I'm so sorry that happened
I've blanked on my own PIN - I know it by rote, but when I think "PIN" there's an ancient one I recall more clearly. So on a couple of occasions where I was particularly anxious about stuff, I've overthought the process and had to briefly meditate and [reset] my brain before I could reattempt the interaction properly.
The [reset] is this strange thing my brother and I learned to do, particularly when we were very bored in social scenarios where only our physical presence was needed. I liked to trigger it with a particularly meaningful blink. It resets my appraisal of my situation. It's like waking up in a strange place, for a moment, before the memories flood back like reference files. I remember everything, but I examine it all anew, and figure out the best course of action. Which was always "keep playing along". Mind-crushing boredom, eh?
What was funny was when I started using it mid-conversation and realized that some conversations can be impressively one-sided. ...Whereas sometimes, actually, people notice and care <3
This isn't about some people being bad or anything, or even conversations being all bad. Just that some conversations and relationships are more intimate than others. It's kinda scary-awesome when someone is able to read me, when I thought I'd mastered my roles.
(This is all in-person. Online I tend to overshare, obviously.)