me some days though that this is how the world works.
I've been solving problems for so long at this point and getting to the root of things because that's how shit gets fixed, that bureaucratic inertia drives me absolutely bonkers.