Yoink is always right about his vegan spiels (correct spelling?)
I've eaten a lot of food and meat isnt actually that tasty. You guys ever just cook meat and just eat that without a sauce/salt/seasoning?
Sure it
is good tasting but most people's favorite foods aren't actually unflavoured meats.
To further his point there should be no social standing or self-righteous behavior associated with eating meat and being superior, firstly I highly doubt you killed, skinned, gutted, hung the animal. Bonus points if you do. Secondly what about the killing of a living thinking feeling creature that makes anyone better in social standing. Am I greater than someone who hasn't killed humans if I had done so?
Yoinks right and I only make fun and opposition points because discussion is great and fun.
Then there's the amount of time to digest meat over most vegetables.
Meat is easily given to us and its a great source of immediate energies and fat sure, as a survival thing if you don't have a farm set up and wild edible flora is sparce then yes kill to survive and better yourself in doing so.
But today we just fuck around.. most of us aren't killers and eat meat anyway.
Its pretty sad to say eating meat is a social standing as equally as saying eating beans is.
Do your diet how you want you know... like i do drugs and meditate.. not for all of you, I recommend it but I know you are all individuals but the people who don't eat meat as a choice are right in everyway. (Except tofu)
Industrial farming is bad on lands. The fertilizers run down to water tables then rivers and drown fish blah blah
I grew up on farms, I've hunted, I still eat hunted meat on rare occasions that I do go hunting. I get the appeal.
But vegans win every time. The meat industry
is evil
Vegans taste better too