Actual mild sad: I worked a 12-hour shift, and then a coworker called in sick, and that puts the schedule in a tight spot, so my supervisor tells me to fill in by working a few more hours and so everything'll work. I tell her I'd rather not, to which she goes "How about I say I'm mandating it, you have to, what are you gonna say to that?" and I so badly wanted to quit right there on the spot, especially since I spent my whole shift daydreaming about quitting, breaking the lease on my apartment, abandoning my town and family and everyone I know, and just living as a vagabond on the road, doing whatever I can to get by. I wouldn't even care how bad an idea that is in reality, because there's no room in society for people like that, we're all imprisoned by the fetters of capitalism, we're all tied like serfs to the land, everyone and everything around me is fucking eager to remind me that even trying to live normally is a struggle and trying to be eccentric is a goddamnfucking-impossibility and to not even waste thought on it, it just seemed like such a romantic and adventurous notion.
But yeah, of course I cave and work the couple extra hours, and it turns out all the extenuating circumstances that surrounded my life that made me not want to work that couple extra hours just conveniently shuffled out of the way and I wound up better off working those couple extra hours than I would have had I not. So, in other words, I got lucky and what seemed like misfortune turned out to be a fairly good serendipity just because everything just fell into place like that.
But of course, I'm still not completely satisfied with that, I still have the nagging voice in my head that says:
"Yeah Josh, everything worked out and fell into place just perfect... but you're still a little bitch."