I'm not too worried about that, the stigma is still gigantic and the red tape thusly proportional. I'm actually surprised the few promising studies are so well known (and accepted) around the forum, because it's a muddy subject. Psilos are not antidepressants per se, well with the possible exception of hawaians which used to be advertised as containing actual serotonine in the smartshop, which I'm both dubious that they did, and that is could be meaningfully absorbed through the stomach...
Mushrooms would be a tool for therapy sessions, either by multiple microdosed sessions, that'd barely cross the treshold to psychoactive, to harness the very mild boundary dissolution into more openess, or either by going hard and having a life altering experience which I don't see many therapist have the courage to do. I can see mdma being more effective during the session, eventhough it has detrimental effects on the serotonine budget, which beings me to the economic aspect:
Mushrooms are too easy to produce... I could totally see them adopt mdma, so pharma can profit, the effects are less durable and the people go back more often to their therapist.
BTW vector: what you take seems very use appropriate, cbd is a thc antagonist, and can take the edge of psychedelic effects. If avoiding panic attacks at 2am is the biggest priority stay with that, don't try to smoke potent sideproducts (skuff, pollen, ice'olator) or concentrates deep within the night.